The Bitter Start.

By Dudett902

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Aliyah had been in a world full of pain and affliction. She did have a group she could vent out her frustrati... More

The Bitter Start.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six/
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
Chapter sExteen.
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter fifteen.

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By Dudett902

  I made it to the office, and I talked with the doctor. It was a woman thankfully who's going to do it, and I told her I was on a schedule.. She talked about it and then she took me into the room after I signed papers.

three hours later*

  I walked out of the office, it was painful.. Uncomfortable. I'd never done anything like that before. But I went to the car and got in, going to the mall.

I shopped because I had extra  time, and I got some really cool clothes, it was helping me take my mind off of things..

  I had six bags filled with clothes, and I took them with me to meet up.

  "Dang, how much did you guys spend?" I asked, seeing bags.

  "A lot.." a giggly Abi said and I smiled at her.. We ate and then called it a day, going to the motel.

  "Okay, we need to talk about some stuff. Boy stuff." Tristan said as I laid down on the bed, sore.

"What about them?" I asked and she sent me a look.

  "You and Blaine, how far are you two??" Tristan asked.

  "Umm, pretty far out there. We've had sex a few times, not much, but really all he wants to do is be with me." she said and I turned over, facing away from them.

  "You got lucky. I'm with someone that lives off sex. Every day, all he wants from me usually is sex. I think that's why he picks fights with me all the time, so he has an excuse for make up sex." I said.

  "You make that sound like a bad thing." Ronny said as she laid beside me.

  "Oh no, no no no, it's just. I don't want a sex based relationship. I care about him, a lot I care about him, and I feel guilty for saying it, but that's what we have, and I don't like it sometimes. It always leaves me sore, and with a clouded mind." I said.

  "I know what you mean.. Maddox is always wanting sex, even when I'm asleep. He'll wake me up, in the middle of the night, and he'll want sex. It gets fucking annoying, and tiring." Tristan said and I turned over.

"You know what we should all do?" I asked with a small smile.

  "Oh great.." Ronny said worriedly and I laughed.

  "We sex deprive them.. Let's make this into a game. The first one who falls, who has sex, has to do anything we want. The last one who falls, is crowned sex god winner.. We also can't tell the boys what we're doing." I said and Tristan laughed.

  "I'm totally in. You're going down, both of you are. I've been with Maddox for years, I know how to keep him away from me." she said and I smiled.

  "You're on, I've totally got this."

   "I don't know guys.." Abi said cautiously, and I sat up, feeling cramps..

  "Just think about it Abs. If you deprive him, the amazing sex, will turn into sex god mania best sex you've ever had." Tristan said and I nodded.

  "I'll win." Ronny teased and I looked to her.

"You're in this to, but if you don't have sex, then it goes to the last one who did before you. Cause you don't have men trying to seduce you." I said and she nodded.

  We started to scheme up plans as I rubbed my stomach..

  I woke up, sweaty and my eyes moist. I was out of breath slightly, and I had to sit up.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, washing my face and rinsing my eyes.

  "It was just a dream.." I whispered to myself, looking in the mirror as I gripped on to the counter.

I looked at the time on my phone, and saw it was six a.m. I rubbed my eyes, I didn't get much sleep at all.

  I took a shower, staring at my flat stomach that didn't even have a small barely very barely noticeable bump.. I killed something that was a part of Dawson.. That was a part of me.. Regret and guilt washed into my mind, but I held myself together.

  I changed into some new clothes, and then I packed up my stuff after blow drying my hair.

   On the way back, the girls talked and I listened, but I didn't talk much. It hurt me to do that, but I had to think rationally. I had to do that, I couldn't do that to Dawson.. He'd be putting everything on the line, he wouldn't want to work as much, I wouldn't be able to do jobs, it just.. It's something that had to be done..

  We got to the house and we took all of our bags in. Blaine kissed Abi home, helping her with her bags, Maddox helped Tristan with hers, and Dawson kissed me passionately, grabbing my bags.

  I saw Sawyer and Ty staring at me, and I bit my lip as I walked upstairs.

Dawson kissed me as he sat my bags down, and he wrapped his arm around me, like he wasn't going to let me go anytime soon. He felt my stomach and pulled back slightly.

  "Did you not eat..?" he asked me and I felt my heart beat faster.

  "N-no.. I'm not hungry." I said and he frowned.

  "You need to eat." he said as he pulled me downstairs, Sawyer and Ty in the kitchen with us as I started to make lunch.

  "So how did your trip go?" Sawyer asked, and I glanced at him.

"It went exactly as planned. Why?" his face grew dark, and Ty sighed.

  "You made the wrong choice, I hope you know that." Sawyer snapped unhappily.

  "It wasn't your choice to make." I snapped back and he stormed out of the room quietly.

  "What the fuck is going on?" Dawson snapped and I looked to him.

   "I don't know what's going on with Sawyer or why he's so angry." I said and he narrowed his eyes.

  "Are you sure about that, and you aren't lying to me?" he asked and I shook my head.

   "I don't lie good, I told you that already. So yes I'm sure and no I'm not lying." I said and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "I don't know what's going on, but if you two continue to fight like this, then I'll be forced to get involved." he said and I nodded..

  "I'm trying not to fight with him." I said and soon everyone came down to eat.

  I sat beside Sawyer, and I whispered to him so only he could hear.

  "I need someone to support me in the decision.. Into what I did, and I don't want this to come between us.." I said quietly, and he looked to me.

  "We could have done something different.." he said but I shook my head.

"No we couldn't have. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but for me, it needed to be done."  I said and he sighed.

"I'm.. I'm still not for this, but you're right, I'm supposed to be supportive of you.." he said hesitantly.

  "It's fine. I'm having a hard time dealing with this to.. You're not the only one who isn't for it.." I said to him quietly.

It's not like I really had a choice.

  "What are you two whispering about over there?" Ty's voice snooped loudly, cutting off the talking and I snapped my head to Ty.

  Ty had a knowing look on his face, a depressed but knowing look, and he glanced to Dawson who I now see was already staring at us.. So Ty saved our ass.

  "Umm.." I said and Sawyer glanced at me.

  "We were talking about keeping your snooping nose out of the conversation." Sawyer said half heartedly, and I stuffed my face with food.

  Tristan sent me a look, and I saw Abi having a hard time, and I smiled at them.

  "How's things going with you guys?" I them two and Abi sent me a glare.

"Fine." meaning; hell. Fuck you. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and I turned to Tristan.

"Perfect." she smiled and I nodded.

"Me to."I said and Abi sent us both glares.

"I'm doing phenomenal." Ronny said and I nodded her way.

"Good to know. Would kind of be shocking if it weren't." I said and she smirked.

  "I Know right?" she said and I rolled my eyes as the boys looked suspiciously at us.

  "Do I even want to know?" Ty asked and I looked to him, my eyes dancing with laughter I was holding in.

  "Nope." we all four said at the exact same time.

The first week was hell. Absolutely verging hell with a burning pit. I have had nightmares, I haven't been able to sleep, the cramps are finally going away, and fighting off Dawson was too tiring. He tries every time we're alone.

  I derail him, or tell him I have to do something with Ty, and then I'll go train and do stuff.

  "Maybe if we had sex, you'd be able to sleep better." Dawson snapped, and I rolled my eyes at him as I went through my closet.

  "Sex doesn't fix all problems." I said easily, and Dawson came up behind me, grabbing me and crashing his lips to mine.

  "It does for me." he said but I pulled away.

  "I can't right now, and you know this." I said and he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

  "If you don't soon, I'll just have to look somewhere else." he snapped and I narrowed my eyes.

   "Go find a different girl to fuck then." I snapped angrily, changing in front of him and then walking out with him following me.

"I'm being serious." he snapped as he followed me out of the door.

  "I'm being serious when I say if you touch a different girl then we'll be over, and I'll make sure you never touch me again." I said and he stopped me when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

  "Aliyah, you can't do this and expect me not to do something about it." he said and I turned around.

  "You were the one who wanted this relationship, so if you talk to a different girl, I'll go to a different guy. And that is something I'm serious about." I said and he frowned.

"You can not wait out on me for no reason at all, and then just go after some other guy? That's fucked up and you know this." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

  "I don't want to talk about your plans for cheating on me. Either you do it or you don't." I said and turned around, pulling my pack tighter around me as I walked in the kitchen.

  "Time for school." Ronny said and we grabbed the keys.

  The girls, Ty and I went in one car, and the guys went in another.

"He told me he might go to someone else!" I said and everyone glanced at me.

  "He's used to getting girls all the time.. You don't know how many girls came over and then left right after while you were vacant for those years." Tristan said and I scrunched up my nose.

" I know.. So I told him if he talked to a different girl, I'd hook up with a different guy.." I said and Ty smiled.

  "It's going like hell for all of you, Tristan almost cracked last night in front of everyone, you had to sleep in the training room last night Abs, and now Dawson's threatening to go somewhere else. Maybe you should all just fall." Ty said and I shrugged.

  "I can handle it." I said and Abi sighed.

"I'm only in this for the great awesome god sex." Abi concluded. That seemed to be her strong point.

"Ohh yes. I've done that, deprived myself from any type of sex, for a month, and I swear the person I had it with said that it was clearly the best they have ever had." he said and I glanced at him knowingly, him glancing at me and smiling.

"Really? Is it a girl that I know?" Tristan asked.

"No. "  Ty said immediately and I shot a lying look his way. Well I guess he wasn't lying, it wasn't a girl they knew.

  When we made it to the school, I hopped out, and threw my hair up in a big, messy bun. I pulled my headband on top of my head, and it stayed, creating a bump.

  We started to walk, and the guys met up with us, Dawson just standing by me as the guys threw arms or held hands with the girls. Even Sawyer grabbed Ronny's hand.

  I walked in, going ahead of them all as I went for the office. When I walked in, I asked the lady for our schedules.

"I heard there were going to be a bunch of new students, I didn't know you all came in such a big group." I heard a man say as she handed them to me, and I turned around.

  "We're all friends, like family, our parents like to stick together to raise us." I said with a small smile, and the boy came closer to me. I noticed he was a normal looking guy, nothing nerdy, nothing popular, so I walked closer to him, a smile on his face.

  "I've saw you and a few girls around town, never came to say hi or anything, but I know when there's a new girl in town, especially if they are good looking." the man said and I shook my head in amusement.

"Good to know." I said as I saw the group coming towards me.

  "well I have to go, maybe later I'll see you around. I never caught your name?" he said and I smiled.

  "Ali. Yours?" I asked and he walked backwards.

"Kalym." he said as he walked out.

"What the hell was that?" Dawson said angrily and I turned around, handing them their schedules.

"I was going to wait for you all, but Kalym started to talk to me, so I talked to him." I said and he snaked an arm around me.

"So you're already lining up possible guys you can sleep around with." he said quietly and distastefully in my ear as he squeezed me protectively.

"No. I talked to someone, it's much different from flirting with someone." I said and he stopped us from walking.

"The guy was flirting with you. First your name is what he wants, and then in your pants." he snapped quietly. 

  "I wouldn't let that happen even if it is true, alright? I just want to stop fighting." I said quietly and he searched my eyes.

  " Fine.." he said, and he came down and kissed me on the lips.

"We have first hour together.." he told me as we walked with a notebook.

We all met up at lunch, I didn't have anyone I knew in fourth hour, and so I was walking alone. Kalym slid beside me as we walked, and I looked to him.

"You seemed alone, so I'm offering walking you to lunch." He said and I nodded.

"Sure." he smiled.

  "You know, you always seem to be walking or doing something alone while your group.. Is well a group." he said as we walked out to the courtyard.

  I saw everyone already looking around, sitting down at a table. Their eyes caught me and they nodded.

"I don't know, I guess it does seem like that. Maybe I'm just tired of being only with them all the time or something, unconsciously." I said and he laughed.

  " I'm glad. No one can approach a whole group to make a friend, but I can when you're singled out and alone." he said teasingly.

"Well I have to go before they come over and drag me over there." I said, glancing at them and seeing them all just staring at me.

"Alright. If you ever consciously get tired of them, you can always come sit at the table with me and a few friends." he said and I shook my head.

"I doubt that, but I'll keep an open mind." I said as I walked to the group.

  "Why were you with him again." Dawson said emotionlessly, and I turned towards him.

"He walked me to lunch because I was walking alone. Is that really something to question?" I asked as he pulled me to him.

"Is it something I need to question?" he snapped and I put my hand to his cheek.

"No. It's nothing, really." I said and he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

  "We need to have sex." he said quietly in my ear, and I pulled back to kiss him on the lips.

"No we don't." I murmured against his lips, and he put his hand at my hips, feeling my stomach.

"Then I need to have sex." he said quietly, and I pulled back, turning around.

  "I won't have that thrown at me, and I don't want you to keep throwing that at me. Either you're with me, or you're not." I said angrily, standing up and starting to walk away from the group but I got pulled around.

  "I'm with you, I know that, you know that, but I have to have sex when I want it." he snapped quietly.

"I won't have this fight at school, so either drop it, or I can go somewhere else and ignore you." I snapped back and he grabbed me.

"Come and sit down. Now." he snapped angrily and we walked back to the table, the atmosphere tense. No one but the girls knew our fight, and they were on my side of things. Though they said I'd fall, I know I won't be the first.

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