Love was a story that couldn'...

By MrsTomlinson612

228 10 6

Ariel has always struggled with school and bullying but now a new guy has shown up at school she may not be s... More

A new year a new me
He live down the road
The start of something new
What am I gonna do.
Saterday nights alright for talking
Music is my spirit animal
Spring break.
Wake me up.
This is a song about a girl.
Sun sand and self harm.
I'm so sorry.
Im never letting you out my sight
Gig night
Let's fucking go have some fun.
Do we have to say goodbye
Love was a story that couldn't compare
Met the parents
Welcome back
Prom shopping
New start
Bedroom walls and silent calls
Where did I go wrong
Stay alive.
Goodbye my love
Gone to long
Your beds now full
Lets run away
Packing bags and glam rags
Fly away
Learn to fly.

Prom shopping part two

11 1 0
By MrsTomlinson612

Patty's P.O.V.

Going shopping with mum and dad sucks.

Getting into the car was a hard enough issue. My mum just kept ranting that there was no need to get me a new suit but I want to do this to make Air happy.

Pulling up outside to go for a suit fitting was really strange. Mum usually buys my suits for me and now I get to pick for myself.

" Welcome Mr Walters I do believe you have an appointment?" A young man about five years older than me ushered me over to a fitting room.
"I do. I'm looking for a suit for my senior prom. My girlfriend and I have only been dating for about two weeks but have been friends for what feels like forever. I really want to make her smile. She really likes purple so that needs to be in there somewhere." I couldn't stop grinning. My parents where out of site and I get to choose what I want to wear without my mum nagging me.
"Well I will have to measure you up a bit but I can definitely see you in something amazing. I have to ask do you want your parents opinion on how I dress you?"
"Hell no dude they hate me" I said whilst lifting my arms so he could measure.

The guys ran out the dressing room and came back with a white shirt, grey suit jacket, grey trousers and a purple tie(photo above)

I threw the clothes on in excitement.

I walked out to my parents. My mother didn't look pleased at all but dad seemed cool with it.

"Patty I love it. It makes you makes really smart I am impressed." My dad spoke nodding
"No. It's just not smart enough. I don't think the colour scheme suits your skin tone at all."
" For Fuck sake this is my prom with my girlfriend. I'm dressing to make her feel special I love this and you know what if you don't like it you can get out. I wanna do what I can to make my girlfriend as happy as I can because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love her more than you have ever loved me."

I just turned round and changed paying for my own suit and making my own way Home.

I hung the suit in my wardrobe and ran straight out again. I started walking down to Ariel's I had to get to her. I stopped just by her house wall and punched it so hard that I screamed in pain.

Phil came running out and saw me with my knees close to my chest sobbing.
"Patty what ever is the matter?"
"It's my mum she thinks that she can just tell me what to do, she treats me like a child. All I wanted to do was make Saturday special for Ariel but I can't even do that can I. I'm sorry about your wall I got a bit angry."
"It's okay Patty why don't you come inside. Ariel's actually in the shower but I can get her to come down here as soon as she's done."

Phil pulled me into the house whilst I kept crying. I felt like such a pussy I'm crying in front of Phil. Dan came down stairs and sat next to me calming me down. This was shortly followed by Ariel who had her hair the flattest I've seen it with no makeup on at all.

"patty, what are you doing here? You are meant to be prom shopping. Why are you crying? Oh my holy shit are you okay." She ran kneeling down next to me.
" I got angry and ran away. Sorry. I was trying to get my suit for Saturday but then I got pissed with my mum and left. I also kinda punched your wall."
"Patty let me see your hand." She pulled my hand out my pocket.

My hand was bruised and swollen. I had blood running down my arm.

Ariel's P.O.V.

"patty, what are you doing here? You are meant to be prom shopping. Why are you crying? Oh my holy shit are you okay." I ran kneeling down next to him.
" I got angry and ran away. Sorry. I was trying to get my suit for Saturday but then I got pissed with my mum and left. I also kinda punched your wall."
"Patty let me see your hand." I pulled his hand out his pocket.

His Hand was bruised and swollen. He had blood running down his arm.

I started hyperventilating grabbing on to Patty's leg as I knelt there trying to control my breathing. My heart racing.

"Air listen to me. I'll be okay I promise, I'm okay, don't you worry about me babe I'm okay I promise" he spoke but I just sobbed. Dan sat on the floor and I threw myself into his arms as I shook waiting for it all to stop.

It took longer than ever to calm me down. Patty had got up and was standing at the door with Phil.
" I should probably get this checked. Do you guys wanna come too?" Patty spoke as if nothing was wrong.

We piled into the car and I sat in the back still shaken up by what is going on.

Patty got up to the desk and then joined us sitting in the back corner.
"Hey I'm sorry about this." He spoke softly gripping my hand with the one he didn't punch the wall with.
"Patty it's no bother we all get angry sometimes, we are just lucky that you are okay." Phil sat next to patty with a worried expression on his face.
"It'll fuck up the prom photos though." He chuckled
"Like we give a shit about the photos we just want you guys to have a great time. We have Ariel's birthday in four months to get cute photos of you both" Dan spoke as a doctor opened the double doors and shouted Patty's name.

He stood up and I shortly followed. We where led into a typical hospital room.

" so Patrick what seems to be the problem?"
"Well I kinda got angry at my mum and I decided to punch a brick wall. It's a stupid thing to do but I just got really pissed."
"Well Patrick it was a stupid thing to do but it's happened now. You are going to have to show me. You don't mind having company here with us do you?" The doctor asked looking at me.
"No it's okay she's seen it. It was her wall I punched. I was trying to sort a suit out to match her dress for prom and had this fight with my mum and lost the plot."  Patty showed him the swollen mess.
" we are going to have to x-Ray it to check it because I do believe you may have broken a bone in your hand. I'm sorry."
"It's okay dude I'm cool with it."
"Can I just clean it up a bit you do have some blood down your arm so I'd rather clean that than have you go round covered in blood."

The doctor cleaned the wound and sent patty for an X-Ray.

After nervously waiting for around a half hour patty was free to go with only three broken bones in a finger. They taped up his finger so it was okay. At least he didn't have a cast for whilst we graduated.

Patty's P.O.V.
"Dan do you have to take me home?" I skated getting in the car.
"Yes Patty. Just ho upstairs and I'll talk to your parents."
" thanks Dan."

I got out the car and ran to the door I opened it still running. I couldn't bare to listen to Dan talk to my mum.

Dan's P.O.V.

"Mrs Walters I've just been to A&E with your son."
"Why have you done that who even are you?"
"Dan Howell-Lester. He punched a wall after a fight with you."
"Ill talk to him."
"Go easy on your son, he has a broken finger in three places but he's okay. He is pretty pissed and he had to whiteness my daughter have the worst panic attack she has ever had."
"I'm sorry Dan."

I collapsed on the bed. My mum entered and basically told me a bunch of bullshit.

I'm sick of this life I just wanna move out with Luke and all my friends

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