Autophobia || Liam

By niallspopsicle

1.5K 136 60

Autophobia Noun A fear of one's self Copyright @Niallspopsicle © More

Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Sequel Info


16 4 2
By niallspopsicle

"It's broken in three different places." Dr. Lee pointed out on the X Ray. "I'll send a nurse to get your foot in a cast. Should be out of here in less than an hour."

They were left to themselves. "I'm so stupid. I knew better than to put my foot right in front of the damn ball." Hanna slammed her tiny fist onto the hospital exam bed, making the bag of ice fall off her foot. "I'm sorry I ruined our date."

Liam shook his head. "You didn't. Don't worry. We'll get back to the bus and we'll get that foot propped up like the doctor said to and we'll watch movies. Sound like a plan?"

Hanna nodded.

A busty nurse in a sickly green and purple patterned scrub outfit stepped into the room. "Hello, Hanna. My name is Jayla and I'll be putting your cast on. Have you decided on what colour?"

"I'd like to have the light purple one, please." Hanna squeezed Liam's hand, trying to redirect her focus when Nurse Jayla started to adjust her foot so the cast wouldn't be able to slip on and off.

After the cast was on and Hanna was given crutches and information on how to use them, they exited the hospital. The car was waiting, idling by the curb.

The ride back to the hotel was quiet, Hanna having fallen asleep due to Liam playing with her hair. Liam woke her when they arrived. "The love birds are back!" Niall announced when Liam opened the door to the huge penthouse they were rooming in for the next three nights. "What the fuck happened?" Niall inhaled some popcorn, as if it were the last bag of popcorn on the entire universe.

Hanna slumped into the overstuffed couch. "It's my new move called "put your foot in front of a bowling ball as it falls off the ledge." Liam stuck a pillow under her foot. "It's broken in three different places."

"Can I sign?" Niall asked.

Hanna nodded. "After," she stopped him as he neared her cast with a sharpie. "Liam does."

Liam smiled and smugly took the sharpie from the pointing boy and scribbled his name across the top of the cast, adding a smiley face and a heart next to them. "Here ya go, Irish."

"Shut up." He mumbled as Niall etched his name onto the purple cast. "Be careful, Hanna."

"I usually am." Hanna laughed half heartedly.

Silence followed suit but was broken by the shrill, annoying ringtone that blasted from Hanna's phone. "Liam, can you hand me that?" Liam nodded. "It's my mum."

Hanna slide across the screen. "Hello? Mum?"

"Hanna! How are you doing?" Her moms voice sounded way to preppy for how late it was over there in California.

"I'm doing fine. I broke my foot bowling just a few hours ago."

"It seems like you're having fun. Are you eating?"

Hanna looked over at Liam, who sat across the room, watching, waiting for Niall to move his arse off the couch. "Yes, mum. Liam makes sure I am."

"That's good! Well, I called to inform you that your brother will be visiting in a week. Do you think you can make it back and spend some time with your brother? I know you two have missed each other very much."

Hanna was so ecstatic to see her brother after months, she almost started crying. "Yes! I'll be there!"

The two hung up. "What was that about?" Liam asked, finally moving to where Niall sat just seconds before since he finally got tired and went to sleep.

"My brother, Jared, is coming to California to visit in a week. And my mom was wondering if I could go back home, to Cali, to visit with him. And I said yes."

Liam felt his heart drop. Hannas been away from him before. But not states away. They were halfway across America from California! "For how long?"

"I don't know, she didn't say."

"Will you come back after he leaves?" Liam asked, hoping she would.

Hanna shrugged. "I've been with you guys for almost two months I think. I should spend some time with my mom and my brother longer than how long my brother will be there. And besides, I kinda need to have my laundry done."

"You have people who do it for you?" Liam asked, shocked. Hanna didn't seem like the type of person who would have others do her laundry.

Hanna hid behind her hair. "My moms been wanting me to focus on my rehab and recovery, which I have done so much better since I've been on tour. She makes sure that little stuff like laundry isn't a worry for me. Don't worry, she said once I'm fully healed, I'll go back to doing my own laundry."

Liam took her hand that was resting on his knee as she laid against his body, snuggling close for warmth. "Answer me honestly; will you ever be 100% recovered."

Hanna sat up and took both of Liams hands. "As long as I've got you by my side, no matter the distance, I'm sure I will be. But I can't do this without by my side. Listen, this will take time and there will be times when I relapse. And I don't need you telling me that everything will be okay. Because it won't. I need you by my side, as a crutch."

Liam smiled. "I'll be there. No matter the distance, the time, the place. I'll be there at every downfall."

"I love you, Liam." The words slipped through Hanna's mouth like it was sliding down a hill of freshly fallen snow.

Liam took in a sharp breath. "I love you, too, Hanna."


I thought wattpad deleted what I had written and I was about to flip out.

- Emily x

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