My Star's Light is Overrated...

By -tangledthoughts

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#10 in Humor 15/05/17 #29 in Teen Fiction 02/11/16 DISCLAIMER: I wrote this story when I was thirt... More

// Synopsis //
~Character Overview~
|| Prologue ||
1|| Newbies, Wannabes and Queen Bees
2|| Introductions and Introspections
3|| Onlinathon's Secret Starlight
4|| Secrets, Sleepovers and Little White Lies
5|| My Palace of Solitude (Fully Equipped with a Lying Loner!)
6|| Irritation, Infatuation and Ice Bucket Challenges
7|| Hold Your Horses
8|| A Nostalgic Trip Down Memory Lane
9|| That Feeling When You Have No Idea What You're Feeling
10|| There's a Difference Between Party Poopers and Good Girls
12|| The Annoying Aftermath and an Awkward Affinity
13|| Operation: Bring the Brains Back
14|| Screaming and Shouting Because of Stereotypes
15|| Popcorn that's not Corny
16|| Concussions, Confessions and Confusing Conversations
17|| I'm Pretty Popular Myself, Player
18||Feign Frustration Because of Surprise Cleanups (Feat. the Haunted Underwear)
19|| Want a Side Dish of Insomnia?
20|| Treacherous Teardrops of Betrayal
21|| It Takes Two to Tango
22|| Friends, Fun and the Call of a Fraud
23|| What About you is Real, Anyway?
24|| My Star's Light is Overrated
25|| Starting Over
26|| The Haters Gonna Hate
27|| There's a Difference Between a Pessimist and a Realist
28|| This is Becoming too Predictable for my Liking
29|| Her Words are Piercing Knives
30|| If you were Looking for a Plaything, you Should've Headed to Toys-R-Us
31|| Vengeance is a Dish Best Served Cold
32|| Stinking Skunks, Smelly Fish and a Surprise Called Sandy
33|| At the End of the Day
34|| So Much Less Than Friends
35|| Text Fails
36|| Your Hate For me is Like an Episode of Tom and Jerry
37|| The Villain's Tale
38|| It's a Star's Light that Brings out a New Day
39|| You Give Every Evil Person a Run for Their Money
40|| I've Seen Rice Grains With More Style
41|| You Bring out the Best in me
42|| I got Bad Luck in the Neighborhood Department
43|| Formal Dinners are for Food
44|| When Pigs Fly
45|| The Little Starlet
46|| One Last Post
|| Epilogue ||
One Shot- A Reunion
~Character Interview~
One Shot- When Rich Meets Bitch
One Shot- An Interview to Remember

11|| Hanging out with my Hangover

2.3K 178 154
By -tangledthoughts

Follow me:

Instagram: @a.lake.yeah

Twitter: AlekhyaBhat

Chapter 11: Hanging out with my Hangover


Before I start this chapter, I'd like to make something very clear. Day's been receiveing a lot of hate, and I want to tell you that I specifically said I based her off me. I just included the basic characteristics like my immature-self, my ability to talk until the cows come home, etc.

Some very distinct characteristics such as the fact she makes a big deal out of everything, she has no clue about anything, her obsession with popularity, etc are very distinct traits that I have stolen from my friends' and my own traits/ flaws. I know she has her flaws, but I want to make her gradually lose them through the book. No hate, please!


Happiness is realizing that the memories that were fighting each other in your brain are gone. It's realizing that the headache has passed.


I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own, in an unfamiliar room wearing nothing but an oversized Wolverine t-shirt which smelt like a guy's deodorant.

On normal circumstances, I would have freaked out and run around the neighborhood screaming bloody murder. Today, however I was too tired to even get out of bed and my head felt like it had been crushed against a boulder.

The room was large and bare, like a guest room. It was white and clean with a rather fresh scent hanging around and had random quotes hanging from the walls. The drapes were pulled back and sunlight was streaming in, and from my cushiony vantage point I could see a pool that was glistening.

I tried to call out to someone, but my voice was a soft, raspy choke.

Just then, a boy opened the door and let himself in. I did the first thing that I could, with the absence of bombs or guns.
I pelted him with pillows, of course.

"What the fu—" the boy began, pushing away the pillows.

"DON'T SWEAR!" I cut him off, glaring at him.

The boy- Jase- rolled his sparkly blue eyes and threw the pillows back at me. "High time you woke up."

All the incidents of the previous night came crashing in like a river that'd just had its dam removed. First, there was me with Mindy. Then there was me feeling like throwing up. Then there was Cady and Dylan kissing. I groaned into my pillow and spat some hair out of my mouth.

"What time is it?" I asked, the last words of my question drowning because I'd yawned.

"2 pm. Your mom is not gonna believe you had a sleepover with Deeds, because you are going through a serious hangover. Start brainstorming for a better excuse." Jase looked mildly irritated and sat on the corner of the bed, careful not to sit on my legs.

I glanced under the covers at the big t-shirt and my bare legs. "Jase Tackett, did you undress me?" My tone was even, but there was a certain danger lacing the words.

"Of course that would be the first thing you thought of," Jase rolled his eyes again. "No, to answer your question. I have an older sister who came over for the weekend and she helped put you in bed and stuff. Not like undressing you would excite me either, just so you know." Ouch, that stung.

"Okay," I gulped, looking at his annoyed state. I crawled towards him and stroked his hair (because it looked so soft and ruffly) and looked at him with my big blue eyes which could look very innocent and lovable if I wanted them to. "Is anything wrong?" I asked, my tone soft and sweet.

He rubbed the back of his neck and hung it low. "I don't know... I have no idea what Dylan was thinking. Deeds is going to be so pissed off," he muttered.

"Yeah." I stopped and turned again. "Hey, you said I had a hangover, but I'm pretty damn sure I didn't drink anything. Care to explain?"

Jase laughed, but it was dry. "That Jordan kid accidently gave you a really strong alcohol instead of water, and you passed out after the whole Cady-Dylan drama."

I shook my head, still not getting it. "Wait, how did I pass out? Was it dramatic and did I faint with my hand on my head as everyone else stared, and were you my knight in shining armor that carried me to the car while everyone else sent their well-wishes and told me that they loved me?" I asked, my eyes bigger than saucers.

"Cut the dramatics," Jase answered dryly, and I recoiled at his harsh tone. He didn't seem to even care. "No, you fainted with a plonk and pulled my hand down too, which is why I have a hairline fracture because you are so goddamn heavy." He motioned towards a cast, and I realized why he was being so mean all of a sudden.

"Sorry," I said meekly, hanging my head.

"It's okay," he chuckled, and he was the good old Jase again. He should've just said he'd wanted an apology earlier. "So of course I had to rush you to the car, and I locked it up and beat up Jordan for spiking your drink." Oh, my hero (note the sarcasm). "Then Deeds slapped Dylan's face, which was pretty entertaining for us- there were a couple of people who even took videos. After a pretty heated exchange between the two of them, Collen decided to send everyone back home and that's about it."

I tried to swallow all the information, but the only thing I could say to that was, "I hope Jordan isn't too badly hurt. He was shattered already because Cady left him, and I don't want him in the hospital with both broken bones and a broken heart."

Jase shook his head. "I can't promise anything, doll. He shouldn't have spiked your drink just because he was heartbroken because Cady dumped him. Why bring you into the picture?" It was cute how he was getting so protective. UGH NO IT WASN'T CUTE DELETE THAT.

So it turns out I just flopped onto the ground like an oversized sloth and dragged Jase down as well, and no one even noticed I'd fainted. I'd always wanted to faint in this really dramatic way with everyone crowding around me and sprinkling water on my face.

"After I dropped you off in the car," continued Jase. "I ran back to the drama. Deeds was crying her eyes out and started screaming at Dylan, and then screaming at Cady. Turns out Cady was too drunk to even process anything that happened, and she didn't even know she'd kissed Dylan. She laughed and told Deeds that it was a good thing she was yelling at her then and not later, because she wouldn't remember anything later anyway. Then she fainted, and Collen took her up to his room.

"Then Dylan didn't even look sorry about what he'd done, but he wasn't that drunk. He just ruffled the back of his hair and said that he didn't do love anyway, and that being with Deeds was the longest and most committed he'd ever been, but it hadn't helped him settle down. I think everything's still gonna be heated today, but Deeds has mellowed down. That's the thing about her; she forgives too easily."

I tried to grasp all of this information.

"So Deeds and Dylan aren't dating anymore." Was all I managed to stutter out stupidly.

"I think that was a given," Jase responded dryly.

"Are they still friends?" I asked. I sounded like such a dumbo.

"I don't know, Day. I've told you whatever I know, and all we can do now is assume, which isn't going to get us very far." I liked the way he said my name. He kind of stressed on the 'y' and made it sound more melodious than it actually was. Okay, now I'm going off topic. Scrap all of that.

"So now what?" I asked, looking at the covers and shrugging about my state at his house.

"So now you go and wash your face, along with brushing your teeth because your breath reeks." Jase wrinkled his nose and I blushed at his insult. I'd forgotten how bad I looked when I woke up.

I trudged to the bathroom and groaned at my own reflection. I'd forgotten that makeup smudges in the night if you toss and turn, and my hair got frizzier by ten times when I had a bedhead. I looked like a raccoon cum skunk cum grizzly bear.


"Morning!" I chirped, waltzing down the stairs and tossing my locks like I was from some sort of hair commercial. I surveyed the situation below me. Jase apparently lived in some fancy-schmansy house-no surprise there- and I felt like some sort of queen as I pranced down the teakwood stairs and glanced at the age-old, ancient paintings that draped the walls.

"Hate to break it to you, kid," replied an older man that looked a lot like Jase, with the same curling black hair and skin tone. I was guessing he was Jase's dad. "But it's 2:30 pm."

He seemed nice enough, with a booming loud voice accompanied by this hearty vibe. He was busy gobbling down some pasta and his wife, Jase's mom, shook her head in disgust. "Hi Honey," she greeted me, smiling. She had auburn hair and Jase's sparkly blue eyes. I didn't think the two colors would go well, but she pulled off the look. "Would you like some pasta?" she asked, and I glanced at the delicious looking stuff as its scent captured me, enticing me with its tangy scent.

However, I had to go home or Mom would have a heart attack. "I think I'll pass," I said, kindly. Just then, my stomach decided to defy me and rumbled loudly, making me blush furiously while the family chuckled. Jase actually had the nerve to guffaw quite loudly at my expense, making me scrunch up my face in distaste. "Oh who am I kidding." I grumbled, seating myself beside Jase.

"So are you one of Jase's new flings?" asked his dad, making me choke on a pasta piece and look at him, appalled that he could ask something like that.

"Ralph!" barked Mrs. Tackett, looking annoyed and shocked as well. "That was rude and uncalled for!"

"What can I say, Leia?" he asked, shrugging. "The big man's curious." He patted his chest at that, and Jase chuckled softly, before whistling at me while his parents were bickering.

"It's funny how you looked like a nightmare in the morning but now look like a Bohemian Goddess without even using a dash of makeup!" he said appreciatively.

"Well I'm more into the natural look, unlike the rest of the plastic Barbie dolls that the world has become." I informed him, quietly.

I heard a loud cough from someone, and I looked up to see a stunning girl with her hands on her hips. She had auburn hair and smoky gray eyes, and looked at the table with an irritated glance at Mr. and Mrs. Tackett. "Chaos is always the side dish, isn't it?" she asked, clicking her tongue dryly.

"Madeline!" shrieked Mrs. Tackett, springing from her chair and cutting off whatever Mr. Tackett was about to say. "Baby, where were you?" she asked, concern in her voice.

"Mom, I told you I'd gone for a run," she rolled her eyes. "Hi!" she smiled, realizing I was looking at her so intensely she might've begun to question whether I was straight.

"Hi to you too!" I laughed and waved at Madeline, who was apparently Jase's older sister that changed my clothes last night. That's a wee bit creepy.

"Day, right?" she asked. There was something very open and friendly about Madeline that I immediately liked, and she didn't seem the snooty type. Funny, because Jase just emitted those snobbish vibes all the time. You're welcome, Jase; I love you too.

"Yeah," I acknowledged, and she shot Jase a cheeky grin and... was Jase turning red? I was never going to let him live that down.

"The name's Madeline, but anyone who's got bigger brains than to date my idiot of a brother can call me Maddie," she clarified, high fiving me in the process. Yep, we were getting along like a house on fire. Jase groaned.

"This is prejudiced. I swear to god, you both are conspiring against me." His grumble was soft but audible. I chuckled at his discomfort.

"Whoa, Jasey!" I giggled. "Look who used two big words, my boy is growing up!" I fake wiped a tear from my cheek and Maddie laughed hysterically. Mr. and Mrs. Tackett seemed to be having fun picking on the youngest member of their family too.

"Your boy?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner that made Mrs. Tackett cough loudly. "I get you have feelings for me, doll," continued Jase, oblivious towards his mother's growing horror at his words. "But there are less blatant ways to put it across." He winked at me as I fake gagged.

"Jase," I said, taking my fork and pressing it against his temple, making him look at me like an idiot. "Oh I'm sorry, I was trying to deflate your head." The family erupted, laughing hysterically. I mock bowed.


"My mom is gonna kill me," I whispered for the tenth time in the car, resting my head against the bonnet of Jase's car as he chuckled at my future death.

"Oh? That's the first time you've said that," he muttered dryly and sarcastically.

He lazily drove, and soon we were right in front of my house. Our neighborhoods were pretty far away, and I think we'd gone through a forty-five hour car ride discussing my funeral. He asked if I could give him all my money in my will. That boy...

"What am I gonna do!" I shrieked; it wasn't exactly a question. I was going to die.

"Just tell her you've been hanging out with your hangover!" Jase offered, being the sweetheart that he always is.

"Yeah, then you can expect my head barbequed on a pitchfork." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, I'll be waiting like an eager puppy for his master." He commented, rude as he always is. "Grizzly bear," he decided to add, laughing.

"What!?" I asked. Okay, that was mean.

"What? You looked like a grizzly bear in the morning..." He defended himself as I yanked the door open and stormed away, huffing. He'd been nothing but mean all day and I wasn't going to act like it hadn't affected me. I felt a hand on my shoulder but didn't bother turning around, steaming.
"Don't worry," he breathed into my ear, sending tingles down my spine. "You are and you always will be my grizzly bear."

Then he darted away, driving off in his Lexus, leaving me standing there breathless.

He couldn't be any more confusing, could he?


Hey ya'll!

Hope you liked that! :)

Teaser: What would you expect from a typical breakup? What would the aftermath be like?

Song of the day: I Got a Hangover by Taio Cruz


Thanks so much everyone for your constant support; it means so much to me!

Please Vote/ Comment/ Follow/ All of the Above if you liked this!

Best Comment gets a dedication :P

Love you all,



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