A Normal Life

By hyperactivegigglefit

4.4K 219 39

Dean Winchester is a high school senior who never pays attention in class and is on the football team. He fee... More

A Normal Life
The Winchester Family
School Life
Tutoring Sessions
Dean's Thoughts
Unknown Feelings
A Place to Belong
Anger, Love and Confusion
Dreams Into a New World
The Truth Comes Out
Having Someone to Care About
Dreams Finally Come True
On the Road
Confronting the Parents
Accepting of the Truth
A Plan of Action
Don't Get Bitten
No More Goodbyes
Going Home
All is Calm, All is Safe

New Friends Are Hard to Make

197 15 0
By hyperactivegigglefit

Okay here is the next chapter, it is a still early in the story so I am sorry if it feels like I am rushing anything. Please tell me if you think it is. Also the cover is a work in progress, I don't know what I am going to do for it yet. Ideas are appreciated! 


Castiel POV

Castiel didn’t like home. He would rather stay on the street than hang out with his dad alone. He didn’t have much choice though, since he had no friends he didn’t have an excuse to be anywhere but home.

That had to be the most frustrating part, having no friends. Sure he had survived this long and had managed to do excellent in school because he had no distractions. It was still hard though, going through life without anyone to be with.

He knew his dad worried about his lonely life, but Castiel also knew that his dad loved having him around all the damn time. That way he never had to worry about him getting into any trouble.

Either way, Castiel knew it was time to find some friends and have a place to be other than his house. It was just easier said than done.

He turned onto his street and made his way slowly toward his house. Dread began to fill up in his chest as his house loomed closer. It wasn’t a scary house per say. It had a white picket fence surrounding it completely, the house itself was a dark brown and rose up two storeys including a basement that couldn’t be seen from the street. The pathway that led up to the house was cement and there was a grassy lawn on either side of it that Castiel mowed on the first Sunday of every month. He bounded up the front porch steps, took out his key and entered the house.

“So, is that you?” His dad’s voice called from the living room.

Castiel heaved a sigh and moved into the room “Yeah, it’s me Dad.”

“Oh good, where were you?” He asked, standing up and walking over to his son. He gave him a quick hug and then moved on into the kitchen “I made some meatloaf, I don’t know if you’re hungry or not. There is a lot left over if you want some.”

“Thanks. I’ll have some in a bit.” Castiel replied. He avoided the first question on purpose. He didn’t want his dad to know that he was now a tutor. He would just make a big fuss about it.

His dad said nothing more on the subject of where he’d been anyway. He nodded and then walked up the stairs to his room, probably to work. He was the manager of a business company that specialized in mechanics. Castiel wasn’t entirely sure what it was they did, but it didn’t really matter to him either way.

Taking a plate down from the cupboard, he served himself a piece of the meatloaf and sat down at the table in the kitchen.

While he ate, he began thinking about ways he could help Dean. The tutoring sessions would have to be more than him just giving him the yes and no on his homework. In test it didn’t work that way. He could probably give him studying tips, worksheets too.

His thoughts moved from how he could help Dean to Dean himself. He couldn’t help but wonder why such a popular kid would even bother trying to have a conversation with Castiel. The whole time he’d been studying with him, he’d been trying to get to know Castiel a little bit. He had actually cared.

No matter what Castiel tried to tell himself, he knew that Dean had been genuine the whole time.

He always did this, doubted whatever anyone told him and tried to live alone. He tended to do what he was told on his own terms. It was a bad habit he thought, but the teachers at the school seemed to see it as strength and a show of leadership. It made him smile to even think about. He wasn’t a leader and could never see himself becoming one either.

Sighing he finished his dinner and put the plate in the dishwasher. After, he trudged up to his room, slamming the door behind him and collapsing onto his bed.

He landed on his stomach and then shifted so that he was staring up at his ceiling. When he’d been about eight his father had painted a scene of the daytime sky mixed in with the night on his ceiling. The painting was split in two. One side had the sun, a brilliant blue sky and few wisps of clouds; on the other side was a full moon and constellations that would really be seen if he had no roof. It was Castiel’s favourite part about his room.

Staring up at it, he couldn’t help but smile. It always made him feel better to stare up at the sky.

Slowly he felt his eye lids start to drift close and a quiet peace passed over him. He took a deep breath and then was floating in the world of dreams.

Castiel was standing in front of his house. He was simply staring up at it, waiting for something to happen, something bad.

There was nothing he could do to stop it, so why try?

A few minutes rolled by and then it happened. There was a popping sound and the whole house burst into flames; his childhood, gone in one instant. The wood crackled as it began to disintegrate. Castiel stood there watching while there were screams and people yelling to call the fire department. That’s when he heard the screaming coming from inside the house.

A face appears at the window; the face of his father.

He takes a step forward; maybe he should go and help him. It was his father after all! He had to help him right?

A hand clapped down on his shoulder though, stopping him from going and helping the only family he had left in the world. He let the hand keep him there.

Then another face came up beside his father. A face that was new to him, yet held a great significance now; a face that he wanted to be in his life forever. It was Dean’s face.

His bright green eyes shone through the window. They pleaded with Castiel, pleading for his house. Without another thought, he pushed the hand off his shoulder and ran into the burning house. He burst through the collapsing door toward the window where his family was.

His father gave him a hug when he saw him but Castiel was more focused on Dean. Dean’s eyes grinned up at him. The boy rushed forward and pulled Castiel into a hug of his own “I knew you’d come for me.” Dean whispered in his ear.

Castiel pulled away and smiled “I would do anything for you Dean.”

Then Dean did something Castiel didn’t know he wanted. Dean leaned in closely and placed his lips on Castiel’s cheek. As he did, Castiel knew that they weren’t going to survive this, nothing good ever happened to him without something bad happening.

With that thought in his head, the house exploded and Castiel was thrown into bright white light.

He sat up breathing heavily. Castiel ran a hand through his hair and stared around his room. The light above was still on, his door was closed now and there was a blanket over top of him. His dad must’ve come in and put it over him.

Castiel often fell asleep without having done anything to get ready. He was usually really tired.

But he was trying to distract himself from the dream now. He shook his head again and felt his throat constrict.

He knew why the house had exploded in his dream. It was because nothing good ever happened to him, it was because he didn’t let it. Dean was something good, no matter how their relationship turned out. It was time to put the past behind him and take a step toward a better life.

It was time for him to make friends.


He woke up the next morning with a small smile on his lips. Today was going to be a good day, he just knew it.

Reaching his arms into the air, he got out of bed. Not bothering to see if his dad was up, he trudged into the kitchen and began to make some coffee and poured himself a bowl of cereal.  While the coffee brewed, he ate the cereal and began to make his lunch for the day.

By the time he finished the coffee was ready and he quickly downed a mug.

For once he was actually excited to get to school. Usually it terrified him; there were people there who wanted to hurt him. They told him to watch his back that they were coming for him. Maybe that was why he was so easy to distrust everyone.

To him, they were all the same. They all had the same motive, they were all cruel.

Well, he was finding out just how wrong he was!

It was true that he had known Dean on some level before being properly introduced to him. He’d always been a little different from the other jocks. He didn’t have a string of cheerleaders following him and he didn’t seem to ever have a girlfriend. It made people talk, but the rumours never lasted. He was too high up on the food chain that was high school. Plus, they were probably all lies anyway; even though every time Castiel heard them.... His heart would beat faster with hope.

He was such an idiot!

Shaking his head he grabbed his backpack and left the house. He walked down the street toward the school. It wasn’t a long walk for him, a five minute walk at most. Though most of the time he dawdled; not wanting to get to his own personal Hell too quickly.

Today was different, he wanted to get there and talk to Dean about tutoring. Of course he would have to wait until class time. He was not brave enough to go up to him while he was with his buddies.

When he arrived at the school he saw Dean arrive with Sam, the beautiful car that he owned pulling into the parking lot. His heart skipped a beat but he pushed it down. Stop it! He told himself fiercely.

Rushing away inside he tried to avoid everyone.

“Hey there Cassie boy!” A mocking voice came behind him.

Castiel cringed and looked up at the jock that was standing there “Um, good morning.”

“Got our money today?” The ring leader asked with a grin.

Slowly Castiel reached into his pocket and pulled out the fifty dollar bill they had demanded from him yesterday. He handed it over quickly and prayed to whoever was listening that they would go away.

“That’s a good boy!” He crooned reaching up and ruffling Castiel’s hair. “We’ll see you around then! Stay out of trouble! Okay Cassie?”

“Yeah.” He replied quietly as they walked away laughing.

Castiel could feel his cheeks burning and wished he could just disappear. He looked around and saw people turning away from him. They had all seen what had just happened; no one had done a damn thing! Sure he understood why, they didn’t want to be the next victim. Still, would it have hurt to at least call a teacher over? No one needed to know it had been them that had done it!

“Cas!” Dean’s voice came from a little down the hall.

Castiel looked over and forced a grin to his lips.

Sam was with his brother but he broke off before Dean reached him. Castiel let a real grin spread onto his face as Dean made a beeline for him and ignored the calls from his friends. “How are you?”

“I’m okay.” Castiel replied “You?”

“Better now.” Dean winked as he said it. “See you in History.” He said and then turned and went over to his buddies.

Castiel watched him go and wished that he could be part of that group. It wasn’t something he normally wished but... Well there was a reason for him to be over there now.

He packed his books into his bag and locked his locker. Dean’s friends were glaring over at him now. Castiel could see the warning in their eyes. There was something now right, they looked like they were threatening him. Obviously they didn’t like how friendly Dean seemed with him!

All he wanted to do was to tell them to get over it. It wasn’t there choice who Dean made friend with! They had no say in it!

He would get a good ass kicking for saying something like that. That’s for sure! No, he would ignore them and just be cautious on how he was with Dean in public. There didn’t need to be any trouble. They could all just be friends...Right?


Like I said above, please comment and rate what you think about it so far. Feedback would be really good for this story. I want to make sure it isn't too cheesy or too rushed. Thank you all for reading and I hope you are enjoying it!!

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