Maniac In Leather

By kimmyxad

204K 7K 1.1K

Completed August 26 2016 More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter Three

9K 243 17
By kimmyxad

"The police questioned you?" Anna sat across from me at our lunch table, she spoke with crunched up apple bits in her mouth while she held onto the juicy red sphere in her hand. Her blonde hair in a sleek ponytail, her make-up done as if Picasso had painted her face and the "V" of her top, a little low for my taste but that was Anna for you, cleavage was her accessory.

"Yeah, Beau was literally in cuffs, I'm still trying to figure out who was in that body bag." I whispered taking a bite out of my chicken salad as I glanced over to Beau's lunch table where he sat alone smoking a cigarette, the stick stuck out from the corner of his mouth as he pulled out his car key's and began to carve into the wooden table. He must have walked home this morning from my house to get he's mustang.

"Murderer or not, the boy is still kinda hot though." Anna pulled me from my thoughts as she quickly turned to glance at him and then he looked up staring directly at us, making me nervous as he blew smoke from his perfectly shaped lips.

Students roaming around had grown familiar with Beau's presence and therefore chose to ignore him, pretending he didn't exist, thinking that would keep them safe and out of his way.

"I want him." She said still staring at him, she was practically drooling.

Anna, he killed his family, need I remind you!

"Are you listening to yourself, you have Charlie and...he's a psycho murderer." I was astonished at what she had just said.

"You know what they say about the crazy ones." She laughed turning to see me, and then I smiled awkwardly before taking a sip of my soda as she stared at my motion.

"Do you know how much sugar that is?"

"No, but I don't really care" I laughed as I rolled my eyes, Anna's such a health bitch, last week she literally hit a doughnut out of my hand while I was in the midst of eating it, she's healthy but she's also a bitch, hence health bitch.

I watched her tug at the band that held her hair up as it came down in volume, loosely running down her back, she pulled out a mirror to look at herself and check if she was perfect and of course she always was.

"How do I look?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"Flawless." I smiled and then she stood up from our table.

"Anna, what are you doing?" My eyes wide knowing exactly where she was going "Charlie's right over there." I said moving my eyes to see Charlie who was talking to a few freshmen girls who had just came up to him before he had a chance to reach our table, he's straight long hair ending below he's ears pushed back by he's hand as he smiled while interacting with those giggling girls.

"I'm going to go invite Mr. Psycho to my party tonight, that should spice things up a little." She shrugged "you're inviting a murderer to a gathering with a ton of people, at night?" I questioned and then she rolled her eyes "Don't be so dramatic Shelby." She said and then glanced over at him "I'll be quick." She said and then winked as she strolled away, her skirt was short the way she liked it and her tanned legs were model like, in fact she could be on the cover of...well, anything.

She was beautiful.

"Annnn..." I tried calling her back but she was already almost at his table. My eyes couldn't help but watch as she pressed her hands on the surface of the wood, leaning over while Beau sat across from her, he killed his lit cigarette to notice her and give her the attention she so desperately craved.

His eyes darted to her cleavage first and then he smirked as she had spoken to him, she seemed eager to speak, his eyes met her's while she laughed and then he reached out his hand to wrap a lock of her hair around his finger, bringing her closer to him, she leaned in deeper and then he had said something to her, causing her to bite her lower lip as people began to stare at them as if they were a new reality TV show and then some stared at me to see my reaction to this flirtationship that took place with my friend and the town psycho.

Chrissakes people, Beau is not my secret lover, I'm not cheating on my boyfriend with him. Get over it.

Eyes coming from all directions and as they stared at me and I could only stare at him,


My eyes saw Charlie as he watched his girlfriend while the freshmen girls still circled him, I felt obligated to save her so I got to my feet only to be hugged from behind by Noel who smelt like peppermint, as he's soft lips kissed my neck, causing my heart to melt as I saw Beau's eyes rest on us for a moment, with Anna still leaning in, very interested in him.

"Stop." I smiled as he tickled me "Noel, we're in public." I laughed and then turned to face him as he planted a big fat loving kiss on my lips.

I suppose he had gotten over the fight we had this morning about he's Nissan and boy was I happy to know that.

"Goals." We heard the freshmen girls yell as they strolled by, a few of them snapping pictures as Noel smirked while I brushed my fingers through he's hair and then he glanced over to see Beau's table.

"Anna being a skank again?" He laughed as I punched him lightly. "Don't call her that." I said and then we sat back down at our table as Charlie came strolling over to be seated in our company. My boyfriend began to feed me my lunch as he forked it up, into my mouth.

I was currently his queen. More peasant! More!

"Your girl seems to be loving the psycho." Noel laughed as he spoke to Charlie who tried to ignore his girlfriend getting flirty with another guy, Charlie was the silent sweet type, he hated confrontation and conflict and would rather sit back and watched, keeping his emotions to himself.

"Yeah I guess man." His tone soft as he grabbed my soda and took a sip.

"Hey Noel." Nadia strutted her stuff as she prowled past our table with her sidekick Lily, her eyes only seeing my man as she waved trying to look sexy.

But he just brushed it off, not giving her a second glance.

Who was this new Noel? The old one would have winked or flirted, this Noel is the Noel I remember. I like it.

"Did you guys miss me?" Anna rejoined the table looking strangely excited and joyful, Beau must have really had an effect on her.

"Sure." Charlie seemed pissed and then lifted himself from our table gathering he's lunch as he walked away.

He nodded as a form of saying goodbye before leaving.

"Charlie!" She yelled but he wouldn't listen as some random girl followed him to see if he was okay.

"You need to stop flirting with guys, I swear you're going to lose Charlie and look around Anna this school is crawling with women who would die to date him." I said in the most calm sweetest tone and then finished my salad myself as Noel handed me the fork.

"He'll never leave me." She said matter-of-factly, but I knew that if she didn't change he would leave her, he had spoken to me about this topic before and Charlie seemed more than sure of his decision.

"You obviously don't know my boy then." Noel chimed in "Stop acting like a whore, Charlie can have any pussy in this school but he wants you, so appreciate him, he's a good guy and-"

"Hey Noel." Jordan yelled as Noel turned to face him nodding his head, indicating to give him a few seconds, he took off his football jacket and placed it over my shoulders as he stood up from the table and then sweetly kissed my forehead.

"Baby, I promised Jordan that I would help him with his car." He pecked my lips "see you after school."

"Okay." I pulled him in for another kiss and then he strolled in Jordan's direction.

"You guys seem happy." Anna said brushing off the previous topic concerning her and Charlie "I take it you didn't tell him about Beau and the police questioning you and all of those things."

"I can't, he would lose it, he would kick the shit out of Beau for bringing the police to my house and being alone with me last night when I drove into that spike strip, I don't want drama right now, you know how jealous he gets and we're finally in a place where everything's okay for once" I spoke knowing that I shouldn't keep things from my boyfriend but sometimes things are better left unspoken.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Shelby?" Her eyes sad.

"Yeah?" I smiled softly.

"You really think Charlie would leave me, if I don't change?"

"Honestly, yes." I spoke as I watched Beau gathered his things from his table, he lifted books into his hand after placing his cigarette box into his jacket pocket.

Alice in wonderland, I read the title of one of the book he had held as he strolled past me. The strong smell of cigarette stuffed my nose as he's blues met me, he raised his brow as if to ask me what my problem was and then I quickly looked away to see Anna in deep thought burying her eyes in her meal with thoughts of Charlie,

sweet Charlie.

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