Broken Pieces (M.C Fanfic) {S...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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Chatper 1 - Hey Everybody.
Chapter 2 - Back to reality.
Chapter 3 - Welcome aboard.
Chapter 4 - Pizza and chill.
Chapter 5 - Thanks for the memories.
Chapter 6 - Food, internet and pajamas.
Chapter 7 - Lessons in heels.
Chapter 8 - Partying is a job.
Chapter 9 - Casa dolce casa
Chapter 10 - Hangover Remedies.
Chapter 11 - Dreaming of far away places.
Chapter 12 - Time to move on...right?
Chapter 13 - Remembering is easy, forgetting is hard.
Chapter 14 - Drama, lies and tears; cheers to teenage years.
Chapter 15 - Seeing things Crystal clear.
Chapter 17 - "We were so different"
Chapter 18 - Do you plan to fall in love?
Chapter 19 - Heart on my sleeve.
Chapter 20 - Sex on the beach...literally.
Chapter 21 - "I want to kiss you."
Chapter 22 - Concealing the truth.
Chapter 23 - Bad decisions.
Chapter 24 - Pretty little liars.
Chapter 25 - 18 again.
Chapter 26 - Come explore with me.
Chapter 27 - Windy City.
Chapter 28 - Coffee Chic
Chapter 29 - I will not choose.
Chapter 30 - Close as strangers.
Chapter 31 - Glowing eyes.
Chapter 32 - Tear in my heart.
Chapter 33 - Taking back mistakes.
Chapter 34 - Sleep as in, same bed?
Chapter 35 - Underwear days.
Chapter 36 - Two new crushes.
Chapter 37 - PCD
Chapter 38 - Crisp Autumn days.
Chapter 39 - Impossible plans.
Chapter 40 - Summer Road Trip pt2
Chapter 41 - She got a boyfriend anyway.
Chapter 42 - We were never easy.
Chapter 43 - A dress with converse.
Chapter 44 - Your not ugly, society is.
Chapter 45 - Disappointment.
Chapter 46 - Words are knives.
Chapter 47 - City lights.
Chapter 48 - Truce.
Chapter 49 - You two look cute together.
Chapter 50 - Stressed out.
Chapter 51 - Quiet home thrill.
Chapter 52 - Boyfriend.
Chapter 53 - Dirty little secret.
Chapter 54 - It's You.
Chapter 55 - I wish you well.
Chapter 56 - No one like you.
Chapter 57 - A rock stars girlfriend.
Chapter 58 - Drama occurs.
Chapter 59 - On the road with your rock star ( ex ) boyfriend
Chapter 60 - 2 lies, 1 truth.
Chapter 61 - Remember me?
Chapter 62 - Flashbacks. High schools a bitch.
Chapter 63 - Hiding feelings.
Chapter 64 - Can you forgive me?
Chapter 65 - One way ticket to my future.
Chapter 66 - Glory days.
Chapter 67 - The show must go on.
Chapter 68 - It must be fate.

Chapter 16 - Stalkings illegal.

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By ShaneDawsonLuvR

Tori, Spencer and Hanna walked along the mall ground, looking around holding some bags. "Wow, I can't believe we've not been here in a while! It feels different" Hanna turned to the girls. "Yeah, I wonder how shops survived without your savings, Han?" Spencer giggled mocking slightly. "Your so funny babe" Hanna sighed, as she linked arms with Spencer. "I wonder how the music store is!" Hanna turned and looked straight at Tori. "Leave me out of it!" Tori smiled shaking her head.

"True, true" Spencer nodded, as she laughed quietly. "Hm..." Tori thought for a moment. "You wanna go?!" Hanna grinned and prodded Tori's cheeks a little. "No. Stop!" Tori shook her head. "Oh come on" Spencer looked around Hanna to look at Tori. "It may not even be there anymore" Tori shrugged. "We can go and see, look we came here to shop like back in the day..." Hanna shrugged and smiled at Tori. "Lets go..." Tori nodded.

The girls walked down the mall, towards the music store. "Its still here, in one piece!" Spencer smiled as she looked up at the store name. Walking inside, music filled their ears and Tori looked around. The place had moved around a little bit. Looking around the top floor, she turned to the girls and smiled. "Heading downstairs..." Tori trailed off. "We're coming with ya, we wanna see what was so special" Hanna giggled, walking with Spencer.

Tori rolled her eyes, and smiled as she walked down the stairs. With posters, and gig events up on the walls leading down the stairs. Turning into the room, she looked around. It wasn't busy, but there was a few people shopping around. That was her two years ago, and even though it wasn't that long ago, it felt like it. Snooping around the items, she smiled looking at all the CDs. "Hey cool, comics" Hanna smiled as she lifted on. Looking at her friend, she looked slightly out of place. Blonde wavy hair, with perfectly manicured nails and a white jacket with a pink top and skirt. Holding her handbag on her arm.

Shaking her head, Tori giggled before walking on. Not that she changed much. She still had her black jeans on, with converse type shoes. A black top with white crosses on it, and her leather jacket. "Hey look!" Hanna then spoke up, making Tori turn. She held up an album Tori has, and she smiled. "You have this right?" She then put it down and continued looking around. "Yeah, she'd probably has most of the store" Spencer laughed a little.

"Hey..." Hanna perked up. Tori continued looking at all the CDs, and ignored Hanna. Hearing a subtle slap against fabric, there was still silent from the girls till Tori turned. "What?" She asked. "Nothing!" Spencer grabbed something from Hanna, who's face seemed a little annoyed. "What is it?" Tori asked again. "Just a weird CD" Spencer told Tori, before looking wide eyed to Hanna. Tori walked down the isle, away from the girls. "Don't show her them!" Spencer whispered to Hanna.

"What?! She can't ignore them. They are a band..." Hanna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, try and help to keep her from him...!" Spencer nudged her before walking on. Hanna followed, her face still annoyed. Tori looked around the CD's as she came to the end of the isle. Looking at the end of the isles stand, she scanned the music before looking over towards the merch stand where she mostly got her stuff. Smiling she walked over, for Hanna and Spencer to turn the other way to continue looking at CDs.

"Who even buys CDs now?" Hanna sighed. "People do. Good music will never fail" Spencer smiled. Picking up a shirt Tori smiled, before she looked up to the wall where all the shirts were on show. Turning her head she noticed someone. Has he folded shirts into a shelf, his bracelets and necklaces chimed against one another. His black hair long from when she last saw him, and his work shirt and black jeans. A smile grew on Tori's face as she walked over, and stood behind him.

"Are you still bothering this joint?" Tori asked, joking making him turn around. Looking up a little, he looked straight up as he saw Tori's face. "Tori!" He shot up, and laughed. "Hey Johnny!" Tori laughed, as he grabbed her in for a hug. "Oh shit, how are you?!" He asked, looking back at her making Tori look up to his height. "I'm doing good, how are you?" She asked him. "Doing, living..." He then chuckled. "Its so good to see you, you look well" He grinned at her, making his two lip rings stretch slightly.

"Thanks, so do you!" She giggled. "Hows college?...or was?" He then asked. "It was awesome! Um...I've took a break as I've finished classes. I'm actually on an internship, traveling places to write about" Tori nodded. Johnny's eyes lit up. "Fuck, that's amazing!" He smiled. "Yeah it really is! I've been too California, New York...Washington." Tori began to list off. "Wow, that is fucking awesome! Look at you Montgomery!" He nudged her arm, smiling.

"Yeah, I don't want you to get in trouble for not working so...." "We should catch up! How long are you here for?" "I'm here till the end of the month" Tori nodded. "Great, we should go out. Catch up" Johnny grinned at her. "Yes, that would be nice!" Tori nodded, grinning. " was traveling?" Johnny turned to her, as he picked up another shirt. "Awh, amazing!" Tori laughed a little.


"I'm so hungry!" Hanna complained. "I cant believe we've been out for hours..." Spencer checked the time.


"I know, lets just go eat before heading back home." Tori nodded, as they headed towards a food place. "Hey, how about we stay over at mine...or Tori's?" Hanna offered. "Oh yes, not had a sleepover in forever!" Spencer nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, and we can watch movies, gossip and just binge out and drink" Hanna laughed, making her friends shake their heads laughing.

"You never change!" Tori laughed. "You wouldn't have be any other way" Hanna winked. "Yeah well i wont mind. Sounds fun" Tori sighed, as they walked into the food court. "So will we sit in, or take away?" Spencer asked. "We can sit in, then leave and head back to mine" Hanna nodded. "Cool, I'll get the order...usual or...?" Tori asked the girls. "Oh usual...but could I have a caesar salad with mine, with ranch?" Hanna asked and Tori nodded. "Sure" She shook her head and smile as she walked up to the ordering booth.

Taking her wallet out of her purse, she walked taking some hair from her face. Her focus was disturbed when someone walked out in front of her holding straws and a plastic fork. "Hi...well, isn't it the hit and run?" Michael spoke to her, making Tori stop in her tracks. "Well isn't it the victim?" " Tori asked narrowed her eyes at him slightly annoyed. "Oh come on" Michael chuckled. "Are you following me or something?" She asked. "I'm getting food...which I assume you are too..." Michael stared at her.

"Cant exactly sit in right now can I?" He asked. "Oh yeah, coz the girls will just go crazy" She spoke to him sarcastically as she walked on into the queue. "You still got your panties in a twist?" He asked her, walking beside her. "Don't for one second ever think you had any effect what so ever on my panties" She told him. "What, not even back when..." Michael started. "Go away!" Tori spoke calmly, as she shook her head. "Then what did I have an effect on?" He asked. "Other than my upchuck reflex...nothing" She sighed turning to him.

Michael stared at her, he had a snapback on backwards and strands of black hair peeped through. His denim jacket from the other night, with his usual jeans. Now seeing his face properly in the light, her stomach fluttered a little as she stared back at him. Noticing a small, vague pink park below his eye. "You didn't talk to me the other night" He sighed, his smirk fading. "So...I don't have to talk, when I don't want too" Tori looked away from him.

Hanna and Spencer ordered some drinks, and as the waiter walked away from the table Hanna noticed something. "Woahh!" She grabbed onto Spencer's arm. "What?" She asked slightly alarmed. "Is that...?!" Hanna pointed and Spencer looked on. "What...? Its just Tori talking too...holy shit!" Spencer swore as she turned to a wide eyed Hanna with wide eyes also. More full of shock. "No way!" Spencer whispered to Hanna. "What is he doing there?" Hanna asked.

"You must have a problem Tor..." Michael told her. "Don't even start. How are you, stand next to me and tell me that I have a problem. Walk away Michael...seriously." Tori shook her head, as she walked over to order. Ordering her's and the girls food, she went and grabbed some napkins. "Are you not going to talk to me again?" Michael asked her. Sighing heavily Tori looked up at him. "I'm going out my way to talk to you." Tori narrowed her eyes.

"Order 362!" A man shouted holding food. Michael looked up, and sighed before nodding. "Enjoy your food." Tori turned and grabbed some forks. Turning around to head back to the table, Michael walked past her and down out the food court. Tori shook her head as she walked down to the table and looked at the girls. Sitting down she put on a smile and put down the forks and napkins. "Okay...what the fuck was that?!" "What?" Tori smiled nicely.

"Oh y'know...ordering food...talking to your ex...." Spencer asked calmly. "What fuck was he doing here, and why were you talking to him?" Hanna asked. Tori sighed, and rubbed her face a little. "We uh, ran into each other the other night" She admitted to them. "What?!" The girls gasped. "When I had a row with my dad, I went out for a drive...I came off the phone from you Han, and I bumped into someone knocking them over slightly...I went out to check on them and it was him" She nodded.

"You ran Michael over?" Hanna held in a laugh. "No. I stopped just in time, but the bumper hit against his knee lightly." Tori shook her head. "Shiiit" Hanna sat back and turned to Spencer. "I cant...right now" Tori sighed. "Okay I think you need this more than me..." Hanna slid a glass of white over to Tori. "No, I don't need more wine....cant look at that" Tori slid it back to her. "Spill..." Hanna nodded.

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