Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina F...

By TaigaClaw

531K 21.7K 35.3K

A small café two blocks from the university. A jock/bad boy who everybody knows and love. A quiet, shy pre-me... More



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By TaigaClaw


With Naruto back in school, the entire university kept congratulating him on the win. But this is one thing I heard for the very first time...

I was walking with Naruto right beside me, his attention was on the mint ice cream cone he was eating. I was busy reading something in one of my textbooks when some dudes came up to us.

"Yo! Naruto-san!" They said. I ignored them since they didn't pay any attention to me. "Good job captaining that team."

"Yeah that game was amazing," his buddy gave a shocked Naruto a shoulder smack. "Amazing job, Captain! Hey, Captain Girlfriend."

I looked up to see the guys' attention on me. No judging look, but more of a playful smile.


"You are dating this idiot, right?"

I nodded once.

"Then take your man out for a good dinner," one of them, an American ginger boy with a heavy accent, "He did a good job leading a team."

So then... Naruto is the captain of the soccer team. The same one that got in a fight with the basketball captain.

Sasuke is the basketball captain... and Sakura is the girl they were fighting over, wasn't she?

Sudden hands cupped my ears and I could feel Naruto's familiar body warmth radiating off of him. He was saying something else to the two guys who only laughed and left. One of them winked at me in the process.

When they were out of earshot, my boyfriend finally let me go.

I turned to look at him. The guilt that was present in his eyes were so clear that I nearly wanted to forgive him right then and there. But I couldn't...

He lied to me. He lied to me that he wasn't the captain. Well, more of like he didn't want to tell me that he was the captain. He did lie to me when he said he had absolutely no feelings for Sakura. How long has he been in love with her? It's not even like anymore. I'm almost certain it's love.

Why the hell is he going out with me when he was for sure in love with her?!

Naruto opened his mouth but I cut him off, "I'm sorry. I'm late for work."

I whipped around and sped walk away from him, half expecting him to follow. For him to apologize but he didn't. He just stood there, looking at his mint ice cream and didn't say another word.



I was going to tell her. I swear I was going to tell her that I was the soccer captain and that the incident that happen at her cafe was indeed between Sasuke, Sakura and me. I was going to let it out gently and slowly but those two nitwits beat me to it. 

Dammit, I gotta go and apologize to her now. Why does she walk so fast anyway?

Hinata is very smart and very observant. I know for sure she left me because she put two and two together. I'm not surprised she figured it out so quickly either. Creds to that insane brain of hers.

Not the time Naruto. Not the time!

She impresses me on a daily basis however now, I need to figure out how to explain to her that what happened was something that happened a long time ago. Have I let Sakura go though?

I stopped suddenly, my eyes glued to her retreating back. 

Have I finally let Sakura go? For Hinata, have I let her go? 

I've known Sakura since we were practically drinking juice boxes on the swings back in preschool.

I've only met Hinata about two weeks ago.

Sakura has seen me in the worst times and was there to comfort me; help me get through it.

Hinata has caused me to be in a pretty bad state. (I punched a brick wall, remember?)

Sakura has made me smile in bad times.

Hinata has made me warm without even trying.

What the hell is going on with me?!

"What are you doing here looking like an idiot?" the last voice I wanted to hear on this Earth disturbed my internal war.

"I don't need your unnecessary voice today to make me feel worst than I already do," I murmured.

He sighed, "Your girlfriend is running that way you know."

"I'm not blind, dammit Sasuke!" I snapped.

Sasuke sighed, "Just give up on Sakura already. I've been holding back lately because I thought you'd be capable but you do realize that you're only making it worst for both Hinata and you."

I didn't say anything so he continued to lecture me, "It doesn't take a genius like Shikamaru to see that you've already fallen head over heels for Hinata. Just admit that you love her already and move on from my girl."

I wanted to open my mouth and say that he's wrong. I want to make sure he understood that I'm not one to give up on getting what I want and I will do absolutely everything in my power to get it. But I don't get it. I couldn't do it this time. I couldn't open my mouth and say I'm not giving up on Sakura. I couldn't even snap at him saying that I won't stop going after the girl, his girl we were both supposed to love. 

Instead all I could do was watch Hinata's disappearing back without arguing with him, without saying a single thing to him.

Am I really that weak? Am I really one to give up so easily?

Sasuke sighed, "You seriously didn't tell her that you and I had a full out fist fight over Sakura at her own work?"

"How did you know she worked at that cafe?" I whipped around, accusing him.

"Sakura knew," he shrugged. "It was the fun fact of Friday about three months ago."

I narrowed my eyes at him. He only ignored me and continued, "But how come you didn't tell her?"

"Because I was afraid that was going to happen," I pointed to where Hinata used to be.

"That happened because you didn't tell her about what happened, jerkface," my roommate pointed out."

That is very true. I should've told her the moment I started realizing that my yearning for Sakura has shifted to her. She has trust issues because of her past so I need to be more straightforward from now on. I'm her man, I'm the one that needs to protect her and teach her how to trust again.

"You," I looked at him, as if it's painful. I can't believe I have to come to such drastic measures. Such, such drastic measures. "I need your help."

"It was only a matter of time," he smirked, crossing his arms.

Can I smack him? "Only because you're the only one here and you actually have a girlfriend."

"Oh so now Sakura is my girlfriend? What happened to the bet?"

I am sooo never going to live this day down but I must. I must take it like the man I am. 

And do whatever it takes to make it up for all that I have caused.

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