The Secret Billionaire (In Se...

By j_alharthy

1.2M 49.9K 2.5K

Meet Randell Neville- A 25 year old billionaire who has It all. He's bright,caring,thoughtful, and a successf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note:
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Authors Note:
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Author's Note:
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Author's Note:
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Author's Note:
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 16

18.3K 693 54
By j_alharthy

                  Randell's POV

"Have a safe trip  In Chicago" Connor said as he was pouring some wine Into my glass.

He must have noticed my silence.
A while ago, I was busy checking on Kendras posts when suddenly he came In my condominium.

"Thanks bro" I gave him my fake smile

He handed me my glass and I gladly accepted It.

He sat on the couch; as he was waiting for me to open up a topic

To be honest, I really don't know what to say. Should I tell him what happened between me and my dad?. I know that he can help me but I just don't want my friend getting involve In such problems.

The problems I'm facing now are too heavy to handle. And all of this are eating my mind right now. I've been preoccupied lately.

After all, not all rich people are happy with their lives. Some people thinks that we already have all the happiness In the world. But they're mistaken. For me, real happiness Is not about material things only. True happiness Is when your surrounded by your love ones. And that Is the thing that money can't buy.

"I saw Kendra's recent posts In facebook" Connor looked at me as he was waiting for my reaction

"Yeah. It's almost her wedding day" I said as I stood up to get some more wine.

"Well have you seen these?" He asked as he was giving me his Iphone 6 plus.

My eyes suddenly widen when I saw that she's still wearing the engagement ring that I gave her when we were about to get married before.

Seriously?!..Is she trying to pissed me off?!..I don't know what she's trying to imply but I'm pretty sure that whatever It Is ...It's not good.

"I guess you were too busy looking at her face that you haven't noticed the engagement ring you gave her" Connor said as he was waiting for me to laugh.

"I don't love her anymore" I said as I emphasized each word.

Did I really move on?. Did my feelings for her really fade away?. Do I still want to be with her?. Those are the questions that me (myself) don't know the answers. I just want to act as If Im okay; I hope Connor believed.

"Just like that?. You'll let her marry with another man?"

I know what my friend wants to know. He just want to caught me If I still love Kendra. He just won't go straight to the point.

"Stop beating around the bush..will ya?" I chuckled

"Hey I was about to outsmart you bro" he protested

I just shook my head and started drinking more wine.

After a while, I feel tipsy.

I saw Connor drinking a lot of wine too. But he still looks okay. I envy him for that -.-

"I'll be going now"  he said as he took his Iphone 6 plus and coat as well.

I waved goodbye at him and as soon as he left, I went straight to the bathroom to vomit.

I vomit a lot of wine. Wasted-,-

I went to my bedroom and started lying down on my king-size bed.

I wanted to change my clothes but I feel too lazy to get up. Now I smell bad-,-

As I rest my head on my pillow, I felt as If something Is there.

I removed my pillow and saw the picture frame of my mom (I'ts my mom's picture).


15 years ago..

I was 10 years old. And Marko was 12.

We were very close during that time. We were inseperable. Marko always see to It that we wear the same clothes everyday; We were like twins.

I am always being bullied In our school while Marko Is the powerful one. No one gets In his way. They were all afraid of him. He always protects me from the people who bullies me.

Were both bright In our class. I graduated Valedictorian during our grade school days and Marko Is the salutatorian.

When It comes to our hobbies, he prefers playing chess all the time. As of me, I'm addicted In playing videogames.

I was a mama's boy and he's a papa's boy.

We never quarrel during that time. We see to It that were always happy.

Until one day....

I was playing videogames alone. Marko was In Greece together with dad. I decided to go to my parent's room to check on mom. She told me she's not feeling well.

When I opened the door....

I caught my mom kissing another guy. My mom was astonished when she saw me. And she told me not to tell It to our dad. I was 12 during that time ( a kid that Is afraid and doesn't know between what Is right and what Is wrong).

I followed my mom's orders. I was afraid that our family might torn apart If I will tell dad about It. I find It hard to keep my secret as days goes by. I find It hard to sleep each night . My conscience Is killing me slowly deep inside.

I just can't understand  during that time why mom should cheat on  dad. Dad gave her everything she wanted. He made her happy.

Dad trusts her so much and she knows It.

I didn't tell Marko about this too. I don't want him to feel as if his disgust of his own mother. I want him to be happy. And If It means keeping a secret--then so be It.

I was able to keep Mom's secret for quite a long time. Whenever Marko and Dad are out; the same guy who kissed her before always goes to our mansion.

And I was there; pretending to be blind. Hoping that this Is all just a dream. Perhaps a nightmare.

And that day came, ( the secret I've been keeping for so long was finally revealed).

Dad and Marko went to Greece to visit our Uncle Chris. While mom insisted to stay In the mansion. I wanted so much to go with Dad and Marko (that's the only solution I can think of In order to prevent myself from seeing the guy who goes In our mansion). Unfortunately, Dad ordered me to stay with mom; so that someone will be there for her.

"Dad..please let me go with you" I cried as I was holding his legs; not letting him go

"We'll be back by Thursday morning Randell, we'll just visit your Uncle Chris. Besides, your mother needs you here" dad said as he was trying his best to unlock my hands from his legs

"But dad...we have so many housemaids and drivers that can stay with mom" I said

Dad ordered his bodyguards to get me ; I was helpless.

Dad and Marko left; and I was In the mansion with mom..again

I decided to stay In my room. To avoid  the problem and to run away with It as well. I slept for a long time. When I woke up; I decided to go downstairs. As to my surprise, Dad Is there yelling at mom and the guy as well.

It turns out that Dad and Marko's flight has been cancelled; due to some conflict with the flight schedule. Their flight was delayed and was moved tomorrow.

Dad got really mad and he ordered mom to go out of our mansion..and our lives as well.

Mom was begging for forgiveness from Dad. But It was all too late. What's broke Is already broke and cannot be fixed again.

Me and Marko were able to see for our own eyes how our dad drag our mother all the way out of our mansion. And as for mom's guy, dad sentenced him to prison.

Since dad Is the powerful one, he was able to get me and Marko. From then on, we haven't see our mom. We haven't hear a thing from her ever since. Also, I admitted to Dad and Marko that I've been  hiding mom's secret all this time. Dad became so disappointed of me. He got mad ; but he was able to forgive me. As for Marko, he became mad at me. And that Is the reason why he acts bad towards me. He still didn't forgive me until now. He says I'm weak and stupid for letting our mom hurt our dad. After graduating highschool, he insisted to study college In Greece. Dad allowed him; knowing that Marko doesn't want to stay with me any longer.

Marko lived In Greece for 10 years. Dad visits him every month. He lived with Uncle Charles. And he was able to finish college  with a course of  BSBA Entrepreneurship. In my case, I finished college here In New York with the course of  BSBA Entrepreneurship as well. I was suppose to take up doctorate course but dad forced me to take up the same course as Marko took. He told me that me and Marko will be the succesors for his businesses. I wasn't able to do anything . I followed all the things he told me. That's the only way I can do to make It up to dad.  For what I did In the past.

*end of flashback*

"I love you mom; despite everything you've done" I said as I was hugging the picture frame. Tears came out of my eyes and I decided not to control It; to let It all out.


Thanks for reading my story guys!:))..please vote and put a comment. Godbless all of u!:)

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