My Parent's Cafe (Creek)

By Craig--Tucker

93K 2.9K 7.1K

"Dare," Clyde gives a big, evil grin and Craig's face scrunches up in curiosity then worry and fear which is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

4.9K 151 552
By Craig--Tucker

Craig's POV

"I don't know, Clyde... I'm fine with the way things are now. Plus, what if he says no? Then, everyone will know I'm gay and call me fag."

"Craig, chill out, man. You'll be fine. Even if he says no, Tweek's not like that." He squeezes my shoulder. "Now, go get 'em, tiger!" He pushes me forward.

Okay, yeah, I can totally do this. What do I care what they think of me anyway? I guess I don't but I don't want to give Cartman that kind of satisfaction. Or have Kenny harassing me the rest of the year. Oh no, I'm here. I'm at Tweek's bench. And there he is, just sitting and reading his book, occasionally sipping from his thermos. He looks up and jumps.

"Oh, hey, Cr-craig." He smiles.

"H-hi, Tweek." I try to smile back.

"What's up?" He ask, looking back to his book. I take a seat on the bench, not to close, I might add.

"N-nothing important. I was just w-wondering..." Oh man, I'm stuttering more than he is!

"Yeah?" He looks up, concerned. "Wh-what's wrong, Cr-craig?! DID SOMEONE DIE?!" He pulled his hair.

"No, Tweek! No one died!" I slowly take his hands from his hair and he starts to calm down and breath.

"Oh..." He blushes and looks at our hands. "Then, what's the problem?"

"I- uh- I was just wondering if you wanted to go out today- with me-" I blurt out. He stares at me, and I stare back. Though out expressions are probably very different. "I- uh- mean, like, if you want... like..." I blush and let go of his hands. I stand up, "I'm sorry... I know you don't want to and you probably think I'm gross. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortabl-"

"Sure!" He squeaked, quietly. He grabbed my hand and stood up. "I'd love to go out tonight." He said, blushing and looking down.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Y-yeah... GAH!" He let go of my hand and grabbed his coffee off the bench, taking a big gulp. I laugh.

"Okay, wanna meet after school? Or you can go home and relax and change and we can do something later..." I gulp. I can't believe he said yes! I don't think I could be happier right now! I'm smiling!

"L-later... 'Cause, I want to change and take a shower..."

"Sure thing. I'll come around seven then?"

"Y-yeah! Just beep wh-when you're outside though. I don't want my p-parent's to know." He tells me.

I nod, "Sure thing." the bell rings. "See ya later." I wave and head off for class. This was gonna be so fucking awesome!

Okay, I'm here, I have everything planned out, I'm dressed nice. A black hoodie and black skinny's and my chullo. And I'm waiting out side his house.

Beep, beep!

There. Now, I wait. Not too long later, the blonde scurries out of the house and into my car. "Hey," I smile at him. I still can't believe this is happening.

"H-hi, Cr-craig." He smiles back. "S-so, where are we g-going?"

"To see a movie. Sound good?"

"Yeah, as long as it's with you, I'm fine." He mumbles, a bright shade of red covering his face. I blush too. Shit, he's SO cute!

When we make it to the mall I park the car and we walk to the amc theatre. "What do you wanna see?" I ask him.

"Hmm..." He purses his lips and stares at the options. "The dark knight rises looks promising." He glances at me.

"If that's what you want."


"Alright." the person in front of us get's his tickets and leaves.

"Hello, sir!" The perky cashier lady greets me.

"Two for dark knight rises, Imax, 3D." I take out my wallet and pay. "Let's go." I smile at the blonde. This is like a dream come true. We enter the theatre and get our glasses. "Want a snack? Popcorn or something?" I ask him.

"Mmm... S-sure..."

We got two small sprites, a medium popcorn, and some peanut m&m's. Tweek helps me carry the food to the theatre. We find some seats in the back and wait for the movie to start.

I'm deep into the movie when I feel something on my hand. I turn to look at Tweek. He's watching the movie but his hand slides into mine. I blush. HE'S TOO CUTE I THINK I COULD DIE! Calm. Calm yourself, Craig. Calm.

"That was a good m-movie. Geh!" Tweek twitched.

"Yeah." I agree with a nod. We get back in my car.

"Cr-craig?" He fiddled with his fingers. "I was w-wondering..."

"Hm?" I glance at him.

"My p-parent's aren't home and I w-wanted to know if y-you, maybe, like to c-come over." He blushes.

"Yeah, I'll come over." I smile at him. He looks at me and blushes, turning away.

"Okay!" He squeaks. The ride to his house is quiet after that. But it's comfortable, I think. Tweek looks deep in thought as he bites his knuckle. When we do finally make it to his house he hops out of the passenger seat, still biting his knuckle and a little red.

"You alright?" I ask when we meet at his door.

He jumps, startled by me breaking the silence. "I- uh- y-yeah..." He fidgets with his fingers.

Ok then... He stumbles with the key and trying to unlock the door. Missing the lock and turning it the wrong way. I wouldv'e helped him but... it was just so cute. I didn't want to ruin it. Plus, Tweek has done this plenty of times, so I'm sure he's got it. Eventually. Finally, he sighs and pushes the door open. We walk in and he blushes more. What was wrong with him? I mean-

"Criag... I-" He turned around and stared at me with his big green eyes. "I-" He leans in on his tippy toes and kisses my lips softly. I gasp as he pulls aways. "I'm sorry! I just couldn't help myself! You-" I grab his shoulders and kiss him again. Though, I had to lean down a little. Tweek was extremely short. He kissed back, grabbing hold of my shoulders too to pull him self up. We kisses there for a long time. Then I felt him lick my bottom lip with his tongue. I opened my eyes. Tweek was being so brave! I let him slip his tongue in and moved my hands to his waist. He moaned as I bit his bottom lip. He stopped kisses my lips and started with my neck.

"Tw-tweek... y-your room..." I panted. He stopped and nodded. He started kissing my neck again and wrapped his arms around my neck, tightly. Jumping, and lacing his legs around my waist. I stare at him, but he doesn't stop kissing my neck. Oh, I see. He wants me to carry him. I move my hands to hold him up and start-up the stairs. I enjoy this. Yeah, I have to carry him and that's hard to do up the stairs, but I had a good grip on his ass and that made it well worth it. Well worth it. He moaned as I squeezed. I took his lips with mine and kissed him, careful with my feet. Tweek wouldn't forgive me if I dropped him or tripped. Finally i made it up the stairs and into his room. I laid him on the bed and straddled him. We continue to kiss, deepening it. I started unbuttoning his shirt and his knitted his hands in my hair, knocking my hat off. When his shirt was off he helped me with mine, throwing it to the side. He kisses down my chest, stopping at my pants and unbuttoning them too.

"T-Tweek..." He peals the jeans off and then starts with the boxers. He stops and rubs the bulge under the fabric, gently. He kisses it and then unwrapped it, pulling my boxers down just like my jeans. He takes me in his mouth, sucking.

"Tweek." I moan.


"Tweek!" I open my eyes and shoot up in my bed, clutching the sheets. God damn it. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and get up to get a drink of water. I drag myself down the stairs and to the kitchen. I grab one from the sink and rinse it out then fill it with water, chugging it down. It's 5:39 I'm gonna have to wake up soon anyway. Nah, I'm going back to sleep. I don't think I need to call Clyde, right now. I think I'm good.

When I finish the water, I lean against the counter.

Okay, Craig you like Tweek what're you gonna do about it?

Shut up.

You can't just keep watching from a distant, that's lame.

I'm not talking to myself, seriously.

You and I both know you wanna be able to actually hold Tweek. Snuggle. The dreams, Craig. THE DREAMS.


I catch myself. Ugh, I need help. I put my glass back in the sink and head back to my room. I pull the sheets over me and sigh.

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