The Bitter Start.

By Dudett902

287 1 0

Aliyah had been in a world full of pain and affliction. She did have a group she could vent out her frustrati... More

The Bitter Start.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six/
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sExteen.
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter twenty.

3 0 0
By Dudett902

  "You're in here to?" Abi grumpily asked and I nodded.

  "I took up your cleaning excuses when you're mad or thinking." I said as I went to the other washer, putting our clothes in.

  "Well what happened between you and Dawson?" Tristan asked as she walked in and plopped down on the dryer.

  "We made up from that fight. We had incredible sex, I ask him a question and he goes defensive right in the middle of us being.. Well us." I said and I looked to Abi.

  "You?" she shrugged.

  "Blaine keeps asking if I've been with other men intentionally, besides him. It's starting to make me angry because I don't want to tell him stuff like that.. I don't like to talk about that stuff, that's what guys do, not girls." I nodded, and I saw Ronny come in.

  "What's crackin'?" she asked and I stayed silent, working on color matching, so Tristan filled her in on what was happening.

  "Wait, what kind of questions did you ask him?" Ronny asked as she hopped up on Abi's dryer.

  "Well, I was being.. Playful with him, teasing him.. And he said, that if I kept teasing him, he'd tease me back.. And well, I said that i'd never saw him teasing, and he said he could.. So I asked if he was ever playful with any of the girls that he messed around with." I said and Ronny's jaw dropped.

  "Both of you are just always so.. Serious, I don't see you two, being playful." she said and I sent her a look.

"he got defensive, saying that it's different for him than it is for me.. Most likely saying 'when I ask about men,  you need to answer right away. For me, I don't have to because I am a guy, and guys just don't talk about their 'fuck around's' with their girlfriends'." I said and Tristan nodded.

  "I was Maddox's first, and he was my first so we don't have that problem. You all are the ones who got the man whores." Tristan said and I sent her a look, the girls sending her looks to.

  "At least when your boyfriends figured things out that they wanted you and you only, they didn't keep sleeping with women." I said and they looked to me curiously.

"I know about the one." Ronny said and I turned to Abi and she nodded.

"Guys, we both admitted that we were each others ones, and he said he knew the moment he found out that I had left home and him, and I wasn't planning on coming back." I said and Tristan put her palm on her face.

" How long before were you two involved? And I'm still angry you didn't tell me." she said and I shrugged

"Since I was eleven? It was the day I came over and you told me a few things that were important to you." I said and her eyes widened.

"Really? That long ago?" she asked and I nodded.

  "So you and Dawson were secret childhood sweethearts." Ron said and I shrugged.

  "If you think that him messing around with my body, while still fucking around with cougars, old women that are 'hot' moms or something, and keeping us secret so we both didn't have to commit- childhood sweethearts? Yup, that was us." I said and the girls turned to me.

  "Yours is so much more complicated then mine is." Abi said and I shrugged.

  "It's gotten better.. I mean, really, these past few months have been dream-moments for me, Dawson's committed to me, and I feel like he's being serious about it because he tells me stuff, he talks to me, but.. He just won't talk about other women, and I want to hear about them. I think he thinks I'll get angry and jealous like he does when he asks me something man related." I said and the girls laughed.

"Well do you?" Tristan asked.

" I don't know. He doesn't give me a chance. I think I'm fine, unless he says she's hot or something.. If he talks about the girls more than just being informational, I think all girls would just get mad and jealous." I said and Abi walked to me and hugged me.

" I know what you mean." she said and I nodded.

" Maybe we should all.. Hold out, get our guys to talk about their ex girls.. Because well, if we don't push them, they'll think it's ok to hide these things from us." Ronny said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, because our last scheming plan of holding out went so finely." I said and she laughed.

"Well that was different, this is for a reason." she said.

"What's for a reason?" Blaine asked as he came in and we all shut up immediately.

He looked at all of us, raised eyebrow.

"They-" Abi

"I-" Ronny

"We-" Tristan

"Training-..." we all cut each other off and they looked to me. I couldn't lie! Why were they looking to me for answers? What am I supposed to say?

"The girls.. Abi.. Tristan, Ronny, and I.. Uhh, are going to.. Teach Abi how to train and fight!" I came up with an excuse and the girls went with it, but Abi hesitated slightly.

"Really?" Blaine asked, and he looked to Abi.

"Ya." she said.

"Alright, well I was just coming to talk to you about something. Can you come with me?" he asked as he grabbed her hand, but she shook her head.

"I'm doing laundry, and I don't like to leave the clothes." she said and he searched her face.

"Fine." he said, letting her hand go and he bent down and kissed her before walking out. I brought out my phone, and I saw a message.

I opened it, and I forgot about my problems, smiling like crazy.

'I am going to come see you. I miss you.'

'When!? I miss you to, so much.' I sent back.

'I'll be in by tomorrow. I have a reservation to stay for a week at a hotel.' he said and I smiled.

I called him, and he answered.

"Hello?" he asked.

"You being serious? Don't joke around with me like this." I said immediately and he chuckled.

"I'm being serious. Purely serious. You told me you needed me a few days ago, and when I talk to you, you sound like there's something wrong, so I'm coming to see you for a week." he said and I closed my eyes for a moment.

"I love you. You're there for me even when you're not here. Video chatting with you is getting tiring." I said as I quickly walked out of the laundry room.

"I love you to. But you have to promise me you won't tell anyone that I'm coming. No one. I don't want any chance that someone will know I'm gone. You know how some people like to ambush and take over things when I'm gone." he said and I nodded.

"Of course. I'll make something up to come see you." I said quietly, going into the fridge and starting to make some spaghetti.

"How will you come up with something when you can't lie." he said amusedly, and I chuckled.

"Let me deal with that. It's the least I could do, I mean, you did keep me from going to prison.." I said and he was silent for a moment.

"I still want you to tell me what happened. You didn't really have time for detail." he said and I coughed.

"I uh, can't go into detail on things, I don't have time for that. But I do have to talk to you about some important matters, medical papers and such.." I said and he was silent for a moment.

"What did you do Aliyah?" he asked and I sighed.

"I.. I'll just talk to you about it later." I said, and I saw Dawson come in, eyes on me and he came towards me.

"Later? As soon as I get there, I want details!" he snapped and I cleared my throat.

"ya, yup, I understand.. I look forward to that update. Alright, mhmm, bye." I said, hanging up and locking my phone.

"Who was that?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Don't you have work to attend to?" I asked as he leaned against the counter right of the stove, searching my face.

"You're still angry over nothing." he said and I stepped back.

"No. I'm not. I'm over it." he raised an eyebrow, but I shrugged. I saw the girls file in the room.

"What the hell was all that about ba-" Ronny cut off when she saw Dawson, and she awkwardly coughed.

"I think we should-"

"I am just gonna-"

"Wrong person-" they all shuffled out hastily, and Dawson raised an eyebrow, but I shrugged.

"You want to tell me what's going on?" he asked, but I shook my head.

"Not really." I said and he sent me a look.

"Aliyah, stop this nonsense." he said calmly, and I looked at him curiously.

"What nonsense, I'm cooking food and talking to you." I said and he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't try and pull this shit with me." he snapped, loosing his cool. I turned the stove off, putting the ready spaghetti on the other burner.

"I made spaghetti!" I shouted while  I slinked over to Daws and tip-toed before kissing his pursed lips.

I ran my hands down his tense sides, and then I slid my finger tips under his shirt slowly. "What are you-" I went down a little and kissed his neck biting it lightly, referring to the biting he said he didn't mind earlier.

I felt him start to kiss me back, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer, but enough to where I could still run my fingers across his abs. Our lips met again, both of our hands slightly inclined. He forced his tongue in my mouth.

He lowered his hands to my butt, then came back up slightly, but I quickly pinched his nipple, pulling back.

He chuckled, holding his chest. "That was not fair." he said as he came closer to me, but I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

" You deserved that pinch." he pulled an act.

"How did I deserve that killer pinch? This morning you slapped my hands, now you're pinching. Getting so violent, maybe I should start to get worried." he said, coming closer. I laughed, my one dimple coming out.

"Holy hell, I can absolutely see that now.." Dawson and I both turned and we saw everyone standing there with wide eyes and slightly agape mouths.

"Oh yea, spaghetti is ready." I said, rubbing the back of my neck and grabbing a bowl and fork.

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