Love was a story that couldn'...

By MrsTomlinson612

228 10 6

Ariel has always struggled with school and bullying but now a new guy has shown up at school she may not be s... More

A new year a new me
He live down the road
The start of something new
What am I gonna do.
Saterday nights alright for talking
Music is my spirit animal
Spring break.
Wake me up.
This is a song about a girl.
Sun sand and self harm.
I'm so sorry.
Im never letting you out my sight
Gig night
Let's fucking go have some fun.
Do we have to say goodbye
Love was a story that couldn't compare
Met the parents
Welcome back
Prom shopping
Prom shopping part two
New start
Bedroom walls and silent calls
Where did I go wrong
Stay alive.
Goodbye my love
Gone to long
Your beds now full
Lets run away
Packing bags and glam rags
Fly away
Learn to fly.


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By MrsTomlinson612

My punks not dead jumper was slid on to my body by a nurse who had already helped me into my jeans and converse.

My hair was laying there flat hanging down and I sat on the edge of the bed doing my makeup. I looked in the mirror in front of my and the person I saw wasn't the person I knew.

I knew someone thought she was happy. I saw myself with my life ruined with nothing to cling on to. I was going to change no matter what.

Breakfast was bland. I lay there wondering when my prince would save me.

Lunch was also tasteless, I couldn't bring it up or that meant another night in the ward and I really just wanted to go home.

3:25 arrived and Patty was there just on time. I looked him in the eye and I smiled. I want to just tell him it'll be okay and that I'll miss him when he leaves at the end of the week.

We walked down the hall to a small room labelled C75 and we entered. In sat a doctor and a therapist.

"Now would both of you like to take a seat please." The therapist spoke.
"My name is Adam and it'll be me taking your session."
"Patty." Patty shook Adams hand and sat.
"I'm Ariel." I sat down with patty.
"I just wanna know somethings about you both. I'll start by asking how you met." Adam clicked a pen as he looked ready to write everything down.
"I met Ariel when I moved to the school she attended. I wanted to stand up to some people who where giving her a hard time. I stuck up for her and now here we are." Patty spoke as if he wished to be very open with me right now.
"Now can I ask what your current status in your relationship is is this a sexual relationship? Are you living together? Is it just both of you we should be worried about?" Adam asked
" it's just the two of us. We don't live together we are planning on having me move in with Patty and his friends just before I start university. I guess you could call our relationship sexual if you mean have we had sex, if so yes just the once. He was my first and hopefully he will be my only partner sexually." I spoke with no fear.
"Do you love each other?" Adam looked up sitting the pen down
"Yes! More than anything in the world!" We both looked at each other in shock that such a question should be asked.
"Then Patty why did you do what you did?" I turned to him as the question was asked.
"I honestly just am so angry with myself and I just broke, I would have done it to anyone honestly but she was the one who was willing to tell me how much of a dick I was being and knock me into shape and talk sense into me. I just felt so angry that I had to leave my life behind for weeks to go on tour with my band. I was angry I wouldn't be there to help my girlfriend move into our new home together. I'm angry that I won't be there every night to kiss her and tell her it'll be okay, I'm angry that I can't be the boy that this girl deserves!" Patty was sobbing and I pulled him in close to me.
" you are everything I deserve and more. You make me smile every day and I promise that I won't stay there until you have a day off tour. I couldn't let you miss that day for the world. You mean the world to me and I promise you my heart forever." I sobbed with him and the doctor who had yet to speak handed us a tissue box and let us dry our eyes.

We where free to go and I walked with patty to the car.  I told him to drive me back home. I wanted to just go home to my parents.

I opened the car door once patty had parked in my driveway. I walked to his side of the car and opened the door, I sat on his knee and pressed his lips to mine. It was the first time I have had control over my actions. I kept him close before slowly getting out the car again and walking to my door. I got in the door and stood watch until I knew he had gone.

"I'm home!" I called out and sat down on the sofa.
"Off my sofa until I get a hug you little muffin." Dan ran to me and hugged me tight.
"Can we just go easy on the hugging and just sit here and do what normal family's do?" I asked as Phil joined Dan in suffocating me.
"By normal do you mean watch Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 tonight since we are that sorta family?" Phil asked as a smile was beaming on his face.
"I'll get the pop corn" I ran to the kitchen
"I'll get the duvets, Phil find the Disk set!" Dan was halfway up the stairs already.

The microwave dinged and I got up.
"Sweetie go change I'll get it." Phil kissed my cheek and I went upstairs throwing on a grey tank top and a pair of shorts. I hadn't cut in enough time for the scars to be noticeable on my legs but I put a baggy jumper on to be safe.

Sitting under the duvets with my parents felt amazing. We all snuggled up together. Dan had been singing along the entire time until Phil told him to shut up and stop it so he could here the songs. We all eventually caved in though and all three of us where singing and dancing on the sofa together.

I would be lost without my precious parents. They honestly make better therapists than the one that I saw this morning.

Patty's P.O.V.

"So Walters where's your chick?" Luke asked me as I walked in the door. I tried to act cool about the fact my girl wasn't on my arm.
"With her parents Luke. She didn't wanna be here after that stupid therapist made us both cry. She didn't say anything to me the entire time we where in the car. She did kiss me though. Boy was is good. She just got back in the car but she sat on my knee and kissed me. It was kinda unlike her.
"Sounds pretty good to me." Karim spoke.
"Shut up Karim that's my girl you happen to be talking 'bout."
"Sorry Patty."
"No I should be sorry. It's been a rough day. I'll just go and be in my room if you need me."

*time skip*

My music was on and there was a knock on my door. I'd been in there for hours staring at the walls.
"Come in if your alone." I yelled Turing off my greenday. Emma sat on my floor and I smiled at her.
"What's up Walters? Tell me more tell me more." She smiled
"It's just I feel like I let her down... Why am I so useless? I can't even keep a girl."
"Patty shut up! You are amazing. You got angry and took it out on her, we all get angry. You have to just let her have the time she has at home and let her spend it with her parents. I get it that your going on tour in two days but she needs her parents. She'll be over here all the time when you get back I promise. It'll all be okay once you come home."
"I just can't have her feeling scared of me. Emma I just need to get away and find some amazing people to share music with so you can rock out. We will be there when you get back here to perform."
"Promise. I'll be in the front row screaming your name."
"I love you Emma."
" I love you Patty." She hugged me tightly before leaving me to sleep.

Give me therapy I'm a walking travesty.

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