Culturally Biased

נכתב על ידי sycam0resauce

152K 7.9K 2.8K

"I feel that African American women are the most...culturally biased, hence the title of this show...." עוד

"Ooh light skin babies"
Acting like a dark skin?
"It was always hard to tell us apart"
"You know you don't look that black when your hair is straightened"
"I dissmiss you not the bell"
"Speak of the devil...literally."
"You had me at room full of black girls"
"Yay us."
"Keyword; reality"
"Why is Kendrick Lamar here?"
"I'll just eat some rice."
"You said my nails were crusty..."
"I like you"
"I am loving this sassy side"
"I guess I can try"
"Annick, you idiot!"
"you never have to say 'free my ninja'"
"Business days?"
"I thought I was good at mashing potatoes."
"I suck."
"Time for you to die."
"Is that a test?"
"Jesus, take the wheel."
"Glow up was for real, huh?"
Author's note
"I think I've said too much."
"Smile Randy."
Please read
"I need to tell you."
"But your vans are pretty cool."
"I'm gonna give you five seconds..."
"You're still crying."
"You weren't complaining when I put it there."
*didn't know what to name this chapter*
"Just move wannabe side hoe."
"No more questions."
"I'm white, Annick."
"The walls are really thin."
"You make a terrible me."
"A man can only hope."
You better fluffing read this
"I love New York."
"Wish me good luck."
"You fucking monkey!"
"Where's Mr. Carter?"
"Does it say positive?"
"Imma go pray for Brazil."
"Then come with me."
"I thought I had it on silent."
"...The bed is too basic."
"Guess who eavesdropped?"
"Everything matters!"
"He must really hate Jeffery."
"Troy Watson?"
"Someone's in love."
"You're a bad liar."
"Papi, have you been avoiding me?"
"Must you do this every year?"
"So, you like music huh?"
"Stop, whining."
"Depends on what it is."
"Poor guy."
"Black. I like black."
"We never got to continue this."
"Be safe."
"Enlighten us."
"Nope I'm on."
"What did I do?"
Book 2 trailer

"I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm chill"

4K 194 72
נכתב על ידי sycam0resauce


James and Randy jumped on each other just a little out of excitement hitting eachother with the "BROOO!"

"I think this house may be the only thing bigger than Randy's head." Jeffery said bursting into laughter.

"Well I'll be damned, this place is huge..bigger than Mama's concha bread." Dario said while looking at the house in amazement.

Mario Laughed. "Come on in guys."

"So we have four rooms, that you guys would be sharing-but I'm not assigning them you'll randomly choose." Mario said while pointing upstairs.

"Before you go up though, be silent we all want this to be a surprise when the girls get here." Mario said while grinning mischievously.

Each guy went up one by one all crowded in the upstairs hallway.

James shrugged. "I guess I'll go first."

He walked all the way down to the room which would be labeled Room A1.

Randy took the first room next straight to the hallway next it came to Dario and Jeffery.

The two both reached for the same handle.

The two had a stare off.

"Let go of the knob." Dario said while squeezing his hand.

"No, I'm not letting go." Jeffery said while mocking Dario.

The two both heard footsteps from the same door.

Looking at each-other, Jeffery ran into the other room and Dario into the one he had held.

James POV

"I got lucky, too bad I don't have any muffins on the house." I said while placing my hand on a hip.

Brazil who was wearing a black crop top and light blue jeans, walked out the closet and smiled. "You stalking me, pink Apron?"

I placed my bags down. "I'm really glad you're here I couldn't imagine spending summer with anyone else."

She shrugged. "I try." I nodded. "No need to."

She sat down on the floor. "Well while others get settled in let's get to know about eachother."

I laughed. "Well I know you like chocolate muffins." I then pointed at myself.

She started laughing. "Oh my goodness."

I heard a little squeak in her laugh she immediately stopped.

I looked at her.

"Why'd you stop?"

She rubbed her leg. "My laugh is-." I cut her off.

"Beautiful, contagious."

Randy POV

We made eye contact and just stood for a second.

She turned around.

"Wow, isn't this crazy?"

I looked around.


She shook her head. "Nothing."

I was puzzled. "Well are you going to tell me your name?"

I nodded.

"Yes..its Randy."

I flashed a smile.

"Who would've thought I'd be in the same room as my Niece's math teacher."

I rubbed my arm. "Music teacher." I corrected.

She smiled. "I'm sorry, I was just nervous at who'd walk through the door."

"Well now that you know it's me maybe we can talk like normal adults."

Annick looked around. "Okay let's restart."

I put my hand out and she stopped me.

"Wait turn around, and I'll turn too then we just act as strangers."

"Are you serious?" I face palmed.

She smiled.

"Okay." I began.


"Two." She finished.


"Hi I'm Randy nice to meet such a pretty lady like you." I said.

Annick covered her face. "oh god." I tried removing her hands.

"Lucky, guess your name is Annick?"

She rolled her eyes.

"You're terrible at this." She laughed.

Miciah POV

"So are you like Mexican or something?" I said while folding my clothing.

There was complete silence.


"I'm Dominican Mami." Dario said.

I covered my mouth. "I'm sorry, so um-"

He laughed.

"Maybe I should just stick to the conversation making."

I nodded.

"Uh yea, sure."

Dario frowned a little. "Are you okay?"

I looked up. "Yea I'm just trying to think of what to say."

Dario rubbed his forehead and began dancing.

"Leave it up to me."

I pointed at the suit case.

"Watch out Chico."

His eyes lighted up.

"You speak Spanish?"

I laughed.


He rolled his eyes then grinned while dancing.

"You take dance classes or something?" I implied while stacking my shoes on the shelves.

He shook his head.

"No I just move by the motivation of this gorgeous woman standing in front of me."

His foot went back by the suitcase and he fell on top of it.

I held my giggles in while trying to help him up but the sound of Daysia's scream startled me.

I dropped him and ran towards the door.

Dario following behind.

Daysia POV

"Is that what we do now, we don't knock on bathrooms or atleast bedroom doors?" I said while holding my towel up.

The Asian guy just stood in shock. I rolled my eyes. "Hello?"

"Woman you had your music blasting, even if I knocked you wouldn't have heard me." He said while placing his things on the burgundy bed.

I squinted. "There is something called a floor that holds up things, you can use it for your belongings."

He pointed. "And there is something called a closet better yet a bathroom you can get dressed in there."

"Out of all people he pops up."

After changing I made my way out of the closet.

A black medium sized object was moving across the brown floors I immediately screamed and ran out of the closet.

My roommate, because that's all he'll ever be, was confused.

"What's wrong-!" Before he could answer I hid behind him.

"There's a huge ass spider in the closet!" He turned around and glared at me. "Really?"

I smiled softly.

"I don't want to see spider guts nor kill one."

He sighed simply walking over, stomping his leather show over it.


I nodded.

"I'm Jeffery. Jeffery Lee."

I held my hand out.

"Daysia Simpson."


As we all walked down the stairs, I got a glimpse of each girls man.

Annick's had full head of brown hair that was kind of long and really bright blue eyes.

Brazil's man had nicely cut dark brown hair and kind of tan skin.

Miciah's looked Hispanic and had the look of someone that could obviously make you laugh.

I watched as they all had their conversations.

Brazil's guy seemed to be making her smile like an idiot.

Not a lot of guys had that effect on her.

Miciah and her guy kept laughing and cracking jokes.

Annick and her guy were smiling softly and blushing as they spoke to each other.

Then there was me.

I mean, yeah he was cute.

But he seemed like an ass.

"Daysia you okay? I heard your scream?"

I nodded.

"I'm great." I said flatly.

Mario suddenly appeared.

"Okay, we have our pairs and we're looking pretty good so far. If you look here, I've set up this table for you. Just a few things so you can all get to know each other."

We all nodded.

"Alright well it looks like we're all good so I'll be on my way. See you guys soon."

We all said bye to Mario and took seats on the couches.

As sat next to but as far as I could from Jeffery.

We all sat in awkward silence.

"Alright let's see what Mario left for us." Dario said reaching for the medium sized box.

He opened it and took a look inside.

"It's a bunch of questions. This should be fun."

"Questions? What kind of questions?" Annick asked.

"Well here's the first one...introduce yourself by name, age, and job."

"Well I'll go first. I'm Dario, I'm twenty three, and I'm still in college but you know, to make some cash I work at footlocker."

Miciah's face lit up.

"Footlocker? Hook a girl up."

He smirked.

"Mami, you go next."

"Alright . I'm Miciah, I'm also twenty-three, and I'm in my last year of college majoring in phycology."

Annick was sitting next to her so she went next.

"Um...I'm Annick, I'm still twenty-two unfortunately until three weeks. Um...I major in law and I'm a waitress." She said, not as loud as the others.

As we went on, I found out that the boy Annick was with, Randy, was a music teacher, actually taught Annick's niece.

Brazil's boy was named James and he worked in a bakery but was an inspiring actor.


As I knew his name was Jeffery, also twenty-three, majoring in biology as well as me.

"Alright next question. What feature of your roommate's appearance do you find most appealing and attractive? Well I'll go first. She's got one hell of a smile."

If Miciah wasn't dark skin, you could've seen her blush.

"Well, he's got a real nice accent."

He smirked.

We all at Annick who seemed to zoned out.

"Annick...? Annick...Annick!" Miciah yelled.

She jumped up at looked around.


"It's your turn." I said.

"Oh...he has pretty eyes." She said.

All of the boys awed.

He blushed.

"Um...I really like her hair." He said eyeing her blonde dyed hair.

Everyone chuckled at how shy they were being.

"Alright." Brazil flipped her hair.

"He's all together really cute. I can't choose."

"I can." He said said, eyeing her behind.

Brazil rolled her eyes, holding back a smirk.

"Alright Lee, what about your girl?"

"I'd say her hair but from what I see, she didn't seem to like it."

My head snapped up.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, I mean you chopped it all off."

"Um...yeah so I can donate it."

"What an angel." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well if there's nothing for me to like on the inside then there's nothing to like on the outside."

"Woah there guys. Come on, we're all friends here."

"No we're not Randy." I snapped.

He stared at the ground.

"Daysia, calm down." Brazil said.

"I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm chill. But I'll tell you something. I'm definitely not getting myself together with your ass." I said looking up Jeffery.

"Damn..." Annick mumbled.

"Let's go see the kitchen." Dario said, changing the subject.

Miciah, Brazil, James, Annick, and Randy followed.

I scoffed, crossing my arms and walking up to my room.

Annick POV

"Is your friend okay?" Randy asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Probably...sorry she snapped at you."

He laughed.

"It's okay. I understand where she's coming from. Jeffrey's been frustrating the hell out of all of us since middle school."

"You guys went to school together?"


"Well, since you guys are "cool" can you tell him to lay low on the hair jokes? Don't ask questions just trust me."

He nodded.

"I trust you."

I looked down at the floor blushing.

"Aye look here they hooked us up with an entire cooler full of beer." Dario said, excited.

"I'll have some." I said, stepping over to the fridge.

"You sure, mami? I don't even think you old enough to drink yet? How old are you? Fifteen, six-"

"I'm not getting any older, am I?"

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Bottle or can?"

"I don't drink from cans."

"Girl, you were all quiet a few minutes ago. What happened?"

"Annick is lowkey crazy." Miciah said.

Brazil nudged Randy.

"If all goes well, you better not cheat on her." She said.

"I'm not planning on it." He said smiling at me.

I blushed but immediately looked down to hide it.

"Holy shit." I heard James gasp.

"What?" I asked looking up.

"Those two just had a moment." He cooed.

Everyone awed making me and Randy turn red.

"I'm gonna go check on Daysia." I said, heading out.

Before I could fully leave the kitchen, I turned and softly smiled at Randy.

"I'll be right back." I said before leaving the room and going up the stairs to check on Daysia.

As I entered the room, Jeffery was on the bed, scrolling through the t.v.

"Where is she?" I asked as nicely as I could.

He stayed silent with a smirk on his face.

I immediately lost patience.

I stopped over there and grabbed him by his hair.

I had to be violent, knowing that my high voice just yelling at him wouldn't be intimidating.

"Look! I hate you. So you're gonna tell where my friend is or I'll-"

"You'll what? Tell your mommy?"

I tugged at his hair more.

"I'll rip all this shit off and shove it down your ass! Where the fuck is Daysia?"

"The closet." He mumbled.

As I walked towards the closet, he spoke up.

"She locked it. She asked me to kindly inform you guys that she wanted to be alone."

I softly knocked on the door.


I heard soft snores and sighed, knowing she was asleep.

I walked out of the room, not giving that Jeffery guy another glance.

When I got downstairs everyone was back on the couch.

I went to the kitchen to get the beer that I left and went back to the couch with the others.

"Rip his hair off and shove it down his ass? Really mami?" Dario laughed.

"Told you she was crazy." Miciah said.

"I didn't think you guys heard that." I blushed.

"I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard it. But it's all good. Jeffery needs to get his ass kicked for once."

"Did you find Daysia?"

"She locked the closet and fell asleep."

"Damn, he made her that upset?"

I shrugged.

Miciah spoke up.

"Look, Daysia has gone through from rough stuff when it came to dating a different race and you know, Annick has gone through stuff dating the same race like-"

My eyes widened and I coughed as a way to signal Miciah to shut up.

"You okay?" Brazil asked.

I nodded.

"Well you all seem like really good people. Even you, lil Nicky."

"What did you just call me?" I asked Dario.

"Nothing. But as I was saying, the way this all started wasn't all that good. Tomorrow, we should just start fresh. Especially the two up there."

We all nodded in agreement.

James stood up.

"Well you know, it's been a long day. I think it's time to call it a night. Come on, beautiful." He said to Brazil.

Brazil stood up smiling.

"Goodnight y'all." She said.

"Don't have sex!" Miciah called.

"Say your prayers!" I called.

Daysia POV

I took the time in the closet to pack up my stuff.

I didn't want to spend my time with him.

But if I wasn't then what was my purpose of being here.

That's why I was gonna leave tomorrow.

Brazil POV

I stepped out the bathroom in my pajamas.

James was laying on the bed with his head rested on his palm, scrolling through his phone.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"No need to be nervous beautiful, I won't try anything."

I've never had the nervous shaky effect with a boy.

Now that I think about it I was always the one to give the boys the nervous shaky effect.

I nervously climbed in the bed next to him, not making eye contact.

That was until he put his hand under my chin and brought my eyes up to his.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked quietly.

He leaned in, causing my heart rate to speed up.

"What I've been waiting to do ever since you walked into the bakery."

He pressed his lips against mine but removed them sooner than expected...or wanted.

"Goodnight beautiful." He said turning off the light and laying down.

"Uh...goodnight." I said, laying down myself, turned away from him.

Annick POV

"Where's Karen?" I asked on the phone with Pricilla while Randy brushed his teeth in the bathroom.

"She's asleep." Pricilla said on the other line.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked.

"She said I had to clean the house first."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, keeping myself from demanding her to put this woman on the phone so I could scream at her.

"Go to bed, it's late."

"But Karen-"

"Karen's not gonna lay a hand on you. If she does we all know what's gonna happen. Now...go to bed."

"Goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

After hanging up, I sighed knowing that she probably wasn't gonna go to bed being too scared of Karen.

"You okay?"

I turned to see Randy in the doorway of the bathroom giving me a concerned look.

"I'm fine." I said, faking a smile.

He furrowed his eyebrows, over to the bed sitting next to me.

"One thing I know from living with a mom is that fine is the most bullshit word of the female population."

I chuckled softly.

"Talk to me. If you want, I can forget everything you said as soon as we wake up tomorrow."

I sighed.

"It's Pricilla. That Karen bitch treats her like a slave."


"I don't know...for some reason they just won't give her to me. I've been trying for three years already. They just keep denying and denying and denying."

"Well if this girl doesn't like Pricilla then why does she agree to keep her?"

I scoffed.

"She gets financial support."

He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. Like I'm not gonna get her. I am. They all think I'm gonna give up on her but I'm not. I love her. I don't give up on people I love."

He nodded.


I took deep shaky breath.

"I didn't realize I was crying." I said, chuckling at myself.

"It's good to cry. If you bottle yourself up its not gonna turn out good. My mom always had a weird saying for it."

"What was it?" I asked, curious.

"She always said, whenever you're hungry, you need to stop and eat. If you bottle up all your hunger it's just gonna turn into an eating disorder."

"That seems accurate." I said, smiling.

"My mom is a very accurate person...accurate and crazy but I love her."

I yawned softly blinking it away.

"You're tired. I think I've bored you enough with my moms sayings."

I chuckled.

"No you didn't. I'm expecting to hear more in the morning." I said, getting under the covers and turning away.

He chuckled.


Miciah POV

"Aight mami sweet dreams."

He shut the light off and we both laid on out backs in silence.

To be honest I wasn't even tired.

"Yo mami, you awake?"


"You tired?" He said turning to me.


He sat up and grabbed the remote.

"What are do doing?" I asked.

He smirked.

"We're gonna watch horror movies."

I sat up.

"Fine but if you try and pull a Netflix and chill, you're sleeping in the closet."

המשך קריאה

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