The Snake Princess (Draco x R...

By Phoenixwolf02

192K 6.1K 1.1K

A beautiful Witch Starts Hogwarts in her third year due to a secret that caused her to miss her first two yea... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
New Author Info
Chapter 32
Authors Scheduled

Chapter Nine

6.5K 227 102
By Phoenixwolf02

Third Person
1 month later

Its been a month since Draco and (Y/N) were declared soul mates and it spread around Hogwarts like a wild fire. Professor Lupin was always favouring them much to (Y/N)s surprise.
(Y/N) has watched the professor closley and saw his attitude change. He was more skittish by the day and is often looking out the window during class.
Draco would stay by (Y/N)s side most of the day and would barely let her out of his sight.
Whenever (Y/N) walked the halls, alone or with Draco she cast wary glances into the shadows. She knew Sirius was closing in every day.
Ever since the thing happened in the Great Hall Harry has also been on the look out and jumps whenever he hears the smallest sound.
What everyone doesn't know is dissaster is about to strike.

(Y/N)s P.O.V.

I sit on the couch in my common room with Ice laying across the back. Last nights nightmare was by far the most powerful and realistic yet. Footsteps sounded from the hall that leads up to Dracos room and I quickly turned causing myself to fall off the couch.
I hiss in annoyance and look up to see Draco standing by the couch looking down at me. "You okay?" I nod and begin to get up when a strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls me to my feet. Dracos chest is just infront of me and I lean my head on it tiredly. He wraps his other arm around me and I sigh weakly.
"It was the nightmares again wasn't it?" He asked softly. I nod and he kissed the top of my head.
"Come on. We should go get breakfast. It'll make you feel better." He says softly. I moan and look up at Draco.
"There is something bad in this school Draco. Something out for blood." I whisper. Draco rubs my back softly.
"It's okay. It won't get you. Not when I'm here." He reasures. I smile up at him and I walk out of my common room into the Slytherin comon room with Dracos protective arm around me.

I sit at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall and I look down at my plate. I wasn't hungry. Draco was sitting next to me frowning.
"Oh come on. Eat something please." I looked at him to see his face was full of concern.
"I'm not hungry Draco. I'm just not in the mood." I growl softly. I wish Ice was here but he was in my common room. All I had were the three house snakes in my pocket. They hissed quietly in reasurance but I barely heard them.
"Fine." Draco sighed and grabbed a green apple. It's surface shimmered unnaturaly and I saw a faint swirl of silver.
Just as Dracos about to take a bite I grab his wrist with my iron grip. He looks at me to see I'm pale with shock.
"Don't eat anything. Whatever you touch on this table will get jinxed. If you eat it you'll get poisoned." I hiss.
"Oh come on. I'm hungry." He moans. He slams the apple onto the table before I can stop him.
It explodes sending me flying backwards. I scream in pain as I smash through a window and begin to fall to the ground.
I suddenly stop falling and I open my eyes to see I'm sitting on a snakes head. I look down at it to see it's the largest snake I'd ever seen. Then I realize who it is and tears form in my eyes.
"Hello my beautiful. It's good to see you again." The snake hisses happily and rises higher into the air until I'm in line with the window I smashed through.

Here you go. I hope to see you again. Just in a less tragic moment." The snake hisses.
"Yes. I hope so too. Good bye Scar. Tell Tom I miss him will you. Tell him about Draco as well." I kiss the snakes head and I leap adjily back through the broken window.

umbledore, Professor McGonagal, Professor Snape and Lupin hurried over. They stared at me in amazement as I brushed myself down. "How on earth are you up here when you should be as flat as a pancake on the ground?" Professor Snape asked. I glare at him slightly.
"I sprouted wings and flew." I snap before shooting a scared look at Lupin. He gulped and I saw his hands shake.

"Professor Dumbledore, I need to speak to you with Lupin. In private." My voice had a slight shake to it and I smiled in relief when they nodded.
"Take hold of my arm my dear." Dumbledore extended it and we dissaperated to an office. Lupin appeared seconds later.
"What did you need to tell us?" Lupin asked kindly. I take a deep breath and shakily tell them.
"Sirius Black has just tried to enter the Gryffendor common room. The fat lady is in the safari painting." Lupin nods.
"Is that all (Y/N)?" Dumbledore asked kindly.
I shake my head. "No. Hes after his Godson. Harry Potter. He's also here to destroy me. He's been under the influence of a curse and he now wants to show everyone who Lupin really is...A Werewolf." I say shakily and I give Lupin an apologetic look. He looks oddly sad yet not surprised at the news.
Dumbledore smiles kindly at he and extends his arm to me again. I take it and we dissaperate out of the office. We are now standing behind a crowd of scared and unhappy Gryffindors. I whistle loudly and everyone stops talking. When they see Dumbledore and me standing behind them they step out of the way.
Dumbledore quickly hurries to the painting where the Fat Lady should be while I rush over to the safari painting. "It's okay. He is gone. You can come out now." I say softly. The fat lady slowly appears from behind a hippo and smiles at me.
"Thank you Princess. You may be a Slytherin but you really do have a heart." She says softly and walks out of the safari painting and into her actual one.
She lets the Gryffindors in and I walk down the stairs towards the Slytherin dungeon. I wave back at Dumbledore and I take off at a run so I don't have to be in harms reach for long.

I rush into the Slytherin common room and I run over to the painting of my mother. Without slowing down I rush through it into my little common room. When I try to stop I slip then crash into the back of the couch and I fly over it landing flat on the floor.
The sound of foot steps gets louder and I groan. My head felt dizzy and I felt like I was going to be sick. Strong arms pick me up and I'm carted off. I don't exactly know where for my vision is all blurry.
I feel soft covers against my back as I'm put onto a bed. My vision sharpens a little and I can just make out the one persons face I never thought I'd see again before I black out.
Tom Riddle.

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