Love was a story that couldn'...

By MrsTomlinson612

228 10 6

Ariel has always struggled with school and bullying but now a new guy has shown up at school she may not be s... More

A new year a new me
He live down the road
The start of something new
What am I gonna do.
Saterday nights alright for talking
Music is my spirit animal
Spring break.
Wake me up.
This is a song about a girl.
Sun sand and self harm.
I'm so sorry.
Im never letting you out my sight
Gig night
Let's fucking go have some fun.
Love was a story that couldn't compare
Met the parents
Welcome back
Prom shopping
Prom shopping part two
New start
Bedroom walls and silent calls
Where did I go wrong
Stay alive.
Goodbye my love
Gone to long
Your beds now full
Lets run away
Packing bags and glam rags
Fly away
Learn to fly.

Do we have to say goodbye

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By MrsTomlinson612

Patty's P.O.V.

I woke to the banging of suitcases down the stairs. The guys where leaving today and I was not ready to say goodbye. Yeah it meant that I had three days with my girl all to myself but these guys are my best friends and I really miss seeing them.

Luke and Emma stood at the bottom of the stairs with Karim and Jason. I ran downstairs and pulled them into a group hug.

"Where's my girlfriend?" I asked
"I'm in the kitchen come on through guys!" She called us in.
We walked into the kitchen to be greeted by the most amazing food ever.
"Umm Patty can I take your girlfriend home with me please I need someone to cook for me?" Karim sat down piling food onto a plate. Ushering us all to sit down.
"Did you do all this for us? This is amazing." Emma asked her smiling
"Indeed I did. You guys are leaving us behind and I don't think that I have really told you guys how much this week has really meant to me. I really believe you guys have changed my life. It means a lot knowing that you all aren't just nice to me because I'm patty's girlfriend but that you truly like me for who I am and that's amazing. It really means a lot to know that once I have left school in about two weeks I can actually just be happy with an amazing group of friends that will help me live for the moment and never look "back. You guys are amazing and I love you all." Air said sitting there smiling and making eye contact with us all.
"That was fucking beautiful" I said and we kept eating.

As soon as anyone finished eating Ariel started clearing up. It was amazing. We all put the bags into the car and stood there together.

Ariel's P.O.V.

Karim hugged me.
"Keep having zero fucks to give." He said referring to the necklace that I was wearing.
"I will Karim. Thanks for everything." He pulled out his phone and ushered me to put my number into it. We hugged again and he moved to patty

Party's P.O.V.

Karim pulled me into a bro hug and we stayed there for around ten seconds just not knowing what to do. Karim really did confide in me during our first year of being friends. He was having some issues that only him and I know about.
"If you need anything just call. I love you bro." I whispered
He nodded and got into his car.

Jason hugged me next and I hugged him back. We where super close in school and we always went on adventures.
"Next time I've gotta take you to the woods down here and we have gotta film it because that would just be amazing." I spoke excitedly thinking that they would be back soon hopefully.

Ariel's P.O.V.

"I'll miss you Jason. Sorry about all the issues with me during this trip."
"It's okay. I'll see you soon don't you worry about a thing. Bet you pass those exams and have fun at prom. I wanna see pics." Jason laughed
We hugged and Emma came and hugged me
"If you ever need me sweetie just call me. Woman to woman chats are the best. Also I honestly think you and patty are going to last a long time. He's a real keeper."
" thanks Emma I know he is I'm one lucky girl. Have fun and I hope that you and Luke last forever you are so cute."
We hugged and she slid over to patty.

Party's P.O.V.

I hugged Emma not saying a word. We both knew that it was hard for us both to say goodbye. Emma and I where close to dating a long time ago. We luckily never dated and remained great friends. She moved from the embrace and got into the passenger side of Luke's car. My eyes where full of tears as Luke approached me and Ariel. He pulled Ariel into a hug and began to sob. She whispered something I couldn't here into his  ear and ushered him over to me.

We stood looking at each other both of us crying our eyes out. He pulled me into a hug and we both cried on to each other. Luke was always with me when I stayed next door to him in London he and I used to talk to each other out of our bedroom windows until the sun came up. We where honestly the best of friends.
"I'll fucking miss you dude. I don't even think I cried this hard when I moved away. I guess it's just insane seeing you here with me again. Promise that we are gonna party hard when I graduate and we keep getting together and we can talk about that new movie's soundtrack. " I choked out my words
"I'll see you soon Buddy. It won't be long until we can all move closer. I really like it here. I'll text when we get back."
He climbed into the car and we both waved at each other.

Ariel's P.O.V.

I sat back in the house with patty on the sofa. He sobbed into my T-Shirt leaving my pizza in bae shirt looking rather soggy. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of us cuddled up together and put it on Instagram.
I captioned it '@pattyxwalters is missing @veeoneeye @karimadbridge @emmablackery and @Lukeisnotsexy

Have had to cuddle him for about an hour now. Hope you guys are driving home safe. We really miss you guys xxx'

He finally stopped crying and lifted his head to meet my face and he pressed his lips onto mine. We both moved in sinc with each other's lips. I could tell I was going to need air after a while but I was going to enjoy this until it was impossible to breath. Having Crappy lungs sucks since I can't kiss him as long as I want. I gasped for air and I fell into his embrace. It was only mid day but we just lay there all day. Before we knew it it was later than we expected.

"Patty, you hungry you ain't eaten since the morning." I asked him. He shook his head and just went back to staring at the wall. I could think of nothing better to do but open my mouth and sing to him. I bought of the first sad song I knew and just sang.

I ruled the world.
With these hands I shook the heavens to the ground.
I laid the gods to rest.
I held the key to the kingdom.
Lions guarding castle walls.
Hail the king of death.

Then I lost it all
Dead and broken.
My back's against the wall.
Cut me open.
I'm just trying to breathe,
Just trying to figure it out
Because I built these walls to watch them crumbling down.
I said, "Then I lost it all."
And who can save me now?

I stood above
Another war,
Another jewel upon the crown.
I was the fear of men.
But I was blind.
I couldn't see the world there right in front of me.
But now I can... (yeah)

'Cause I lost it all
Dead and broken.
My back's against the wall.
Cut me open.
I'm just trying to breathe,
Just trying to figure it out
Because I built these walls to watch them crumbling down.
I said, "Then I lost it all."
Who can save me now?


I believe that we all fall down sometimes (oh)
Can't you see (can't you see it) that we all fall down sometimes? (oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh yeah)

I believe that we all fall down sometimes (oh)
(Can't you see, yeah) Can't you see that we all fall down sometimes? (yeah, we all, yeah, we all fall down)


I believe that we all fall down sometimes

I pulled him back into a hug and just let him lay there. I could see the tears forming in his eyes again. A single tear dropped down his face and I wiped it away with my thumb. I hate seeing Patty like this.

Patty and I slept in the same bed that night. At around 9pm My phone rang. The song Patty and I did together played from the room next door. I ran in and grabbed it. It was a Skype call from Emma.
" Hey how's things? You guys safe?" I Asked
"Yeah we are okay how's patty?" She asked me
" I'm okay Just missing you."

We kept talking to Emma for about an hour until we all decided to call it a night.

I lay there with Patty's arm round me and just felt so calm. He is my everything

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