Love was a story that couldn'...

By MrsTomlinson612

228 10 6

Ariel has always struggled with school and bullying but now a new guy has shown up at school she may not be s... More

A new year a new me
He live down the road
The start of something new
What am I gonna do.
Saterday nights alright for talking
Music is my spirit animal
Spring break.
Wake me up.
This is a song about a girl.
Sun sand and self harm.
I'm so sorry.
Im never letting you out my sight
Gig night
Let's fucking go have some fun.
Do we have to say goodbye
Love was a story that couldn't compare
Met the parents
Welcome back
Prom shopping
Prom shopping part two
New start
Bedroom walls and silent calls
Stay alive.
Goodbye my love
Gone to long
Your beds now full
Lets run away
Packing bags and glam rags
Fly away
Learn to fly.

Where did I go wrong

4 0 0
By MrsTomlinson612

Ariel's P.O.V.

I stormed down the street with the sun beating down on my in my black Blink-182 jumper and torn jeans. My scuffed black vans carried my feet along the ground.

I got to the door of Patty's house and Battered the door.
"Hey what's up." Jason opened the door shocked to see me.
"Where the fuck is he!" I yelled at him.
"That's what we all would like to know." Jason ushered me in and I flopped onto the sofa.

"Guys Air's here! Come say hey." Jason called as they all came downstairs.
"Hey Air. You here looking for patty? We all are worried sick. He tweeted about finding himself and there was a photo of the woods near here." Luke was staring at his phone then showed me the photo.
"That little piece of shit! I swear that I'm gonna stay here until he gets back I swear I'll cut his balls off! I can't have him run away from you guys two days in a row!" I screamed before hitting the wall. I didn't do damage to my hand or the wall but it did make me jump in pain.

I slid down the wall crying. Luke came over and sat with me. I pulled him into my embrace. I cried into his chest as I began to shake. I could feel the Panic Attack coming but I couldn't stop it. I start trying to fill my lungs with air and I let go of Luke. I put my head in my hands and I rock back and forth. I knew Luke was there but I couldn't see him. He just kept talking to me but his voice was inaudible.

I don't know how long I was in the attack but I remember just falling into Luke's arms and breathing heavily. Luke stood me up and sat me down next to emma. We all just say there together in silence.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled
"Sweetie there is no need to be sorry you just remember that We are all here to help you and remember Patty is a homing Pigeon. He will come home soon.

As if on Que. the door swung open. Patty entered and I stood up. I was ready for battle.

"Where the Fuck have you been!?" I yelled
"What do you care?" He tried to get past me but I ran to the stairs so he had no where to go.
"I care because I'm your girlfriend! Sorry to remind you of that fact! I kinda care a hell of a lot about you."
He tried to get past me and I grabbed his wrist.
"Don't you dare try to get away from me when I'm talking to you!"
Before I could even breath again he grabbed my arm with his other hand and threw it back before pushing me.
"Dude You don't hit girls!" Karim shouted.
"Karim please I've got this." I shouted turning my head to face him before snapping it back to patty.
"You mean like this?" Patty shouted before he swung for me. He missed and I slapped him across the face
"No more like this." I spat at him.
He managed to grab the neck of my jumper and pulled me in close to him.
He looked me in the eye, I could tell this wasn't the patty I fell in love with.
His leg rose and in an instant I was doubled over in Pain.

I got up and managed to hit him in the Stomach. This was nothing compared to the fact he picked me up and threw me into the wall. I could tell he knew that he had gone to far. My eyes rolled back. I lost all feeling.

Patty's P.O.V.

"What have I done." I broke down. We called 999 and the police where on the way to take me to the station.

I knew I would spend the night in a cell. I feel terrible.

Emma's P.O.V.

Air was out cold. I sat there with her on the floor as I had to watch one of my best friends get taken to jail. I knew he would be out by morning.

Ariel was lifted into an ambulance and Jason got in the back.
Karim, Luke and I just drove behind in silence. I was so stunned by patty. I had no clue what happened to him.

Pulling up into the hospital and having to wait in the Waiting room of A&E for hours was not fun at all. Jason came out and joined us and we all sat there. Jason had let some tears fall as had I. I was so scared we would loose her.

*time skip*

Two hours had become three and A doctor approached us. We had been joined by Dan and Phil by now.

"Are any of you related to Ariel Howell- Lester?" The doctor asked.
"We are her parents." Dan spoke standing up with Phil.

They walked away and after about a half hour they had come back.
"What's up with her is she okay." Jason asked.
"Well she's got a head injury that's knocked her out . She could be like that for a day or two, we don't know. She's in room 3 of ward 4 on floor 6 if you want to go see her. We have been but it's just to much." Dan held phil's hand as he cried to us.
"We'll go see if she's okay and then go. Thanks Guys." Karim smiled and lead the way.

We got up there and there she was. In the room completely alone.

She lay there lifeless ...

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