Hetalia One-Shots

By YokoBella

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All your favorite hetalia characters. Some characters might not be in here but you could request some. More

Russia x Reader Killer Picture
Russia x Reader for Dieing-Life
Lithuania x Reader x Russia Sunset
Big Brother!Denmark x Little Sister!Reader Buying Smiles
Austria x Angel!Reader Witch
Romano x Reader Checkmate
N.Italy x Reader- Weird Little Habbits
America x Reader
Canada x Reader- Mint
Pride Week
Liechtenstein x Fem!Reader
Spain x Shy!Reader- Spotlight
Switzerland x Reader- Flour Power
Japan x Reader- BAKA!
Germany x Reader
Wall-E!Norway x Reader- Dust
Sweden x Reader- Caramelldansen
Prussia x Reader
Poland x Reader-Sorry
Japan x Reader
America x Reader- Love is Ours
America x Reader- The Dilemma
England x Reader- Love and Ramen
Little!Germany x Little!Reader- Closet Adventures
Nurse?France x Sick!Reader- Murse??
Romano x Reader-Purple Butterfly
England x Reader- Regret Message
China x Reader- ARU!
Germany x Reader- Shower Curtain
England x Reader- Servant of Evil
Prussia x Reader - Cold Feet
Prussia x Demon! Reader - O Death
Pirate! Spain x Child! Reader - Running Away
2pHetalia x Immortal!Insane!Reader-Sarcasm
A/N Ending
Missing - England x Ghost! Reader
England x Reader Easter Fluffy Bunnies
2p! Hetalia x Immortal! Insane! Reader - RQ p2
America x Reader - I Promise
Trying Not To Swear - Romano x Reader
America x Reader
England x Reader
Prussia x Reader-My Sketchbook
Little!Russia x Little!Reader
Little!Russia x Little!Reader
Little!Russia x Little!Reader

Pirate! England x Modern! Reader - Memory

831 16 2
By YokoBella


"Where am I?" you groaned, the scent of sea water invading your nostrils.
You laid on what appeared to be a beach in the middle of nowhere. "How the hell did I get here?!" you half yelled half whispered out loud. Then you remembered.

------- Flash Back----------

You and your best friend Arthur Kirkland were goofing around in his basement. Well, you were doing most of the goofing.

You already new that Arthur was a country, England to be exact. You teased him sometimes about being old, but not enough to hurt his feelings.

Arthur's basement looked like a wizards layer. He had potions, spell books and wands. He wore a long black cloak around his thin shoulders. He was showing you how to create small balls of light, but you weren't paying much attention. You were leaning your elbow against the cluttered wooden desk and began to close your eyes. Arthur noticed this and his bushy brows creased.

"Pay attention _______!" he snapped in his lovely British accent. You felt yourself have a mini heart attack as you fell off the chair you were seated on, taking about half the tables content with you.

Puffs of different color smoke whirled around you."Arthur!" you cried out as you felt your vision fading, until the world went completely black.

------End of Flash Back--------

"Well crap..." you stood, head throbbing. Your now sand covered (f/c) track pants hung off of your waist. Your (f/c) tank top and shoes had dirt in all the nooks and crannies.

You growled in annoyance flapping out your shirt, muttering a sting of colorful curses as you did so.

"My, my, what do we have here?" a smooth voice purred.

You whipped around to see someone who looked Arthur. He dressed in a loose, white button down shirt with a blood red coat over top, and brown trousers. He had the same blonde hair, same eyebrows, and was the same height. The only things different would be the mischief in his bright green eyes and the arrogant smirk that adorned his face.

"Arthur?" you asked.

His smirk widened. "That's Captain Kirkland to you, wench."

One of you eyebrows shot up in disgust and annoyance.

"Excuse you?" you glared at him. You were always rather sassy.

He looked surprised that you didn't cower away from him.

He stepped towards you, so close that his nose was nearly touching yours. But you didn't back down, you matched his glare.

"You are quite interesting love," he murmured. "I like that."

You growled in his face. "Look it you Pirates of the Caribbean reject," you snarled. "I do not have time for your bull shit right now."

The pirate chuckled. "What a mouth you have their wench," he grabbed your chin between his thumb and fore finger. "I might just need to close it."

"You have about 3 seconds to get your hands off me before I kick you so hard you future self will hurt."

"You wouldn't - " he was cut off by his own cry of pain. He dropped to his knees in the sand. "Bloody Hell!"


Arthur was currently trying to find a way to bring you back to your time period. As he rummaged through books and loose papers that littered his desk, he felt a sharp pain in his lower half. He cried out and nearly fell of the chair.

"Bloody Hell _______! If that was her I swear," he muttered low under his breath, regrouping.

-----Back to You---------

You stalked away from the pirate and into the town area. You sighed in irritation. You had no way of getting back without magic or anything!

You strolled into a pub and took a seat at the counter and ordered, resting your head in your arms in exhaustion.

You could hear gruff snickers behind you and loud footsteps making their way over to you. The bartender came back and slid your mug of booze over to you. Unfortunately, it never made it.

A large, filthy hand blocked it before you could snatch it. You looked up to see a man, probably in his late twenties. He had dark brown hair and reddish brown eyes. He loomed over you with two other men at his sides. He lifted your beer and took a swing from the mug.

He looked down at you and chuckled. "This here is a man's drink little lady," he stumbled closer to you. "This also be a man's pub, now run along lass." the men all laughed.

You glared at him incredulously. "Make me." you spat defiantly.

He seemed slightly taken aback. But he smirked evilly and leaned in close to your face, his arms creating a cage around you. "Gladly."

He made an attempt to grab you but you swiftly grabbed the closest, pointed object (which was a fork) and jabbed it through his right hand, then brought your elbow around his neck and slammed his face onto the bar counter, knocking him unconscious.

"Anyone else!?" you shouted as another two came at you. You grabbed your mug and slammed it into the closest one's face. Everyone heard the sickening crunch of the man's nose breaking and cringed. He held his now bloody nose and back away.

The next one came behind you and looped his arms under yours. You struggled to get free. The men all laughed. One came over and threw punches to your face. You could see darkness at the corners of your vision. You saw the fist fly towards you and you quickly dodged it so it hit the man behind you. You took the opportunity to shove the man holding you back against the counter and kick off of him, your foot colliding with the man who was punching your face's face.

"That all ya got!?" you shouted as all of the men backed away from you, now standing perfectly still. You turned around to see Arthur. Well, pirate Arthur.

"What did I talk to you blokes about?" the Brit growled at the apparent crew men. "You never hit a woman!" He slammed his fist into the gut of the man you stabbed with the fork. No, not a fist. A knife.

The crew mate sputtered blood from his mouth and slumped on the bar stool.

You gasped and backed up. You held up your hands in defense. "Whoa there blondie! That was rather uncalled for."

Arthur shifted his gaze towards you. He eyed the bruises on your cheek bones and the split lip. "Who else hit you?"

The last thing you needed was blood on your hands.

"No one, it was only him." you said coolly. You made your was towards the pub door only to be grabbed roughly by the shoulder and pinned to the wall.

"I said," pirate Arthur nearly roared. "Who. Else. Hit. You?"

"And I said," you matched his growl. "only him." Your glare hardened. "You put your hands on me again and I cut them off." you snarled in his face.

Arthur huffed and stepped away from you. "Everyone back to the ship, we're setting off tonight," he turned to you with a smirk. "You too lass!"

You turned to face him. "Haha no." you said nervously.

As you were about to make it through the door of the pub, a slick, silver blade was placed between you and freedom.

"Come again dear?" Arthur counters.

"God damn it." you mutter in defeat.

------Time Skip-----------
You were pushed onto a large, old looking ship by the blonde captain. You nearly tripped over your own two feet.

"Keep walking!" shouted a crew mate. You shot him a sharp glare and he quickly shut his mouth.

Pirate Arthur merely grinned at you.

Arthur held onto you tightly with one arm around the middle. Trapping your arms to your sides. "Now, now lass, there will be plenty of time to pick fights when we're at sea." he laughed leaning close to your ear.

"You disgust me." you spat.

He looked at you with mock hurt. "I'm offended my love."

"Who said I was your 'love' you creeper."

"What is a creeper?"

"I don't have to answer that."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't"

"Yes you do! I am the captain of this ship and whatever I say goes!"

"I'm the captain whatever I say goes." you mocked childishly.

"Stop acting like such a bloody child all of a sudden!" he shouted at you.

"It's not a phase mom it's who I am!"


"Captain!" a crew member shouted. All of the members had been staring at you both, trying not to laugh at your antics with the pirate. "We're ready to set sail!"

Arthur smirked. "Fantastic! Set course for the west!" he commanded his crew. You watched him with a pining curiosity.

You snapped back into reality. "Wait, we're actually setting out? Isn't this the part where you discover that you don't have to take me with you because you know I will be of better usage on land or something?"

Everyone ignored you as the sail were cast out and the incline to get on the ship was loaded back on deck.

"Well, I believe this would be my cue to leave so uh, bye!" You muttered backing towards the ships edge.

"Grab the girl!" someone shouted as you made a dead run for the ships dock. As you reached the edge and jumped, a strong pair of arms grabbed you and pulled you back. You screamed in frustration. You elbowed the man in the stomach and he promptly released you. You grabbed the nearest weapon, a wooden club, and began smacking anyone who came near you with it. You nearly fell over as the massive ship lurched forward.

"All. I. Want. Is. To. Get. Back. Home. So. All. Of. you. Just. Fuck. Off!!" you yelled each word with a hit to a crew member.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Arthur shouted. You all stopped fighting and stared up at the furious captain. "You," he pointed a small gun in your direction. "Get to my cabin and wait for me there. Allistor, bring her." a tall ginger haired man stood up from his previous seat on a barrel near the mass. He groaned and chewed on the end of his cigar. He strolled over to you and lightly tugged on your hand.

"C'mon lass, no use fighting it, we're already far away from the docks." he muttered in a thick Scottish accent. You sighed and did as he said.

Just kidding.

You tried to maneuver your way away from him but he grabbed you around your torso and pinned your arms to your sides. "Let go of me! Who the hell do you think you are!? I have my rights!" you holler.

"Jeez, you can't make this easy for me can ye?" he groaned.

You thrashed in his arms, letting out protests as you went below deck.

You both finally made it to the captains quarters and Allistor nudged you inside.
"In ye go lass."

"Please, you don't understand. I'm not from this time! I need to get back to my home in 2014!"

:Allistor looked at you with confusion in his big green eyes. "Did ye hit yer head during the fight or something?"

"No! I'm serious!"

The red head sighed. "Just wait here for Arthur okay? Talk to him about it."

You growled in irritation. "Fine. But if he tries any fun business-"

"Nah. Artie may be a pain in the arse but he is a gentleman. More or less." Before you could reply, he ever so casually, shoved you into the room and locked it.

You cursed under your breath and examined the room. It was dimly lite, but you could make out certain objects. There was a large book shelf on the farther side of the room beside a desk and a large chair. Adjacent to that was a large king size bed with gold and red lace trimmed the edges of the red comforter. Maps and paintings of the sea hung on the wooden walls.

You sighed to yourself, knowing escape was futile. You plopped on the comfy bed and laid on your back, staring blankly at the ceiling.

How the heck were you supposed to get home now?!

You put your fore arm over your eyes and began to cry. Why did this have to happen to you? The reality finally set in. Can you never leave? Will you ever see your family again?

You lashed out. You stood up and threw a fist directly against the wood wall. You could hear the sickening crunch of bone as you did so. You were about to turn around and most likely break something else until you were grabbed from behind. Strong arms hooked yours through your elbows. You struggled to get free and shouted.

"Let go of me!"

"Would you relax?!" yelled back a British accent.

You continued trashing around. Pirate Arthur grew tired of your action and tossed you on his bed, getting on top of you and holding you down. "I said, relax."

You finally gave up and began breathing hard. Arthur ran a gloved thumb down the side of your face. "Now, why is such a pretty girl crying?" he asked softly.

"Like you would care." you grumbled, rather uncomfortable with the closeness.

"Allistor already told me about you not being from this time. I believe you."

Your (e/c) eyes widened in shock. "R-really?"

"Yes, and I know how to get you back," the blonde rolled himself off of you and sat at your bed side. He took your injured hand and inspected it. He then reached into the small nightstand drawer and rummaged around for a moment. When he pulled out a while length of gauze. Cautiously, so as not to spook you, he wrapped it around your hand and tied it.

"Thank you." you said finally looking up at him.

"Y'know, you still haven't told me your name yet." the pirate mused.

"__________." you said softly. "I believe I'm good friends with your future self."

Pirate Arthur chuckled. "Understandable. I guess if you weren't you would be somewhere much worse." he thought for a minute, green eyes growing dark. "Like with a certain french frog I am oh so honored to be acquainted with." sarcasm laced his words.

You couldn't help but laugh.

Arthur smiled. He thought you had a rather musical laugh. "Y'know, you are quite lovely when you aren't attacking my crew, or my wall for that matter." he gesture to the dent and splitting wood of where your fist was.

You let out a dry laugh. "Appreciate that."

He smiled at you and stood. Arthur walked towards his desk and sat at the large chair. Grabbing a few different color bottles, he opened them and dumped various ones into a small glass.

You watched over his shoulder in awe as the liquids merged together in a swirl of shades and colors.

There was a large puff of smoke and Arthur turned to you. "It's ready."

"Well that was fast." you stated.

Arthur ignored your comment and handed you the swirling glass. "Drink this, it will get you back home."

You gingerly took the glass in your good hand. "Are you sure this will work?"

"Yes, you will be fine." he assured you.

There was an awkward silence. "Well, thank you Cap. I don't know how to repay you."

He smirked. "I can think of a few things." he closed the gap between you both. His surprisingly soft lips crashed down onto yours. You stiffened at first, but you still melted into the kiss. He pulled you in front of him and placed you in his lap, making you straddle his narrow hips. He laced his fingers through you (h/c) hair, making you unable to get away from him. Your soft fingers laced themselves behind his neck and pulled him closer.

This continued for a good while until you both decided air was needed. You both broke off, panting and smirking.

Arthur let go of your hair and reached around his neck. When his hands came back around, they held a gold chained, ruby necklace. He clipped it around your neck and ran his fingers down the shining chain. "If you ever want to come back here, all you have to do is hold this, and think of me."

He lightly kissed your cheek and handed you the potion. You nodded and took it from his hands.

"Thank you Arthur, I'll see you in couple hundred years."

He chuckled without any humor. "They will be long ones."

You downed the potion, trying not to gag at the bitter taste. The thick liquid slithered and burned down your throat.

Suddenly, you felt as though you were falling, the world around you spun and you blacked out.

-------Time Skip----------

"________! __________! Wake up!"

Your eyes fluttered open to see another pair of green ones staring back at you.

"Arthur?" You quickly looked around and saw that you were back in modern Arthur's basement. He looked at you with worry until you pulled him down by the neck into a hug. "I promise I'll pay attention in your magic classes!"

He went stiff but soon wrapped you in a tight embrace. "Don't worry love, as long as your safe," he paused and looked at the ruby around your neck. "I remember this necklace," he muttered and trailed off into thought.

You laughed. "Boy, you have a crappy memory." you said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

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