Porcelain Skin || Cake

By kittiemikey

35K 2.5K 1.8K

He loved watching the boys Porcelain Skin glow in the moonlight, as he pretended to sleep. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Read This
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty

836 74 30
By kittiemikey

Luke felt the air rushing past his ears, as he jumped into the unknown abyss. He could faintly hear Michael cursing at him for pushing him in, and Jack shouting  words he couldn't make out from below him. Did Jack find the end of this seemingly never ending fall? Or was his brother still falling. 

His question was answered, as he came into impact with someone. "Oh fuck, who was that?" Luke groaned, standing up. Looking up, he was met with Ashton, Jack, and Michael. "But.." He trailed off, and looked at the ground. Surrounding them were bodies, dead bodies, drained of their blood. They were mostly elderly, and young children. 

"I see you've fallen into our pit." Someone's voice echoed for the darkness surrounding them. Even for their abilities, they couldn't see through it. "Troye." Luke growled, running into the direction of his voice; only to run into some bars, and fall to the ground.

He got back up on his feet, and tried to pry the bars apart from each other. "You won't be able to move them, or break them for that matter." Troye chuckled, walking up into Luke's sight. "Specially made so our kind cannot escape, made in the sixties."

"Where is Calum." Luke growled. He felt Ashton, Jack, and Michael's presence behind him now. "Tell me where he is, now." He grabbed the bars, trying to seem intimidating, even though he was the one stuck in a cage. 

"Shush now Lukey, you'll see your Cally soon enough. I promise you if he'll be alive though." Troye said cracking a devilish grin. "Who know's. He might be dead right now." The boy said, crossing his arms, still grinning. 

"I swear, If you've laid one finger on Calum I'll-"

"You'll do what? Bare your fangs at me? Please Luke, you're stuck in a fucking cage." Troye chuckled, making Luke clench his jaw. "Face it Luke, I've won. Soon enough Niall will be mine, Calum will be out of the way, and so will you, and your..friends." Troye sent a disgusted look to the boys behind Luke. 

"Put a light on me." Troye shouted, and lights only surround the cage turned on. Michael wanted to puke, now that the bodies around them were lit up. He may be a vampire, but he was new to this, and he preferred to kill the animals. "Bring Calum out." Troye said, whilst staring at the now seething Luke.

A cloaked person came into view, carrying a chair. A chair that held a tied Calum to it. The latter's white t-shirt was stained red in places. His arms had rope burns all over them, and he had a rag stuffed in his mouth. Brown eyes were hooded over, with exhaustion, and from the torture he had been put through. 

He didn't even bother struggling against the ropes he was tied with any-more. There was no use in doing so. They'd only make them tighter, and cause his arms and legs to bleed even more than they were.  Troye walked behind the boy, and tugged at his hair harshly, causing his eyes to snap open. "L-Luke." He said with widened eyes, as he saw the blond in front of him.

"What's it like seeing someone you love all battered up." Troye sniggered, poking a bruise Calum had under his eye, causing the latter to wince. "What's it like seeing someone you love in my control." The boy teased, squeezing Calum's busted lip, making tears begin to pour out Calum's eyes again. 

"Stop." Luke begged, wanting to cry himself. "Stop." He said, his voice cracking. Resting his forehead against the bars of the cage, watching Calum cry out in pain, as Troye tightened his ropes around his arms. Soon enough, the ropes will prevent the blood flowing about his body. Soon enough, the ropes will make him die. 

"Make him stop Jack, make him stop hurting Calum." Luke pleaded, turning around to face his brother. "You managed to find me after all these years, you're able to do anything right?" The blond stared at his brother, who stared at his brother with pain in his eyes. "Luke, I may be your big brother, and I may make out I can do anything..but I can't." 

"If Calum dies." Luke said to no one in particular. "Drive one of your stakes through my chest, because I don't want to live if he doesn't. Because all I'll do for the rest of my life is blame myself for his death."

"Luke-" "No, don't." Luke sighed. "I knew I shouldn't of associated myself with him, I knew this wouldn't have a happy ending. But for once in my immortal life, I wanted to be happy with someone." 

"And you call me a sap." Ashton giggled, rubbing his eyes. "Shut up Ashton, I'm trying to have a moment here." Luke chuckled, trying to block out Calum's pained cries. It hurt less to not hear them.

"Oh, Luke!" Troye said, dragging out the 'e'. "What." The blond said harshly, turning to face Troye, but went even paler than he was. Troye had his fangs out, and his face was at the crook of Calum's neck.

Calum's eyes were wide in fear, his body was paralysed in fear. All he could do was focus on Luke's baby blue eyes. "Troye, don't you dare." Luke said, now terrified. He may seem like a fearless person, but when it came to Calum, he was terrified for him.

"I thought you'd want this Luke." Troye hummed, piercing a small bit of Calum's neck of his teeth. "I thought you'd want to spend forever with him. I thought you'd want someone, or maybe yourself, to turn Calum into one of us.  Out of all the people, I thought you'd want this to happen."

"Calum doesn't deserve to die, he doesn't deserve to be turned into what disgusting things we are." Luke hissed. He didn't even care if he offended Ashton, Michael, Jack, anyone. "I'd rather you drive a fucking wooden stake through my chest."

"Too fucking bad." Troye growled, before hissing, and driving his teeth straight into Calum's neck. The latter screamed out in pain,  as Troye sucked harshly bringing the blood out of him. 

Suddenly everything flashed white, but not only for Calum.

A/N: I'm so bad at updating and making good chapters hi. 

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