A Model And A Fan - Larry Sty...

By Whatsuphello1

3.3M 104K 195K

Louis is shy and quiet . Harry is popular and known . ~ A few nights before his birthday , Louis decided he's... More

Quick Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Character Asks
Ch. 29
Character Answers
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
13 Facts
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Character Asks 2
Ch. 57
Character Answers 2
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80
A List of My Favourite Books
Ch. 81
Ch. 82
Ch. 83
Ch. 84
Ch. 85
Ch. 86
Ch. 87
Character Asks 3
Ch. 88
Ch. 89
Ch. 90
Character Answers 3
Ch. 91
Ch. 92
Ch. 93
Ch. 94
Ch. 95
Ch. 96
Ch. 97
Ch. 98
Ch. 99
Ch. 100
Last Character Asks
Last Characters Answers
1 Million

Ch. 21

36.6K 1K 1.7K
By Whatsuphello1

Hiii , I hope this one goes well !! It's going to be long since I didn't write the last few ones as long as I usually do , so hopefully you'll enjoy it . xx


Harry woke up at nine thirty a.m , immediately smiling at the familiar warm body in his arms . His eyes kept close , he shifted closer to Louis' body and sighed to himself .

Today is Valentine's Day , his first one with Louis . He planned some small things for them , knowing they're both a little tired and that Louis doesn't like major celebrations .

He opened his eyes and looked down to Louis' sleeping figure , pressing a kiss to his soft cheek . Louis' eyes slowly fluttered open , he groaned and closed his eyes again .

"Morning ." Harry smiled down at him , Louis sighed , "Morning . I'm still tired ."

"Well too bad , we got to get up ." Harry kissed his cheek again .

"No we don't ." Louis pulled the covers up to under his eyes .

"Yes we do , it's Valentine's Day ."

Louis opened his eyes and looked at Harry , "Is it really ?"

"Yeah ." Harry nodded and moved his hair from his forehead , pressing a light kiss to his hairline , "I have a few small things for us to do today , since we have the day off ."

"Mm , okay ." Louis nodded , "Just five minutes more ."

"Five minutes and I'm pulling you out of bed ." Harry chuckled in his ear , Louis smiled and bit his lower lip to contain his giggle .


"Where are we going ?" Louis asked , sitting next to Harry in the taxi .

"We're going to have brunch , since we kind of missed breakfast . I always go to this place when I'm around here , you'll love it ." He placed his hand on Louis' thigh and smiled at him , Louis nodded and looked out of the window , still taking in that he's in America .

"How was your flight ?" Harry asked , Louis turned his head towards him , "It was okay . I freaked out a little when the plane took of , but Niall and Zayn helped me calm down ."

"Hm , did you eat or drink something ?"

"Just water , and a few cookies . We ate before the flight , so I wasn't hungry ." 

The taxi stopped , Harry payed the driver and they got out , Harry quickly put his arm around Louis , "Good . The landing was alright ?"

"Yeah , less frightening than I thought it would be ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry brought him closer , "I'm glad ." He stopped in front of a small restaurant , "Well , this is the place ."

Harry opened the door for him and Louis , walking in with an arm around him . They sat at a table in front of each other , a waitress handed them menus .

"Well I'm just going to get my usual meal here , did you pick something ?" Harry asked , Louis tilted his head to the side , "I'm not sure . I think the toast salad would be okay ."

"Hm , sounds good . My regular here is mac and cheese with chicken , god it tastes like heaven ." Harry bit his lip and looked into space dreamily , making Louis giggle .

Harry smiled at him and held his hand from across the table , "I missed hearing your giggle in those four days , and your smile , god your smile ..."

Louis blushed and looked away , smiling into the sweater paw he pressed to his face . "You made me blush again ."

"You know I love making you blush ." Harry smiled genuinely and removed his hand from his face , holding both his hands in his large ones .

"But I look like a tomato ."

"A cute tomato ."

Louis giggled again , looking away shyly . He was still not used to Harry's compliments , even though Harry showers him with them .

"I don't think I'll ever get used to getting compliments from you ." Louis confessed .

"Well better for me , I'll get to see this blush on you and hear your cute giggle , and your smile ..." Harry grinned at him , and Louis didn't know where to bury himself from happiness . He beamed , letting out another giggle .

A small cough was heard from near them , they looked away from each other to see the waitress . "I'm really sorry to interrupt , but I need to take your order , so let's do this quick so you can go back to being adorable , yeah ?" She smiled with a small chuckle , Harry smiled and sent Louis a wink , making him blush deeper .

"Alright , so , what's your order ?" She flipped her notepad out of her pocket and clicked her pen .

"Louis ?"

"O-oh , uhm . I'll t-take the - the toast salad , p-please ." Louis said quietly , the waitress nodded and wrote it down , "And for you ?" She turned to Harry .

"I'll take the mac and cheese with the chicken bits ."

"Alright , anything to drink ?"

Harry turned to Louis , "Is coke alright with you ?"

Louis nodded , not trusting his voice not to stutter .

The waitress nodded again and wrote it down aswell , "Alright , it'll be ready in a few ." She smiled at them and left .

Harry turned his attention to Louis , holding his hands again , "You stuttered ."

"I know . I-I'm just not used to - to talking to new people . Anxiety sucks ." He bit his lower lip nervously .

"I'll help you with it , alright ?" Harry gave his hands a small squeeze , "I'll help you . It's a work in progress , not overnight . It'll be okay ."

Louis nodded . "Thank you ."

"No need to thank me ." Harry pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles , returning the blush to his cheeks .


"I was thinking , we could take a stroll down the street , not really doing anything ." Harry suggested as they left the restaurant , intertwining his fingers with Louis' .

"Yeah , sounds good ." Louis nodded with a small smile , walking closer to Harry since the street was packed and he was afraid of losing him .

"And unfortunately we don't really have that much time to ourselves , fans are probably going to swarm us . So we can just start walking towards the hotel , and if we'll be close enough we'll just go straight there , or we'll take a taxi ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , "Who did you collab with , at the YouTube party ?" He asked , changing the subject .

"With Phil and Dan , it has been a while . I just uploaded the video before we picked you up from the airport . I need to edit mine and Shane's video , it was one of the funniest I've ever filmed ." Harry laughed to himself .

"He's one of my favourites ." Louis said with a smile , "I like how he can laugh at himself , and laugh about his past . As hard as it is . He's carefree , and I like it ."

Harry smiled and kissed the side of his head , "He'd better not be stealing you away from me ."

Louis giggled , "No , he isn't ."

"Good ." Harry tugged him closer and wrapped his arm around his waist .

"Its' hard for me to keep up with your pace , your steps are bigger than mine ." Louis pouted , when he found himself half-running ot keep up with Harry .

Harry chuckled , "Come on , short legs ." He wrapped both arms around his waist , lifting him up and walking . Louis gasped in surprise and clutched Harry's coat , "Harry ! Put me down !" He tried being serious but ended up giggling .

Harry laughed and spinned in circles , Louis clutched him closer as his giggles increased . He put him back down and pecked his lips , smiling at his soft giggles .


"I asked the reception to bring us the dinner here , okay ? So we don't have to leave the room ." Harry mumbled as he cuddled closer to Louis in bed , his face buried in his neck .

"Mm , perfect . It's cozy and warm , I get cold easily ." Louis agreed and ran his fingers through Harry's hair . Harry smiled and pressed a light kiss to his warm skin , "You're like a human-size warm teddy bear that I can cuddle with all the time ."

Louis blushed with a shy smile on his lips , his hand rubbing up and down his back . "When did you tell them to bring the food up ?" He asked .

"Around eight thirty ." Harry said , "What time is it now ?"

"Eight fifteen ." Louis looked at the watch in his phone . He then looked down to Harry , who had his eyes closed agaisnt his neck . He put the phone on silence and turned the front camera on , taking a quick snap of him . He then logged into his Instagram , posting the picture with a caption "Best Valentine's ever x" , he turned his notifications off because he knew his phone is going to blow up in seconds .

He placed his phone down and looked down to Harry again , Harry sighed contently and opened his eyes , looking up at Louis , "Hey ."

"Hi ." Louis giggled , his thumb rubbing softly on his cheek . Harry shifted up so he was eye level with Louis , pressing their lips together .

Harry's fingers touched Louis' hip under his shirt , making Louis jump , "Your fingers are freezing ." He giggled lightly .

"Whoops , sorry ." Harry chuckled and brought his hand to his waist on his shirt , drawing small circles on him . Louis shifted under his hand , leaning away from the touch .

Harry raised his eyebrow at him , looking at his hand then back at him with a smirk .

"No , Harry ." Louis shook his head and pushed Harry's hand away , Harry laughed and brought him closer , his fingers gently wiggling on his ribs . 

"Harry !" Louis giggled and pushed at his hand , squirming away from him . Harry just smirked mischievously , "There's no stopping once the tickles begin !!"

"Nooo !" Louis did his best to push Harry away , when he successfully did Harry was pushed out of bed , to the floor .

"Harry ! I'm so sorry !" Louis said , looking down at him and giggling .

"Ugh , Lou ... what was that for ?" Harry groaned and rolled to his back .

"You know I don't like tickles . You deserve it , I did say I'm not responsible for your injuries ." Louis got out of bed and held his hand out for Harry to take .

Harry took his hand , but pulled him down on him . Louis yelped as he crushed into Harry's chest , both of them laughing .

There was a knock on the door , Harry sat up and pulled Louis with him , "It must be our special dinner ." He kissed Louis' cheek and they both got up , Louis straightened his clothes and sat on the edge of the bed , waiting for Harry to be back with the food .

Harry opened the door , smiling at the waiter . The waiter smiled back and rolled the cart into the room , "Good evening , sir . Here's your dinner ." He started listing what Harry ordered , Harry nodded and pointed to the table where they'll be eating .

He tipped the waiter and held his hand to Louis , "Let's eat , yeah ?"

Louis nodded and took his hand , letting Harry lead him to the table . They sat down , Harry held his hand and kissed his knuckles , "I'm happy you're here ."

"I'm happy you want me here ." Louis blushed with a smile on his face , Harry grinned at him and pressed another kiss to his knuckles , "I hope you'll like what I ordered us ."


"Ready to sleep ?" Harry watched Louis crawling under the covers , Louis nodded and yawned , "Yeah , I'm super tired ."

"I can tell ." Harry smiled and sat next to him , "I'll join you in a bit , alright ?"

Louis nodded and lied back on the pillows , shifting so he's more into the middle of the bed than the side . He lifted the covers up to his nose and shivered at the cold , mentally asking Harry to hurry up .

Soon Harry joined him , hugging him into his chest , "Good night , love ."

"Night , Haz ." Louis put his arm around Harry , Harry engulfed him close and closed his eyes , both drifting off to sleep in a matter on minutes .


Sooo , I wanted to surprise you with another update , as an apology for barely updating .

I hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . xx


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