Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina F...

TaigaClaw द्वारा

531K 21.7K 35.3K

A small café two blocks from the university. A jock/bad boy who everybody knows and love. A quiet, shy pre-me... अधिक



13.2K 543 701
TaigaClaw द्वारा


"Do you think he'll wake up?"

"I'm positive. The drug isn't supposed to kill people. Just knock them out long enough to do what we did."

"You're so smart, Karin! I can't believe we didn't think of this sooner!"

"That's why you girls need me in your lives."

What is really going on? I don't remember anything. What happened to me anyway? Why can't I remember anything?!

I shifted a bit, trying to open my heavy eyes but my dying head wouldn't let me.

"Karin!" A screeched increased my headache. "He's waking up!"

"Good," a calmer voice intruded. "Then that means that it's time he faced his punishment."

I managed to utter, "What punishment?"

My eyes finally opened to reveal the familiar girl I've seen thousands of time befote wrapped in a white bathrobe with Karin standing next to her, looking as casual as ever with the morning sunlight streaming in through the window. It didn't take me long to recognize the soft texture of bed sheets and a thin blanket covering-

Why the hell am I naked?!!!

I shot up, taking the blanket with me making sure I wrapped it tightly around my body.

"What the fuck happened?" I demanded, looking around only to find my clothes on the floor everywhere.

"What do you mean what happened?" Jina! That's her name. Suddenly sat down on the bed next to me, trying to do something. "We some fun last night."

"F-fun?! What kind of fun?!" I snapped, moving away from her. "I don't remember anything."

"You got drunk and came up here where Jina was," Karin explained. "This is her room."

I looked around more confused than ever, "W-what? No, I don't think so."

"So you just wake up, strip naked with a girl in a bathrobe?" Karin wandered over. "Then shall we see some evidence?"

I dared her to show me some evidence. Even when I'm drunk, I was told I was the happy drunk that joked around and laughed a lot then fall asleep. And usually I remember the stupid things I do morning after.

I don't remember a single thing from last night!

A phone flashed before my eyes and a picture made my heart stop completely.

The bare back of a girl was clear and she was sitting on top of some guy's lap, his hands on her hips. Karin swiped to to the next picture to show that the girl was shining with sweat and in the blanket with her chest against... mines?!

That was me?!

"Plenty more where that came from," the girl locked her phone. "And when you have a girlfriend, too. Naruto, Naruto, Naruto! First a bet now you're cheating. Even if I hate that alien I feel so, so, so sorry for her."

"How do you know -"

"I got eyes and ears everywhere," she murmured.

I glared at her, "So I'm guessing these pictures are already circling around campus."

"Or just your group of friends," the red head bitch sighed. "Some friends those two were. They left you here completely alone and didn't even help you -"

However just as she said that, loud banging shook the entire door, "Naruto! You in there?! Naruto!"


"We're coming in!"

One heartbeat later, the door burst open and the girls yelped. Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kiba and Sai were all there with looks like they wanted to kill someone. Each of their fists were curled and had blood coated around their knuckles.

They probably already killed people.

"Hey, Bastard!" Sasuke suddenly snapped. "Did you have a fun night?"

I looked at all of them, bewilderment too overwhelming.

Kiba threw a punch square across my cheek

"I can't believe you!" He then flung my pants at my face. "Get dressed! We're leaving, now!"

My memory slowly started returning as I pulled my shirt over my head. I was at an all - guys party and Suigetsu made me drink. That's when my memory went down.

As we descended down the stairs, I saw guys left and right struggling to get up. Sasuke shot a glare and one of them opened the front door. Sai pushed me once out the door and straight towards Sasuke's Toyota Rav4.

I was stuck in the middle between Kiba and Sai as we made our way back to the dorms. Not a single guy said a word and I almost immediately knew that the photos were definitely out and circulating between them.

But what surprised me the most was when Sasuke made the turn towards the girls' dorms. Oh no... I'm not ready to face Hinata. I know for sure she got the photo. She might've even been the first one.

Sasuke parked the car and almost immediately I was hauled out of the vehicle. Nobody else said anything else as we mad our way up to the floor where Hinata's room was.

We did get a hell of a lot weird looks. I guess four guys transporting a guy like a prisoner is not normal every morning thing. Suddenly, Kiba's punch wound stopped hurting and my heart completely died.

As the elevator opened, I was pushed out and straight up to the door of the room. Shikamaru reached for it and turned, opening it.

"W-wait!" I exclaimed.

Too late, I was pushed again inside, stumbling over some shoes on the way.

"We're here," the rest of my jerk ass friends filed in, taking their shoes off.

Hinata was the first one to look over the shoulder of the coach where all the rest were as well, some cards in her hands.

I quickly drew a breath, my heart rate increased.

"Hinata -"

Hinata got up, putting her hand of cards down. I braced myself a bit, I know she's angry. I know she's about to punch me or slap me. I'm not going to say or do anything. It was my damn fault and I'm going to take it like a man.

Her hand is raised about to come down on my right cheek. I shut that eye, bracing for impact.

An impact that never came.

Instead, the familiar soft palm carcassed my cheek, tilting it a bit.

"K-Kiba-kun," she said, softly but sternly, "You hit him too hard."

"Hey, I gotta make it believable."

My eyes widened, completely confused with the sudden plot twist. Make what believable? Hold on! Did Hinata hire Kiba to punch me or something?

My own girlfriend, too!

"Wait, Hinata," I reached up, placing my hand on top of hers. "You're not...angry? Did you not get the fake photos?"

"I-I got them," she admitted. "We all did but the moment we got them, Sasuke and Shikamaru kinda broke in and told us your were drugged."

"So your pretty girlfriend here just devised the plan on getting you out and making the bitches believe that they actually won," Temari added. "Then tomorrow you two show up looking like nothing bad ever happened."

And I'm guessing that Hinata didn't come up with that last part of the plan... It's kinda, lame...

"So now what?"

Hinata's hand left my cheek and grabbed my hand, "Now I have to take care of that bruised c-cheek for you."

A sad smile

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