Broken Pieces (M.C Fanfic) {S...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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Chatper 1 - Hey Everybody.
Chapter 2 - Back to reality.
Chapter 3 - Welcome aboard.
Chapter 4 - Pizza and chill.
Chapter 5 - Thanks for the memories.
Chapter 6 - Food, internet and pajamas.
Chapter 7 - Lessons in heels.
Chapter 8 - Partying is a job.
Chapter 9 - Casa dolce casa
Chapter 10 - Hangover Remedies.
Chapter 11 - Dreaming of far away places.
Chapter 12 - Time to move on...right?
Chapter 13 - Remembering is easy, forgetting is hard.
Chapter 14 - Drama, lies and tears; cheers to teenage years.
Chapter 15 - Seeing things Crystal clear.
Chapter 16 - Stalkings illegal.
Chapter 17 - "We were so different"
Chapter 18 - Do you plan to fall in love?
Chapter 19 - Heart on my sleeve.
Chapter 20 - Sex on the beach...literally.
Chapter 21 - "I want to kiss you."
Chapter 22 - Concealing the truth.
Chapter 23 - Bad decisions.
Chapter 24 - Pretty little liars.
Chapter 25 - 18 again.
Chapter 26 - Come explore with me.
Chapter 27 - Windy City.
Chapter 28 - Coffee Chic
Chapter 29 - I will not choose.
Chapter 30 - Close as strangers.
Chapter 31 - Glowing eyes.
Chapter 32 - Tear in my heart.
Chapter 33 - Taking back mistakes.
Chapter 34 - Sleep as in, same bed?
Chapter 35 - Underwear days.
Chapter 36 - Two new crushes.
Chapter 37 - PCD
Chapter 38 - Crisp Autumn days.
Chapter 39 - Impossible plans.
Chapter 40 - Summer Road Trip pt2
Chapter 41 - She got a boyfriend anyway.
Chapter 42 - We were never easy.
Chapter 43 - A dress with converse.
Chapter 44 - Your not ugly, society is.
Chapter 45 - Disappointment.
Chapter 46 - Words are knives.
Chapter 48 - Truce.
Chapter 49 - You two look cute together.
Chapter 50 - Stressed out.
Chapter 51 - Quiet home thrill.
Chapter 52 - Boyfriend.
Chapter 53 - Dirty little secret.
Chapter 54 - It's You.
Chapter 55 - I wish you well.
Chapter 56 - No one like you.
Chapter 57 - A rock stars girlfriend.
Chapter 58 - Drama occurs.
Chapter 59 - On the road with your rock star ( ex ) boyfriend
Chapter 60 - 2 lies, 1 truth.
Chapter 61 - Remember me?
Chapter 62 - Flashbacks. High schools a bitch.
Chapter 63 - Hiding feelings.
Chapter 64 - Can you forgive me?
Chapter 65 - One way ticket to my future.
Chapter 66 - Glory days.
Chapter 67 - The show must go on.
Chapter 68 - It must be fate.

Chapter 47 - City lights.

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By ShaneDawsonLuvR


The boys had been out in the clubs for a few hours.

The girls, Bryana and Arzaylea had tagged along. Calum was tipsy, having fun with a few friends and strangers, Luke was tipsy and having fun with a few strangers. Ashton was cool, he sat drinking a few with Bryana. Michael was drunk. Worse. He couldnt walk properly, or stand for a long period of time.

He walked around talking with people, dancing like an idiot, and acting like an ass.

Every time Ashton looked over to him, another drink was in his hand. That was bad because Ash found himself looking at him every ten minutes.

He was getting worried, because when he told him to slow down a little he got defensive. Rude, and cheeky.

"This is fun" Bryana smiled as she sipped some drink. "Yeah..." Ash looked over to Michael. "He's going to end up in trouble, I've not seen him like this...either in a long, long time or ever!" Ashton turned to her. "Leave him, he's fine. He's having fun" She smiled, her white teeth brightening the booth they were in.

Frowning Ashton turned back. "Cal said he went and spoke to Tori before he decided to come you think it went okay?" He asked her. "Maybe, I dont know. Probably...they have a past Ash." Bryana told him. "I know...but, sometimes he can be a right idiot" He sighed. "So can Tori, and she will admit that" He chuckled a little, making Bryana giggle.

"I dont know, he doesnt usually drink this heavy. Why would he?" Ashton asked. "Maybe he's just mixing too many drinks" Bryana shrugged. Looking over to the other end of the booth, Luke sat chuckling away to himself with Arzaylea. Frowning, he rolled his eyes as he shook his head.


"Want to dance?" She asked Ash. "Nah..." He shook his head. "Ashton, stop worrying. You always do it, leave him be. He'll be fine" She smiled. Ashton shook his head as she sighed. "Something is eating away...something isnt right." Ashton told her.

"Why dont you go over and bring him here then." Bryana nodded. "Be right back" He automatically stood up. Walking down the steps, he walked towards Michael.

"Hey buddy!" He grabbed a shot glass from his hand, before he swung it back.

"Heyyyy!" Michael, frowned as he followed the glass getting took away from him. Ashton put it down on a table, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Mike, you okay?" Ashton looked at him. "Im....amazing!" He grinned at Ashton. "Hey, calm down okay?" He chuckled a little.

"Dont...tell me do!" Michael frowned at him. "Mikey..." Ashton warned him. "Fuck you! Leave me alone" He slurred pushing him away, but nearly falling at the same time. "Michael, get it together!" Ashton grabbed onto him.

"Least you can hold onto me" He slurred. "I love...Montgomery, and she...cant me back" Michael shook his head, making Ashton frown. "Y'know why? Coz I...." He got closer to Ashton. "...Fucked up!" He nodded, before tapping Ashton's shoulder.

Suddenly Ashton realized.

"I had a purfict....girl...and I ruined it" He nodded. "Yeah dude, you mean perfect" Ashton corrected him. "Naaahhhp. That was Tori" He sighed. "She hates much Ashton...but I dont hate her" He nodded. "I know you dont, she doesnt hate you Mikey" Ashton looked around for some help.

They needed to leave.

"She told...told me. She threw me out of her life. Poooop right into the trash!" He giggled a little. "Dude, you need water..." Ashton sighed. "And a seat, sit here" He put him into a seat. "No...I want...this" He pointed over to the shot glass. He stretched out his arm trying to get it, but Ashton took his arm back.

"No more drinks for you Michael. I think we should leave" Ash told him. "Noooo! Tori left me! Dont leave me too" He whined. "I'm not leaving you Michael. We are all leaving this club!" He told him. "No! I want. To say!" He nodded. "Stay, Mike and we cant" Ashton nodded. Michael burped a little. "Ugh I'm so gross! No wonder....To...Tori, doesnt love me" He sighed.

Ashton turned away from him and waved him to Bryana before telling her to come over to them. Turning back, Michael had chugged the shot that was on the table. "Michael! Enough" Ashton told him, grabbing the now empty glass from his hand.

"Dont....tell me what to fucking do!" Michael slurred, stinking of every drink in the club. "We're getting you out of here okay?" Ashton sighed. "No. No...No...I need to see Tori" He nodded and stood. "No, you sit down! We're leaving!" Ashton turned back around to Bryana but her attention was now on someone else.

Ashton frowned, and sighed as he turned to Michael.

"Come on, can you walk?" Ash asked him. "I" He nodded, and laughed. "No, you need to walk to the table up there. Come on" Ashton put an arm around him. "I it....myself!" Michael left his grip, and stood himself. He then burped again, and rubbed his head.

" okay?" Ashton asked him. "Come on, we'll get you home...sleep it off" Ashton nodded. "I dont...feel so good" Michael sighed as he stared at Ashton. "You'll throw it up, and sleep it off. You'll feel it tomorrow dude" Ashton half smiled at him.

Just when Ashton was about to take Michael's arm again, Michael's legs went from him and he fell to the ground. "Oh fuck, you okay Mikey?" Ashton asked. Michael lay there, not answering. "Mikey...?" Ashton shook him, worry rushed over him.

"Michael! Dude!" Ashton shook his arm. "Oh fuck! Hey someone! Calum...Luke! Michael!" Ashton gasped as he shouted out. "Oh shit!" He grabbed onto Michael.

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