Broken Pieces (M.C Fanfic) {S...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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Chatper 1 - Hey Everybody.
Chapter 3 - Welcome aboard.
Chapter 4 - Pizza and chill.
Chapter 5 - Thanks for the memories.
Chapter 6 - Food, internet and pajamas.
Chapter 7 - Lessons in heels.
Chapter 8 - Partying is a job.
Chapter 9 - Casa dolce casa
Chapter 10 - Hangover Remedies.
Chapter 11 - Dreaming of far away places.
Chapter 12 - Time to move on...right?
Chapter 13 - Remembering is easy, forgetting is hard.
Chapter 14 - Drama, lies and tears; cheers to teenage years.
Chapter 15 - Seeing things Crystal clear.
Chapter 16 - Stalkings illegal.
Chapter 17 - "We were so different"
Chapter 18 - Do you plan to fall in love?
Chapter 19 - Heart on my sleeve.
Chapter 20 - Sex on the beach...literally.
Chapter 21 - "I want to kiss you."
Chapter 22 - Concealing the truth.
Chapter 23 - Bad decisions.
Chapter 24 - Pretty little liars.
Chapter 25 - 18 again.
Chapter 26 - Come explore with me.
Chapter 27 - Windy City.
Chapter 28 - Coffee Chic
Chapter 29 - I will not choose.
Chapter 30 - Close as strangers.
Chapter 31 - Glowing eyes.
Chapter 32 - Tear in my heart.
Chapter 33 - Taking back mistakes.
Chapter 34 - Sleep as in, same bed?
Chapter 35 - Underwear days.
Chapter 36 - Two new crushes.
Chapter 37 - PCD
Chapter 38 - Crisp Autumn days.
Chapter 39 - Impossible plans.
Chapter 40 - Summer Road Trip pt2
Chapter 41 - She got a boyfriend anyway.
Chapter 42 - We were never easy.
Chapter 43 - A dress with converse.
Chapter 44 - Your not ugly, society is.
Chapter 45 - Disappointment.
Chapter 46 - Words are knives.
Chapter 47 - City lights.
Chapter 48 - Truce.
Chapter 49 - You two look cute together.
Chapter 50 - Stressed out.
Chapter 51 - Quiet home thrill.
Chapter 52 - Boyfriend.
Chapter 53 - Dirty little secret.
Chapter 54 - It's You.
Chapter 55 - I wish you well.
Chapter 56 - No one like you.
Chapter 57 - A rock stars girlfriend.
Chapter 58 - Drama occurs.
Chapter 59 - On the road with your rock star ( ex ) boyfriend
Chapter 60 - 2 lies, 1 truth.
Chapter 61 - Remember me?
Chapter 62 - Flashbacks. High schools a bitch.
Chapter 63 - Hiding feelings.
Chapter 64 - Can you forgive me?
Chapter 65 - One way ticket to my future.
Chapter 66 - Glory days.
Chapter 67 - The show must go on.
Chapter 68 - It must be fate.

Chapter 2 - Back to reality.

46 4 1
By ShaneDawsonLuvR

"Hi, would you like anything from the cart?" A air hostess disturbed Tori.

Vodka on ice, vodka on ice, vodka on ice...

"No, I'm fine thank you" Tori responded after a quick think. A polite nod and a smile, the woman then walked off down the plane asking the same to other passengers. To be honest, Tori was nervous from being on the plane to heading to San Fransisco to meet this editor. Her stomach felt sickly, and she knew it was nerves. Around 5 hours on the flight, which wasnt too bad.

Yeah, if she wasnt worrying so much about everything! Tori turned to her handbag and pulled out her small tablet before unlocking it and sighing. What to do....

Fruit ninja, knots and crosses, re reading her emails again. All she knew was there was a hotel room with her name on it, and she had to meet the editor of the whole project that was apart of now. Either it was when she landed or the next day, she was unsure of. Plugging in her headphones, she switched her music on and sighed sitting back. It was beginning to get dull in Chicago, it was past seven. Listening to her music, she decided to click onto YouTube, scrolling through songs on an auto list.

Tori sat staring out the window, as she listened to each song that played randomly from the playlist. Turning her head to the outside of the isle, the song stopped. Digging into her bag again a voice made her shiver a little.

"Hi we're five seconds of summer..." Looking up, then to the side she realized it came from her earphones. Looking down she spotted Michael talking and waving to the camera as they all sat with acoustic guitars and microphones. Grabbing the buds from her ears, she sighed and closed her eyes. Looking back down, she stared at Michael's face as he now silently played guitar and sung along with the guys.

Leaving the app, she put down her tablet to the side before turning to the window.


San Francisco.

Tori wheeled her case into the airport, and looked around at everyone moving around. Running, eating, talking. Biting her lip, she read emails on her phone as she looked around for certain gates. She walked down towards the exit, before coffee filled her nostrils. Mm, she could go some caffeine. Looking around, she found the source of the scent and headed towards the small intake store which had the sign ' Starbucks ' on it.

She stood in the small queue and she read through her emails. She knew all she had to do was get a taxi to the hotel she was welcome to stay at for her stay in San Fran, which wasn't that long. Two weeks. As far as she knew.

"Next please!" A voice called, making her look up. "Hi! Uh, can I have a tall vanilla latte please" Tori smiled. "Uh huh, cream on top?" The girl asked. "No, thanks" Tori shook her head, as she held onto her case handle. "Whats your name?" "Tori" She then smiled and walked on as the girl passed on the cup. Looking around Tori took in the scene. Outside of those doors, she'd be in San Fransisco again and she couldnt wait.

"Tori?!" A voice called, and she turned as to meet eyes with a guy holding the cup. "Thank you!" Tori nodded and handed him the money before picking it up and leaving. She walked out past people sipping on her coffee, and the caffeine satisfying her tiredness, and also her hungry stomach. It wouldn't full her, so she had to get to the hotel soon. Walking out the automatic doors, it was lighter than what she'd expected.

"Hm..." Tori spoke out to herself, as she walked to a taxi line. Just then her phone rang.


'Tori? Hello it's Jacqueline! Are you in California yet?!'

'Hello! Yes, just landed! Im waiting to get a taxi'

'Oh good! Okay, well you get to the hotel and rest. You have an appointment tomorrow at eleven. Myself, and the writers will be giving you details of your assignments. You wont be in the office much at all, your outdoor intern. If that was a common thing!'

'Oh okay, well that's brilliant! Thank you'

'You are welcome! That's all the information I have for you right now, so I'll see you tomorrow'

'Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye'

Tori hung up and looked up to see a driver looking at her. "Oh sorry!" She smiled and walked on. "Not at all, don't worry" He nodded taking her case into the back of the taxi. Tori got herself into the car, and closed the door somehow with some relief in her. She told her driver where to go and she sat back and relaxed a little.

This was a new start.

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