Young and in Training

By pixie_99368

857 56 4

Agent Anne is training to be the best police officer that ever walked the streets of Freedom, until the myste... More

Chapter 1 - The new one
Chapter 2 - Judgment Day
Chapter 3 - The letter
Chapter 4 - Seeing Red
Chapter 5 - Director Eric
Chapter 6 - Rules of hand to hand combat
Chapter 7 - To who do I owe this pleasure?
Chapter 8 - Our Song
Chapter 9 - Silent Showdown
Chapter 10 - Backstabbing
Chapter 11 - The Dance
Chapter 12 - Mum's Locket
Chapter 13 - Xavier Shaw
Chapter 14 - She will die
Chapter 15 - Good as gone
Chapter 16 - Jack O'Brien Shaw
Chapter 17 - Woman in the black
Chapter 18 - The world doesn't need a hero
Chapter 19 - Head of the field division
Chapter 20 - The maze
Chapter 21 - Game over
Chapter 22 - Unmasked killers
Chapter 23 - He will suffer
Chapter 24 - Freak Show
Chapter 25 - Without a fight
Chapter 26 The Grand Hotel
Chapter 27 - Check mate
Chapter 28 - No more Annie
Chapter 29 - The Void of Darkness
Chapter 30 - Riley Shaw
Chapter 31 - They know
Chapter 32 - Surrounded
Chapter 33 - If I die today, She's dying with me
Chapter 34 - The Final Goodbye


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By pixie_99368

I thought that I had been hurt before in the past, but no one left me in the condition Ed did. The scars he had made on my life still haunted me, and the scar on my neck sticks out like a sore thumb. I was driving through the Freedom gates into the lonely and quite town.

 I tried to hide my scars but it was hard when it was nearing Christmas and the weather is extremely hot. The back of my new car held my suitcases and everything I took with me plus bags of presents and a heart full of hope that they haven't forgotten me, they haven't given up on me, the Anne that tried to save them and succeeded, only they don't know that.

 It has been 3 years since I left that letter on Auntie S' door step, three years since they have heard from me. I have been running and hiding and taking down those people who will kill me and my family. I have been in contact with Mackenzie since I came out of hiding. She was shocked to hear me at first but no one else knows I'm coming home, for good. 

I pulled into the modern drive way in front of the large house. Getting out of my car, I took shaky steps towards the door. I planned to surprise them, one by one, Xavier the last one to know. He was the most important, his fingerprints were still on my heart and every time my mind wanders, it went straight to him. I knocked on the door. Mackenzie opened it, wearing a big grin and bathers. I couldn't lie, she looks a lot better from when I last saw her. She pulled me into a death hug. 'Mackenzie... need to breath' I choked.

'Sorry.' She replied with a sheepish smile. 'Everyone's out back, they don't know you're here.' She tugged my hand leading me out back to where everyone sat around a rectangular table, the sun reflecting off the pool. It looked so inviting and cool. 

Mum's eyes wandered up to me. She let out a scream before knocking over her chair and running towards me, engulfing me in a massive bear hug. I started to cry. Auntie S was still sitting down, bawling her eyes out. I held out my hand to her and she came forward cautiously. 'Anne? Is that really you?' I nodded my head. 'Yes Auntie S, it's really me.' She came forward and played with my hair. I had gone through dramatic changes since I left. I cut my hair to a pixie cut, used dark mascara and eyeliner with black clothing and the occasional red lipstick but not today. She smiled before pulling me away from Mum and crushing me to death with a brutal hug. 'Wow. Someone's stronger.' I laughed before pulling away from both of them. I looked around but failed to find Xavier anywhere. 'Where's Xavier?' I asked. They all pointed towards upstairs. I ran as fast as I could in my strappy black heels and searched all the rooms for him but couldn't find him.

 'Guys, he's not –' I looked down the stair case to see Xavier, grey shirt hugging his body tightly his mouth agape his blue eyes clearly showing a lot of shock. 'Xavier, keep your mouth open any longer and you'll catch flies.' He closed his mouth and grinned at me. I descended the stairs quicker than I ran away from some of the men chasing me. I lept into his arms, thankfully he caught me. 'I missed you so much.' He whispered in my ear before swinging me around then setting me on the ground. He cupped my cheeks with both hands, tucking my short hair behind my ears, tracing the scar still on my neck with his finger, looking at every feature before pulling into another hug and carrying me bridal style outside to the table where everyone was seated. I laughed 'Xavier.'

'Yes?' He smiled cheekily. I ruffled his hair swinging my legs out of his grip and letting my heels find the ground. I grabbed the hand that was still around my waist and said 'you don't have to move that one.' I patted his hand and he kissed my cheek. My heart beat rose and I'm pretty sure you could tell I was blushing. 

Food was already out on the table and the plates were already set, including one for me. I sat next to Xavier and piled my plate up with food. 'Wow Anne. You would think you hadn't eaten for days.' Mackenzie said. We all laughed but the truth is, I hadn't. The last time I ate a proper meal was 5 days ago. I happily ate before announcing I needed to go back to my car. I went out front to find a figure leaning against the bonnet of my car. 'Can I help you?' I spoke. He looked at me before shaking his head and leaving. I rolled my eyes.

 Getting the large bag out of the boot of the car I retreated back up the steps. My car beeped as I locked it, making sure no one could get in. I managed to find the living room before I could find anyone else. They were all bringing boxes with bright wrapping from all corners of the house. They all sat on the couch while I stood looking at the Christmas tree. Xavier pulled me onto his lap before reaching out and grabbing the first present and giving it to Auntie S. It went on like this for ages before I was my turn to give out my gifts. 

I stood and gave them out to everyone before retreating and sitting back on Xavier's lap. 'Think of it as a Christmas gift alongside of the countless birthdays I missed.' Christmas carols were playing softly in the background as they all opened their gifts. I was hoping that they hadn't changed too much from when I last saw them and they would appreciate it. Mackenzie squealed when she opened her box. Inside I had placed a pair of earrings in the shape of M's with little jewels encrusted in the surface. She took out her other earrings and put those on. 'Thank you so much Anne. You know me to well, even after 3 years.' She playfully glared at me before looking in a mirror. I guess something's never change. I shook my head. Auntie S received a new headpiece set for her work at home, I knew she was needing one. I gave Mum a locket with an image of us before I ran. Xavier, I gave him a little coupon book, handmade of course and one of those manly bracelets. 'Thank you Anne.' He whispered before flipping through the pages on the coupon book. It was really cheesy but I didn't know what to do for him. It had things in there like. 'Free dinner.' And 'Movie marathon.' Plus a few others like 'One whole day with Anne.' The cliche stuff. 

He cleared his throat before giving me a bulky envelope. 'I saved these up and brought them every Christmas, hoping you'd show.' He put his arms around my waist and hugged me tighter to him. I flicked through the photos. They were all of us before I ran. Photos of me in hospital with him next to me once the doctors found an infection in my throat from the slit, sleeping on the couch, training with him. Sitting on the beach and the last one was of us, we were sitting on the edge of the pool before Xavier pulled me in after him. The shot was perfect, we were both airborne before hitting the water. I laughed at this one. 

It was then I realized that we were the only ones left in the room. 'Anne.' Xavier spoke. I swiveled in his lap so I could face him. 'Yeah.' I replied but it was more like a whisper. 'Did you miss me?' I searched his eyes. I sighed before leaning down and pressing my lips onto his. He responded within a split second our lips moving in sync. I broke apart but kept my forehead pressed against his. 'Of course I did. Every single time I fought I wished you were there next to me fighting alongside me and every time I had to get stitches, I wanted you there holding my hand telling me everything was going to be alright and every time I sat in the rain waiting for it to stop, I wanted you next to me holding me and keeping me warm.'

'Anne I never got to tell you before you left. Now I have the chance. I love you and I am never letting you go again.' He spoke softly.

'I love you too.' He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and searched inside for something. He enclosed it in his hand before putting them both behind his back. Standing up, forcing me to stand in front of him. 'Which hand?' I giggled before point to his left. He pulled both of his hands from behind his back. 'Correct Anne.' He opened his hand to reveal a white gold charm bracelet with a few charms already attached. First a little hand gun identical to the one that was used on Ed, Second a pair of boxing gloves and thirdly the letter A with diamonds along one side. 'I love it.' I whispered before presenting my hand. He made sure the clasp was securely tightened before pulling me into another hug. I buried my head in the crook of his neck letting him hold me and letting the warmth drag me in.

 There is so much I could say but couldn't find the words for. Instead I just let my emotions roll of in waves letting all the past pain go, all of the guilt, all of the lies and all of the damage. Nothing felt better than that moment. I was with Xavier, I had my family back. I was home.

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