A Secret She Carried

By sparsha_kadri

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# Book 1 in The Milton Brothers Series # Bennett Milton , was the CEO of the Milton Corp. He was your t... More



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By sparsha_kadri


A commotion outside the room made them pull away almost immediately. "What's going on?" She asked as she stared at the closed double doors in confusion. The voices were getting louder and louder and for some odd reason they sounded familiar. "I don't know." he replied honestly as he followed her gaze. "I think we should go check what's going on." she suggested. Bennett shook his head, "No.You stay here I'll go check."

And without waiting for her response he turned around and walked towards the door. But paused in his tracks as the door bust open and men dressed in crisp black suites and ear pieces filled the room, surrounding them in a circular form. "Stay where you are. Do not move." one of the men ordered as he pointed his gun towards him.

Bennett immediately backed off as he stared at them in confusion. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded as he studied the older man's face. "We are not answerable to you Mr Milton." the man said in a matter of fact way as he held his gun firmly in his hands. "Yes you are. You can't just barge in anywhere you like." the old man rolled his, "We are sorry Mr Milton. But we have orders."

And this was Bennett's turn to rill his eyes. "Orders to barge in to someone's date and ruin it?" he said sarcastically. The old man's expression hardened as he glared at the young man before him. "As I have already said, I'm not answerable to you Mr Milton." he said firmly as he took a step towards him.

"Jacob." Sapphire breathed as recognition hit her. He shifted his gaze to her and his rigid expression softened and he immediately lowered his gun. "Hello Ms Rodriguez. It's good to see you after so long." he said with a small smile on his face. Sapphire stared at the man with wide eyes and blinked several times making sure she wasn't dreaming.

This was no dream, standing before her was her father's right hand man and also his chief security in-charge Jacob Hunt. He was her father's most trusted man and also his one and only best friend. And for her, he had always been a father figure who had always been for her whenever she needed someone to talk to.

"What are you doing here Jacob?" she asked or rather demanded as she stepped forward standing right beside Bennett, who was staring at her in confusion. She turned towards him and nodded as she understood his unasked question. "Bennett this is Jacob Hunt, my father's chief security in-charge." she introduced.

"Nice to meet you Mr Hunt." he said sarcastically as he offered his hand to shake. "Bennett." Sapphire warned as she glared at him. "Sarcasm is not going to help." she whispered shutting him immediately. "Likewise Mr Milton." he said mimicking his tone. He turned towards Sapphire and once again his eyes softened.

"Why are you here Jacob?" she repeated as she stared at him expectantly, waiting for an answer which she already knew. "We have instructions Ms Rodriguez." he said. "Instructions for what? " Bennett demanded impatience clear in his voice. And as expected Jacob ignored him.

"What does he want Jacob?" she asked straight away not really bothering what would he think. "He wants you to come back home Ms." he says solemnly as he expectantly waited for her response. She sighed heavily, "Look Jacob, you know that's not happening right?" he nodded, "Yes I do. But I'm instructed not to return without you."

"Bullshit. She's not going anywhere. If that old man so desperately wants to see his daughter, them tell him my door is always open for him." Jacob gave him a disapproving look and dismissed his rude suggestion with an eye roll. "Ms Rodriguez, you have been away for a very long time. And I think your family has missed you way too much and so-"

"And so you are suggesting that she pack her things and follow you and your minions like a lost puppy?" Bennett growled having enough of this. "Bennett." Sapphire hissed giving him a pleading look. "No Sapphire, playing nice is not going to help. And you Mr I suggest you better get the hell out of here before I call the police."

Jacob laughed out loud making him clench his fists. "And what would I be accessed of Mr Milton? Driving my boss's daughter home?" he asked with amusement clear in his voice. "No for abducting my fiance." he replied as he possessively wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Jacob narrowed his eyes at him.

"she's not your fiance." he said firmly making Bennett raise a perfectly arched eyebrow, "And what makes you think that?" he asked with a amused look on his face. Sure this old man has some nerve to openly deny the truth. "Because she's my fiance and not yours." a new voice spoke up making them all turn towards the newcomer.

Noel smiled warmly at them as he stepped beside Jacob silently telling him to back off. Jacob immediately stepped behind letting Noel take charge "Good evening folks, it's a pleasant evening isn't it?" he asked casually as a lazy smile danced around his handsome face. "So it was you." Bennett spat as he glared at him.

"Hello to you too Bennett." he said sarcastically flashing him one of his signature smug smile. He turned towards Sapphire and his eyes lit up. He studied her from head to toe and his lips twitched into a appreciative smile. "Don't you look lovely tonight?" he complemented her with a dazzling smile. "Mom is going to be so happy seeing you." he added as he stepped right in front of them.

She stared at him dumbstruck. No! This is not possible. He can't be the one. He was her friend and she knew him better then anybody did. But then..."You knew it right from the beginning didn't you?" she asked as she glared at him with uttermost hatred. "Yes I did. Right from the beginning." he answered without hesitation completely aware of the hatred in her eyes.

But it didn't matter to him. At least not anymore, after all he's going to be getting what he had always wanted. His Sapphire. He smiled at her sweetly and added. "I knew it from the very day it was signed." she dug her nails into her her palms as she clenched her fists on her sides. "Then why didn't you tell me about it?" she asked in a calm yet serious tone making him roll his eyes.

"And make you hate me for the rest of our lives? Nope, no thank you."
"Too bad, she already does." Bennett said making him raise an eyebrow. "Ah..that could be a problem. But since she's already betrothed to me, I don't think it would matter." he replied with a smug look on his face. "Yes it would." she replied flatly making him raise an eyebrow.

"Well that's unfortunate." he said calmly as he took a step towards her and raised his hand unable to resist the urge to touch her. But even before his fingers brush her soft skin a rough hand slapped it away. "Don't dare Touch her." Bennett growled as he pinned gimme with his tantalizing gaze.

"Why Bennett? Scared that she'll get addicted to my touch?" he taunted. "Noel." Sapphire warned, loathing the way his name rolled out of her mouth. She was mad, beyond mad. She felt foolish for all these years she had been living with a guilt of hurting a friend who had helped her at a time she had nobody to hold on to.

He betrayed her. He broke her trust. Now she understood why he had helped her flee that night. It wasn't because he wanted to help her. The truth was, he only wanted to take her away from Bennett. "Why Noel? Why did you-" but he interrupted her in the middle. "Isn't that obvious Sapphire? I love you and that's the only truth you need to know."

"I love you more then anybody had ever did and anybody ever will. I loved you from the very first day I laid my eyes on you. And no, it wasn't in our economic class." he continued blabbing. She stared at him with confusion and yes he didn't miss that look on her face. "You don't remember do you?" he asked hurt clear in his voice.

"How would you remember? Wr were so young back then."
"I still remember when I first saw you dressed in the cute yellow dress sitting in the corner of your father's office playing with your teddy bear. What did you call it back then? Ah! Cuddles. Right? " her eyes went wide. Yes she did have a teddy bear scratch that, she still does. In her old room back at her father's castle of course.

"You wound never Let me touch it. You used to say he was your best friend. And when I asked you whether you would be mine. You said you don't like me." Bennett couldn't help but laugh out loud at this. Noel ignored him and continued. "You know, back then I thought you were a princess. You were beautiful and you lived in a castle. Don't you think that's enough for a five year old to believe that?" he laughed.

"Come on Sapphire, don't say you don't remember that." and truth be told, she had no clue what he was talking about. She had spent a lot of her childhood in her father's study. And since he worked from home he had a lot of visitors who generally brought their family along simply to lavish the royal treatment her father provided for his guests.

"No I don't." she admitted honestly as she tried to recollect anything he had just mentioned. And nope, she couldn't remember anything. Hurt flashed in his face but he immediately masked it with a blank expression. It hurt him immensely that all those memories that meant so much to him hadn't meant anything to her. Hell she doesn't even remember them.

He had spent almost all his life loving her. Waiting for her to mould into the beautiful woman she has now become. Hell, he had also forced Patrick to send her to Boston so that he could make her fall in love with him and he could have his happily ever after he had dreamt of. But his own plan backfired him and the only person he could blame was his best friend.

"it's all because of you Bennett. It's all because of you that she hates me. It's because of you." he accused him as he glared at him with uttermost hatred. "I don't hate you Noel. I'm just -"
"I'm just what Sapphire? Mad at you for lying to you about the betrothal?"
She shook her head, "It's not about the betrothal Noel. It's about trust. You broke my trust-"

Noel laughed humourlessly and shook his head, "Whatever it is, it doesn't matter Cause no matter what you think about me, I'm the one you will be marrying and not him." Bennet's blood boiled as he stood there and watched the son of a bitch blabbing about the grand wedding he had planned and all the crap.

A gentle squeeze on his hand brought him out of his thoughts. He turned towards Sapphire and all his anger washed away. She turned towards Noel and and said, "I think you are right Noel. It doesn't matter anymore. Cause I have already made my choice and no matter what happens I will be marrying Bennett and no one else."

Bennet's heart surged with pride as he stared at her with teary eyes. Her open declaration the she only belonged to him was a proof that she didn't just give him a chance but also trusted him with her soul. With a new found confidence Bennett wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Noel just shook his head, "i don't think you will say that after what I've got to show you." "Whatever it is we don't care." Bennett growled making him raise an eyebrow. "Be careful about what you say Mr Milton, cause whatever you say will directly effect your precious sons."

Her heart dropped to her stomach at the mention of her boys. "Don't you dare go anywhere near them." she growled as her motherly instincts kicked in. "Oops I think it's too late now." he said with a grin. "What the hell have you done?"Bennett demanded as he grabbed him by his throat.

Noel panted and gasped as he tried to free himself from his iron grip. Two bulky looking men grabbed Bennett from behind and tried to pull him off him. "Let him go Bennett." Sapphire demanded and almost immediately he let him go. Noel gasped and took couple of deep breaths trying to fill his lungs with as much air possible.
"You are going to pay for that Bennett. I swear you will." he spat angrily as he finally re-composed his posture. He turned to Jacob and nodded silently instructing him. Jacob pulled out his cell phone and dialed someone, and almost immediately the door was swing open and two men dressed in similar black suites walked in carrying two unconscious twin boys.

"Ethan, Evan." Sapphire gasped the moment she spotted them. And without thinking she tried to make a run towards them. Two rough hands grabbed should and pulled her into a abrupt stop. "Let me go Noel." she cried as she tried to free herself from his grip. "Come on Sapphire, I'm not yet done talking."

"Let go of her." Bennett growled as he elbowed the men holding him and rushed towards them only to be once again grabbed by the others. "What the hell do you want Noel?"!Sapphire cried out as she watched the men beat Bennett to a pulp. "You already know the answer don't you?" he taunted as he roughly turned her to face him.

"I will never marry you." she spat at him making him tighten his grip on her shoulder. He turned towards the men holding Bennett and growled, "Kill that bastard." "NO!!" Sapphire cried out as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Fine. Hold on boys, let's start from those little bastards." he sneered making her squirmed under his grip.

"Noel please. Please don't hurt them. I will do anything you want. Please.... Don't hurt them." she cried. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he gently tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "Okay my love. I won't hurt them. But what will I get in return?" he asked innocently as he caressed her cheeks. "Anything. I will do anything, just please don't hurt them."

"Don't listen to him Sapphire." Bennett growled spitting out blood as he tried to get up on his feet only to be kicked back to the ground. "Please don't." she begged as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "Anything Sapphire?" he asked as he gently wiped her tears with the back of his thumb. "Anything."

"Marry me Sapphire." and her heart dropped to her stomach. No she couldn't do this. She would never give into him, no matter what. She glanced at her babies and all her courage faded. "Come on Sapphire we don't have all day." he said with an irritated tone as he glanced at his watch. "Sapphire please don't do it." Bennett begged.

"Choose wisely Sapphire if your answer is No, you will never see your son's nor your lover alive. And if it is a Yes I will let Bennett take them home unharmed. The choice is yours." "Don't listen to him Sapphire, he's only trying to manipulate you." Bennett yelled as he finally stood up with shaky legs.

Sapphire closed her eyes and let the tears tears roll down. She could feel her heart break into a million pieces. This was it, she had to do it. For her sons, for her Bennett. Taking a deep breath she finally opened her eyes and stared back at the man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life. "Fine Noel. I will go with you." she said as every word drilled a new hole in her heart.

"Good girl. Now tell me Sapphire whom will you marry, me or that punk?" he demanded as he roughly grabbed her chin. "I..I.. Will marry you." she cried out in pain as he finally let her go. "That's like my girl." he cooed as he leaned forward and for the first time claimed her lips making her squirm in disgust.

"We are done here boys. Hand over the twins to the punk and pack up. We have got what we want." and with that he grabbed Sapphire by her arm and dragged her with him as they walked out of the room. "Sapphire No." Bennett cried as he watched her be dragged out. Their eyes met for the one last time and then darkness clogged his vision.

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