A Vampiric Love Story (manxma...

By BananaBeeH13

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James Blackborne was a guy with a mysterious background. The least surprising thing about him was that he was... More

An Adonis
About Vampires
My Dad
Our Pasts
The Truth
The Punishment
Leaving Behind Abuse
Claiming What's Mine
The Future
Everything Almost Out in the Open
A Phone Call
Mark & Eric 1
Vlad & Nick 1
Vlad & Nick 2
Vlad & The Family
The Books
Morning Troubles
A Lost Art
The Ball Continues
Another Morning
High Witch
Explaining Fears
A New Face
The Letter
Volatile Greed
Trial and an End

Coffee and Old Friends

718 40 8
By BananaBeeH13

Riley woke up way before his alarm clock could go off. He hopped into the shower putting it on extra hot since it was the only time he could actually get hot water in the house. Riley got dressed in a nice pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a button up long sleeved dark green shirt, and black converse. He fixed up his hair with what little hair product he had left since it was getting kind of expensive to buy hair product once a month. But today he was going to look nice. James was picking him up to get coffee! He held in a squeal, doing a little happy dance in his little room before grabbing his ratty back pack.

There were a few minutes before James arrived so Riley slowly and carefully moved his dresser away from the door, unlocking it. He slowly opened it, looking up and down the hallway before quickly and silently making it down the stairs and out the front door.

Riley heaved in a giant breath knowing that neither Dan or Barbara heard him, so he was home free for the moment. He walked towards the sidewalk to see if he could recognize James' car, but James never told him what he drove.

Suddenly, a gray Audi pulled up to the curb before the driver side door opened revealing James in a sexy button down black shirt and dark gray pants and black shoes. His hair was messy and his sunglasses were hidden by some of the thick pieces.

Oh yummy eye candy so early in the morning... Dad will be soooo jealous! Plus look at this car! How does a high school student have this car!? Riley internally giggled to himself in shock before smiling at James who came to stand next to him on the sidewalk.

"Good morning beautiful," James winked at him making Riley's cheeks explode in a blush.

"L-Like you're one to talk h-handsome," Riley nearly fainted from hearing such an endearing compliment from James, but felt like he sounded stupid since he was trying to come up with a response. Riley relaxed and smiled happily seeing James looking shy for a moment from being called handsome.

"Are you ready to get some coffee?" James asked, clearing his throat.

Riley nodded his head before James took his hand, kissing the back of it softly, smiling up at Riley's tomato face.

"And this is a date by the way," James smiling hopefully, but he looked like he was waiting for Riley to say that he just wanted to be friends or that there was someone else.

Well that's where you're wrong my beautiful yummy man candy. I'm single and ready to mingle! Riley thought to himself, never being this giddy before.

"I'd... love that James," Riley whispered shyly, making James give a full megawatt smile at him.

I've been blinded by good hygiene! Riley giggled at his own internal monologue, before James opened the passenger door for him and they headed for Starbucks.

(Riley's POV)

This date, was, AMAZING! Squeal!

James was currently holding my hand as he drove us to school.

We talked about more than I could ever imagine. Our likes and dislikes, about school, about music, animals, food, cars, shows. Anything and everything under the sun. I felt like I knew so much more about him! He even has two older brothers who I can imagine are just as drop dead sexy. Well not as much as James. I could only see him. I could only ever see him now, as strange as that is. I was starting to grow really strong, and rather alarming feelings for him.

Plus I am officially addicted to Starbucks. He bought me three of their foods and a drink, against my wishes since I wanted to pay for myself, but I quickly paid for his food and drink when he wasn't looking. He glared adorably at me. Totally worth it for that. This man had to have been a supermodel in another life or something.

I swear we must have looked like a lovesick couple just staring at each other, elbows on the table unconsciously, with our faces leaned in towards each other. We both shared our food and I actually smiled and laughed in front of him again. Which technically wasn't my fault since he was really funny. I don't like my laugh so I always try to laugh quietly.

There were 20 minutes before school was going to start, and we were done eating and drinking, he asked me something I wasn't really expecting since I thought my heart nearly stopped.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He looked shyly at me, giving me a small hopeful smile. Of course I had to contain my reaction of jumping on him like a koala bear in public, which my brain made a mental note of doing later to him.

"Yes," I whispered before smiling larger than I had in my entire life. James burst out in happiness, hugging me like there was no tomorrow. I laughed at that, hugging him back, before the barista yelled at us for disturbing the customers. I quietly apologized while James rolled his eyes at the woman, not caring and dragging me back to his car so we could get to school.

What is with me today? I've never been this happy, ever, in my life. Not even with Dad! There are just these warm feelings, these smells and sparks that are just drawing me to James like a moth to a flame. I think I'm falling in love with him already.

I was shocked by the notion, but looking at James, walking hand in hand with him to the school, made my heart light. But then I realized we were at school.

"James you'll be hated if you-"

Before I could even utter my concern for him, his lips were on mine in a second. Dear God in heaven nothing felt this good in my life. His lips were cold, soft, and moved with certainty. I hesitantly moved my lips against his before we were full blown making out. Somehow I felt a brick wall against my back, how we got there I couldn't really give two shits about, since James just slipped his tongue into my mouth taking my breath away. My hands greedily dove into his hair making him growl as I felt his hands going up and down my sides. I gasped and panted as his tongue dueled with mine with a ferocity I couldn't describe. His knee ended up between my legs and I blushed bright red when I felt myself hardening.

Oh sweet hot man this is going too far! Not ready! Red alert, Red alert!

I broke the kiss just needing to breathe for a moment seeing James breathing just as hard as me. We were against the brick wall that was supposed to lead to the entrance of the school but it seemed that we hadn't made it there yet.

"How are you that sexy?" James' voice was a baritone sex sound at this point making my pants tighten uncontrollably.

"You started it," I panted making James smirk.

"You were just too cute now, I couldn't help it! Which means you had to take responsibility, really. You were just doing a public service," James winked at me making me laugh.


James just smirked at me before moving some of my disheveled hair out of my face. His cold thumb slowly swiped along my bottom lip.

Yes they are swollen by you, you hot possessive man that smells of chocolate and rain of deliciousness Riley internally sighed at being touched so gently.

"Riley. I want people to know that you are mine and that I am yours. I don't care what they think and I'll just beat the crap out of them if they try to hurt us. Plus you'd be saving me from a groping old lunch lady," James said seriously.

I laughed at that part before smiling softly. My insides were squirming in nervousness however.

"Come on or we'll miss class" James said, grabbing my hand, making me smile before guffawing at the statement.

How long were we making out for!? Dad is so going to kill me


James' POV

That date couldn't have gone any better! Who knew my mate was so adorable and just absolutely perfect! I could listen to Riley's voice for the rest of my life. If I wasn't already head over heels for my beloved, I sure would be now. Plus it was freaking hilarious that my mate worked at a coffee shop but didn't mention it, and so I just had to give him shit for it. Which was well worth it to make him laugh. I have a deep suspicion that my mate's life is hard, but I just hope my premonition is wrong.

My mate is drop dead gorgeous too. Pale porcelain skin contrasting with his dark clothes and it feels so soft. I could bruise him easily if I were to just kiss and nibble his body. Which I am so very okay with. His hair looked so fluffy and his pretty pink lips just begged to be kissed. His eyes. God those hazel eyes. I could drown in them and never want to look away.

I admit,  I finally worked up the nerve to ask Riley out. After hundreds of years, I was actually sweating bullets from the idea of getting rejected. I knew that the older a vampire becomes, the more likely they are to die from rejection. I mean I'm not that old of a vampire but I was still scared shitless.

Riley agreed! I nearly bound out of my seat, almost knocking our table out the window, to hug my beloved with so much love I could barely contain claiming my mate right then and there for all the world to see; so that everyone knew Riley Harte was mine.

When we got to school, and my cute little Riley was still worried about my reputation, I couldn't help but kiss him. I just had to! And it was so worth it, even if Riley were to have slapped me later. His lips were soft, warm, and molded against mine beautifully. His scent had me drowning and moaning making my gorgeous mate pant and whine for more. I used my speed to race us to a wall before both of our legs turned to jelly from the kissing. I could already hear the school bell ring a few times but I didn't give a damn. My beautiful mate was moaning under me and getting hard. It was also getting difficult to control my vampire side from coming out and claiming him. To have a taste of his sweet blood that I could hear pumping through his arteries and veins. The scent called to me at every moment, like a Siren in an untamed sea.

But my darling mate broke the kiss. It was for the best as much as I hate admitting it, but I couldn't let him know I was a vampire yet. Our relationship was already too new and too raw. I wanted to love him for me. Not be terrified of me and never give me a chance. I'd die if he became terrified of me.

So I took in some calming breathes, seeing my mate do the same, before leading us into the school.

Bring it on assholes. Riley Harte is mine and you will no longer hurt him!


James POV

We both made it into the cafeteria, seeing that most of the students were already sitting down eating lunch. But then the entire cafeteria went deadly silent. Riley and I looked at each other, knowing I was just looking confused while Riley looked nervous, before we both looked back at the sea of curious people looking at us. Creepy freaking eyes everywhere, seriously.

"Oh my god he's a fag to?"

"Are they together?"

"Well duh stupid they are holding hands!"

"Maybe he was dared to..."

"Guy like that can't be a fag!"

"He was totally supposed to be mine!"

"No mine!"

Suddenly some type of food substance was thrown at Riley, hitting his green shirt, staining it. I couldn't hold back my growl of warning and anger if I tried, making my Riley freeze and curiously look at me. The crowd froze again from the growl before everyone burst out making angry comments and sneering at us in disgust.

"Shut up you hypocritical giant bag of dick heads!" A kid shouted across the lunch hall.

"N-Nick," I heard my mate whisper in shock, his eyes never leaving a tall blonde who looked to be on the football team. He had some muscle to him, but nothing like me. He was more lean and looked to be built for speed.

"Why they hell are you standing up for a fag for Nick?" One of the football guys next to him asked, several of his team mates scowling.

"Don't tell me you're into dick too!?" One of them said.

"Well duh you stupid bitches! I should have done this long ago and stood up for my friend from assholes like you!" The blonde, Nick, snapped.

"You are so off the football team!"

"No fags allowed cock lover!"

I saw several of the football players roughly push and punch this guy my mate called Nick, before he wobbly stood in front of us.

"I'm sorry for being a dick like them for such a long time Riley. Even if you don't forgive me I couldn't stand them hurting my ex-best friend anymore. I just wanted to say sorry," Nick said apologetically, looking at his worn out dirty white sneakers.

"Nick..." My mate's lip wobbled before he hugged Nick tightly with one arm. I held on to his other hand tightly, getting really jealous, before Riley let go and I tugged him back into my side. Not possesively, for safety reasons... of course.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Riley whispered as we made our way to the second floor where it was quiet and there wasn't anyone booing. Children I swear.

All three of us sat down. That's when Riley and Nick talked. From what I could tell really talked. That's when I realized that Nick was actually a good guy. There were hints from my darling that Nick had a rough life, especially from his dad, so I think Riley understood Nick's reason for not defending Riley long ago; whatever reason that was. I could finally see how they were best friends and it seemed both Nick and I had lots of stuff in common.

Plus, once they got through their emotional turmoil from middle school till now, they added me into their conversation. Not that I minded. My baby needed this, so I would be there for him as a silent pillar of support. It seemed that me and Nick liked to argue about stupid stuff. Like Xbox gaming for one thing. Man we could talk about different ways of killing zombies, or sneak attacks, or first shooter games and the best way to beat top scores. Riley groaned out in boredom making us laugh.

"So you're the new guy right? Since this guy sucks at introducing people I'm Nicholas White," Nick stretched out his hand for a hand shake making my cute mate snort and roll his eyes.

"Really? I thought you were blond," I held in my laugh which was fixing to burst from my lips at the looks they were giving me before we all burst out laughing.

"Smart ass," Nick laughed before wiping an imaginary tear from his face.

"So are you two really together?" Nick asked curiously making my mate hide his face cutely into my shoulder which only made me smile.

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p'.

"Ugh. Riley you looking like that is giving me cavities here," Nick huffed making me laugh and for Riley to stick his tongue out at him. Riley was looking at me with wide doe eyes, smiling sappily.

Suddenly the bell rang six times indicating it was sixth hour before we all looked sheepishly at each other.

"Wooh! Didn't accomplish shit today! Except making friends again," Nick said shyly. I admit that Nick is pretty cute but nothing can beat my mate; of course I'm biased but whatever.

"Yes. I think with time we really will be best friends again," Riley said softly, gently touching Nick's hand. My mate is so understanding and kind hearted. I so love this part of him. Plus I haven't gone all vampire on Nick, so I don't think he is a threat to my mate. If I had to guess Nick will be pretty protective of Riley like me, which I am totally okay with.

Plus, I think we are actually going to make good friends too. I haven't had an actual friend in a really long time.

Things were changing in ways I never though they would, and I'm enjoying every second of it.


Here you are lovelies! <3

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