I am and He is Sam Lee Garcia...

By CountingBackwards

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If you are, by any chance, named Sam Lee Garcia Concepcion. Then, Join Sam and Sam, two different people, who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

553 11 14
By CountingBackwards

Sam-the-girl POV

My feet pounds on the hard gravel of the school's entrance. I ran all the way to get here as fast as I can. Although I'm still uncertain about Luis, I decided that I should give him the chance. But all the same, I still feel horrible about letting Sam take Hope and Chance in the safety of our home alone.

The guard gives me a wary look but fortunately he let me in after I showed him my identification card. Having spent almost a month in this school, I now memorize the locations for main rooms. My feet automatically led me to the gym.

"Hello?" my voice echoes throughout the empty gym. Almost immediately I thought that Luis stood me up. But one look on my wristwatch told me that I was the one who stood him up. It's already 5:23. 

What do I do now? I tell myself. I pocket my hands and grip on my phone. Seconds later, I realized that the answer to my question is just within my grasp. Literally. No hell, but I think I'm the slowest person alive. For sanity's sake! I have a phone! I should've thought of it awhile ago, I'm such a dork.

I bring my phone out, and type in a message for Luis. I was willing for it to be sent, but then again, when did things ever go my way? I scoff sarcastically as my eyes bore down into the encrypted message on my phone: Message Sending Failed. Try Again. 

Yes, I have no load.

I stomp my feet angrily out of sheer frustration. And then grudgingly exit the school to go somewhere where I can get that frigging load.

Outside, the sky is already turning to pink and the cold wind blow strands of my hair. I proceed to a nearby store. Luckily for me I had the brains to check if I have money to pay for load. Yes, you guessed it right. I have none.    

Frustrated and angry, I decided to just go home. Thinking that going back here is a huge mistake. I can't believe how stupid I get at times. I have always been the impulsive one and often times, that isn't a good thing. 

I made my way home, dejected and staring at the laces of my shoes. I'm glad that along with the school premises, I now memorize by heart the path to my new home. Sam opens the door when I knocked. I give him a forced smile and a short expression of gratitude.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well," Sam says after a while.

"You guessed right." I reply.

Sam sit in front of the couch and focus back on the movie he is watching. I have no idea what it is so I just slump beside him rest my head on the soft cushion.

"What movie is that?" I ask, trying to make sense of the story. Honestly, I don't know a thing about movies, actors, actresses. I'm not a movie buff, simple as that.

"Diary of a Wimpy Kid," he shrugs. 

"When did it start?" I ask again, suddenly taking a weird fixation on the movie's title. It caught my attention.

"Not too long ago," he answers with a frown.

It's Friday night so I guess I can watch freely today. Without the conscience of homeworks and all. I grab a fistful of popcorn from Sam's bowl.

I burst out laughing when Sam gives me a horrified look. The kind of look that made me look like I stole his iphone or laptop or something.

"What?" I manage to say between fits of laughter. Maybe that was an inappropriate reaction, seeing as Sam glowers at the handful of popcorn in my hands. As if saying, That is my food.

"Cook your own popcorn!" he scowls at me, "Do you have any idea how many times I had to pop this fudgers before I got these perfect ones?!"

I try to be serious but him being so childish is just too much for me to take.

"Why are you laughing? Can't you see this is serious matter!" I start laughing again when he gave me a serious look. As if what I just did is really a huge mistake. 

When I finally got over laughing, I say,

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was so hard for you to pop popcorns."

"I'll never allow for my popcorns to be in your clutches again," he warns. I just nod, still fighting off giggles. 

He gives me a cross look and mumbles something under his breath. I give him a bright smile, he scoffs and then sits back up on his original seat. I almost giggled when he made sure the bowl of popcorn is far from my hands 'clutches' 

Halfway through the movie, I already doubled over of laughter more than a dozen times. The movie was is really funny, ridiculous. But funny nonetheless. I glance at Sam and see he is so serious. Does he have not a single funny bone in his body? I poke his arm. Irritated, he looks at me.

"Why so serious?" I ask, unfazed by the cold treatment.

"The movie is not funny at all," he says lamely, facing me. His gray eyes accidentally meeting my brown ones. I was startled. Partly because of him suddenly looking at me. Mainly because I think he have gorgeous gray eyes. I mentally shook my head, and I'm guessing so did he. 

We turn our attentions back to the movie, feeling awkward. Suddenly, finishing the movie with Sam beside me is starting to sound like a bad idea. Even though I think the movie is really good. it's just, my intestines started to do something like jump maniacally around my stomach ever since our eyes parted. 

And without my permission, my stomach grumbles loudly. 

"Shoot!" I yelp as I put a hand over my grumbling stomach. I haven't eaten anything except the crackers for my lunch.

Sam's brows furrows but before I can defend myself, another loud sound erupts from my stomach. My face heats up and by that time, I'm sure I'll do anything to just turn to dust. This is so embarassing. 

Sam guffaws. And I turned, if it is still possible, even redder.

"Shut up," my muffled voice tells him. I grab the pillow and hide my face. Trying hard to sound dignified. But that is hard to do. Especially if your stomach grumbles again. I groan and drop the pillow. Looking at En laughing made me trigger my laugh too. The situation is still incredibly embarrasing and awkward, for me. But somehow I managed to laugh. Just because.

For over two minutes we were just laughing. Him at me and Me at him. I am certain we look like crazy dorks at the moment.

"Whatever," I say after awhile, glancing anywhere except his face. It tends to distract me at times, as annoying as that sounds.

A few seconds later, he nudges a cold object in my arm. I look at it and see him offering his half full bowl of popcorn.

"Seriously?" I ask, my mouth breaking into a grin.

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes and nudged the bowl some more. As if saying: take it already, before I change my mind. 

"What about the hardships you felt while making these?" I question, smiling widely. I get the bowl and started nibbling on one popcorn.

"You rather not eat?" he scowls at me.

"I'd rather eat." I say, then add, "Thank you."

"You aren't a very helpful slave, are you? Instead of giving me food I'm the one giving you." he states after a few moments.

"Right. Thank you very much." I reply sarcastically.

"No Problem. Next time, you're not welcome" he says, with the same level of sarcasm as mine.

"Dude, that's so mean," I bite my lip.

"Err, not really. That was a joke." he says awkwardly.

"So I'm welcome?" I ask, feeling foolish and childish at the same time.

"Anytime," he replies. My eyes got wrenched from the tv screen and looked at him. He sticks his tongue out like the childish boy he is.

Rolling my eyes, I copy his immature gesture. He smiles his signature smirk. And again, I felt my intestines somersaulting inside my stomach. But this time I have a feeling it isn't just because I'm hungry. 


Yayy! Sam-Sam moment! xDD :)) Not edited, so tolerate mistakes for the time being. Thank you. :))


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