Remember? (Gray Fullbuster X...

By MyHeroLimps

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DISCONTINUED!! You wake up in a strangers house and hear two guys talking a different room. You don't rememb... More

What happened?
Dragon Slayer
I'm in a guild!
My first job Part 1
My first job Part 2
Team Natsu
Bad idea. . .
Moving and. . . swooning?
My friends stalker almost killed me
My childhood
Truth or Dare
Nail Painting
Oh great
Fights and memories
Sympathy and shopping
Battling between ships, in two ways.
Not so strangers
Subconious fear
The library theif
Mister and Miss Fiore
All for you
Perfect planning
Love Potion?
Nothing at all
So much worse
Stuck in a daze
Cant Watch

All my fault

1.9K 76 26
By MyHeroLimps

My brain barely had time to register that the dark figure on the cliff is Gray before he jumps off.

"(Y/n)! Do Screech of the Earth Dragon!" He shouts, still pretty far away from me. I'm not sure what good that will do. Even if I made the ground closer to me, I'm still falling to fast to survive the landing. My hair whips around in every direction, making it hard to see through my burning eyes.

"What?!" I yell back, voicing my question with the little time I have left. Gray holds his arms and legs close to his body so he fall towards me faster.

"Don't ask! Just do it!!" Gray demands harshly so I hold my fist out and start to screech, closing my eyes to focus on the ground beneath me. The earth starts to rumble and my chest tightens. Gray is almost directly in front of me now, but Kuzakis form appears on the edge of the cliff.

The rising ground is approaching extremely fast making me wonder what Grays plan is. How did he even find me here in the first place? If he did read the letter it didn't say where I was going to be!

I'm about thirty feet from the strip of rock I brought up, making a sloop towards the ground. I continue to screech even though my throat begs for me to stop. If I do stop, the ground will split apart, puncturing and killing not only me, but Gray. He's already in enough danger being here, I don't want to cause anymore.

Gray grabs onto my foot, pulling me towards him and linking one arm under my knees and the over around my back. We will hit the ground any second. I squeeze my eyes shut, clutching onto Gray for life, trusting he has a plan that doesn't involve us just barrel rolling down the hard rock.

"Ice make: Slide!" Gray yells, stretching the arm previously wrapped around my back, in front of him. The slope of rock I formed starts to get covered in ice on all sides. How did he think of this brilliant plan so fast?! Obviously if he made the ice slide start mid air it wouldn't have any support at the top and would crumble, but by telling me to form a raised up area underneath it for support, it's able to stand up. Not only that, but since the slope is covered in ice, it will take longer to break apart so I can stop screeching finally.

Gray places his feet on the slippery ice, me still in his arms as he slips down the slide. I start laughing at how insane this all is. I'm having a hard time processing all that's happened in the last few hours. I burry my face in a Grays neck until we make it to the ground in front of the town.

"We gotta get behind something!" I exclaim to Gray as we scramble to get up. I run behind a knocked over table, assuming Gray is behind me, following closely. Pressing my palms against my ears as the crackling ice gets louder until the rock explodes. Thankfully it didn't pierce the table but when I glance over to check on Gray I find that he isn't there.

I stand up, whipping my head in every direction to try and find him but a thick cloud of dirt and dust blocks most of my view. It slowly starts clearing and I see an outline of a person standing in the middle of the cloud, wondering how they are able to even breathe.

The person, who I really hope isn't Kuzaki is standing, arms out a little way from his body, fingers outstretched. His legs are slightly parted.  The dust clears just in time for me to see the person, who is Gray, turn his head downward to inspect his stomach.

The sight I had in front of me was worse then I could have ever imagined. His eyes look up to meet mine, filled with tears. He's trying to fight the sleep that's about to take him. His shirt is covered in bright red splotches of blood, rock sticking through several parts of his chest and abdomen.

My blood boils and tears fill my eyes. I quickly run to him, noticing a prong from another grappling hook is dug a few inches into his back, still connected to the chain which leads off into the cloud of dirt that's moved further back.

Removing the grappling hook, or shards of rock could make him bleed out if they hit a major artery and are holding it back. Either way Gray won't be alive much longer unless I do something. My arm has transformed into the claw and cuts the chain connecting Gray to Kuzaki like its butter. I pick up Gray and carry him over to behind the table, setting him down.

I pause, wondering if I should say something to him, but I decide I always can later since me letting him die is not an option.

"I'll be back, please hang on, I can't loose you!" I finally blurt out through waves of tears rolling down my face. I wipe them away quickly and run out to face Kuzaki. My sadness changes to pure anger within seconds of seeing my brothers shadow walking towards me.

"Ooo, you're so scary with your dragon scales. Mommy! Mommy save me!" Kuzaki mocks and I glance down, shocked to see my skin is completely replaced with shiny scales. I know dragon slayers have the capability of becoming part dragon when they are extremely mad but it's never happened to me before but now not one inch of my skin isn't covered in layered scales.

Without knowing what's happening, my body moves on it own, punching the ground cause the earth to ripple.

"I think I need some new pants after that scary move." Kuzaki mocks more but for some reason a smirk forms on my face.  I push both my hands out in front of me, creating a wave of mud to come up from the ground surrounding Kuzaki. I'm pretty sure this isn't a normal Earth Dragon Slayer Spell so what the heck is it?!

A giant pile of earth is left in front of me. I quickly climb up it and see the dry mud created a dome around Kuzaki, one theres no way of escaping from except from a small hole in the top.

"What?" I trail off when I feel my arms start to tingle, except when I look down, only dust has replaced my arms and is slowing trailing up my body. First scales and now this? I jump thirty feet down to the bottom of the dome, my whole body turning to dust. For a second I'm in front of Kuzaki and the next I'm behind him, pressing my fist onto the palm of my other hand, forming rock over it, but this isn't like the other spells.

The Rock has made my arm significantly longer and thicker for a more powerful attack. My hand moves without instruction, painfully smashing into my brothers back as he yells out in pain. He lays on the ground for a second, breathing deeply trying to recover. I release the dome of mud from around us. Right when I think he's down for good he gets back up.

I don't give him a chance to speak, I inhale lots of rocks and dirt. Once I'm done, I close my mouth while mixing all the things I've just inhaled into my lungs, charging it for a powerful attack.

"Glad to see your enjoying your lunch." Kuzaki scoffs but as soon as I open my mouth a huge tornado of stones and soil come out of my mouth. He dodges but not before his left arm gets completely mangled and becomes unusable. Half of his arm lays on the ground beside him, although you can barely tell it was ever an arm.

He heaves in breathes, not because he needs air, it's from anger. In the blink of an eye he whips his hand out, flinging a chain around my neck, ever so slightly tightening it ever few seconds. I dig at it, grasping for air while it slowly restricts my airway. I have to end it now.

"You just can't stop can you? Even when you know you'll never win against me! Now I'm gonna make you wait so long you'll be begging for me to kill you over the torture your about to experience. But first, I think I'll go get Gray, if he's even still alive." Kuzaki smirks sinisterly and I have never felt so angry in my life. My whole dragon scale covered body starts to glow yellow. I raise my left hand up and push it forward.

"Bye." I manage to choke out with the chain around my neck. Kuzakis eyes widen but barely a second after he's ripped in half by a giant stripe of spikes shooting up from the ground.

Although he's gone I don't feel regret that I killed him, he was pure evil. Killing my whole entire family and also physically and mentally torturing me ended here and I'm glad it's done. There's one thing I didn't think through though.

Because Kuzaki got impaled, the spike has pulled me off the ground so I'm dangling from my neck. I try to form a claw with my hand to cut it but all my energy has gone into that last spell and there's not enough left.

"(Y/n)?!" Multiple voices yell, running up to me, who's hanging several feet off the ground. "Oh my god, hang on!" I can tell one is Lucy and one is Natsu but that's it. Black splotches start overtaking my vision until it's all I see. My throat feels crushed and it sounds as if my ears need to pop. I need to tell them about Gray, they have to find him!

"G-G. . ." I try to speak out, pointing in the flipped over tables direction.

"Don't talk (Y/n). We'll get you down!" Lucy shouts making my eyes sting with tears.

"G-Gr-Gray." I softly say to Lucy, hoping she heard me as the darkness takes over.

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! Life's been so stinkin crazy and busy the last few weeks but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I love cliffhangers!

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