If Only You Remember | Zayn M...

By Itskennedy112233

245K 6.5K 505

*Slowly being revised* All it took was for him to become famous and forget. For him to go on x factor and lea... More

~If Only You Remember Prolouge~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 1~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 2~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 3~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 4~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 5~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 6~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 7~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 8~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 9~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 10~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 11~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 12~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 13~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 14~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 15~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 16~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 17~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 18~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 19~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 20~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 21~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 22~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 23~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 24~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 25~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 26~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 27~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 28~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 29~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 30~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 31~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 32~
~if Only You Remember Chapter 33~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 34~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 35~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 36~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 37~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 38~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 39~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 41~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 42~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 43~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 44~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 45~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 46~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 47~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 48~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 49~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 50~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 51~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 52~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 53~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 54~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 55~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 56~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 57~
~If Only You Rememeber Chapter 58~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 59~
~If Only You Remember Chapter 60~
~If Only You Remember Epilogue~
~Author's Note~

~If Only You Remember Chapter 40~

2.7K 85 5
By Itskennedy112233

If Only You Remember Chapter 40

Makayla's Pov:

There was a loud knock coming from downstairs causing me to wake up. I rolled over and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. The knocks kept going in downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled. I looked at my clock to see it was midnight. I walked to my bedroom door, swinging it open and walking down the stairs.

"Stop with the knocking! I'm coming," I snapped since I was in a grouchy mood. I unlocked the door and swung it opened revealing a tired looking Zayn.

His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, and his clothes were disheveled. "Hi," he awkwardly said. I squinted my eyes and rubbed them to make sure I'm seeing things correctly.

"Zayn?" I asked. "Yeah it's me," he nervously chuckled. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Perrie and I got in a fight," he sighed. "Oh," I mumbled.

"Yeah so this is the only place that I thought of first," he shrugged. "Why here?" I crossed my arms and rested against the door frame. He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a small smile.

"Dunno," he said. "Your lucky it's freezing outside or I wouldn't have let you in," I said as I opened the door wider for him.

"Gee thanks," he sarcastically said. "Your welcome," I snickered. I closed the door behind us, making sure to lock it, and made our way to the couch.

"Tea?" I asked. He shook us head and smiled. "No thank you," he said. I nodded and sat across from him.

He sighed and shook his head. "If you really want to know its because I told her she is always out with her brother and it went on from there," he said.

I nodded not knowing what to say. "So I came here and yeah," he said. "Ok you can sleep in Jasmine's room tonight just make the bed," I ordered.

"Sounds good. Thank you," he said. I nodded and said, "Well night. I'm going to bed." "Night Makayla," he waved me off.

I gave him a half wave and walked upstairs. "Wait which door is it?" He called up to me. "I don't know just look for it," I shrugged him off.

I opened my door and closed it behind me. I crawled back in bed before falling asleep again.

Zayn's Pov:

"Which door?" I mumbled to myself. I walked quietly up the stairs and down the three doors of the bedroom. I'm guessing the one with the pictures of Makayla, Jasmine, and Zachary is Jasmine's door.

I slowly opened the door just in case I was wrong, and quietly walked in to see an empty room. The bed was made, all clothes were gone except a few, most of the pictures were gone.

I sighed and closed the door behind me. I relaxed and scanned the quiet room. I walked over to her wall of pictures.

There was a picture of her and her family on Christmas Day. They all were wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Jasmine and Zachary didn't look happy wearing them.

I chuckled and looked at a different picture. If Jasmine found out I was in her room she would literally kill me.

There was a picture of Jasmine and Makayla in California. There arms were wrapped around each other as they posed in front of Malibu Beach.

I remember they went together in vacation with Jasmine's family when we were dating. I pushed that thought away and looked at a few more pictures.

There was one hidden behind a group of photos. I curiously took the picture from behind and scanned it. My eyes widen as I looked at the familiar picture in my hand.

It was a picture of Jasmine and I standing in front of the London Eye sharing our first kiss. I remember having someone take the picture as I surprised Jasmine with a kiss.

We traveled up to London during Winter when it was our month anniversary to celebrate it down in London. It took so,e time to convince her parents and they finally agreed to let me take her down for the day.

It was one of the best days I enjoyed with her of course all that changed when I auditioned for X-Factor.

She became stubborn, hard headed, snarky, and afraid all because of me. I sighed and pinned the picture back on the board. I can't believe she still has this picture after all these years.

I walked towards her bed and turned off her lamp light that was on. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes.

Not having a very good night rest.


"What is he doing here?" I heard someone harshly whispered. "He had a fight and he came here I couldn't leave him out in the cold weather," some else whispered.

"It's Zayn we are talking about here," Zachary's voice came into clear. I shot my eyes opened and looked up at the two standing figures.

Zachary was glaring at me and Makayla stood there awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" Zachary snapped. "Uh," I awkwardly said.

Zachary raised an eyebrow. "Well?" He said. "Oh for god sakes Zachary he had no where to go so the first thing came to mind was here," Makayla rolled her eyes.

"Yeah," I nervously chuckled. I sat up and looked at them. I glared at Zachary. "Explain. Now," I demanded. His eyes widen in surprised.

"Explain what?" He asked. "Where the hell is Jasmine?" I said. Both of their eyes widen as they became speechless. "H-How? I don't know what your talking about," Makayla stuttered.

"You two both know damn well what I'm talking about. Zachary told me yesterday in the Grocery Store," I frowned. "Nice going," Makayla muttered and slapped Zachary on the back of the head.

"Ow," Zachary grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. "That hurt," he pouted. "Suck it up," Makayla said as she crossed her arms.

I raised an eyebrow as I stood up and looked at them. "Are you going to explain or?" I asked. "Well I'm not too sure if Jasmine wants us to say anything," Zachary admit.

"I want to know. Where is she?" I demanded. "Geez ok pushy much?" Makayla said. "She left to visit someone," she said. "Visit who?" I curiously asked.

"Someone we don't know," Makayla shrugged. "Oh really?" I said. They both nodded.

"I don't believe you," I said. "We don't. All I know is she left to visit someone," Zachary said.

Before I could say anything else a knock interrupted us from downstairs. We all looked at each other confused.

We walked out of Jasmine's bedroom and down stairs. The knocks continued till Zachary opened the door revealing that familiar head of blonde.

"Zayn?" Perrie's soft voice said as her eyes locked with mine.


A/n: Hello everyone! Sorry for late update! Here is chapter 40! I have a few things to say. I have two new stories coming soon so look out for that! And I may be only updating on weekends now because of school! Next chapter shall be up soon!(:

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