Antiquity (A Psych Fan-Fic)


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Prequel to Coping- Cassidy Reed always lived by the strict rules of her father. Before her father arrives hom... More

Bad Impressions
It's Just A Smoothie
Cassidy's First Date
Three-Day Rule
Bad Situation
Late Night Discussions
First Kiss/Unexpected Surprise
Meet the Parents
Dinner With The Reeds
A Couple's Quarrel
The Exams Begin Part 1
The Exams Begin Part 2
Acceptance-I think not.
The Morning After
Dilemma Part 1
Dilemma Part 2


484 15 5

A/N:  Sorry for the late reply everyone, life is crazy. Thanks to those who’ve reviewed, keep it coming. Next chapter should be interesting. Spoiler…we finally get to see what makes Cass snap.

Chapter 13: Realization/Negotiation

The trees towered over them, and the last glint of the setting sun burned orange before it disappeared behind them mountains. Cassidy leaned back against a huge oak and let out a heavy sigh.

“Kudos to you for what you did over dinner. The look on his face was priceless.” Cassidy said. “Though, I wanted to apologize for hid behavior. As you could tell he can be pretty uptight.”

“Not exactly the word I would have chosen, but okay.” Shawn said.  “So, did you bring me all the out here just to throw me to the dogs?”

Cassidy could feel herself dying a little inside. The fact that Shawn heard her father say those cruel words broke her heart. “You heard that, huh?” She said.

“Yep,” Shawn said. “Every ill-conceived word.”

“Sorry,” Cassidy said. “What my father did to you was inexcusable. I honestly wouldn’t blame you if you never want to see me again after tonight.”

Shawn crouched down in front of Cassidy and smiled. “Nah,” Shawn said. “I think I’ll stick around.”

“You seriously have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, Spencer.” Cassidy said.  “He will do anything and everything in his power to see us not work out.”

“I’ll take my chances,” He said.

Cassidy flushed at his words, but couldn’t avert her gaze from him. Shawn grinned, making her heart race a little. As she stared at him, she couldn’t stop thinking about how he had so much power over her. She finally realized what this feeling was. She was in love. Cassidy pressed her forehead to his, and she could feel his breath blowing across her mouth and down her neck, making her tingle with desire.

“I think I’m in love with you,” She whispered.    

Shawn closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers. Cassidy closed her eyes and gripped her hand in the back of his hair. The kiss was perfect and beautiful. Everything seemed so right when she was with Shawn. She felt like a different person, a better person and not some damaged teenager. He kissed her so softly and tenderly that it made her whole body tingle.

He pulled away just as she was getting a little dizzy. “I know,” He said. “You’re powerless to resist me. You always have been.”

“Really?” Cassidy mused.

“Mm-hmm,” Shawn said.

“Oh, whatever.” Cassidy laughed. “Says the guy who would sit in a booth for hours on end and watched me as I worked, clearly you’re into me.”

 “Me into you?” Shawn said.

“Yeah,” Cassidy replied.

“Okay, I admit I found you not unattractive and occasionally fun to be around.” Shawn said. “But…no definitely not.”

Cassidy smacked Shawn playfully in the shoulder and stood up. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Spencer.”


Cassidy lay in bed, eyes red-rimmed by the need for sleep, yet all she could do was stare at the ceiling as her mind replayed again and again what had happened earlier that night.He knew now that she was madly, foolishly in love with him.

She loved Shawn. She knew that now. She had longed her whole life to be loved, and it surprised her how much she liked the idea of Shawn caring for her the way he did. Smiling, Cassidy rolled out of bed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Though she had prepared herself for vigorous training first thing in the morning with her father since he’d returned home, nothing could ruin her day. That is until she turned the corner and met with a familiar face sitting at the breakfast table with her parents. The smile quickly vanished from her face. It was Agent Miller.

“Mornin’,” Agent Miller winked at Cassidy as he bit into a piece of golden brown toast. “Glad to see you’re up and about at the ass-crack of dawn.”

“Morning, sweetie,” Her mother smiled before she took a sip of coffee from her mug. “Come sit, your plate is in the microwave.”

Cassidy stared at Miller, then turned to her father. “What the hell is he doing here?” Cassidy said.

“Watch your mouth and come sit down like your mother told you to,” He said. “And to answer your question, I invited him over.”

Cassidy walked over to the microwave, grabbed her plate and took a seat directly across from her father. “May I ask why?” She said. “As I recall you’re not too keen on having new people over. Last night’s dinner should have been a clear example of that.”

David dismissed Cassidy’s snide remark. “I called him over to talk some damn sense into that thick skull of yours.” David said.

Cassidy slammed down her cup of orange juice with more force than necessary. “Dad, I told you I wasn’t attending the DEA’s PTT or the BAT.” Cassidy said. “Especially after the way you treated Shawn last night.”

“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear last night, Cassidy,” David said. “You’re attending that exam, whether you like it or not, even if I have to drag you there myself. I did not spend all this time preparing you for the real world for you to just throw it away on some insignificant boy. You’re going and that’s final.”

“Cassidy, sweetie, maybe you should listen to your father,” Evelyn said. “Shawn is a sweet boy and I know you care a lot about him. But think about it honey, law enforcement has always been your dream.  I know your pride is damaged but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you’d be foolish not to take it. We just want what’s best for you and your future.”

Cassidy looked down at the table. She picked up her fork and bounced it on her napkin.

“What do you say kid?” Agent Miller said.

Cassidy stared at Agent Miller. “Fine,” She said, then turned to her father. “But on one condition.”

David placed his fork down and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You know I don’t negotiate, Cassidy.”

Cassidy scoffed. “Please,” She said. “I’m not a terrorist, I’m your daughter.”

“David, please,” Evelyn said. “If you want her to participate in that exam then you’ll hear her out.”

David scowled. “Fine,” He said. “Name it.”

“That I’m allowed to keep dating Shawn.” She said. “That means I’m allowed to go out at night for once, go out to dinner and to go his apartment to watch movies when invited.”

“You do realize his idea of ‘watching’ movies is just an excuse for him to slip into your pants, right?” Agent Miller said with a smirk,

Cassidy rolled her eyes and turned to Miller. “Oh, shut up.” She said. “He’s not like that.”

“Pfft, please.” Miller said. “If I was given a nickel every time I heard that excuse I’d be rich kid. He’s a guy, we only want one thing.”

“Oh, what do you know, rookie.” Cassidy said. “And besides, I didn’t ask for your opinion on the matter. This is between me and my parents, not you.”

David’s mouth quirked into a smirk. “Fine,” He agreed.

Cassidy arched an eyebrow and gave her father a look. It was easy, too easy. Even her mother had a hard time witnessing what she had just heard. What she had asked from him, he clearly would’ve turned it down in a heartbeat.

“Really,” She said, wearily. “What’s the catch, dad?”

David’s smirk widened into a smile, revealing perfect teeth. 

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