Fame Undercover

By perfectly_kay

205 1 2

Being the daughter of someone famous sometimes have it's perks. You get to meet a bunch of famous people, hav... More

01: Rumors & Partying
02: Interview & Ideas
04: Church, why do you take so much time?
05: First Day
13 questions!
06: Badminton & Bowling alleys
07: Skiing & Field Trip
08: Happy Birthday Jay!
09: Groceries & Cute Boy
11: Europe & Louboutins
Blue & White. Everywhere
Penthouse in NYC?
LA, I'm tired.
Coming back
Cussing & Cold Pool?
25: Packing light & Pillow fight
Assembly & Surprise?
Hacker &
Is it true that you're Ella Brown?
last chapter: Letters & Cries
Facts about Fame Undercover
BONUS CHAPTER: Congrats, valedictorian!

03: Regina, here I come!

16 0 1
By perfectly_kay

Two months have passed and today is the day that I'm leaving for Regina. My suitcases were already downstairs and my flight was going to be in five hours.

Since I wanted to be presentable when I get there, I was ripped jeans that were rolled up at the ankles, a blue sweatshirt and Timberlands and obviously, I had my winter coat with me. I don't really feel like freezing when I get there.

I now have a new hair color, because of the want to not be recognized by anyone, which is really the point in all of this. So I decided to spice my hair up a notch. My hair is now shorter than before. There's also other stuff that I changed about my apparence.

I obviously bought some school stuff. Pens, notebooks, pencils, pencil case and all that school stuff.

For the agency, we made a little deal: I had to do shoots during spring break, in Europe.

It was that or I couldn't go. So I agreed and here I am!

So last week, I flew away to Vancouver to see my parents. Didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. I was only there for three days. I also had a sleepover with my girls at my house, a day after I came back from Canada. My friends also planned me a surprise going away party. It was really cool. Had a bit of crying, but still cool. Elyse planned it all. She only invited the people we really trust. So there wasn't that much people. Like 15. You're probably like: 15 is a lot. But with all are our friends, well so-called friends, 15 is a tiny number.

My LA driver, Bart, that was going to take me to the airport, took my suitcases and put them in the car's trunk.

I said my goodbyes to all the maids and my siblings that came for this and went in the car.

Almost two hours later, we finally get to LAX.

I took one of those suitcases strollers and Bart placed my suitcases on the stroller.

"Thanks Bart!"

"You're welcome! Have a nice flight!"

"Thank you!"

I placed my backpack on the stroller and passed the automatic doors.

There's wasn't that much people, which surprised me since it was 9:45 in the morning. There was still a lot, but not that much. That was until I walked to where they check your body out.

There were so much people!

I waited for like 45 minutes before I got to pass. That's how much people there was.

After that, I walked to gate D16 where my flight for Regina was going to be boarded. I still had 45 minutes before boarding. Since I was a bit hungry and I saw a Starbucks not that far, I walked over to it and ordered a iced caramel coffee and a panini.

Since I had nothing to do, I tweeted something. It's also because I forgot to tell my fans that I was leaving for long-term.

I'm going to be gone for some time. See you guys at spring break. Love y'all! ❤

Forty-five minutes later, my flight was being boarded. Once it was my turn, I gave the flight attendant my ticket and walk to the plane. 

After that the flight attendant and the pilot finished talking, I went to sleep.


Hello, this is your captain talking. We are going to land in about 10 minutes. The time is 7:50 PM, Regina time, weather is -20°C, -4°F.

We landed ten minutes later, like the Captain said before. I rose up from my seat and waited for the people to pass.

I swear these people take so much time..

After what felt like an eternity, someone let me pass. I thanked him and walked down the aisle to get off the plane. Since they only gave nuts and a drink on the plane, I was really hungry.

Hopefully, the Roys are going to eat dinner soon. They were the family I will be staying at. I went through immigration and after all that stuff, I took a cab to their house. We stopped in front of a house 45 minutes later. The house was big. I payed the taxi driver and got out. The driver got my suitcases out and left.

"Coming!" Someone screamed from the other side of the door. Seemed like a woman.

The door opened.

"Hello? How can I help you?" It was this middle-aged woman.

Hello, I'm Savannah Collins. I'm the exchange student."

"Oh, sorry! Well come on in!"

I entered the house.

"So, hello Savannah! I'm Claire. Your room is on the second floor. And, umm, since you have a two suitcases my son can help you with them."

I seriously hope her son is younger than me from like 10 years.

"OLI!" She screamed.

I kinda winced when she screamed. It was loud, don't judge.

A guy wearing only some sweatpants came down.

Nevermind. He ain't 6. He looked my age.


Of course he's not younger than me by 10 years...

Or he wouldn't be able to carry my suitcases

How dumb can I be?

Did I mention he was shirtless?

And that we could see his abs.

Well obviously.

But anyway...


"Gosh Oli! How many times do I have to tell you to put a shirt on?" She scolded him.

I don't mind if you don't...

Oh, shut up!

Consciences, these days!

"Many times..." He mumbled under his breath "but yes, mom? What did you call me down for?"

"Well, here, we have the exchange student that is going to stay here, Savannah Collins." She said, motioning her hands at me.

I think he just acknowledged I was there, cause his eyebrows raised in surprise.

I smiled at him.

"Hey, I'm Oli." He said and gave me a charming smile.

Boy, little do you know, that smile doesn't work on me...

"I'm Savannah!" I said. It was my turn to give him a charming smile. To that he "answered" with a smirk.


"Anyway, she needs your help for her suitcases. So, please take her suitcases to her room and put on a shirt!"

"Yeah, yeah"

He took my two suitcases and went upstairs and I followed him. He stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway.

"Well this is your room. If you need anything, ask my sister. Her room is the one next to mine, two doors down."

"Ok, thanks!"

He left and entered the room beside mine.

I opened the door and stepped inside. The room was kinda big. You had the bed in the middle and a large window right on top of it, a nightstand with a small lamp and a plant beside it. I also had a small bathroom for myself.

I like it. Simple, but colorful.

I unpacked my stuff, since it was the most easiest thing to do right now.

When I finished, Mrs. Roy called us downstairs for dinner. Yay!

I sat down and a girl that looked around my age was already sitting in front of me. We smiled at each other.

"I guess you're the exchange student?"

"Yeah, you guessed right. I'm Savannah Collins, by the way."

"Allison Roy. So where do you come from?"


"What brings you here? Regina is such a boring town."

"I guess it's because I wanted to change from a loud city to a more quiet one."

"Yeah, it kinda makes sense."

She was going to say something else, when someone interrupted her.

"I see that you've met my twin." Said someone behind me.

I turned around and saw Oli (with a shirt on).

"Wait... you guys are twins?"

I seriously don't even see it.


He sat down beside me.

"Now you only have to meet the other sibling."

I nodded, as Mrs. Roy came in with the food and placed it on the table.

"It looks really good, Mrs. Roy!"

"Thank you, dear! And please call me Claire!"

She went towards the stairs.


I have a feeling I will hear a lot of screaming now. It's a change from the silence I had at home.

A little girl came down with her face covered in makeup. And let me tell you, it was not beautiful. It was placed everywhere. She practically had lipstick on her cheeks.

"Oh God! Again...?" Anne sighed.

She took Judith's hand and went to clean her face. When they came to the table, Judith looked better, just a little bit red-ish. Judith sat down beside Allison and Claire sat down at the end of the table.

"Well let's pray!"

We joined our hands and Claire said grace.

"Amen." We said at the end of the prayer.

"Well dig in!"

I took everything that was placed on the table and ate.

"So, Sav? Is it good if I call you that?" I nod. "Ok, tell us about you" Allison said.

"Well I'm Savannah Collins. I'm from California. I'm 18. I have 6 siblings, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. I'm the youngest. Which is not that great. But yeah, that's about it."

"Cool!" she replied. "Since you presented yourself, I'll do the same. I'm Allison Roy. I'm 17. You already met my siblings. I'm the oldest, by the way." She said which caused everyone to chuckle, except Oli who scowled at her and grumbled under his breath 'by only 4 hours, God!'. "But yeah that's it. Why don't you do the same thing, Ju?"

I guess Ju is her nickname. She blushed slightly and started talking.

"I'm Judith Roy and I'm 6 years old" She said and showed 6 fingers.

That girl is so cute!

But less when she has makeup all over her face.


He gave her a 'really? Are you serious?' look. When he saw that he was obliged to do that, he sighed and talked.

"Oliver Roy. Same age as Allison. That's all you need to know."


Now it was Allison's time to give him the 'are you serious' look.

She turned to me.

"Anyway, so since we're Saturday, we don't have school tomorrow. We start school Monday at 8 sharp. Teachers don't accept people being late or you'll have a detention." Allison said and I nodded in understatement.

"Tomorrow we're going to church and it's the same for every other Sundays, unless something happens." Claire explained to me. "So wake up at 9, we'll be leaving at 10:30."


We talked a bit more. It was mostly about me. They wanted to know a bit about me, I guess. But I learned a lot of things from them too. Oli even participate in the talk. Which seriously surprised me. When we finished eating, I helped to remove the plates from the table.

After we finished that, Allison invited me to her room. We went upstairs and she opened the door.



Her room was really beautiful. There was a bay window. It looked really cool. There was multiple colorful pillows and a blanket. Beside that window there was a big library filled with a bunch of books and pictures and little cute figurines. I loved how she placed the books. By colors. Her walls were white but the fact there was so much color, you didn't even care that the walls and the furniture were white.

"So, let's sit down."

She plopped down on her bed, so I sat down on one of her bean bags. She had three of them.

"Just so you know, I'm a really direct person."

"Ok, it doesn't really matter."

I'm used to it anyway..

I have a feeling of what she'll want to talk about.

"Are you dating someone?"

Knew it!

"Nope. You?"

She grinned.

Yeah... She probably does.


Nevermind. But why she grinning like that then?

"But there is this cute guy..."

Ahhhhhh! That's why!

"What's his name?"

"Julian Sinclair!"

She seems really excited about talking about him.

"Ok. So tell me about him!"

"He's the school's Golden Boy. So he's really nice, kind, funny. He's just perfect."

She looked a bit love struck.

Hope they get together soon.

"Ok, cool! So, what do I need to know about Summerhill?"

"Like in basically every school, there's those queen bees and all. In Summerhill it's Brooke Sinclair-"

"Wait. Is she-"

"Yes, she's Julian's sister. Anyway, as I was saying, Brooke Sinclair, Hailey Shields and Alexis Fox are those girls. You also need to know that the cafeteria food is disgusting. Like real disgusting. So I suggest that you do the same as me and bring your own lunch. Don't worry, I told Mom to do the same thing as she does for me. Also, I'll be your ride for the rest of the school year. So don't make me or you late. We'll be leaving here at 7:15."

I nod.

"Now, teachers. You, my dear, don't want to be on the bad side of the PE teacher, Mrs. Jenkins. She's like the reincarnation of Hitler."

I raised my eyebrows in amusement and smirked.

"Okay, well I might be exaggerating. But still she's still mean."

We talked about more stuff and learned about each other. I guess I can call her my friend now. It was 11 when I got back to my room. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and plopped down on my bed. I spent some time on my phone and went to sleep.



I swear I'm such a weird writer. Like this story just started and I already have the ending planned. But I won't tell the ending now, won't I?



Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next week for a Sugg Sunday Special! Uhuhuh!


Ok, sorry for that!

(Creds to ThatcherJoe/ Joe Sugg)

But the next chapter is coming soon.

Ps. When you're writing a chapter and you're basically talking to yourself and your best friend and realize how pathetic you are.

Update: My best friend doesn't even read this. Even more pathetic.

My sad pathetic wattpad life.

*cries hysterically*

But byyyyyyeeeee!

-Kayla xxx

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