Porcelain Skin || Cake

By kittiemikey

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He loved watching the boys Porcelain Skin glow in the moonlight, as he pretended to sleep. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Read This
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Nine

1.1K 96 43
By kittiemikey

It was a couple of days later and Michael had still not returned to the apartment. Calum had no idea where his colourful friend had disappeared to. Since Michael was legally an adult he couldn't do much, he did call Michael's parents though but no such luck there. 

Calum was currently asleep, it must've been about three o'clock in the morning. Rays of light from the moon came through his half closed curtains as he slept peacefully. But the peacefulness did not last, as someone knocked on the door. The boy started to wake up as whoever was knocking started to knock rapidly. But a few words made him wake immediately. 


Rushing out of bed, nearly knocking over his lamp in the process, he rushed to the door and unlocked it before his door got knocked down. He can't afford to replace it or get it fixed.

As soon as Calum opened the door, about five policemen and woman rushed in. He was immediately grabbed and pushed to the wall, almost breaking his nose as it smashed against the wall. "Calum Hood you are under arrest for suspicion of the murders of Niall Horan, Betty Magee, Dil Howlter and Jess Connor. 

You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire. "

Calum couldn't say anything, he was frozen in shock. He didn't know what to say, all he knew is that at three in the morning he was being pulled out his home and shoved into a police car. In the car was another police officer, one that hadn't rushed into the apartment. The guy looked scary to Calum, he was very muscular, much more than Luke.

They both didn't say anything throughout the whole journey, as they pulled up into the local police station another officer pulled him out the car. The handcuffs they put on the boy before they left dug into his wrists making him wince. Pulling Calum into an interview room and forcing him to sit down on the uncomfortable plastic chair, they left him alone. 

The boy stared at the table in front of him, he didn't look up when he heard the door open and a bunch of files were smacked down onto the desk. Someone sat down on the chair across from Calum, the table only separating them both. 

"Chin up sonny. You look like you have four chins when you look down." The person across from Calum said making the latter snap his head up and sigh tiredly. The person who sat on the other side of the table softly smiled before opening a folder. They looked like they were in their fifty's and some strands of their hair were turning grey. 

"Oh sorry, I should introduce myself. My birth given name is Linda but today Lee will be fine." They said not looking up. Calum just nodded, still unable to speak.

"So, It seems you are under the suspicion of four murders. That's a lot." They mumbled scanning their eyes down the page. "I didn't do it." Calum said finally able to will himself to speak. Their head snapped up and they looked at the boy through their glasses. 

"I believe you." Lee said smiling a little. "You do?" Calum asked. "Well did you do it?" Lee asked Calum.

"No." The boy said wanting to cross his arms but the handcuffs restricted him to do so. "Is there any chance of getting these handcuffs off?" 

"Sorry I don't have a key. They also want to keep them on for safety reasons." They told Calum turning a page of their book.

"Why do they think it's me? I'm only a college student making my way through life." Calum sighed wanting to bang his head on the wall. What did he do to deserve to be accused of such a thing.

"They found your finger prints on the door handle to the basement of your apartment block." Lee bit their lip.

"Everyone goes down there. Everyone who live's in the apartment block's finger prints should be on there." The boy glared at the table. 

"Yours were the most recent fingerprints on the knob, so that's why they believe it was you." They sighed crossing their arms. 

"Oh.." And that's when Calum remembered the bodies in the basement. When the police took him away he was still half asleep, no idea what was going on around him. "Shit." He groaned.

"Shit indeed." Lee chuckled. "But I think we'll get through this alright? It obviously wasn't you."

"How do we prove it's not me? We don't have any evidence, the only evidence we have is something against me." Calum muttered. 

"Well I'm assuming you didn't have a closer look to the bodies then, did you?" Lee leant back in their chair. 

"What do you mean, I'm not going to inspect some dead bodies am I? That's just weird." Calum cringed.

"Well, I had a look at some photos of the bodies. I know it's disgusting but it's for research purposes." They quickly added as they saw Calum's disgusted face. "So as you probably know, no information was let out to the public about Niall Horan's death. Right?" They said watching Calum's reaction. The latter nodded and waited for them to continue. 

"There was one peculiar thing about Niall's death that intrigued me." They said slowly as if they were trying not to let too much slip out. "It was the fact that he had a deep bite mark in his neck." 

"So an animal attack?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows. 

"That's what the authority's think, but anyway." They said wanting to move on. "Niall's death is connected to the other deaths, because the other's died exactly the same way. A bite to the neck. The only different thing to theirs is that the feeder was slightly more messy, who am I kidding, a lot more messy."

"You're talking as if this was a person that did it." Calum laughed an empty laugh.

"Am I? Silly me sorry." They chuckled nervously but the boy didn't pick up on it.

"So they basically think I'm a cannibal?"Calum said starting to bite his nails.

"In some way yes. To be honest, they don't have much against you. Apart from your fingerprints for the door knob. They have no witnesses, so it should be fairly easy to prove you're innocent." They smiled closing the folder. 

Calum let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He shouldn't be kept here for long and that made him happy. 

"Well I'll escort you to your cell. I'm sorry but we'll have to keep you in custody until further notice." They said with a look of sympathy. Calum just shrugged it off and smiled, he'll be okay. Hopefully.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating this and gangs. School is just sooooo busy since it started back up. 



also p!atd, I'm in love I swear.

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