Porcelain Skin || Cake

By kittiemikey

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He loved watching the boys Porcelain Skin glow in the moonlight, as he pretended to sleep. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Read This
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Nineteen

938 75 29
By kittiemikey

Luke nuzzled his face into, what he thought to be Calum's neck. He snapped his eyes open, and looked at the two pillows bunched together in his arms. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He chanted, getting up off the bed and running to the living-room. "No." He said in disbelief, as he saw Troye wasn't on the couch. 

The man searched the house, looking in every place. He even looked in the cupboards, to see if Troye had hidden Calum to scare him. But no, the newborn did worse. Troye had taken Calum from him, right under his nose. How did he not notice? 

"Jack?" He said in surprise, seeing his brother sitting at the kitchen table. "Oh hey little brother. I thought I would come here, I need to tell you something anyway."


"Y'know how mum died." "Well yeah of course, you told me." Luke rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but I didn't tell you how, or why she died."

"Why would I want to know this." Luke raised an eyebrow. "That's a bit morbid wanting to tell me."

"I think mum was a witch."

"Wait, what? That's kind of rude to call her that."

"No, Luke. I mean, literally. The townsfolk threw her into the river, to see if she'd float. There's a myth that if the woman is a witch, she'll float. If she's not, she'll sink. She floated. They hung her after that."

"I-I." Luke was lost for words. "Calum is missing, I think Troye took him."

Jack's eyes widened. "Um, fuck okay. Go call Ashton and Michael. I'll go get some supplies." So the blond decided to call his best friend, who he hadn't spoken to in awhile, Ashton.

"Hey, Ash?"

"Oh, so he's alive. Well you're not but-yeah." Ashton mumbled, sounding tired. 

"I want to apologise for not talking to you for a week." Luke sighed. "A lot has been going on, things being revealed and everything's shit. I need you to come to Calum and Michael's apartment."

"Why? And is Michael there?" Ashton asked hopefully. 

"No, sorry." Luke frowned. "But please come over, it's important."

"Okay fine. But you have to explain everything to me when I get there."

"Deal." Luke hung up.

Now all he needed to do is call Michael. Hopefully the boy will answer. Ringing, ringing, ringing. 

"What do you want." 

"Listen here asshole. I know you're one of us now." Luke said, immediately getting to the point.

"H-How," Michael cleared his throat. "How did you find out?"

"Troye turned you, didn't he." 

"Who..told you?"

"Jack, he saw you in the woods. But I've got more important matters to discuss."

"Fucking Jack." Michael muttered. "What's so important that you have to call me?"

"Calum's been taken."

"What do you mean 'taken?"

"Troye, Troye took him."

"Fuck, oh my god, shit." Michael mumbled, and Luke could here rustling on Michael's end. "I'll be right over, give me five minutes."


"I didn't know Michael was going to be here." Ashton said, standing awkwardly. "We need all the help we can get. No idea where Niall is, you too are my only friends right now that can help." Luke sighed.

"Since when am I your friend?" Michael chuckled. "Shut up, Michael. Now is not the time." Ashton glared, and Michael pursed his lips. "How are we going to find him then?" 

"Well, I was hoping you'd know some things Michael." Luke said, looking over at the pink haired man, sitting on the couch. "How on earth could I help?" He asked, with a raised eyebrow. "Well you were obviously hanging around Troye at one point, yes? Because you would've had to been, to be turned into one of us." "I-I vaguely remember where he took me." Michael stuttered, staring at his feet. 

"Don't lie to me." Luke said with gritted teeth. "You remember exactly where he brought you, don't you." "I don't want to go down there again." Michael sighed, his shoulders slumping. "It was horrific, I don't want to relive the moments."

"Down where?" Ashton asked softly, sitting down beside Michael, and wrapping his arm around his shoulder for comfort. "There were bodies everywhere-" "Hello, I am back. Your favourite person" Jack announced, walking into the living-room. "What?" He blinked, as Luke glared at him. "Just be quiet for a couple of minutes."

"There were bodies everywhere," Michael cleared his throat. "New-born's tearing them apart, chunks of flesh everywhere. The walls were even painted with the all the victim's blood. I also found out, you know how a lot of murders happen here?" Michael said, his breath wavering. Everyone nodded. "It was actually them. They got the person in their sleep, brought them down there. Killed them, then the older ones cleaned up their bodies. Made sure that it looked like a human had murdered them." 

"Where is this place Michael." Luke asked softly, yelling at the man wouldn't get him anywhere. "T-The basement." Michael stuttered. "What, this basement?" Ashton asked in horror. "Oh my god." He said, putting a hand over his mouth.

"Well then, I guess we better head down there." Jack clapped his hands together.


"You've got everything?" Jack whispered, as they walked down the stairs of the apartment building, down the the basement. "Yes." Luke said back, adjusting the body strap bag he had across his chest, holding at least five wooden stakes. "You'll have to use the stakes wisely. If you end up missing their chests, make sure it doesn't break, because once it's broken, it's broken." Jack told them all. 

They all nervously nodded, thousands of lives depended on them, including Calum's. The thought of Troye doing anything to Calum, made Luke's cold blood boil. He had to save his baby boy. If Luke was going to be honest, if the brown eyed boy died, he'd drive a wooden stake through his own chest.

Jack turned to look at everyone as he reached the basement door. He nodded at them, as if to say 'Ready to go in?'. Ashton, Luke and Michael all nodded in return, and Jack turned to the door. He put his hand on the door knob, and hesitated, before turning it quickly, and bursting into the room.

They all held stakes in their hands, as they ran in. But they were met with a washing machine, sink, and some cupboards above the sink. "I swear to god if you lied to me-" Luke growled, turning to Michael, his eyes turning dark. "I promise I didn't lie!" Michael squeaked, he was terrified of Luke, even if he was one of his kind. 

"Then where the fuck is 'Down There'?" Luke said, using his hands to make pretend quotations around 'Down There'.  "I-I, I can't say anything more." Michael bit his lip, and looked around the room, as if he felt someone's gaze on him.

Suddenly the light in the basement turned off, and they were enveloped in complete darkness. At least everyone had enhanced eyesight, or they would've been clueless to what was happening around them. The room started to shake, and the floor started to separate, starting to reveal darkness below them. 

"We're gonna die, we're gonna die. Again." Ashton bit his lip, terrified. "We're not going to die, calm down." Luke pursed his lips. He was acting like he knew what was going to happen, but in fact he didn't have a clue.

"I guess we'll just have to jump." Jack shrugged, and jumped down the hole. The other guys waited, until there was practically no floor left, and their backs were pressed against the wall. "I guess this is it huh." Ashton chuckled. "I love you Michael." He said, and jumped. 

"Of course he had to make this cliché." Luke rolled his eyes, before pushing Michael down, and jumping after him. 

A/N: Goodness me, I wonder what is down there.

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