The Bitter Start.

Dudett902 által

264 1 0

Aliyah had been in a world full of pain and affliction. She did have a group she could vent out her frustrati... Több

The Bitter Start.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six/
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sExteen.
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter nineteen.

3 0 0
Dudett902 által

   "I don't see how you two could be so intimately close." Ronny said as we sat out at our spot. We haven't been here for months.

"Well, Blaine is serious all the time, and we're close." Abi said as I laid out.

  "But Dawson is so different from Blaine.. Dawson is worse than Blaine, and I saw him mess around with so many women, I just couldn't see him settling down." Tristan said as she laid beside me.

  "He's not the same as he is with y'all." I said..

"Clearly." Ronny laughed and I sent her a look.

  "Well Sawyer wasn't always the ball of sunshine like he is now." I and Tristan said.

"Sawyer, back in our home town, Sawyer used to be a different person. Totally different." I said and Ronny turned to me.

"What do you mean?" she asked and I glanced at her.

"You have to remember Ron, everyone in this group has had a bad past or a bad experience, one or the other.. At some point we were all bitter." I said and she frowned.

"Even you?"

"Especially her." Tristan said and I shrugged.

"I had my moments. Y'all will have yours to at some point. Our lives are more fucked up than others, and in this group, you'll reach a sort of breaking point that hardens you to a degree." I said and Abi and Ronny looked at me curiously, but Tristan had understanding. She'd had that breaking point.

"I had it when I first got in the group, it had been when you left, and my mother turned to drinking like my father had." she said and I glanced at her.

"Maddox?" I asked and she nodded. When you have a breaking point, you always seem to go to one person.. It could be absolutely random, or it could be your one. Either way, when someone in the group needed help with something serious, you couldn't just toss it aside.

  "I have no idea what you're trying to explain." Ronny said and I turned my head to her.

"It's hard to explain, but it will happen.. It could happen more than once. I know it happened for me.. When I first joined the group, I was already handling the bitter stage and I practically clung to Grusslie." I said as I turned over and got on my stomach, starting to tan my back.

  "You and Grusslie, did you two ever.."


"No, he had his one." I said, closing my eyes.

  "His.. One?" Abi asked and I glanced at her.

"Blaine hasn't explained that to you?" I asked her but she shook her head.

  "Sawyer hasn't explained it to me. Hasn't even brought it up." Ronny said curiously and I sighed.

"Blaine and Sawyer's a dumb ass." I said and they both sat up.

  "What do you mean?" Ronny said and I shrugged.

  "Dawson would literally have to kill me if I told either of you, so I'd rather not say." I said, closing my eyes again.

  "What, is it some made up rule?" Abi asked and I shrugged.

"It was a rule set in stone by the time I joined.. Someone told me, and then next thing I know, that person's disappeared. I never saw them after that day." Tristan sent me a look, knowing if I went too deep about the rules of the one, then bad things would happen.

  "What? No no, you're Dawson's girlfriend, you're intimate with him, he wouldn't hurt or send you off. You can tell us." Ronny said and I shook my head, sitting up.

  "I can only say the word and say what happens if it's explained. There are secrets in the group that even I haven't discovered. Rules that I have yet to even figure out.. The only one who knows everything is Dawson. He's the one who knows absolutely everything.. Maybe not our bad pasts, but there are things in the group that died out when we were kids, and rules that are still set strong." I said and they looked to me quizzically.

  "What does that mean?" Abi asked and I rubbed my forehead.

"It means that no matter how close Dawson is to a person, if their not his one then he has to kill or do something to keep the rules set." Tristan said.

"Well does Dawson have a one?" Ronny asked and I shook my head.

"We can't tell you that." I said as Tristan and I got up.

"Why can't you?" Abi asked and I rubbed my eyes.

  "I just can't, ok? Ask someone else." I said as Tristan and I both sped off.

  "That was close.." Tristan said and I nodded.

  "Dawson's going to be pissed. off. At me." I said and she looked to me.

"How could you of known that they didn't know.." she said, trying to justify it as we reached the house quickly.

  "Because Sawyer told me Ron was his one. And if Blaine got Abi in the group without her having a specific skill, she's his one. How could they not tell them?" I snapped to myself.

  We walked inside and I saw Blaine and Sawyer. Tristan punched Sawyer and I slapped Blaine.

"You idiots." we hissed.

"What did we do!?" Blaine asked as he held his red cheek now.

  "You didn't tell the girls about them being your ones? I almost signed my own death sentence!" I snapped and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"What did you tell them?!" Sawyer asked me, and I rubbed my forehead, going over what I told them.

"Aliyah, how could you be so reckless." Dawson snapped, I was just now noticing he was listening in.

The girls charged through with arms crossed and it all went silent.

"That was not nice how you just left us like that! We need answers." Ronny said and Sawyer walked over to her, and she glared at him.

"Do you have a one?" she snapped and he glanced at Abi.

"We need to talk about this in private.. "

  "I want to talk about this here and now-"

  "Do you want me killed?" Sawyer snapped at her and she glared at him.

"You are all being over dramatic." she snapped back.

  "I'm not being over dramatic. If I tell you in front of someone who doesn't know, I'd have to be killed for-"

  "Sawyer.." I treaded carefully, and he pulled on his hair, then threw Ronny over his shoulder and went up the stairs.

  "We need to talk in private also.." Blaine said and Abi nodded, them walking up the stairs.

  "You see what you have caused?" Dawson snapped at me, and I sighed.

" Oh so this is my fault? If the dummies would have told them when they found out, it could have saved all of this, and we could have gone on with the conversations." I said and he pinched the bridge of his nose..

"Wait wait wait.. So are you both each others ones?" Tristan asked quietly, and Dawson and I looked at each other.'



"What?" we both said, and he looked at me with eyebrows creased.

  "I'm not your one?" he said and I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm your one?" I asked and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"See, this could have all been avoided if you would've just said boyfriend or girlfriend when you gossip." he snapped.

"I wasn't gossiping, they were asking about Grusslie and I." I snapped back and he tensed.

"What about you two?" he snapped and I shrugged.

"I'm avoiding that question so it isn't lead to something else." I mocked him and he glared at me.

  "Umm.. I thought when someone found out they were their one, things got mushy.." Tristan said faintly and I looked over to see Maddox, Tristan and Ty just watching us.

  "I'll see you guys later." I said as I walked up the stairs.

  I went to shut the room door but Dawson came through it and then shut it.

  "What about you and Grusslie, and why were you all even talking about ones?" he said as I went to the closet and pulled out the top shelf.

  "They asked if Grusslie and I were ever anything. I told them 'No, he had his one' and that was what started that conversation." I said as I rifled through things.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Do we always have to fight." I said, stopping what I'm doing and turning to him.

"We can't just be happy with each other for one full day?" I asked him as he stared at me, and when he didn't answer I shook my head and went back to looking.

  "You don't have to do this.. What are you looking for, I'll get the box down." I ignored him and looked, and when I reached the box I was looking for, I brought it down.

  I sat down in the middle of this big closet, and I opened the box, going through all the stuff at a fast pace, and when I found it, I put the lid back on the box and I handed him the picture.

  "Why can we not be like this day. That one day that we had together was what made me fall in love with you, made me feel these things that sometimes I hate feeling towards you." I said as I walked out of the closet, sitting on the bed and putting my head in my hands.

  "You took so many pictures that day, I made you promise me you wouldn't show people." he said quietly as he sat beside me.

  "I still have every single photo of that day.. I counted a total of thirty-seven, and each one I've kept in a box. When I left home, when I missed you and I thought I couldn't take much more, I'd lock the door and bring out every single photo, talk to them like they were you and I'd let what was bothering me out. It was my release, and I never got over it.. Sometimes I'll still do it, but now we're staying in a room together, and I can't really talk to 'you' about the problems I have with you." I said and Dawson looked from the photo to me.

He leaned in, bringing his lips to mine as he sat the photo down somewhere. I put my arms around his neck as he laid me back.

  "I know we fight every day about little things, and I know that you don't like that but I like that we're so open with each other about our fights.. We don't hide as much stuff like we used to towards each other. You know more about me than anyone; you're the only person I've willingly and wanting told things to." he said as he moved over me, grabbing my hands and holding them down by intertwining them with his.

  "We haven't discussed it before, but you're my one." he said as he bent down and kissed my lips lightly.

  "How long have you known?" I asked quietly and his eyes burnt into mine.

"Since the moment I knew you left home and wasn't coming back." he said and I grabbed the back of his neck, bringing his face down to mine.

"I'm sorry." I said to him as we laid in bed, me having the shirt he was wearing before we had sex on.

"You really know how to get in a girls pants when you don't even have to try." I teased him and he grabbed my arms, pulling me to straddle him, nothing on other than his shirt, so my 'stuff' was on abs.

He pulled me higher, and my butt and vag was on his ribs. "I know what 'mushy' stuff you like to hear." he said, most likely mocking Tristan's words from earlier.

  I rolled my eyes at him as he trailed his hands up and under my shirt, and he caressed my sides lightly, and I scooted back down dome and laid myself on him, my head right under his chin.

  "You better know what mushy stuff I like to hea-" I smacked his hands from my back, sitting up really fast, my eyes narrowed on an amused Dawson.

  "That was not nice, at all." I said and he moved his head to the side some.

  "What, don't you like your back or neck caressed?" he asked innocently, and I narrowed my eyes more.

  "Mmhm. Just as much as you like being bit." I said and he shrugged.

  "I don't mind it." he said and I smiled sweetly, scooting down a little more, getting his hands to remove off me as he turned curious, and as I lifted up the covers and bent down a bit, I was quickly pulled away.

  "Oh no." he said, bringing me on my back and he hovered over me.

  "No, I do not like being bit on my dick Aliyah." he said and I couldn't help it. I laughed. I started to laugh, and he just stared at me while I did so.

  "I'm sorry, but that is just.." I took a few deep breaths and shook my head.

  "That's just funny to me." I said and he leaned in, catching me in a kiss.

"You have a very sexy laugh." he said in my ear, and I bit his neck teasingly.

  "Such a tease, but difference is, is that I tease back." he said lowly and I gulped.

  "You teasing? You anything other than serious? Wow, back the truck up, I think we missed Dawson." I said and he pulled back.

  "I can be something other than serious." he said as he rolled us over, sitting me back on his abs.

  "I've never saw you 'tease' before. Have you ever been playful with other women?" I asked and he frowned.

  "Why do you have to bring up other women? This is with you, that was with them." he said immediately getting defensive and I sighed, putting my forearms on either sides of his head, leaning in and kissing him passionately.

  "Why don't you like talking about them?" I asked and he pulled me off of him, him sitting up.

  "What is this about? You've never asked about them before." he said and I shrugged, standing up.

  "I didn't think it was such a big deal?" I asked and he stood up.

  "Well how would you like it if I asked about you and Max, or you and the guy at the club or any other guy you've been with?" I rubbed my eyes as I opened the curtains to the windows a bit.

  "You have asked me about them, and I've always answered honestly." I said and he came up behind me, wrapping an arm around my stomach and closing the curtains with the other free hand.

  "It's different for me. I can't tell you about my fuck-arounds." he said and I turned around.

  "Then if you ask about a guy, I'll get just as defensive as you, and you'll think something worse than it really is. If you don't have to answer my questions, why should I have to answer yours?" I said and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "What is there to really tell between you and other guys, you didn't fuck anyone but me, and that's all that really matters." he said and I backed up.

  "Wait, if that's all that really matters, then who did you first have sex with, hm?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes.

  "Like I said, it's not the same." he said and I turned around.

  "For me it is." I said, opening the curtains and looking out.

"Why do you want to know? It's like you want a list of every woman I've slept with." he snapped.

  "I want to know who you lost your virginity to. If at some point you maybe got emotionally attached, if there are things you've done with other women that you haven't done with me." I said and he scrunched up his eyes.

  "Why are you so curious?" he asked and I ran a hand down my face.

  "Nothing. Never mind, I will let this go, and we don't have to talk about it." I said, closing the curtains back in place as I turned, going to look for some shorts.

"I need to do laundry." I said as I saw the basket piled up, my rack and his almost gone. I pulled some panties and ripped short shorts on, and I pulled out a different basket.

I piled clothes into the basket and I moved passed the staring Dawson. I looked in the mirror and saw my disheveled but ok looking hair, and I put it up in a messy bun. I pulled Dawson's shirt over my head and put it in the hamper as I put on a bra, going and putting on one of my own tee shirts.


"Don't you have work to get back to or something?" I asked as I put a strand of hair behind my ear, and picked up the basket.

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