The Cube SMP Imagines

By Ahg1122

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*ON VACATION UNTIL 8/13/16* please leave me requests though and I'll post them as soon as I can!^_^ Love alwa... More

Fumes (CreeperFarts)
Canada (ChildDolphin)
Visitors (CreeperFarts, Grapeapplesauce, PrivateFearless)
Snow Day (TofuuGaming)
Let's Go To The Mall! (Pokediger1)
Imagine Prompts List
154. I'm Freezing (Pokediger1)
Flatmates Pt. 2 (Kiingtong)
59. He's missing, not dead. (HBomb94)
326. Why are you baking muffins at 3 in the morning? (PF)
216. It's okay. I'm here for you (Poke)
162. I'm pregnant (StrauberryJam)
32. Do you like me? Check yes or no. (MrMitch361)
Flowers (ParkerGames)
WILD (Grapeapplesauce)
Flatmates Pt. 3 (Kiingtong)
Pretend (Kiingtong)
Author's Update
Help (PrivateFearless)
I'm going on vacation...
CS:GO out with Me? (Darach)
Me Too (CreeperFarts)
Converse (Tofuugaming)

Flatmates (Kiingtong)

959 23 9
By Ahg1122

A/N: This imagine was inspired by a series of tweets Will sent out one night (the first tweet in this is taken directly from his twitter) I have a second part to this one already written, so please leave a vote on this chapter if you want me to post it!! Also, I have a Pokediger1 imagine in the works right now. Requests are always open!! 

You woke up to a loud banging noise from across the flat, accompanied by screaming. You checked the time on your phone, the white numbers reading 2:58. You listened for a moment more, used to being woken up by your best friend's bursts of laughter. You could tell he wasn't talking to his online friends though, so you pulled yourself out of bed and slid your feet into your slippers. You crossed the hallway (your flat wasn't very big) and knocked on his door. You heard the banging again, so you took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Your flat mate wasn't at his desk, like you had assumed he would be. He was actually fast asleep, in a tangle of blankets. You noticed his breathing was heavy, and as you took a step closer he let out another gasping scream.

"Will," you said timidly at first. He didn't acknowledge you were there, but he did thrash around again, kicking his desk at the foot of his bed in the process. You sat down on the edge of his bed, touching his shoulder.

"Will, wake up," you said to him, a bit louder this time, shifting his shoulder slightly. He mumbled something, then sat up with a start, gasping for breath. He brought his hands up and rubbed his eyes, then scratched the back of his neck.

"Hey," he said weakly, the corners of his lips pulling into a forced smile.

"You ok?" you asked, even though you knew he wasn't.

"Yeah (y/n), I'll be fine. Go back to sleep," he said, resting a hand on your knee. You could feel his fingers shaking though.

"Not after that. My adrenalines pumping, and I bet yours is too," you said, taking his hand in your own. His hands were clammy, cold and sweaty. Will just shrugged.

"I'm going to put the kettle on. Go wash your face and then you can join me," you said, squeezing his hand and standing up. Will swung his feet over the side of the bed, standing up but quickly grabbing your shoulder for support and cussing under his breath. You held his elbow, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"My feet," was all he managed to hiss out. You helped him into his bathroom, sitting him down on the closed toilet lid and switching on the light. Will swore again when he saw the long cuts and bruises that littered his pale feet. You pulled open his cabinet, searching for bandages. You tossed him a wad of gauze, then closed the cabinet.

"I can't find anything I need. I'll be right back," you said. You went across the flat to your bathroom, opening your cabinet where everything was perfectly organized, unlike Will's. You grabbed some antiseptic, more gauze, and some bandages. When you got back to Will, he was on Twitter.

@Kiingtong: just had the most intense nightmare I've had in a long time, maybe even ever. I'm still shaking with fear still ._.

You started tending to Will's cuts, pausing only when he'd sharply wince in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" you said, doing my best to not hurt him.

@Kiingtong: luckily I have a wonderful flat mate @(y/t/n)

"There you go. Tea?" You asked Will, washing my hands after you finished bandaging his feet. Will glanced at you with tired eyes, then nodded. He stood up, holding onto your arm in the process. He ran a hand through his hair, then hobbled into the living room. You followed him slowly, making sure he was settled into an armchair, before going into the kitchen and putting the kettle on. While you waited for the water to heat up, you scrolled through Twitter yourself.

@(y/n): @Kiingtong tea fixes everything you silly boy

@Kiingtong: @(y/t/n) you're not even British

@(y/t/n): @Kiingtong I still make better tea than you

@Kiingtong: @(y/t/n) that's the only reason why I agreed to rent a flat with you 😉

@(y/t/n): @Kiingtong liar you actually love me 😘

The water in the kettle was hot enough for you to pour into two cups. You glanced though your pantry, finding the perfect tea for you and Will to have. You made it the way he likes, then put the cups on a tray and brought it out to where Will was sitting. He took his cup in his hands, holding it tightly and staring off into space, occasionally bringing the hot liquid to his lips. You perched on the arm of the chair, next to him.

"How on earth do you make tea this good?" Will finally broke the silence.

"By throwing it into the harbor," you said, laughing at your own joke. Will just shook his head.

"Kidding, it's because I made it with love," you said, still joking. Will laughed quietly.

"Have you seen Twitter lately?" Will asked. You pulled my phone out of your pocket, scrolling through some of the notifications. It was all the fan girls freaking out about your last tweet. You laughed under your breath at some of the fan speculations.

"I'll take care of that later. Do you wanna talk about what happened?" You asked Will, placing a hand on his back lightly.

"Just a nightmare (y/n). Just a stupid nightmare." You let out a sigh, not wanting to push Will to talk about something he didn't want to talk about. Taking his empty cup from his hand, you went back into the kitchen and rinsed out both cups. By the time you left the kitchen, Will had moved into his doorway.

"You'll be ok?" You asked. Will nodded.

"See you in the morning (y/n)," he said, shutting the door. You went into your room and climbed into bed, sending out a final tweet.

@(y/t/n): We've been over this before, Will and I are just best friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Goodnight loves! 😘

@Graser10: @(y/t/n) #(y/s/n)4lyfe

@(y/t/n): @Graser10 shut up you're not helping.

You put your phone down and closed your eyes, letting the blankets settle around you. You loved living with Will, the fans were just so obnoxious about it sometimes. It was what it was though, part of Will and you both being YouTubers. Will ran a gaming channel, while you were a cover artist. You first met Will after Vidcon, when you ended up sitting together on the same flight back to England, even though you're American. You was attending university in London, studying communications. After that plane ride you and Will became quick friends. He'd come visit you at University whenever he could. In October, the landlord of your previous flat freaked out, and you had a slight falling out with your roommates. Will was planning on moving out anyway so he offered to rent a flat together. You agreed, much to the happiness of (y/s/n) shippers.

As you was thinking about this, you heard your door creak open. There was a slight shuffle of movement, and then you felt a thin figure lay down next to you.

"You ok?" You asked Will. You felt Will's hand lay gently across you, like he was making sure you were still there and real.

"Go to sleep (y/n), I'm fine," he said, you decided to leave it at that, closing your eyes and settling into your sheets.

When you woke up, Will was snoring softly next to you. You had to get up and go to class, so you dragged yourself out of my warm bed, finding clothes to wear in your closet. You went into your bathroom and changed, before heading into the kitchen and putting on the kettle. You sat with a bowl of cereal, waiting for your tea. Will shuffled in shortly after, curling up on the sofa with his phone in his hands.

"I'm heading off to class now, see you soon," you said as you grabbed your tea and school bag.

"Have fun, see you later," Will replied with a smile. As soon as you were on the street outside, you got a Twitter notification.

@Kiingtong: @(y/t/n) has left for school... Stream soon?

@(y/t/n): @Kiingtong if you prank me I'll see to it myself you lose all your subs 😈

@Kiingtong: @(y/t/n) meanie 😞

You laughed at the conversation while sitting on the Tube.

"Excuse me, are you (y/n)?" A women asked you, a young teenage girl sitting closely behind her shoulder.

"I am," you said enthusiastically.

"My daughter is a huge fan," the women said, while the girl behind her blushed.

"What's your name?" You addressed the girl.

"Lara," she said shyly. You nodded, pulling a piece of notepaper from your bag and scribbling a quick note on it. You signed your name with a humble flourish, then handed it to the girl.

"Thank you!" She said, smiling wide.

"Are you and Will dating?" Lara blurted out. You laughed it off, shaking your head.

"Nope, Will is just my friend," you said.

"Would you ever date him?" She asked.

"Probably not," you said, less confident. You sat the rest of the ride in silence, trying to figure out your real answer.

When you got home, Will was in his room laughing loudly. You knocked on the door and poked your head in.

"Hi (y/n), hop on Teamspeak," Will said, grinning at you while his minecraft character hopped around onscreen.

"I'm making tea first," you said, dipping out of the doorway.

"Tea is not an any time of day affair!" Will called after you.

"I don't care!" You yelled back in his direction. You finally sat down at your desk, pulling up Teamspeak on your laptop and putting your headphones on. Will pulled you into a call with Straub, Grape, and Bee.

"Hi (y/n)," Straub said cutely.

"Hi Straub," you replied, pulling up your online homework.

"How was school?" Will asked you.

"Boring. I have some research project I'm doing on outreach platforms though, so I'll be filming a lot more for that," you said. Grape and Straub started goofing off, and you joined in their playful banter as you worked on your homework, planning and outlining.

"Yo Willy Shakes," Graser said, joining the call a few hours later. You all greeted him, which was immediately followed by the buzzer by your front door going off.

"I got it," you said, taking off your headphones and going to the door. When you returned to your desk, you had a plate of pizza with you.

"Who was it?" Will asked you, while Graser laughed.

"Nobody important," you said, taking a bite of a slice.

"What are you eating!?" Will said.

"(y/s/n)!!!!" Graser squealed.

"Graser, did you send me another pizza?" Will asked calmly.

"Yeah but I think it was intercepted," he said. You laughed out loud, the box of pizza sitting on your dresser.

"(y/n)!!" Will's voice got quieter as it distanced from his mic. You could hear him cussing as he stumbled through his room on bandaged feet. Will opened your bedroom door, collapsing on your bed and grabbing the pizza box. You slid your headphones off your ears and around your neck.

"William, why are you taking my pizza?" You asked calmly, hearing peals of laughter from your friends coming from your headphones.

"It's our pizza," he said, taking a bite. This banter went on for a while, until the pizza was gone. Will went back into his room and you rejoined the conversation.

"Oh my gosh Bee, my makeup looked fab today," you said, to the disgust of the guys.

"Post a pic on Twitter. I wanna see your fab face. Come visit straya soon!!" She said. You put your headphones around your neck once again and fixed your hair, taking a picture by the light of your desk lamp.

@(y/t/n): When your fab friend wants to see your fab face... 😳😘🐝

"I have to finish school. When's the next time you're going to the US? Don't you have a layover at Heathrow?" You said when you had finished.

"I think the next time we're going is PAX East," Bee said.

"Oh my gosh I wish I could go with you. Boston is my favorite city," you said, thinking about the city that was your home for 18 years.

"Do you wanna come? I figured you wouldn't want to come to a gaming convention," Will said.

"A gaming convention IN MY HOMETOWN. Come on William, I thought we were friends," you said.

"We are, that's why I just booked your ticket," Will said. You didn't say anything, just took off your headphones, closed out Teamspeak, and went over to Will's room, wrapping your arms around him tightly.

"Thank you," you said.

"Welcome," Will replied with a smile. You left Will's room and sat down at the keyboard in your living room. Your camera was set up on its tripod, waiting for you to record another cover. You weren't sure what you were going to play next though, so you weren't filming tonight. You laid your fingers on the keys and started playing some scales, then a short piece you had learned for fun. It was one of the first covers you had posted that had really gotten you a YouTube audience. You switched to a Beethoven piece you had learned a few years ago. This music was familiar enough for you to find comfort in, letting your fingers move for themselves. You were completely absorbed in your piano, until you finished the Beethoven. You looked up, seeing Will perched on a chair next to your camera. He hit the record button and you heard the sound of a recording stopping.

"How long were you there?" You asked.

"I came in during Coldplay and started recording. Figured you could post Beethoven. That one was flawless," he answered. You laughed,

"Not flawless, but not sloppy like it normally is," you said, picking up your phone as a text alert went off.

"Lizzie and Joel are having a party at their house on Saturday night. Wanna go?" You asked.

"Yeah sure," Will said. You replied to Lizzie's text, then went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water quickly.

"Will you be recording anything else tonight?" Will asked, perching on the countertop next to you.

"I might record a cover later. Tom said he might stop over tonight though, so I don't know," you refilled your glass, sipping the water more thoughtfully.

"No nightmares tonight then?" Will gave you a sly smile.

"Will, you live here, Tom doesn't. If you need me don't hesitate to kick him out," you said.

"I'm not going to interfere with your boy toy (y/n). I'll be fine," he answered, hopping off the counter and heading into his room, presumably to record.

"He's not my boy toy!" You called after him, as you heard a knock on your front door. Shortly after your neighbor, Tom, entered.

"Hi," he said, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your forehead. You leaned into his embrace, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Where's Will?" Tom asked.

"He's in his room talking to his friends I think." You shrugged out from under Tom's arms and grabbed your tablet off the table. You went into your room and sat on the edge of your bed, opening up your internet browser and bookmarking different covers that you were planning on learning. You talked with Tom for a while, occasionally hearing Will in the other room. Eventually you were both lounging on your bed, and you slid your tablet onto the nightstand. You cuddled into Tom's shoulder, meeting his lips with your own. You fell asleep, thankful that it was the weekend and you didn't have school tomorrow.

When you woke up, Tom was scrolling through Twitter.

"Good morning," You murmured, kissing his cheek. Tom just grunted a response.

"What's wrong?" you asked, glancing at his phone. He was scrolling through the (y/s/n) tag, where all the fan girls were putting together edits of you and Will from your last cover.

"If it makes you mad, stop looking at it," you said, getting out of bed. You went into the kitchen, surprised to see Will making breakfast.

"Morning!" He said cheerily. You peeked over his shoulder at what he was attempting to cook, taking over when you noticed he was going to start burning something.

"Did Tom come over?" Will asked you.

"Yeah, he's still in bed. He's scrolling through the (y/s/n) tag and is pissed off again," you said.

"(y/n), he gets mad at you over everything. Why are you still with him?" Will lowered his voice.

"We're not technically together," you pointed out.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," Will said, putting a skinny arm around your shoulders.

"Thanks Will," you grinned at your best friend. At that moment, Tom came storming into the kitchen.

"Will, can I have a moment with (y/n)?" He asked, quietly fuming. Will glanced at you, you just handed him his food on a plate and nudged him in the direction of the door.

"I'm going to go edit, come get me if you need me," Will said, feigning his earlier cheerfulness. Tom turned to look at you once he was gone.

"I'm tired of this," he said.

"Of what?"

"Of you and Will flirting all the time."

"We don't flirt all the time."

"You say you love him all the time."

"I do love him, as a friend."

"If we're going to do this you can't be friends with him anymore. He's too much of a threat."

"If we're going to do what? You're the one who won't commit, why should you get to decide who I'm friends with?"

Tom was speechless for a moment. He opened his mouth, knowing you were right.

"Fine, be friends with Will. Date him if you love him so much. I never cared about you in the first place. Date that skinny nerd. He suits you well," he finally said. You raised your hand and pointed at the door.

"You can leave now Tom. Get out of my house," you said sternly.

"You're not serious," he said, taking a step back.

"Get out. You heard me," you said again, fire in your eyes. Tom took another step towards the door, then reached out and put a hand on your shoulder.

"(y/n), I didn't mean it," he pleaded.

"Don't. Touch. Me." You growled. Tom retracted his hand quickly, then opened the door.

"Goodbye (y/n)," he said, then slammed the door. You took a deep breath, then knocked on Will's door, entering at his command.

"Hi (y/n), I'm streaming right now, wanna come sit?" Will asked, pulling an extra chair next to his.

"I'd love to," you breathed, taking a seat in front of the webcam.

"Did Tom leave?" Will asked as he swung his sword at another player in the Survival Games he was playing.

"I kicked him out. He's a douche," you said, much to the amusement of the viewers. Will chuckled.

"Are you up for a challenge?" you asked an hour or so in. Will gave you a grin.

"Of course!" He said.

"Ok I'll be right back," you said, leaving his room and entering your bathroom. You grabbed your makeup bag, then hopped back into his room.

"Ok, every time you die, I get to put something on you," You said. Will looked scared, but the viewers loved the idea, so you began. By the end of the stream, Will had a full face of makeup. He ended off the stream, then glanced at you and you burst out laughing.

"It's a good look for you," you said.

"Before I go rub my face raw trying to get this off, are you ok?" Will asked. You sighed, thinking about what had happened this morning.

"I'm fine. I'm looking forward to going back to the US for PAX though," you said, not able to have this serious conversation with your best friend while he was still covered in makeup.

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