It's Not My Style (EXO Kris f...

By MinionBlehBleh

72.3K 3.7K 4.4K

If you think your life is messed up, then you haven't seen the half of mine. I'm a 25 year old female named... More

Bad Luck
First Day
Work WorkWork
Hell Began
I'm Broke
Let's Date
Our First Date
You're Embarassing
Sixth- Sense
You Again
My Sassy Boss
I Love You
Heart Dont Do This
Somewhere Really Far
Somwhere Really Far, part 2
I Won't Give Up
Why I Love You
Maybe You're Wrong
My Style Day!
A Different Side Of You
Our Relationship Is A Secret
This is not an update, but you still have to read it!!!
It Was Her
Happy Birthday
Stay Out Of It
You're Scared
Not an Update.
Not An Update.....Again
Not An Update....Again part 2
Whenever I'm Sad
Who Are You?
I'm Your Boyfriend
Make It Up!
She'll Be Alright.
The Sheep Phone
Detective Henry
Book Review
Makes No Sense
Got You
Picture Tag
The Code
Slipping Through My Fingers.
'I Don't Give Two Shits About Your Name'
Not an Update
An Unexpected Visit
Caroline Connahan
I Never Got to Say I Love you
It Was Fun Though
Strange Caller
A Heart and A Kiss
Engagement Party
Catching The Culprits
Catching The Culprits part:2
The Last Fight
I'll Miss You
See You Later

The Things She Left

589 35 52
By MinionBlehBleh

BEFORE YOU READ!!!! I AM LITERALLY GOING CRAZY RIGHT NOW!!! wattpad doesn't let me upload a video, idk what the hell happened and I know that most of you won't do that cause's kinda annoying but please!!!!! Try to download or either open another tab while reading so you can do it with the song. "Jisun what should I do." P-LEASE!!!!!!!!!!
P.S just swipe the picture, it works now. Start the song rn.

The scene starts with snow. The snow that fell 4 days ago and has still somehow not melted. It starts with snow......and a single footprint. Kris's footprint as he got out of the car.

Kris's (POV)

It gets dark so fast nowadays. And due to me not leaving the hospital, I haven't seen the sunlight in 62 hours. I feel like a vampire.

"And you look like one." David passes by me.


"Just look at that pale skin, " she grabs my face "and those black spots under the eyes. Tsk! Tsk!" She clicks her tongue, "So unattractive."

"David....?" I breathe out, "How? Aren't you in the hospital? Wh-what happened?'re brain-dead. How did you-" I pile question after question and try to hug her but she sits on my doorstep and interrupts me.

"So just because I'm...brain-dead," she makes a gun with her fingers as if shooting herself in the head, "I'm dead?" She asks cheerfully but then her expression turns serious. "I thought you believed in me. I thought you had hope. But you're just like the only trust facts."

"I do believe!" I say unable to bare her hurtful expression and unable to bare the pain I have inside, "I've always believed that you'd overcome anything.'s hard." My tears fall as if dragging me along to the floor, "it hurts me to see you this way." I sputter on my knees, "And everyday, it gets harder to have hope. Do you know how it feels to have someone you love within an arms reach, but being unable to actually reach them?" I put both my arms on the floor to support my body and droop my head. I hate this life!

Suddenly she comes over and wraps her hands around my shoulders, "I've been loving you that way for a long time now." She whispers gently patting my back ,"Remember, people need hope. It's what keeps them alive."

I look up at her face and reach to touch it. But just like the wind, she disappears.

Hmmm! I wakeup and find myself on my doorsteps. I must've fallen asleep. "What did you do to me?" I lean back and feel something hard touch my hand.

"Hmm...what's this?"

Diane's (POV)

I visited the hospital once again today. But seeing Rachel inside. I didn't have the courage to enter the room. I'm a coward. Though I may seem tough....the real fighter is David. No matter how hard or how embarrassing a situation gets she would endure.

I was so immersed in my thoughts I didn't notice and bumped into April who was running with a bag. "Sorry." I apologize.
"It's alright. Came to see David?" She asks and I nod. "Me too. I wanted to give her this." She holds up the bag she has in her hands, "Her present. I was gonna give it to her on New Year...." The atmosphere suddenly gets dark and silent. "Come to think of it," she continues, "She was holding something with her. Why don't you go to the reception?"

And so at the reception they handed me a blood stained tattered backpack and a shoe box. Or whatever was left of it with broken shoes inside.

I take them and go home.

Rachel's (POV)

"Hello.....child." I say slightly fixing her hair. "I'm sorry I made you wait. My flight was delayed." I look at her stiff body that won't reply. "I guess now you won't be coming over huh?" I let out a slight laugh. "Some might think that after the losses I've gone through, it's easy to let go. But truth is, it hurts more every time."

Ted's (POV)

"GET AWAY FROM THAT! HEY!!" I run out after the punks who broke the snowmen she made.

"No, no...." I try to put the pieces back together but there's no use. "....David..." I lay down and hug the snow. Just then Mia and mom run to me with a coat.

They stare at the ruined presents she left us. How we won't be able to keep them, just like her. Mia kicks the snow with a shout revealing a tiny box with a note on it.

___do not open before New Year___

Mia's (POV)

___do not open before New Year___

I pull the lid of the red box open. A single blue stone is placed inside with a folded paper. Mom and Ted both stare at me as I unfold it.

Hey Mia! Hello Jae! I'm pretty sure you guys are together right now aren't you? Just like these stones. They can't be apart from each other. They'll break, if they are. So keep them close and you'll see the magic. I just wanted to tell you a few good words. Everyone deserves good words especially the two of you. You've done so much, without knowing me that long, you treated me like family. And family is a wonderful thing. Family is someone you can lean on. Family is someone you can't choose. So you just love them for who they are and I find that wonderful. You have a beautiful family, with beautiful hearts and I hope that everyday for you will be just as beautiful.

"Stones...." I jump into the pile of snow made by mom's broken snowman and frantically search.

Ted's (POV)

What is she doing? I look at Mia who is shoving snow in all directions. What did that note say? I then pick up my jacket and a piece of paper falls from it.

"Hi!" It says and I can already picture David with her messy hair smiling and waving like always.

I don't even know what to were always like the sun to me. Always smiling, always positive, even if no one asked you to..... you'd be there. Even if no one appreciated it, you'd still come. And I admire that about you. Sometimes I look at you and wonder, are you human? You're too good for this world. Why are you here? But then again, you're the good of it. Although I don't think I can ever fully repay all that you've done, I will do my best.

I squeeze the letter in my palm and Mia exclaims "Found it!"

Mia's (POV)

I take out an identical red box with a blue stone inside and hand it along with the note to mom. I then sit in the pile of snow crushing it with my hands. "It's like.....she knew she was leaving. Like these were her goodbye presents."

Diane's (POV)

I'm not gonna open it. It's not mine. It's hers. She should give it to me herself. She has to get up and give it to me. Despite my thoughts, I take out a violet circular music box from her bag. It's dented from most sides and the lock is broken.

The lid fell off in my hands and a tiny ballerina twirls inside. The music is faint and the sound keeps stopping every couple seconds, until it completely stopped.

I place it on my mirror and look out the balcony window. You knew I like these didn't you? I question the wind and my name is suddenly called.

"Diane? Hello?"

David? I turn towards the music box.

"Can you hear me?" Her voice emerges, "Aaah I hope this works. It can only record for 40 seconds so I'm doing this fast. Shit, I shouldn't have said all that stuff. Ahem, I mean. Hi! I hope you have a *suddenly starts singing really fast* great day everyday. I also hope you stop hitting, cause it really hurts. And I wish that one day you'll become president and give out free tacos every Friday. What did I just say? Hahaha-" the recording ends with her laughter and the ballerina stops her twirls.

                             Kris's (POV)

"Hmm...what's this?" I pick up a DVD. 'Lava Pixar, as well as other short cartoons.' What is this? I look at the back cover and as if to answer my question. I find a white paper with huge handwriting-'I FOUND IT!!!!'

Remember that song you kept asking me about? The one I saw in the cinema? Anyways, it doesn't matter cause I found it! We can finally watch it TOGETHER!!! Got it? What else was I gonna say? Oh right! I've got you a nickname. Suits you 100%. All you have to do, is follow the stars and if the skies are clear. You'll be able to see it.

And it ends. That's it? I look at the front and even inside the cover, but there's nothing. I have to follow the stars. I look up at the night sky.

"But which stars?" I desperately try to link patterns but it's useless. I can't figure this out. I lay my head low and a sudden glow catches my eyes.

"Is that?" I pick it up, "a glow-in-the-dark star?" I then look forward and see another glow, followed by another and another. "Ha," I say while getting up, "it's those stars."

They're lined up on the snow and lead me into the forest area. On trees, twigs, ground and even leaves. They're stuck one after another. I keep going but they don't seem to end and so eagerly I pick up my pace to the point of running.

Eventually there's a clear opening and that's where the trail of stars ends. I turn all around to make sure and that's when it hits me. "I know this place." I walk onto the dock and gaze into the calm water. It's that lake David brought me to once.

"If you swim in this lake before the first snow, you won't be sick all year." But what am I supposed to see here? I start searching the dock and the area all around.

                       Third person (POV)

Because the skies weren't clear that night, Kris was not able to see it. And so he uselessly wandered about in search of the thing he'd never find. The situation seemed hopeless but a force unknown to us, was in his favor. Thus the bits of clouds that were covering the moon dispersed allowing its light to shine onto the bottom of the lake. Onto the smooth white stones, that she carefully placed, causing them to shine the word....

- Galaxy

                             Kris's (POV)

"HA..HAHAHAHAHA...." I stare it while dragging my heavy feet across the dock and laugh through tears, "AHA....HA...HAAH.. YOU IDIOT....AISH!!!!!"

Ted's (POV)

"Do you know why I called you Snow White?" I look at her closed eyes and clench my fists, "it's because she had to die to be with her Prince already did the it's time to get up!" As if commanding, I squeeze her shoulders and whisper in her ear, "your prince is coming ....listen to him please... please." I then plant a kiss on her right cheek and leave. She's still in there......she's just lost.

                      Third person (POV)

No sooner than Ted left the hospital, Kris came. Charging straight through the ICU and into her room.

He slowly drags a chair from the other side of the room and places it next to the bed. Angrily sits cross armed and stares at her in rage, but in less than a split second he breaks down.

                             Kris's (POV)

"No matter how much I think about it.... all the memories I have...........are either of us arguing or fighting. Hah..... strange, they're good memories though." I nod as if confirming it while biting my lip. "Haaah..." I exhale and take out my phone, I then hold it near her face and scroll.

"You see this? It's the first day you slept in my house. You didn't know, but I videoed you falling off the sofa ahaha!" I swallow hard silencing my sob, "and this is when you fought with that goat. And this is that time you spilled hot chocolate on yourself. And this is when you ate chili peppers in Hawaii. And when you slipped on the ice. And when that dog chased" I put my phone away wiping all the tears. "You have to wakeup now. You have to wakeup and argue with me."

Third person (POV)

And so Kris fell asleep this way. Holding onto her hand and praying that she would wakeup. Perhaps it's because it was her third night in the hospital, and you know that God favors in threes, or perhaps it was because of something else. But from time to time, she gently squeezed back his hand.

Hello everyone! This took me so long to write.....aaaaah!!! Finally done. I hope now you know how things will turn out. Btw, today is my bro's bday.

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