Time Wasters

Von DinosaursAndCupcakes

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Cameron James and Sal Thunder. Also known as the youngest, most out-of-control teenage criminals in their hom... Mehr

Time Waster # 1 -- Jail and Justin Bieber
Time Waster # 2 -- Freedom, Boyfriends, & Inta Juice
Time Waster # 3 -- Dates & Divorces
Time Waster # 4 -- Eggs & Red Ants
Time Waster # 5 -- "I Gave Your Clothes Away to Goodwill"
Time Waster # 6 -- California & Bets. Also Sal's Grandma Hates Her.
Time Waster # 7 -- Um, Drew bit Darren...
Time Waster # 8 -- Smoke Bombs & Canoes
Time Waster # 9 -- Public Restrooms, Nasty Toothbrush
Time Waster # 10 -- Halloween Parties, New Friends, & Fires.
Time Waster # 11 -- Brothers, Breakups, & iHop.
Time Waster # 12 -- CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!!
Time Waster # 13 -- Explosives, Ice Skating, & Ben's Fiance.
Time Waster # 14 -- Ben's Honeymoon in Hawaii <3
Time Waster # 15 -- Justin (Not Bieber) & A Phone Funeral
Time Waster # 16 -- What happened to Charlie & Jack?
Time Waster # 17 -- Date Spying & Black Eyes
Time Waster # 18 -- Hospital Visits & Paintball
Time Waster # 19 -- Kidnapped Pt. 1
Time Waster # 20 -- Kidnapped Pt. 2
Time Waster # 21 -- Grandma's Birthday!
Time Waster # 22 -- Prank Wars
Time Waster # 23 -- Easter Egg Hunting
Time Waster # 24 -- *Passes Out From the Heat*
Time Waster # 25 -- Carlos the Rock-- er, Human...
Time Waster # 26 -- Left at a Gas Station.
Time Waster # 27 -- Poison Ivy & Pool Sharks
Time Waster # 28 -- Swimming with the Fishies
Time Waster # 29 -- Friendship Breakups :'(
Time Waster # 30 -- Attack of the Evil Gym Teacher
Time Waster # 31 -- Kaydie & Cheyenne
Time Waster # 32 -- Robin Hood Mission
Time Waster # 33 -- Jail Time & New Relationships
Time Waster # 34 -- Crazy Camping Trip
Time Waster # 35 -- Truth or Dare Pt. 1
Time Waster # 36 -- Truth or Dare Pt. 2
Time Waster # 37 -- Summer School
Time Waster # 38 -- Girls Night Gone Wrong
Time Waster # 39 -- BEN'S PREGNANT!!
Time Waster # 40 -- Vacation & Roller Blading
Time Waster # 41 -- Junior Year & Sal's Secret Sibling
Time Waster # 42 -- The Really Lame Rescue
Time Waster # 43 -- Sophia Goes Into Labor
Time Waster # 44 -- Good Deeds are Bad Deeds
Rambling Author's Note
Time Waster # 45 -- New Looks
Time Waster # 46 -- Bye bye, Darren.
Time Waster # 48 - The End.
Thank You! :)

Time Waster # 47 -- Parachuting & Cheesy Proposals

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Von DinosaursAndCupcakes

(A/N: I wrote the bottom half of this a different day when I was with Sal. While writing the last T.W. where Darren moved away, I didn't mind that much that I'd shipped him off to London. That was, until I was editing him out of the bottom half of this. I kind of miss the weirdo. :\ Wow, I'm a freak hahah.)

 --Time Waster # 47--


Sal: I can't believe you haven't packed yet!

Cami: Well, excuse me! I've had other things on my mind. You know, like my boyfriend moving very far away!

Sal: -.- You don't even know how many miles, do you?

Cami: I failed Geometry, Sal! You know that!

Sal: Geome-- *Slowly exhales* Cam, we leave for Uni in two days. You have to pack now!

Cami: Alright, mother! Gosh, relax. I'll get it done.

Sal: *Sighs* Your mom is going to be so mad when its time to take us to our dorms, and you don't even have anything packed up yet.

Cami: *Rolls her eyes* I'll start now. *Starts yanking her clothes out of the closet and throwing them at the bed*.

Sal: Now you're just trying to tick me off.

Cami: *Smiles sweetly* I'm trying my very best.

Sal: *Grips her hair and holds in a scream* Just go downstairs and pack up some food for the trip. You should be great at that.

Cami: Fine. *Opens the door and bumps into Alfred* Can I help you?

Alfred: Actually--

Cami: *Puts her hands up to stop Alfred* Whoa! Chill, dude. I wasn't serious.

Alfred: But--

Cami: Just because I ask doesn't mean I actually want to help.

Alfred: Then why do you ask?

Cami: *Sighs* Alright, I can see I'm going to have to explain this. You know whenever Sal's having a really bad day, and I decide to be the good friend I am and--

Alfred: *Bursts out laughing*.

Cami: *Smacks Alfred upside the head* Listen!

Alfred: Alright, alright!

Cami: As I was saying. I decide to be the amazing friend I am--

Alfred: I thought you said "good".

Cami: Hey, who's telling the story here?

Alfred: You are.

Cami: Exactly. Now shut the frick up.

Alfred: -.-

Cami: Anyway, I ask Sal what's got her so down, and then she goes on and on about how her day went and who ruined it and blah, blah, blah. But do you think I actually listen? No, of course not. Because what kind of person would I be if I actually wanted to help everyone with their problems?

Sal: -.-

Alfred: Um, a good one.

Cami: Alfred, I'm not Superman. I can't always help people. One a day is as much as I can manage.

Alfred: But you don't actually help--

Cami: 'Kay bye! *Skips away*.

Alfred: *Releases a heavy sigh and walks into the room*.

Sal: Hey, Alfred. What's up?

Alfred: Your mom said I would find you here, so I thought I'd stop by and see how the packing was coming.

Sal: It's finally coming around, now that Cami's off packing the snacks for the trip tomorrow.

Alfred: You can't get things done when she's here?

Sal: Not really. She's really good at distracting people.

Alfred: Right..

Sal: *Shrugs*.

Alfred: Anything I can help with?

Sal: You can start packing all of her clothes into those two black duffel bags.

Alfred: Okay.

Sal: I'll start packing her bathroom stuff. *Goes into the bathroom*.

Sal: *Comes out with a bunch of facial mask things* Geez. Ever since Cheyenne introduced her to facial masks she's been obsessed with them.

Alfred: Cami has?

Sal: Yup. Mostly because she likes to put them on and stare at me while I sleep. I can feel her staring at me, so when I open my eyes I start screaming because I think the aliens have come again.

Alfred: Again?

Sal: *Looks deep in thought, then shakes her head* I'll save that story for another time.

Alfred: ... o_O

Sal: Anyway, she really likes those.

Alfred: *Nods* Alright then.


Cami: *Walks back into the room* I got the stuff packed.

Sal: That took an hour? Cami, I said just snacks.

Cami: It is!

Sal: *Sighs* Just as long as you didn't pack the whole kitchen, I'm fine with it.

Cami: Are you guys done?

Sal: Almost.

Cami: Good, less work for me.

Sal: Please, you wouldn't have done the work anyways.

Cami: *Shrugs* Fair enough.


Sal: What the heck is that?

Cami: Your ring tone. I changed it to Justin Bieber earlier.

Sal: CAMI!

Alfred: *Singing quietly to the ring tone* Thought you'd always be mine, m-- *Stops when he realizes the other two are staring at him* What?

Cami: I didn't know you could sing.

Sal: Me neither. So do me a favor and don't waste a beautiful voice on a horrible song.

Cami: It is not a horrible song!

Sal: Yes it is!

Cami: Don't speak that way about my future husband!

Sal: I thought Darren was your future husband...

Cami: Maybe I'll have two.

Sal: *Face palms*.

Alfred: Are you gonna answer your phone, or...?

Sal: Oh! I'll be right back. *Runs out of the room to answer the phone privately*.

Cami: So you wanna come to Cherry Berry after this is all done?

Alfred: Su—Actually, I just remembered I need to go to the jewelry store.

(A/N: Sal: *After reading Alfred’s ‘jewelry store’ comment* Awh!

Me: No he’s not proposing to you. You’re adopted.

Sal: What does that have to do with that??

Me: I don’t know. Just thought it was funny.)

Cami: What for?

Alfred: Um, to go bring my mom her lunch!

Cami: I thought she was a pharmacist.

Alfred: Um, no…….

Cami: Alright then…

Alfred: Well, bye! *Quickly leaves*.

Cami: That was weird.


Sal: This is the best date ever! *Adjusts her parachute* Almost ready, Alfred?

Alfred: *Looks over the edge* No!

Sal: Great! Is your parachute adjusted?

Alfred: Yes.

Sal: Do you know how to open it?

Alfred: Yes, I pull this he- AGH!!

Sal: Sorry! I had to push you otherwise you would have taken forever to jump! *Jumps out*.

Guy in Hot Air Balloon: Have fun!


Alfred: I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!!

Sal: You are such a baby! *Pulls the parachute cord*.

Alfred: *Does the same* Oh thank God. I thought I was gonna die.

Sal: *Rolls her eyes* Man up.

Alfred: You’re meanness is making me re-think what I wanted to say to you.

Sal: Oh please, you lurve my meanness.

Alfred: Lurve?

Sal: I stole it from Cami.

Alfred: Okay...

Sal: What? She stole my favorite boots! I mean, she asked first… and gave them back… but they were covered in mud! I cleaned them but… oh forget it! What did you want to tell me??

Alfred: I’ll start with a poem.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet, and so are you

But the roses are wilting

The violets are dead

The sugar bowl is empty, and so is your head

Alfred: Wait that’s not the right poem…

Sal: I’m in the right mind to cut your parachute strings right now.

Alfred: No! I just got nervous! I meant to recite that poem to Cami, not you.

Sal: *Snickers* Alright, what’s the real poem?

Alfred: *Sings* Itchy itchy goo means—

Sal: Awh! I love you, too! But that’s not a poem.

Alfred: *Sighs* There’s no pleasing you.

Sal: Shut up. Hey are we close to the ground yet?

Alfred: I’m not looking down!

Sal: Oh fine. *Looks down* Ehh, about thirty more feet to go.

Alfred: Pretty slow parachuting… Anyways, I can’t remember the poem, so let’s just pretend I did recite one.

Sal: Alright, well that kills the mood but then again I was never one for sappy romance poems. *Touches her feet to the ground* We’re here! :D

Alfred: Finally! *Tackles the ground and kisses it*.

Sal: Wow. *Sing-song voice* Pathetic.

Alfred: *Gets up and removes his parachute*.

Sal: Done making out with the ground, now? *Takes off her parachute*.

Alfred: Oh shut up. Let’s go. *Leads Sal to the back of the school*.

Sal: Why are we at the school football game? We already graduated, I don’t want to be back at this place of torture.

Alfred: We’re here to support my little brother. It’s his first football game.

Sal: You have a little brother?

Alfred: Yeah, he’s not that important.

Sal: How sweet… Well, I do like football. *Runs up to the bleachers and takes a seat in the top row* GO WHOEVER ALFRED’S BROTHER IS!

Alfred’s Brother: MY NAME IS MARK!



Alfred: Alright… *Sits down next to Sal*.


Alfred: I’ll be right back, I gotta use the restroom. *Leaves and heads out to the middle of the field, followed by cheerleaders, and other random people*.

Sal: What the heck? Alfred! You can’t pee out there!

Mark: *Rubs his forehead* Oh my gosh.

Cheerleaders & People: *Form a big heart with the initials S + A in the middle*.

Sal: Awh! If I had a heart I would hold it right now…

Alfred: *Is speaking into a microphone* Sal, I’ve loved you since the first day I met you.

All the Girls: Awh!!

Sal: Zip it, girlies. He’s mine.

Girls: *Glare*.

Sal: *Gives the girls the evil eye*.

Alfred: We’ve had our ups and downs – especially our parachuting trip on the way here when I read you a mean poem on accident that was really meant for Cami. But despite all we’ve been through, and no matter how mean you can get sometimes, I want to spend the rest of my days with you. *Gets down on one knee*.

All the People Behind Him: *Form the words "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"*

Sal: Awhhh! *Runs down all the steps, jumps over the bleacher wall, and tackles Alfred into a hug* YES! :D

Drew: *At the top of the bleachers holding a megaphone* Alright now that we’ve got that sappy proposal out of the way, can we get back to the game?


Alfred: *Puts a ring with a purple diamond on Sal’s finger*.

Sal: Ooh purple.


Drew: *Runs into the house* SAL AND ALFRED ARE ENGAGED!

Cami: *Spits out water* WHAT!? WHEN!?

Sal: What are you doing here?

Cami: You told me to meet you here...

Sal: Oh right. Well yeah, he proposed at the high school football game earlier!

Cami: Was it sappy?

Sal: Kind of. Drew recorded the whole thing.

Cami: I want to see it later! But now, I want to tell you something!

Sal: Are you engaged, too??

Cami: Goodness, no. How would that happen? You think one of us is going to propose over Skype? *Shudders*. And anyway, one cheesy proposal is enough for the day.

Sal: *Glares*.

Cami: No offense…

Sal: Mhm. So what did you wanna tell me?

Cami: I've decided to adopt.

Sal: WHAT!?

Cami: A cat.

Sal: Oh, thank God.

Cami: -.-

Sal: That's cool! *Whispers* My news is still better.

Cami: Yeah, well at least my news doesn’t involve a future divorce.

Sal: *Gasps* RUDE!

Kaydie: Well it could...  

Cami: *Shrugs* I’m too lovable for someone to divorce me.

Sal: *Chokes on a muffin we didn’t know she was recently eating…* LOVABLE!? YOU!? *Bursts out laughing* YEAH RIGHT!

Cami: Can it, bride-to-be.

Sal: *Flips Cami the bird*.


(A/N: Awh! Sal and Alfie are engaged. How adorable. ;D Who here thinks it'll last? Show a raise of hands. That's right... no one. Just kidding, just kidding. Sal's gonna strangle me through the phone later, just for that. No but it's sweet, huh? Also, it turns out there's only going to be one more after this.. Hope you enjoyed.)


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