Peering into shadows (Httyd)

By Vala411

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This is the story of a girl whose life drastically changed, while she found love in the process. (will be up... More

Chapter 2: Lives altered
Chapter 3: Strange behavior
Chapter 4: Worse
Chapter 5: Problems on the horizon
Chapter 6: Uh-Oh!
Chapter 7: To Oslo we go
Chapter 8: Deal or no Deal
Chapter 9: Exposed
Chapter 10: Surprises
Chapter 11: Dining in
Chapter 12: Explanations
Chapter 13: Awkward situations
Chapter 14: Holiday stay
Chapter 15: Cold competition
Chapter 16: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 17: Countdown
Chapter 18: Hunting Hunters
Chapter 19: Fun in the sun
Chapter 20: Festivities
Chapter 21: To the future
Chapter 22: Love of a lifetime
Epilogue: Breaking the news gently
Bonus chapter

Chapter 1: Perspective

3.7K 76 111
By Vala411

Chapter 1: Perspective

Hiccup's POV

The alarm is beeping annoyingly, and I wake up to find a heavy weight laying on me.

"Toothless, get off. I need to get ready for school." I tell my dragon currently dozing on my stomach. Toothless rolls over, and grumbles at the loss of warmth.

When the vampires first appeared they brought with them dragon familiars. These familiars would chose their partners for themselves, and remain loyal. Toothless was a Night Fury, one of the rarest familiars in existence, and I was shocked when he chose me.

I get out of my king size bed, and open the curtains. The view outside is always breathtaking. The grounds of the Haddock mansion (more like palace, many would comment) could be seen outside with a moat surrounding the house (my dad said it was for security measures, I personally think he just wanted a moat), and in the distance the skyline showed the iconic 'H-shaped' skyscraper that belonged to my family. Haddock Industries was currently run by my father Stoick 'The vast' Haddock, and we literally own more than half the world's corporations.

Due to the kidnapping attempts on me when I was younger I can't go to school as Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the 3rd (do not laugh, I repeat do not laugh), so I go as Henry Hayden, a normal high school nerd. The school staff has been made aware, and have all signed confidentiality agreements.

As I get ready for school my lazy dragon finally awakes, and is like always hungry. So at 6.45 we head to the dining room where Toothless trots over to a large pile of fish, while I finish my breakfast.

"Sir, your car is waiting." Daniel our butler tells me.

I nod to Daniel, and get ready to depart. In the foyer I see my dad. "Morning dad." I say happily.

"Morning son. I'll be home a bit late today. End of the month meetings again." He replies.

My dad gets into a sleek black limo, and waves goodbye.

My car rolls up, it is a fully A.I. automated sleek BMW, so it can drive itself. I bid farewell to Toothless, and Daniel as I step in the car.

The drive out of the mansion grounds to the city takes approximately 30 minutes. I have the car drop me off 4 blocks from the high school, and walk the rest of the way as I don't want to arouse any suspicion. The walk takes almost 20 minutes.

As I enter the school grounds I see the usual cliques going about their day. The popular group consisting of the jocks, preps, and cheerleaders can be seen sitting in the courtyard. Snotlout Jorgenson, who is also my cousin although he hasn't realized it yet, and the school bully, is seen boasting to the rest of the populars. He is milking being related to the Haddock family for all it's worth. Heather, one of the cheerleaders actually looks bored, at Snotlout's behavior.

Snotlout tends to make my school life hell, simply because I ignored him in 6th grade. It's already senior year, and he is still going at it.

I see Fishlegs Ingerman (still trying to figure out how fish can have legs) as I near my locker. He is a large geeky boy who is one of the only ones nice to me, and he knows my secret. The others are Ruffnut, and Tuffnut Thornston two vampires who wanted to experience high school, and get their diplomas, although they tend to give the principal a lot of gray hairs. They tend to not get involved with the bullying, but end up playing various pranks, mostly on the poor principal. And then there is Astrid, one of the populars, a cheerleader, and my biggest crush.

Fishlegs snaps his fingers in front of my eyes, bringing me out of my daydream. I hurriedly proceed to get the books out of my locker, and go to class when Snotlout notices me.

"Hey, Useless! Where do you think you're going?" I hear, and turn to see Snotlout, and the jocks approaching.

Astrid's POV

The sunlight streaming through my window, and hitting my face causes me to groan. I reach for my night stand to check the clock. 7.18 is shown in bright red on the display. I put the clock back, and lay my head on the pillow, and suddenly come to the realization that I'm going to be late for school, which starts at 8. 'Damn' I think while scrambling out of bed, waking up Stormfly my Nadder familiar in the process, to get ready for the day.

When I finally made my way downstairs I see my mother holding out a lunch bag for me.

"Why didn't you wake me mom?" I asked her.

"You are the one who forgot to set the alarm. Want some breakfast?" My mother simply states, and dad peers from his newspaper at the table.

"I'm going to be late. I'll grab something at school." I tell her.

"Dad, you going to be home late today?" I ask. My dad who currently works as head security for Jorgenson pharmaceuticals, has had to pull longer shifts, because three employees are currently out sick.

"I don't think so sweetie. I should be home at 6 today." He tells me.

"Come along dear, I'll give you a lift to school." I hear my mom say from the door. "I have to go in that direction for a meeting anyway." My mom jingles the car keys. She is working as a biochemist at the same pharmaceutical company as dad. That is how they met actually.

The ride to school is luckily only 15 minutes. As we are on the highway, I see the familiar skyline. The Haddock industries building stands out among them. I can't help think to myself 'Another day of school, another day of Snotlout flirting with me.' At this thought I mentally sneer. Snotlout, the son of my mother, and father's boss, and nephew to Stoick 'The Vast', is nothing more than a snob. He boast about being related to the Haddocks, and being rich. He isn't even the heir to the fortune. Now that I think about it. No one actually knows where Stoick's son is.

We near the school gates, and mom parks the car. "Have fun honey." She says as I step out, and wave goodbye to her.

As I walk through the school a familiar scene greets me. Snotlout is picking on Henry again. I approach the pair, not really in the mood to deal with Snotlout.

"Snotlout, will you leave Henry alone. Class will be starting soon." I simply tell him, with a bored expression.

"Hey babe" Snotlout says while flexing his grotesque arm muscles, and kissing them.

"Don't call me that Snotface" I reply simply while starting off to class.

"Why don't you stay here, and hang with these guns" Snotlout says while raising his arms, and smacking his muscles.

"What guns, I don't see any guns" I say while faking looking for them.

"Or you could stay, and ride my dragon..... If you know what I mean" Snotlout says with a grin.

At this point to save him from himself I simply walk towards him like I started listening to him, and then I punched him in the gut, and kneed his face.

"Nice talking to you Snotface" I say as I turn and walk away to class.

----------------Time skip--------------

After a tiring school day, and study session in the library, I finally make it home around 7. Dad is already home from his shift. I can hear him making dinner in the kitchen.

"Hey, dad." I greet.

"Hey, sweetie. Your mom called she will be home soon. There seems to be a traffic jam." He tells me.

"So that's why you're cooking. Will it be edible this time?" I can't help but ask.

I quickly head up to my room, before dad can reply, and go play with Stormfly.

Mom comes home 25 minutes later, and diner was definitely not edible, so we ordered pizza.

Later that night as I lay asleep I suddenly wake up when hearing the sounds of fighting, and my mom's scream. I tell Stormfly who is now also awake to guard the door while I called 911.

Suddenly the door to my room is kicked open with such force that it sends pieces of wood in Stormfly's direction. In a split second I feel a burning sensation near my neck, and pass out.    

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