Uninvited (A Drake Fanfic)

By berbabie_luv

31.2K 779 281

This book is a fanfic about Drake. It does not depict in any way real events. The characters are fake, I was... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6ix
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 6ixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter Twenty6ix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter ThirtyThree
Chapter ThirtyFour
Chapter ThirtyFive
Chapter Thirty6ix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter Forty6ix
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyOne
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyThree
Chapter FiftyFour
Chapter FiftyFive
Chapter Fifty6ix
Chapter FiftySeven
Chapter FiftyEight
Chapter FiftyNine
Chapter 6ixty
Chapter 6ixtyOne
Chapter 6ixtyThree
Chapter 6ixtyFour
Chapter 6ixtyFive
⚜ Chapter 6ixty6ix ⚜
Chapter 6ixtySeven
Chapter 6ixtyEight
Chapter 6ixtyNine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter SeventyOne
Chapter SeventyTwo
Chapter SeventyThree
Chapter SeventyFour
Chapter SeventyFive
Chapter Seventy6ix
Chapter SeventySeven
Chapter SeventyEight
Chapter SeventyNine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter EightyOne
Chapter EightyTwo
Chapter EightyThree
Chapter EightyFour
Chapter Eighty6ix
Chapter EightySeven
Chapter EightyEight
Chapter EightyNine

Chapter 6ixtyTwo

189 7 2
By berbabie_luv

Aubrey's POV

"There is an immense amount of evidence, indicating that Roy Woods should be put away, your honor. Not to mention the 3 day long tape."

The audience began to get riled up, taking over the voice of the lawyer who was expressing his views.

"Order." The judge enunciated, using a gavel to add effect.

A deafening silence fell once she spoke. The authority in her voice shining through.

"A reasonable person would say that the effects of his crimes have not been insignificant. Many have lost their lives, their morals, their sanity by working with Roy......"

I tuned out the voice of the one speaking. I could barely focus on him, nothing could drown out the feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach; someone was watching me. I could feel someone, burning a whole in the back of my head with his eyes. The hate that person held toward me could be felt.

I gulped, pressing my lips into a firm line. It took everything in me to look back, just to glance at who was looking at me.

I turned in my seat, slowly, drawing it out.

Confirming my fears, Roy stood many feet away, glaring at me with intense dark eyes.


Almost automatically, my phone vibrated in my front pocket of my slacks.

I refrained from doing anything stupid. I was clear about the rules of being in the courtroom: There was to be minimal to no phone usage. I was not going to jeopardize my chance to testify against that psycho.

Roy smirked at me, the kind of smirk you see in horror films right before the killer murders an entire family. He was toying with me, trying to get into my head.

I quickly averted my gaze. Allowing him to get to me would be my downfall.

"Robyn Rihanna Fenty, one of the many individuals who was brainwashed by Roy....." The lawyer continued to speak about how Robyn was an angel. About how Roy had ruined her, but he didn't know. He didn't know that she was already ruined, way before Roy came into the picture.

My eyes searched for the familiar tattooed girl, with beautiful eyes, but to no avail. She wasn't there.

"She's being held in witness protection." Someone next to me whispered.

"Poor girl. She was forced to do horrible things." Another one said.

"She was such a role model." One sitting a few seats away commented.

They knew not, what they were speaking about. They didn't know her; not like I did. She was broken. She was not at all what they thought she was. Her intentions for me were worse than Roy's. She had to be punished too.

She did have a way of talking her way out of things, so it didn't surprise me that everyone was on her side, placing the entire blame on him, but I was hoping that my statement would change that.

Amber's POV

"You're sure that you should go alone. Do you know this guy that well?" Genesis asked.

"He's cool, plus you're the one always telling me to make new friends and stuff. It'll be fine."  I ensured, making sure to use conviction in my voice.

"Okay, well call me if you need anything. I'll be at Roger's." She disclosed.

"I will." I promised.

"Amber... Does Aubrey know about him?" Genesis asked.

"Aubrey... Isn't the biggest fan of Chris, but I like him. When he comes back I'll tell him that we hung out." I tried to persuade her.  "Okay, I should be back in an hour or two. I'll see you later."

I placed the beanie over my straightened hair. It was supposed to rain, and I was not in the mood for wet hair.

Driving to the ice cream parlor was the easiest thing I'd done all week. It felt good to take a break from studying, or talking to Aubrey, who only barely responded to my texts. I knew it was hard for him to reach me, especially with the trial going on, and his mother trying to rekindle their relationship. He was trying, I had to give him credit. He tried FaceTiming me four times this past week, and I couldn't talk.

I came to a halt near the entrance of the shop. It was a cute little parlor with a picture of an ice cream cone eating a popsicle, which I found hilariously disturbing for some reason.

Chris was sitting at a table outside, dressed in a red hoodie, and grey sweats. He was a tad over dressed.

I approached him quietly, making sure to walk lightly so that he wouldn't hear my arrival.

"I'm betting you're hot in those clothes." I said to him, smiling playfully. His head whipped in the direction of my voice and his eyes lit up.

"Although I was born in Virginia, I grew up in New York, so believe it or not, this time of year is supposed to be freezing." He smiled, and I took a seat on the chair facing him.

I giggled. I guess their winters were worse than ours.

"New York huh? Why'd you move up there?" I was curious.

"It's a long story. My mother didn't have the resources to take care of me, didn't want to ask my dad for help, so I was sent to live with my grandma. My dad only found out about me, last year." He disclosed, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Oh wow. Sounds like you've been through a lot." I said, unsure of how to respond.

"Yeah. It's cool." He shrugged. "Want anything, to drink, eat? It's my treat."

"No. No. I'm good. Umm I don't want to be rude or anything but, I was kind of curious as to why you asked me to come down here." I explained, trying my hardest not to come off as mean.

He didn't seem to mind when he answered. "Well if you haven't noticed, I'm kind of new around here, and I was just thinking it would be cool to make some friends. So, I texted you."

"I've been struggling to make friends around here and I've lived here for as long as I can remember." I quipped, smiling genuinely.

He chuckled. "I've been hanging around my sister often, trying to integrate into her group, but I think I'm being more awkward than friendly."

"Maybe girls aren't your crowd." I advised.

"Yeah. That could be the case, but they weren't girls." He clarified, and I mentally slapped myself for jumping to conclusions. "I only met a few though, and I only remember her best friend. Justin...."

"Yeah, maybe if you keep going around.... Wait Justin?" I asked. It couldn't be my ex Justin right? Justin is a common name it couldn't be him.

"Yeah.. Justin Allen. He was pretty cool." He said, confirming my thoughts.

My face fell, and I could tell that Chris noticed. He had been eyeing me carefully since he mentioned Justin.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked, studying me. "Do you know him?"

I nodded, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat. "He's my ex."

Chris looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Really?"


"How did he let you get away?" Chris inquired.

"I don't know......" I realized what I had said and shook my head. I fiddled with the ends of my hair nervously.

"If this is a sore subject then I'll keep..."

"No." I clarified, "it isn't. He didn't appreciate me, and I fell for someone else, while we were together." I said.

Why was I telling a stranger so much about my life? Was it because he seemed so innocent?

"Was it Aubrey?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Aubrey." The thought of him put a smile to my face, and I stared down at my feet covered in burgundy converses. I missed him, but I had to suck it up.

"Speaking of him, where is he? He's not here to give me a hard time." He goaded, playfully.

"Ha-ha. He's just protective of me. And to answer your question, he's not in Texas right now. He had to take care of some things."

Chris looked skeptical, he turned away, not wanting to say anything else.

"What?" I questioned.

"Nothing." He replied, quickly.

"It doesn't seem like nothing," I pushed.

"I don't know, I guess I just wouldn't let you out of my sight if I were him. I'd want to spend all my time with you, every waking moment. But hey, that's just me." He grinned, and I diverted my gaze. His smile was way too appealing. I couldn't keep this going. Chris was saying such nice things.

Once I was looking away from the temptation that was Chris, my eyes caught glimpse of the playground near the side of the building.

"Chris.... You have to push me, like for real." I blurted out.

He followed my gaze to the pair of swings behind him.

"Hell no." He responded, eyes still locked.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at the attractive man in front of me. "Why not?" I clipped.

"Because, I'm gonna get there first." He said before taking off.

I gasped before I followed, knocking over the plastic chair in the process. I yelled an apology and ran as fast as my legs could carry me toward the pebbled area.

Chris was already sitting on one of the swings with his legs crossed when I came to a halt.

I placed my hands on my thighs, doubled over and gasping for breath.

"Not. Fair." I panted, and Chris smiled at me before standing.

"You saw it first, so I'll push you, but only for a minute, after that, you're on your own." He stated, warning me with his fore finger.

I grinned up to my ears. It had been years since I had been to a playground. I really wanted to remember what it felt like to be completely carefree.

Chris pushed me once I was sitting securely on the swing.

There was nothing I could compare to the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair, or the adrenaline coursing through my veins. It felt incredible, not having a care in the world, only focusing on the way my body floated through the air, or the chuckles falling from Chris's lips as I screamed.

"Harder!" I yelled, after I slowed down a bit. He did as I asked, pushing me with extra force.

"We!!!!!" I laughed, mimicking what young children say when they have fun.

"You're so childish..." Chris commented.

"Help me get down." I demanded.

Once the swing came to a slow sway, I hopped off, letting Chris take a seat.

When I pressed my hands on his back to push him, he immediately stopped me. "I can do it myself." He said, "no need to hurt yourself."

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked.

It was so ironic. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't the stick in the mud. I was the one who was encouraging people to let loose. Okay, it was only one person, but it was progress. It was one step closer to being less of a stuck up prick.

He agreed, and I used most of my strength to start Chris off on the swing. He simply seemed amused, and then laughed along with me.

"Amber." Chris yelled.

I was so busy concentrating on pushing Chris, that I didn't notice the drops of rain gently peppering my skin.

"It's gonna rain!" I yelled to him, slowing down.

Chris hopped off the swing, about ten feet away from me.

I couldn't make a run for it, I couldn't get back to my car before the rain started pouring down. The closest thing was a little wooden play house above the slide. There was a roof, which meant that I wouldn't get wet, and at that point, that was all that I cared about.

"Psst.. In here Chris." I pointed, letting him know that we could run to the playhouse. I made a little house with my hands above my head to cover my hair and made my way towards the little structure.

It was easy enough to get up there, and I made it just in time before the rain started pouring down heavily, pounding on the plastic roof of the house.

Chris soon sat next to me in the house. I laughed at his appearance. He entire face was dripping with water.

"I love the rain." He grinned, looking at me.

"I can tell." I remarked, and he wiped his face with his hoodie. "I should've brought Trixee, she absolutely loves the rain too."

I pulled my knees up to my chest, keeping the heat around my core.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"She's my puppy, Aubrey got her for me on my birthday." I told him.

"When is your birthday?"

"December 29th. Yours?" I was quick to ask.

"Oh. Capricorn huh? Mine is May 5th."

"That's Taurus? Right?"

"Correct." He looked impressed.

We stared at each other for a few minutes, before I averted my gaze. Chris smiled, with that contagious charm that he had, and I found myself giggling a little. I cleared my throat, feeling my cheeks heat.

"I didn't notice how astonishing your eyes are" I could still feel his eyes on me.

"Th-thank you." I whispered.

"I'm sorry for staring but they're just so.... Hypnotizing." He confessed, his voice smooth and raspy. Unlike Aubrey's, which was velvety and deep.

My eyes met his, and I was drawn to him. He inched closer to me, and involuntarily, so did I. My eyes fluttered closed in anticipation. I felt the palm of Chris's hand on my cheek and I leaned in closer waiting for him to kiss me.

I was waiting for Chris to kiss me. I was Aubrey's girlfriend. And I love Aubrey. It took so long to build what we finally had, and here I was, about to kiss another guy, who only came into my life for a fraction of that time.

"I-I can't Chris." I said, digested with myself. "I love Aubrey."

I pulled away from him quickly, no longer caring about anything but getting away from Chris. Was I even attracted to Chris, or was I just lonely.

"Do you? Or are you just telling yourself that?" He asked, staring at me with intensity that I couldn't match.

I narrowed my eyes at him. How dare he question my love for Aubrey? He didn't know me, he didn't how Aubrey made me fall for him. He didn't see how intimate, and connected we were.

"Chris. This." I said, pointing between the both of us, "is not going to happen. I love Aubrey, and we're in a committed relationship."

A tear slipped from my eye, when I realized how close I came to cheating on Aubrey, my love, the one who took my virginity, the one who taught me how to love again.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go... I can't believe this." I stated, collecting myself so that I could leave.

"Wait... Take my hoodie. It's still raining." He insisted, already taking it off.

"No. I'll be fine." I tried.

"Amber. Take it, you don't even have to give it back if you decide never to talk to me again." He placed it over my shoulders sweetly.

I didn't resist this time, I simply did what he asked and slid down the wet slide, trying to get as far away as possible.

Once I was safely in my car, enveloped in the smell of Chris, the tears began falling freely. I gripped the steering wheel, sobbing hysterically. I couldn't believe I almost fucking ruined my relationship for no reason.

My ringtone was impossibly loud, as it rang in the cup holder of my car and I answered the face time call from Aubrey.

"Finally. Baby, I've been going crazy trying to get in touch with you." Were the first words he said.

I wiped my tears, and looked at Aubrey. He was so beautiful, wearing a plain white t shirt. He barely had to try to look good, but he did. He always looked good, to me.

"I... I love you Aubrey." I said to him, my voice cracking at the end, blowing my cover.

"Are you okay? Don't cry... You know what that does to me. And I can't hug you right now." He said, frowning for dramatic effect.

"I'll be fine once you get back." The memory of me, almost kissing another guy flooded, and a few more tears blurred my vision, falling down my cheeks.

"See I remember, when we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown,
Oba - obaserving the hypocrites
As they would mingle with the good people we meet.
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost
Along the way.
In this great future, you can't forget your past,
So dry your tears, I seh.
No, woman, no cry,
No, woman, no cry.
'Ere, little darlin', don't shed no tears,
No, woman, no cry." He sang the song he did the first time I cried in front of him, and I was instantly comforted. It gave me a sense of purpose, and hope and I remembered why I loved him.

"Listen, I know I'm not there with you physically, just know everything is gonna be fine okay? Cheer up." He said. He didn't even know the reason why I was crying. He didn't force me to tell him, he didn't make me uncomfortable.

He just comforted me in my time of need and that's why I was going to let him know what I did. That's why I was going to tell him what happened today and hope for the best.

"Aubrey, I went out with Chris today. I don't know what I was thinking." I said, quickly trying to get as many words out before he interrupted.

"What did he do?" Aubrey spat. "Why are you so sad?"

"He-I" I stuttered out.

"God so help me, I'll fucking end that niggah." He ranted, eyes wild.

"Aubrey listen." I gritted out, and I contemplated if telling him was the right thing to do. His eyes were narrowed, waiting for words to leave my lips. "I-we almost kissed. I stopped it. I just wanted to let you know, I don't know how or why, maybe because you've been gone for weeks. I really don't know what was going on. I'd never cheat on you, I just don't know what happened."

I was barely making sentences by the end of my speech. I had made a mistake by telling him, I knew it.

"You almost did what?" He asked, in shock.

"Almost doesn't count.... " I repeated the words of Brandy, one of my favorite singers.

"Yes it does, because it means that you have feelings for him, Amber. Is he who you want?" He asked.

I stammered, "No... Please, I -I."

"You know what? I'm too good to you, I'm way too good to you. You take my love for granted, and I can't understand it." He scolded. "Figure out what you're fucking doing. Don't drag me along for this shit show of a ride."

The line went dead. Aubrey hung up on me. For the first time, I was scared. I was scared that I was going to lose him.

I hated myself.


Please don't hate Amber, or me. She's having a hard time right now and is trying to figure out stuff.

I wanted her to feel this mix of emotions, because in the real world people do have feelings for more than one person. It's not uncommon, so I'm just seeing where it takes us. 😉

Thanks for Reading.

Love You Guys ❤️💋...

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