A Secret She Carried

By sparsha_kadri

5.8M 195K 11.3K

# Book 1 in The Milton Brothers Series # Bennett Milton , was the CEO of the Milton Corp. He was your t... More



179K 5.9K 257
By sparsha_kadri

SAPPHIRE hugged the file in her hand, as she walked into the boy's dormitory. She had been there so many times that the weird looks she received from the boys didn't bother her much. At least not any more. In fact, she was way too happy to think about anything else other then her Bennett. She turned around the corner and walked into another set of corridors. The place looked exactly like her dormitory other then the fact that it was occupied by the boys .

Walking straight to the room number 507, she raised her hand like she was about to knock. But paused when she noticed that the door was ajar. A devilish grin appeared on her beautiful face as an idea flashed in her mind. Yes! She was going to surprise him. Why should it always be him? She gently pushed the door open and quietly entered the room making sure she didn't make any noise.

She stood at the doorway in order to make sure that the coast was clear. Luckily the door way consisted of a narrow passage that led into the spacious dorm room much bigger then her's. Laughter could be heard from inside and she couldn't help but groan inwardly. The boys were here and she wasn't a least bit happy about it.

It's not like she didn't like his friend it's just that they didn't like her. Most of the students here were born with silver spoons and snobbishness ran in their blood. Nobody here in this college knew that her father was none other then Patrick Rodriguez and she wanted to keep it that way. She didn't want people to befriend her just because her father was the richest man on earth.

Thankfully her Bennett was nothing like them. He was the sweetest guy she had ever met. Her first boyfriend and also the love of her life. He was always by her side whenever she needed and she believed he would always be. They had been dating for almost a year. And she couldn't wait to give their relationship to a whole new meaning. After what she was about to tell him she knew it will.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't realise that she hadn't stopped moving, until she reached the end of the passage almost stepping into the spacious room. Taking a deep breath she took a step forward but paused as her ears picked up the conversation the boys were having. "Can you believe it? She actually thought I loved her." She heard his familiar voice say making the boys burst into fits of laughter.

Were they talking about her?

"I still don't believe, you actually got her in bed with you." one of the boys commented making Bennett chuckle. "Come on Ted, I'm Bennett Milton after all. I can get any girl I want to-" he said a smug smile playing at the corner of his mouth. For almost a second she couldn't even recognise him.

This couldn't be her Bennett. Her Bennett wasn't like this. He could never talk about her like that. He loved her and he.....And that's when reality hit her. It was all a lie, a big fat lie. He never loved or he would never. All he ever wanted from her was sex, sex and only sex.

"It took you quite a while though," one of the boys said making Bennett roll his eyes. Sure he was offended by his friends comment. But he didn't let it show on his face. He was too strong to be hurt by some random jock's lame desperate comment. Morphing his face into his signature smug smile he said, "I know it took me quite a while but Hell! It was worth the wait. The girl sure knows how to pleasure a man. I really couldn't believe it was her first time."

She could feel tears rolling down her cheeks as she stood there and heard him brag about what an idiot she was to think Bennett Milton was into her. Maybe he was right? Maybe she was an idiot to think that she could be happy for once. Maybe she was an idiot to believe that she would have her happily ever after like those cheesy romance novels she read.

Noel, watched his friend as he kept bragging about the bet he had with the other boys. Honestly, he didn't like any of it. He knew how Sapphire was and he knew she didn't deserve it. In fact he believed nobody should be treated like that. He had never been in favour of this stupid bet. And would never be. To be very honest he never liked anything that has to do with Sapphire.

It wasn't like he hated her like the rest of their crew. It was just the fact that he had always found her attractive, and liked her more then he knew he should. Though he had always tried to suppress the tiny feeling as mere attraction, deep down he knew it wasn't true. He was in love with her and the fact that she would never feel the same about him makes his heart break every time he sees her.

And the fact that she was dating his best friend didn't make things easy. He didn't like the way Bennett gets to hold her in his arms when he doesn't even deserves her. It took him everything not to rip his hands off his Sapphire every time he touched her. The girl was actually in love with his best friend didn't quite fit in his mind knowing that his friend was just using her made his blood boil.

Though Bennett had always said that he felt nothing for her, he knew it wasn't true. He had seen the way he looked at her and he knew as much as he denied it he did feel something for her. And that bothered him more then he thought it would. He feared that the day Bennett realised his true feelings for Sapphire, he would lose all his chances of getting her.

"I can't wait to see her face tonight." Bennett said bringing him out of his thoughts. This was it. He couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't going to let them humiliate her anymore. He had kept quiet for way too long and he had had enough. He was just about to snap at Bennett but paused when he spotted Sapphire standing by the door with tears in her eyes.

He could feel his heart break as he watched her sob quietly as she heard every word. It took him everything not to rush to her and take her into his arms and protect her. He clenched his fists as his body started shaking in rage. He was about to snap at him but she shook her head pleading him to let him continue.

She wanted to know the truth. She wanted to know what Bennett really felt about her. By now she had figured out it was a bet and he was only wooing her. She should have figured it out, father like son. Maybe her father was right, the Milton's are not worth of trust.

Bennett noticed the distant look on his friends face and followed his gaze. His heart did a complete summersault when he noticed the blonde girl standing at the door way her eyes clogged with tears. Crap! What had he done? Their eyes met for a second and he could see the hurt in them. God what the hell was he thinking?

No he didn't mean anything he said, not even a single word. He just wanted to look cool in front of his friends and that was the only reason he was blabbering all that crap. She looked so pale and broken that his heart broke by just staring at her. He watched her take a step back like she was going to make a run, and she did.

He wanted to get up and run after her and tell her all that she heard was a lie and he really loved her. But his pride didn't let him. What would his friends think about him if they find out he had been bluffing all these time? He turned to Noel who glared back at him his features clenched.

He pulled out his phone and typed a quick text. Asking him to go after her and try to to convince her. He knew that she respected Noel and he was definitely sure that his friend would surely convince her and get he back to him. But little did he knew his friend had a totally different idea.


"What do you want Noel? " Bennett demanded as he glared at the man he once called his best friend. It was strange that after all that had happened, Noel had the guts to step on his door step and let alone roam around his house like he owned the place. He glanced at Sapphire who desparately tried to smoothen her now messed up hair, her face flushed red.

Noel glanced at the beauty standing right behind Bennett and his breath was immediately caught in his lungs. Her hair was in a wild mess like she had just got up from sleep and her face was flushed. Her tank top had crunched up to her naval revealing the delicate skin of her toned stomach. It was kind of hard to believe that she was a mother of two children.

His fingers itched to touch very inch of her skin. He wanted to kiss those plum pink lips he always thought was the most beautiful part of her. Too bad he had never had the chance to kiss those lush lips. No matter how hard he tried to resist, he couldn't. He craved for her ,had been from the day he had first laid his eyes on her.

Bennett noticed the way Noel was staring at her and he didn't like it a wee bit. He didn't like the way his eyes roamed over her body. Clenching his fists he coughed getting him out of his fantasy land. "Hello Ben!" Noel said as he flashed him his signature smirk. "What do you want Noel?" he demanded folding his arms before his chest.

"Well, if you are asking... I would like to have a word with my friend," he said pointing at Sapphire who looked like a dear caught in headlights. She looked like she had no clue what was going on and why was Noel here. Re-adjusting her tank top she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

God! What was she doing? She felt like a teenage girl who was just caught sneaking out with her boyfriend. She looked up and her face immediately turned red like tomatoes. Both the men were staring at her and she didn't like it at all. Taking a deep breath she let out a heavy breath.

"Hey!" she said awkwardly waving at him. He didn't respond. "w-what are you doing here? I mean it's past midnight and-" she paused when she realised how rude she was sounding. "And what?" he demanded, his voice calm and cold. "And you are not welcome here." Bennett cut in as he walked up to her and placed a protective arm over her shoulder.

Noel stepped up to her completely ignoring the death glare he received from Bennett. "I heard you were getting married to this douche, and I thought you would need a last minute counseling to rethink your decision." he said looking straight in her eyes.

"Too bad she doesn't need any counseling and she sure as hell is not going to change her decision. And if you don't mind, we have some unfinished business and it doesn't require your presence." Bennett said as he stepped in between them. Noel glanced at Sapphire to see her response. But she didn't.

In fact, for some odd reason she did look kind of relived. Something was seriously wrong, or else his Sapphire would never let Bennett snap at him like that. Was she once again giving into his charms? Did they make up after all these years? NO! That can't be happening. He had worked way too hard to separate them and he wouldn't let his hard work go waste.

"I wasn't talking to you. And last time I checked, she could talk for herself. And I don't think she needs anybody else answering for her." Bennett could hear the desperation in his voice and it immensely pleased him. "Sure she is, but I think as her fiance I have a right to help her make wise choices."

Noel rolled his eyes. This was one of the reason why he hated him. He always happened to be the one who gets everything he wanted. It was strange that both the men had similar tastes right from their childhood to the present. And Bennett happened to be the one who always got everything. And Noel would just let him have it no matter how badly he wanted it.

Bennett was his friend back then and he was afraid that history would be repeating itself. He wouldn't let that happen. He had done a mistake of letting Bennett take her away once but it wasn't going to happen again. Sapphire was his and only his nobody could take her away from him. Nobody!
"What you did, is called blackmailing. " he spat making Bennett roll his eyes. "And what you are doing is barking."
Sapphire bit her lips to prevent herself from laughing at how funny that sounded. Bennett who noticed the sudden change in her expression flashed her a smug smile making her look away with a grin.

Noel clenched his fists as he watched them exchange that sneaky look which he was now familiar with. Something was wrong with her and he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He could see the difference in her behaviour and for some odd reason it scared him. What if?..

"Sorry Ben I tried to-" Cameron said as he walked in, completely unaware of the situation. All heads turned to him and he looked like a dear caught in headlights. "Did I interrupt something?" he said looking around. Bennett shook his head "No you didn't, our friend here was just about to leave."

He turned towards Sapphire and said, "I think you should go and check on the boys." it wasn't a suggestion but an order. Nodding her head she hurriedly made her way out of the room. Finally relieved that she didn't have to stay there any longer. She could still feel Bennett's rough hands on her skin and it made her shudder, in a good way of course.

She didn't understand why her body was acting like this. It wasn't the first time he had touched her like that. Then why did her...shaking her head she tried to clear her thoughts. She could still hear the men arguing but she didn't care. Walking up to the twins room she gently and quietly making sure she didn't wake them up.

Like usual they were in a cuddled position which she found really adorable. They looked so peaceful and cute that she didn't understand why would someone want to hurt them. Sitting on the edge of the bed she watched them sleep. Her mind kept playing the days incidents including the little stunt Jason had pulled.

The mention of his name made her blood boil. She couldn't believe he would stoop so low. Getting off the bed she bent down and kissed their cheeks and walked out of the room gently closing the door behind her. Making sure she didn't make any noise . She had to talk to Logan and soon. She had to find out what her father was upto.

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