Broken Pieces (M.C Fanfic) {S...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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Chatper 1 - Hey Everybody.
Chapter 2 - Back to reality.
Chapter 3 - Welcome aboard.
Chapter 4 - Pizza and chill.
Chapter 5 - Thanks for the memories.
Chapter 6 - Food, internet and pajamas.
Chapter 7 - Lessons in heels.
Chapter 8 - Partying is a job.
Chapter 9 - Casa dolce casa
Chapter 10 - Hangover Remedies.
Chapter 11 - Dreaming of far away places.
Chapter 12 - Time to move on...right?
Chapter 13 - Remembering is easy, forgetting is hard.
Chapter 14 - Drama, lies and tears; cheers to teenage years.
Chapter 15 - Seeing things Crystal clear.
Chapter 16 - Stalkings illegal.
Chapter 17 - "We were so different"
Chapter 18 - Do you plan to fall in love?
Chapter 19 - Heart on my sleeve.
Chapter 20 - Sex on the beach...literally.
Chapter 21 - "I want to kiss you."
Chapter 22 - Concealing the truth.
Chapter 23 - Bad decisions.
Chapter 24 - Pretty little liars.
Chapter 25 - 18 again.
Chapter 26 - Come explore with me.
Chapter 27 - Windy City.
Chapter 28 - Coffee Chic
Chapter 29 - I will not choose.
Chapter 30 - Close as strangers.
Chapter 31 - Glowing eyes.
Chapter 32 - Tear in my heart.
Chapter 33 - Taking back mistakes.
Chapter 34 - Sleep as in, same bed?
Chapter 35 - Underwear days.
Chapter 36 - Two new crushes.
Chapter 37 - PCD
Chapter 38 - Crisp Autumn days.
Chapter 39 - Impossible plans.
Chapter 40 - Summer Road Trip pt2
Chapter 41 - She got a boyfriend anyway.
Chapter 42 - We were never easy.
Chapter 43 - A dress with converse.
Chapter 44 - Your not ugly, society is.
Chapter 45 - Disappointment.
Chapter 46 - Words are knives.
Chapter 47 - City lights.
Chapter 48 - Truce.
Chapter 49 - You two look cute together.
Chapter 50 - Stressed out.
Chapter 51 - Quiet home thrill.
Chapter 52 - Boyfriend.
Chapter 53 - Dirty little secret.
Chapter 54 - It's You.
Chapter 55 - I wish you well.
Chapter 56 - No one like you.
Chapter 57 - A rock stars girlfriend.
Chapter 58 - Drama occurs.
Chapter 59 - On the road with your rock star ( ex ) boyfriend
Chapter 61 - Remember me?
Chapter 62 - Flashbacks. High schools a bitch.
Chapter 63 - Hiding feelings.
Chapter 64 - Can you forgive me?
Chapter 65 - One way ticket to my future.
Chapter 66 - Glory days.
Chapter 67 - The show must go on.
Chapter 68 - It must be fate.

Chapter 60 - 2 lies, 1 truth.

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By ShaneDawsonLuvR

"Is he always doing that? Taking videos?" Hanna asked, as she sat on on a single sofa chair in the LA house.

"Doing what?" Calum asked, as he looked from his phone. "Record videos?" Hanna asked. Michael and Tori chuckled together. "He's putting them on twitter. He's updating people." Tori nodded. "Oh...right" Hanna frowned yet nodded.

Calum chuckled, before he let out a quiet cough.

"Any mints of something on you?" She leaned her hand over towards Calum. "Why would I have mints?" He asked. Hanna raised her eyebrows, making him smirk. Moving his ass up a little from the sofa, he took some gum from his back pocket. He placed the packet into Hanna's hand making her smile. "Thank you" She nodded, sitting back.

"Ah, my mom could talk for ages" Spencer sighed, walking into the room. "Whats going on?" Hanna asked, looking up as she began to chew on some gum. "Nothing, just catching up. Havent spoke in a few weeks" Spencer nodded, as she sat down. "I've not spoken to my mom in...a month or something" Hanna told them, as she gave Calum the gum back.

"Why, you used to be so close" Spencer told her. "I know, but with traveling...its been like that since that weekend in Paris months ago" Hanna sighed. "Have you heard from your dad?" Tori then asked. "No...not in months" Hanna sighed, as she crossed her arms.

"That sucks. I hate not hearing from my mom and dad for weeks." Michael nodded. "He's a mommys boy" Tori mocked, as she smiled at him. "Says you, you got daddy eating out the palm of your hand." Michael told her. "Whos daddy's eating what?" Ashton walked into the room, and Calum started to laugh.

"Ew that wrong" He told everyone. People began to laugh. "Wait...what?" Ashton asked confused as he smiled widely sitting down. "Never mind, thats cringey enough" Tori nodded, as she glanced at Michael.

"So guys, heading to Europe in three weeks. How'd ya feel?" Ashton grinned. "The beer man..." Calum smiled, gracefully. "Really? Thats all?" Hanna asked him. "The beer..." He repeated in a whisper making her giggle. "The beer in Germany is awesome" Ashton admitted. Tori sat quietly, as she began to play with her hands.

Michael noticed. Spencer too, and Hanna.

Three people who know her the best, she was caught out.

"You okay?" Michael asked quietly. "Mhm" She lied, as she faked a small smile. He frowned, not convinced.

"Tori, can I ask you something?" Spencer asked as she stood. "Sure..." Tori turned to her. Spencer stared at her. Tori looked at everyone before she stood. Following Spencer outside, she closed the door.

"You havent told him" Spencer told her. "Jeez, what are you CSI? Get off my case Spence" Tori told her quietly. "You have to tell him." Spencer nodded, folding her arms. "I've just told my mom last night okay? I need time!" Tori nodded. "You dont have time. Your two days down now from that phone call, your week is ending and you only have a week left" Spencer told her.

The door opened, and they turned wide eyed to see Hanna walk out. Sighing, they looked at each other again.

"Whats this about?" Hanna asked, closing the door quietly. "Just Spencer...blowing my case" Tori mocked. "They are all planning us to go to Europe. She's going to New York next week..." Spencer pointed to Tori. "She's still getting her head around it Spencer, leave her alone" Hanna frowned. "It'll make it worse dragging it out. Dont avoid the inevitable" Spencer sighed.

"I get it okay! Give me time" Tori sighed, as she turned away. "You guys have to like...keep him good when your away" Tori nodded. "I thought you were going back to New York, for a few months?" Hanna asked. "Yeah, and we'll head back home" Spencer told her. "What? No, you...have to go with them!" Tori turned to the both of them.

"Whats the point? We have work now...we'll head back when you do." Spencer told her. "Oh so, after a month or two on the road thats us finishing. They will be so heartbroken...we cant drop a bomb like that!" Tori told them.

"They'll understand. We have work, like they do. They just perform on stage, and travel. Thats their job. Some of our jobs, require an an office, a phone, emails...and taking notes" Spencer told her. "Sorting fabric, getting coffee for your boss, calling meetings..." Hanna nodded. "And in your case, going to New York to the publishing office!" Spencer told her.

"I cant deal with this. I've just gotten the guilt from Ryan leaving me..." Tori sighed. "Then tell him now" Spencer told her. "Telling him wont make his heart any safer!" Tori snapped a little. "...If I tell him I'm leaving for New York, he'll...hate it." Tori sighed. "Just because Michael is fun, sometimes an ass, and sometimes an embarrassment...doesnt mean he doesnt have a heart." Tori told them.

The girls stood staring at her.

"Of course, embarrassing in a good way. Like...shouting lyrics at he top of his lungs as he...he walks around a store" Tori shrugged. "We're starting to slowly get back on our feet, to something we had...and me leaving means we have to forget about that. I'm scared...that he wont take it" Tori told them, with sad eyes.

"He's not going to be able to take me leaving again, and I...I dont think I can cope without seeing him" Tori's voice broke a little. "Come here" Spencer sighed, as she hugged her. "We understand" She then nodded. "I cant do it...with everyone staring" Tori told them.

"....Calum and Ashton are...heading out soon. Luke's already out, we can go somewhere too. Leaving you guys alone" Hanna gave her a reassuring smile.

"Thank you" Tori sighed, as she closed her eyes for a moment. "Hey, its going to be okay. Dont worry" Spencer told her, smiling.

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