A Secret She Carried

By sparsha_kadri

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# Book 1 in The Milton Brothers Series # Bennett Milton , was the CEO of the Milton Corp. He was your t... More



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By sparsha_kadri


"Where the hell are we going Ryan?" Sapphire demanded for the nth time as she shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Playing with the edge of her yellow georgette dress, that fell just a few inches above her knees. "Have patience Sister-in law, we are almost there." he said with a wink as he kept driving.

She snorted in response, sure they were almost there. Isn't that the same thing he said an hour ago? And she was damn sure she would hear the same reply if she asked the same question an hour later. 'we are almost there.' almost there? She was damn sure they weren't even close.

She hadn't seen Bennett all day and for some odd reason her thoughts had been on an edge. A sense of longing lurked in her heart. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to touch him and she wanted him to touch her. God! What was wrong with her?

She had been like this all day, and she could barely concentrate on anything other then her phone. Glancing at it every now and then expecting his text. But she hadn't received a single text from him. And she knew he was purposely ignoring her.

She kept her gaze out of the window aimlessly staring at the buildings that they passed. "Are you always so quiet or you just don't like me?" Ryan asked bringing her out of her thoughts. "I..um.." he raised a perfectly arched eyebrows,

"So you don't like me?" he asked with a fake hurt look on his face. "Of course not. I don't hate you. I was just thinking-" she trailed off not really knowing what else to say. "Thinking about what? Me? I'm right here baby go ahead I'm all yours." he said winking at her.

She laughed at his response. "Bennett wouldn't be happy if he hears that." she said with a fake serious look on her face. "Oh please, that guy has a problem with my very existence." he replied with a snort. And yes he looked as edible as was.

She smiled warmly at him. Yes she did found this man charming, but she definitely wasn't the kind who would fall for him. And in fact he was much younger then her and even if he wasn't it wouldn't matter. Her heart belonged to somebody else and she knew she would never love anybody else other then him.

"So did Bennett really ask you to pick me up or are you abducting me?" he gave her a fake shocked expression as he he dramatically placed his hand over his heart. "You wound me Sister-in law. Did you really think I would use that douche bag's name to abduct you? Come on I would come out with something better."

"Of course you would. " she said sarcastically rolling her eyes at him. He just smiled at her, "Come on Sapphire, don't be so mean. I'm Ryan Milton and Ryan Milton can do anything." he said proudly wriggling his eyebrows at her. She let out a un-ladylike snort and they both burst out laughing.

"And finally we are here." he announced as they pulled into the elegant driveway of The Pentagon; one of the classiest and the most sought restaurant chain in all of Europe and other neighbouring continents( And getting a reservation here is like finding an oesis in a desert).

A nudge on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts, "i know the thought of leaving me is breaking your heart. But you know if you don't go Bennett will break my bones." he said grinning from ear to ear. She rolled her eyes at his response and unbuckled her seat belt.

She was just about to open the door when it was held open for her. "Hello Sapphire." Cameron greeted as he helped her out of the car. "Cam, I wasn't expecting you to-" he smiled at her warmly as he closed the door shut. Not before glaring at Ryan and asking him to get the hell out. "Gladly." he muttered and bid his goodbye to Sapphire and drove away.

"I hope he didn't bother you much?" Cameron asked as he lead her into the elegant building. "Not at all. He was at his best behaviour." she said with a small smile as she let him guide her further into the building. Which looked as sophisticated as she had expected. But something was odd.

The place was unusually deserted, other then a few staff members the place was practically empty. "Bennett booked this entire building for tonight." he answered her unasked question. She looked up at him with wide eyes. Did he really book this entire building? "But why?" she blurted out uncertainly.

"Well, that's because he wanted this to be special for both of you. And he didn't want to be bothered by anybody." he replied. "I don't believe this." she murmured to herself as they walked through the endless corridors that seemed to stretch for miles. They turned around a corner and were greeted by two huge mahogany doors that stood proudly before them.

"I'm sorry Sapphire, but our journey ends right here." he replied as he leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. "Have fun Sapphire, I hope you have a great evening." and with that he turned around and walked away without a second glance. She watched his retreating figure as he disappeared round the corner,and sighed.

Taking a deep breath she pushed the wide double doors open only to find herself surrounded by nothing but darkness. "Bennett?" she called as she stepped into the darkness. And like a scene from a horror movie, the door automatically closed behind her making an involuntary gasp escape her lips.

"Bennett, is that you?" she asked as she turned around but was greeted by silence. She stepped forward and almost tripped over her own foot. "Careful love, we don't want you to walk on the aisle with a broken ankle now do we?" his familiar voice spoke up from across the room making her almost jump out of her own skin.

"Where the hell are you Bennett? This is not funny." she shouted at him and she swore she heard him chuckle. Lights flickered from behind her and she immediately turned around only to gasp at the sight before her. It was a live sized picture of her and Bennett staring at each other in the hallway of their old college.

She definitely remembered this scene. How couldn't she? After all this was the first time she had met Bennett or should we say bumped into him? "You remember this don't you?" his voice boomed from across the the room but she couldn't see him. Not because it was still too dark, just because he wasn't there at all.

"Yes I do." she replied absently as she stared at the picture in owe. The picture looked so real that it looked like it was actually clicked at the moment. "This picture is as real as the very moment Sapphire, a friend of mine had clicked it a long time back." again his voice spoke up answering her unasked question.

Another flicker of light gained her attention and she turned around only to stare at another live sized picture of her and Bennett in the library laughing at something. And her lips curled into a smile as she remembered that day. It was one of the most awkward moments and also the very moment when he had asked her out.

"You know you surprised me that day. I didn't think you would say a Yes. But you did.... And that's one of the most precious gift you hadever given me Sapphire. And Thank you so much for giving me a chance to love you. I know back then I didn't mean what I said. But today I do. I love you Sapphire, I really do."

Another flicker of light made her turn around and this time her eyes almost teared up. This was the moment she would never ever forget. A moment that had a special place in her heart. A moment that was a beginning of something that she thought as a new forever. It was the moment he had stolen her first kiss under the moonlight.

"This was the day I first realised my feelings for you Sapphire, it was from here that I had promised myself that you were no longer a bet. But something else something more precious and way more important. It was the day I fell in love with you Sapphire. It was the very moment I gave you my heart."

A few more flickers and the entire room was lit up showcasing all those lovely moments that they had shared. Which she had never thought were captured. She could here footsteps behind her and she turned around by instance. Bennett strolled towards her with a warm smile on his face and his eyes moist with tears.

"These were the memories that kept me alive for all these years Sapphire." he said as he stood before her. She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't utter a single word. She was still stunned by the scene around her that words refused to come out of her mouth.

"I know after what I did to you I don't even deserve to stand here in front of you. But I want you to know that all these moments that we spent together are as precious as they are for you." she studied his face for an entire minute as she tried to figure out what or how to respond. She knew he wasn't lying it was written all over his face.

"Say something Sapphire." he pleaded as he could no longer bear her silence. "What do you want me to say Bennett?" she asked her voice calm and composed. He didn't reply, or should we say he didn't know what to say. What did he want her to say? What was he expecting? "I...I don't know." he blurted out looking away in embarrassment.

The corner of her mouth curved as she watched him struggle with words. "I know what you want to." she said. "No Bennett I can't completely forget about what happened in the past. But I want you to know that I still love you. As much as I hate myself for it, I still do. And I know no matter what happens I still will."

He stared at her in disbelief. Wasn't this he wanted to hear? She still loved him. Yes, she still loved him. "Then let's start fresh. Let's Leave the past behind. We both have done enough mistakes in our lives. Give yourself another chance Sapphire. Not for me not for our sons, do it for yourself. You say you still love me. Can you trust in your love and give us one more chance?"

"We are getting married in a week Bennett. It doesn't matter anymore. " she said looking away. "Yes it does matter. I don't want this to be a contract marriage Sapphire. I want to mean every wow we take." he said those words with so much sincerity that she didn't have any other choice than believing him. "I want the same thing Bennett. But I don't know whether I could trust you.. Anymore."

"Look at me Precious." he commanded as he lifted her chin up. Their eyes met and all she could do is stare at those deep pools of silver that held so much love and pain. "I love you Sapphire. And I can promise you that I'm not the old Bennett who hurt you. I've changed and I don't know how to prove it to you. I'm begging you Sapphire. Give me one last chance, if I screw up again I promise I will not stop you from leaving."

She stared at him with wide eyes. She had never seen him so desperate or devastated before. Bennett had never been good at showing his emotions. But seeing him almost break down before her was something she never thought of. Another chance, wasn't that what she always wanted? Another chance to be loved. Another chance to feel all those emotions she had deprived herself from from so many years.

What was she going to do? Forget all that happened in the past and let him a chance to hurt her all over again? Wasn't that the fact she knew the day she had first accepted him? Still she had let him ruin her, then why not do it again? why not let herself fall in love with him all over again?

She looked up at him for a second and she all her doubts faded away. Those deep pools of silver answered all her unasked questions. She knew what she wanted and no matter what happens she didn't care. She didn't say anything instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth on her's.

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