Black Ice

By EclipticMoon55555

40.7K 667 1.2K

This takes place after book 9. When Darkstalker comes to be. Moon watched in horror as the burly nightwing ro... More

Slave (Moon)
Is This Love? (Winter)
The Scroll(Moon)
The Plan(Winter)
The Icewing (Moon)
Hope (Moon)
Betray (Snowrey)
Hit Zones (Moon)
Egg (Snowrey)
No More Spirit(Moon)
Two Moons(Nightmare)
Relationship? (Nightmare)
Little One(Snowrey)
Eavesdropping (Moon)
Love Sealed(Snowrey)
Who? (Winter)

Spirit (Winter)

2.8K 50 29
By EclipticMoon55555

Winter woke with pain engulfing his body. All he remembered was pushing away Kinkajou. Standing gingerly he winced as he tried to move his wings. He looked at them and realized his blood was seeping out from large gashes that were on his wing, making the stone below him become wet. He looked around only to see the dark outlines of stone all around.

Great. First I'm trapped and now it's dark!? He thought bitterly. He stretched out his wings painfully, trying to feel the sides. Indeed he was in a cave and it was quite warm, much to his disliking.

"Ah I see you have finally woken up." A deep voice startled him from in front him.

Winter squinted his eyes only to see a dark figure approaching.

"Here let me help with that." The deep voice said gruffly. Torches were lit around the cave entrance. Winter found himself face to face with Darkstalker, causing him to take a small step back.

"Let me go you old rat." Winter spoke gravely. He lifted his head and squared his shoulders but his actions only caused a laugh erupt from the Nightwing.

"You think you can beat me? Puny icewing..." He muttered.

His word caused Winter to inhale sharply, ready to use his frostbreath.

"Tsk tsk. You try and freeze me and I will simply break little Moonwatcher' s wings." Darkstalker threatened in a deadly tone, motioning towards the small Nightwing who stood behind him.

Winter exhaled slowly and pushed his frostbreath away, he couldn't let Moon get hurt.

"Good boy. Now that wrist band you are wearing." He paused and Winter looked down to see a gold band on him. "That is your chain. You try and leave this room and it will shock you. It won't kill you but it will certainly hurt. So don't try and leave."

Winter glanced back at Moon who looked lifeless, like she was missing something.

Darkstalker turned to the entrance. "Come along Moonwatcher, I got a world to rule." He stalked out of the cave.

However Moon stood, as of petrified. Recognition flashed across her face but then her blank mask had returned. She scampered after Darkstalker leaving Winter alone.

Winter used his frostbreath to seal his wounds and stood more strongly. He carefully slowly walked the perimeter of the cave. It wasn't big but it was a good size. There was a small skylight at the top but it was to small for him to fit through and as he got closer to the doorway he realized that there were other caves. All had a doorway but all of them were empty.

Good. The others weren't taken.

It was dark except for the two torches by the entrance way. The skylight above seemed to have a black cloud over it and the heat was awful causing him to have to use his frostbreath many times to keep his wounds sealed.

He turned back to the middle of the cave. Freezing the ground he laid down, it wasn't home but it was close.

His eyes were trained on the hallway beyond his cave, a floating figure capturing his attention.

As the figure came into the light of the two torches he sucked in a breath.

She was beautiful.

Moonwatcher stood there, more like floated, her body transparent. It was the blue tint to her floating self that made her visible to him.

Winter now knew why her physical body looked blank. Her body and mind was taken over. All that was left was her soul, her spirit. He sat up and watched the dragoness come into the cave. She seemed worried but Winter felt that funny feeling in his chest again like he had felt before.

There stood Moonwatcher. His Moonwatcher. Except she was a spirit of sorts. Either she was dead.

Or more powerful than they thought.

A/N Hope you like! Comment below!!!!!

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