Secret Mind ✓

بواسطة sadlyish

21K 999 156

"She's right! She's right! I don't cut in the right spot." My hold tightens on my wrist. The red blood oozes... المزيد

o n e
t w o
Diary entry 3 - Losing a loved one.
Diary entry 4 - Maintaining invisibility.
Diary entry 5 - Four years later.
Diary entry 6 - "Language!"
Diary entry 7 - Just an apple for you today young lady.
Diary entry 8 - "Sit down before you make a scene."
Diary entry 9 - "They're called phones!"
Diary entry 10 - "Is it that time of the month?"
Diary entry 12 - "You look a little...constipated."
Diary entry 13 - "I'm not living on the moon."
Diary entry 14 - "Drake, I will castrate your balls of you don't stop now."
Diary 15 - "The delinquent that scares all our babysitters away."
Diary entry 16 - My Blossom
Diary entry 17 - "You douche! I said to start on the floor."
Diary entry 18 - She's a broken girl.
Diary entry 19 - "I trust you."
Diary entry 20 - "Best sleep of my life."
Diary entry 21 - I don't know what I'll do if she's gone.
Diary entry 22 - "Pwince charming..."
Diary entry 23 - Flatlined.
Diary entry 24 - Crashing walls.
Diary entry 25 - Little things.
Diary entry 26 - My nightmare.
Diary entry 27 - We didn't do anything!
Diary entry 28 - "Do you love him?"
Diary entry 29 - Boys!
Diary entry 30 - Graduation
Diary entry 31 - The proposal.
Diary 32 - Epilogue.

Diary entry 11 - compared to my puny little bump people call muscle.

590 31 13
بواسطة sadlyish

The rest of the week passes by in a blur and before I know it, it's Friday.

I have to walk home cause mum and dad are at work.

I quickened my pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky.

Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey.

Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold colour of the sun.

I got the first splatter of rain when I was halfway across the park, taking the shortcut to get to my house.

I take shelter under an old oak, hoping that I could see out the shower.

Droplets of moisture began to drip from the leaves. They were sprinkling onto the grass like a gardener's hose. Then the rainfall became more intense. A wall of rain moved over the oak and the drops were drumming against the canopy.

So much rain was falling that the sound blurred into one long, whirring noise. It reminded me of the rotor blades on a helicopter.

Eventually, the noise lessened and the drops faded into a musical chime.
The sun came out again, casting slanted beams of light across the meadow.

Steam rose slowly from the grass. It rose up eerily and drifted mist-like towards the molten-gold sun.

I step off the damp, fresh green grass and dust my butt of.

I tighten my hoodie covering it over my head more to shield me from the droplets of water, that fall from the hanging leaves of the brown tree branches.

I make my way slowly to the path on the side of the road.

Cars drive by in swift motion.

One car in particular; a black porch, slows down and parks on the side of the curb next to me.

The driver rolls down the window and I find myself getting caught in intense blue ones.

"Blossom? What are you doing? I just rained." Drake questions, turning the engine off; his face a curious mess.

I just roll my eyes and walk away. "I'm walking home. What does it look like I'm doing?" I mumble.

I hear a door slam and footsteps approach me.

My head stays draughty ahead, not wanting to look at the owner of the heavy footsteps.

A large hand grips my wrist and pulls me around; the touch setting fireworks off in my stomach.

I wince in pain from the scar that are embedded in my wrist.

Drake doesn't seem to notice though.

I attempt to wriggle my hand out of his grasp but he is to strong compared to my puny little bump people call muscle.

I look up furiously at another pair of eyes; crystal blue to be precise.

Luckily for me, I am a girl with a little more self control.

"Let go of me or I'll yell rape." I seethe, venom dripping off the word 'rape'.

His eyes widen in shock. "You wouldn't."

An evil smile plays on my lips. "Oh yes...I would." I say between an evil laugh.

His hand is still wrapped around my wrist.

I begin my countdown. "3...2...1. Ra-"

My voice is muffled by a huge hand covering my small mouth.

I smile under his grasp and slide my tongue out of my mouth and lick Drakes hand.

He laughs. "Pa-lese. That happens to me all the time." He scoffs.

My eyes widen in disgust at the statement. "Ewwww." I drag out, my voice barely audible by the large bulky hand clasping my mouth shut.

"If I let go, you won't yell rape?" He inquires.

"You gonna let go of my wrist?" I mumble into his hand.

His hand falls down, brushing my hip slightly.

I shiver at the contact, his warmth seeping through my layered clothes.


I sigh in frustration. "I said, are you gonna let go of my wrist?"

His eyes flicker to the hand that is tightly holding onto my wrist.

His hand slowly and reluctantly let's go of me and I smile in satisfaction.

"Thank you. Now what do you want? I have somewhere to be." I spit out.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted a ride home? Wait. Where are you going?" He asks.

Is that jealously I smell?

I roll my eyes at his stupid question. "Where do you think I'm going?" I question rhetorically. "Did you forget that you want to take me somewhere today so you can, and I quote 'spice up my life a little'." I place my hands on my hips expectantly.

He stares down at his hands that are holding each other tightly, his knuckles turning white in...embarrassment?

I sigh in annoyance. My hand lifts up and I flick him hard in the head to knock some sense into his pea sized brain. "You're such a turd. You can't go making plans and forgetting them the next day!" I pause and realise how possessive I must sound. "Whatever. I have better things to do then to jog your memory." I spin on my heel and begin walking away.

Someone grips my wrist and yells "Wait!"

My eyes widen at the feeling of electricity.

"RAPE! RAPE!" Right after I shout rape Drake let's go of me.

"Wow. Your really know how to keep your word." He scratches the back of his neck as I turn.

"Unlike some people." I mumble under my breathe.

"C'mon. I'm driving you home. Where do you live?" He states.

"Why do you wanna know? For all I know, you might murder me." Not that I have a problem with that. "And anyway, you already know. You came to my house 4 days ago." I say sharply.

"If I wanted to murder you, I would've done it ages ago. And besides. Why would I want to murder someone as beautiful as you?" He says, dodging my comment on him coming to my house before.

"Get in." Drake orders and I reluctantly obey.

I sit, my bag lying on my black leggings.


"37 bask street." I say blankly. How can someone forget so easily.

"What? No way! I live right next door to you!" He shouts giddily.

"What? Bu-but how? You drove away that night. And the house was just bought." I stutter.

"Yeah 3 days ago my mum bought the house. Tomorrow we're moving in. That night, I drove to my old house. Because you know. We hadn't bought the house then."

"You move pretty fast then. And the neighbours move out really fast as well." I shrug.

"Yeah. Apparently they already bought a house and they had already moved out. So not much of of a problem there. And my mum has a huge amount of people that were willing to help with the move."

"Oh...okay." I twiddle my thumbs.

After a silent drive to my house Drake says he'll pick me up at 6. Cliché, right? So that leaves me with an hour to get ready.

He told me to wear something formal and I'm already hating the idea of going where ever he's taking me.

"Hey honey. How was school?" My mum asks from the kitchen.

"Same old, same old. Where's dad?" I ask curiously. Knowing him, another business meeting.

"Um...he's at meeting." My mum stutters.

I nod my head, keeping my cool, even though my anger is boiling hot inside me.

"The girls?" As if on cue, my 2 sisters come running into the room and tackle me into a huge hug.

"Angie! Angie!" Lola shouts happily in my hear.

"Yes Lola?" I ask patiently. I love my sisters and they are really the only people that can make me smile besides Brian and Cassy and...Drake.

"I got a tooth lost. And I got a 15 of 18 right for quiz." She squeals happily, her golden locks falling shy of her waist in her adorable pigtails.

"Pft. I got 30/36 for my quiz." Emmie says proudly.

"So technically, you got the same percentage as Lola." I smile.

"But I had more questions. And they were harder." She crosses her arms.

"Whatever helps you sleep." I shrug walking up the stairs.

When I take a look at myself I almost scream. Key word begin almost.

I look like a zombie. My hair is like a lions main in its messy bun and my eyes have a small ring of bags underneath them.

I quickly have a shower and wash my hair. When I get out I brush my hair so it's nice and neat. Then I blow dry so it's not to damp.

Next I put some of my face cream on to stop myself from getting acne and a rash under my nose.

I apply a light stroke of blush and pink eyeshadow.

I complement the pink with baby pink lipstick. I repeatedly dab the lipstick on my lips so I don't get the colour to vibrant.

Next, because my hair is fairly dry, I pull out my curler and curl my hair into loose barrel curls.

For my outfit I have a pink dress that reaches my knees and white sandal wedges. I put on a white cardigan the is a little longer then my arms and covers my scars.

When I make my way through the corridor, Lola stops me.

"You look pretty." She complements smiling.

"Thanks." I smile back.

"Where you going?"

"I'm going out." I shrug.

"Well. Your look isn't full yet." If it's possible, a bigger smile plays on her lips. She holds out her 2 index fingers. "Wait here."

I obey and she runs into her room.

She runs out excitedly with a daisy crown in her hands. "Here you go." I bend down and she gently puts the crown on my head. "Mush better."

I push the crown further down my head and laugh. "Thank you Lola." I say picking her up and resting her on my hip.

I walk down bringing Lola with me.

"Where do you think you are going young lady?" My mum fumes.

"Out." I shrug.

"With a boy?" She presses further.

"Yes. But before you jump to any conclusions, it's not a date. It's for a project for school." I persuade.

She scoffs in return. "That's what they all say. If it were a project, then you wouldn't be dressed up like this." She gestures to me.

I put Lola down and tell her to go play with her dolls.

Once she has evacuated the premises I continue. "Mum. I swear to you it's not a date. You have to trust me on this one. I swear it's for a project."

"I trust you." She blurts out hesitantly.

I stand in shock.

She's not that easily persuaded.

"I trust you because you're more mature then all those other teens your age." She smiles.

I run up and give her a hug. I don't know why I'm so happy. "Thank you."

At that moment the doorbell rings. My mum looks at me then speed walks to the door.

I roll my eyes and follow her lead.

When she opens the door she gives him a genuine smile. "Hello." She says in a protective motherly tone.

"Good afternoon Mrs Roman." Drake greets politely.

"What's your name young man?" My mum asks sternly.

My ears go red in embarrassment. Only happens when mum is the cause.

"My names Drake. If it's okay with you, I need to take Blossom out for our project." He smiles, but I choke on the air.

Dude! You called me by my pet name.

I stare at Drake with my eyes, telling him he made a mistake.

"Blossom?" My mum asks.

"Ahh. We really should be going now. Thanks for your acknowledgement mum. Love you. Bye."

My mum shakes her head. "Love you too. Hey, don't try any funny business on my daughter." She states.

When the door closes Drake mutters "Won't promise anything."

He stops and I do too. I look at him confused.

His eyes roam my body.

My brown one widen and I slap his shoulder. "My eyes are up here buddy!"

"You look beautiful." He blurts out.

Now I flush, making my pink blush appear redder. "Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." I comment.

Okay. Maybe I lied. He looks amazing. He is wearing black jeans and a navy blue v-neck long sleeve shirt. He had a black leather jacket on his shoulders as well.

"Thanks. Shall we?" He asks.

I stand in my place stubbornly. "Not until you tell me where we are going." I cross my arms over my chest.


"Yes you can." I narrow my eyes at him.

He whispers something in his hands, closes them and fake throws something.

"Sorry. Can't." He smirks.

Arg. He fake threw his answer.

"Please." I frown and look into his eyes. Big mistake. I find myself getting lost in them already.

"Aw. Don't give me that. You know I can't refuse a face like that. C'mon." He pulls my bicep and opens the car door on the passenger side.

I slide in and buckle my seatbelt.

Once he starts driving his left hand turns a nob on the radio and 'check yes Juliet' comes on.

A smile creeps on my face as I hear Drake sing the lyrics, his voice completely off key.

"Lace up your shoes, Ayo ayo, Here's how we do!" He sings, terribly, might I add.

"And here I thought you could actually sing." I scoff. I see his eyes land on my from the rear view mirror and a small smile plays on his lips.

"Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back
They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance!" This time his voice hits every note accurately.

When the song finishes and we stop at a red light he turns to face me. "What was that about 'me not being able to sing'?"

"Could you blame me. You sounded like a dying rooster." I laugh.

"Did not!" He retorts.

"Did too." I tease.

"Did not!"

"Did too."

"Did not!"

"Shut up!" I scream playfully. Still smiling.

"As you wish Blossom." He smiles.


Heyo muchachos!

So. If you guys haven't checked out my book 'The girl, her suitcase and...him?' Please do. I'm still updating and I feel like nobodies interested now that this books come out.🙁

Have a great day and a merry Christmas!


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