Sweeter Than Fiction

By sbregier2

500K 14.5K 7.7K

Sequel to Everything Has Changed More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 1

24.3K 389 186
By sbregier2

Taylor had been pacing around her apartment non-stop for the last few hours. She was hoping her phone would ring and finally put her out of her misery. She wondered if maybe it was a mistake; maybe she wasn't going to get the call. It was now very late into the night, close to midnight. Taylor debated whether or not she should wait up longer or just give up and go to sleep.

'Just hold out a little longer. Maybe something came up.'

The rational part of Taylor's brain was trying to reason with her while battling her fears and insecurities; making her doubt everything.

'Maybe she forgot about you. You're just not worth it.'

Taylor stopped pacing for a moment, trying to control the thoughts battling inside her head. She plopped down on the couch, resting her head in the palms of her hands. She pressed her face into her palms a little harder, trying to get a grip.

'No. She said she would call; she's gonna call. Just give her a chance.'

'Well, you did call her while she was at work. You probably got her in trouble. She probably wants nothing to do with you now. Nice going.'

The argument went on and on in her head, making her exhausted.

'I should just go to bed. Something probably came up and I can just call her another time.'

Taylor relented, slowly getting up off the couch and heading upstairs. She readied herself for bed; brushing her teeth and washing her face. Taylor plugged her phone in the charger, happy she didn't have to set an alarm since she had nothing to do tomorrow. She turned out the lights and climbed into her bed, burying herself under her warm blankets.

She felt like her head had just hit the pillow when her phone started vibrating. Taylor let out a groan, wondering who in their right mind would be calling her so late. She glanced at her clock and realized she had only been asleep for about 20 minutes; it was only 12:30.

She then leaned over to look at the phone to see who was bothering her. Her grumpy demeanor was soon was replaced by absolute happiness as she couldn't help but smile at the name flashing on her phone. She tried to clear her throat and sound more awake.

"Hello?" She rasped; her tone coming out more strained than she would have liked.

"Hey you!" The voice said, sounding far too bright and cheerful for this time of night.

"Hi." Taylor responded shyly, her voice still laced with sleep.

"Oh..." the voice paused for a few moments. "Were you... did I wake you up?" She asked sweetly; voice laced with concern.

Taylor felt her cheeks heat up; Karlie's caring nature is something she still wasn't used to. "No. I was just laying in bed." Taylor replies easily, stifling a yawn. Even though she was exhausted earlier, just hearing Karlie's voice made everything better.

"I did wake you up. Now I feel bad. You didn't have to answer! You should've just slept. Never mind. Forget I called. Go back to sleep." Karlie mumbled quickly, hoping the girl could fall back to sleep easily.

"No! Hey wait! It's okay. I wasn't really asleep. I had just laid down a little while ago. It's really not a big deal." Taylor says quickly, trying to reassure the girl.

"I still feel bad! I'm sorry it's so late. I honestly didn't even realize the time. I haven't stopped thinking about you since you called earlier and you were just on my mind all day. I couldn't wait to get out of work and I called you right away, not even thinking twice about how late it was."

Taylor's heart was racing hearing Karlie's open confession; this girl was just too cute. It was nice to hear that Karlie felt the same way she had felt all day. All the stressing she had been doing earlier was for nothing. Karlie was caught up at work and she called her like she said she would. Taylor found herself smiling as she listened to Karlie ramble more apologies though the phone.

"Karlie." Taylor says softly, trying to catch the rambling girl's attention.

"Hmm?" the girl hums in acknowledgement.

Taylor pauses a moment, feeling completely overwhelmed by Karlie's adorable nature. "I'm glad you called." She says softly, hoping Karlie knows just how much she means it.

The line is silent for a moment, both girls enjoying the happiness from this late call. "I'm glad you answered." Karlie replies just as softly. "Although I'm still sorry I woke you up."

Taylor just shook her head, deciding to change the subject. "How was work? I hope I didn't get you into trouble for talking to me earlier."

Karlie lets out a laugh, making Taylor's heart soar. "Nah. Everything was fine. The show went well. I'm just glad I'm finally out of those clothes. Sometimes I just don't understand fashion. I swear some designers purposely make the strangest outfits they can just so people will talk about their clothes."

"That would honestly not surprise me in the least." Taylor replies drily, amused hearing a model talk about the crazy side of fashion. "But everything went ok? I heard a lot of people yelling your name. Are you sure I didn't cause any problems?"

"Taylor, relax. You were totally fine. They can yell my name and throw a fit all they want, but when it comes down to it, it's all very simple." Karlie says seriously.

"What is?" Taylor questions, unsure what Karlie was trying to say.

"I'm Karlie Kloss and I do what I want." Karlie replies smugly.

Taylor burst out laughing over the phone, causing Karlie to break and laugh herself. "Wow Kloss. Who knew you were so full of yourself?"

Karlie smirked through the phone, lightly scoffing. "What can I say; it comes with the territory of being a model. It's my job to be confident and full of myself."

Taylor laughed on the other end, amused by Karlie's humor. "Mmm." She hummed, shaking her head as she adjusted her pillows behind her, propping herself up a bit more. "Keep telling yourself that Kloss."

Both girls were smiling at the ridiculousness of their current conversation. Their endless banter came so easily to both of them. It seemed surprising at first glance; being able to communicate so openly and easily with someone you barely know. But that's what was so special about it. They could talk about absolutely nothing, but it still felt like the best conversation they had ever had.

Everything was just so easy. It was definitely something they had both come to appreciate, knowing they had been in relationships before where this kind of interaction was like pulling teeth. It made them appreciate the little things that much more.

"So, how was your day?" Karlie asks after a brief comfortable silence.

"Oh, um." Taylor stumbled a bit, not wanting to reveal she basically spent the day moping around her apartment, wondering if Karlie was ever going to talk to her again. "It was... long." She says evasively; not knowing just how to answer the question.

"Oh, were you really busy today?" Karlie questions curiously, genuinely wondering how Taylor's day was.

"Um, not exactly. It was just one of those days that kind of seemed to drag on forever." Taylor replies, finding herself much more awake than she had been at the start of this phone call.

"That doesn't sound so good. Is everything ok?"

Taylor sighed heavily. She didn't want to tell Karlie what she was really doing, but there was no reason to lie to the girl. "Yea. Nothing really happened. Just a long day." Taylor hoped Karlie wouldn't be offended by her evasiveness, but she just didn't know what to say.

Hearing the hesitance in Taylor's voice, Karlie sighed. "Well, you know what always makes me feel better?"

"What?" Taylor questioned, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Seeing a pretty girl smile. So, will you do me a favor and smile for me?" Karlie questioned softly.

Taylor sits in silence on the other end. She was amazed how easily Karlie could get her to smile. She knew when to change the subject and not to push Taylor, which is something she was grateful for. She couldn't help but smile, knowing Karlie was smiling that toothy grin on the other end.

"Are you smiling?" Karlie questions playfully.

Taylor shakes her head, smiling at the girl's persistency. Karlie just made everything easy and took all the pressure off. She let out a small laugh. "I guess you'll never know."

Karlie smiled hearing Taylor's laugh; she remembered how Taylor would blush at her cheesy pick-up lines, so she knew this would bring a smile to the girl's face. "Well, you can't blame a girl for trying." Karlie chuckles, knowing she had succeeded in making the girl smile; only being further confirmed when she heard Taylor giggling on the other end.

"Wait." Taylor says suddenly, hearing muffled sounds through the phone.

"What?" Karlie replies quickly, the seriousness in Taylor's voice not going unnoticed.

"Are you still at work or are you at home?" Taylor questions seriously. She just realized how late it was and she was hoping Karlie was safe at home and not still busy at work.

Karlie tried to stifle her laugh. It was cute seeing how worried Taylor was about her. "I'm almost home. I called you literally right after they said I could go. We wrapped and did final calls for pictures and interviews and everything. As soon as my publicist told me that was it, I ran to the dressing room and called you."

"Please tell me you're not walking home by yourself this late at night?" Taylor cringed thinking about Karlie wandering the city this late at night by herself.

Karlie laughed. "No. I'm in a cab on my way home. We're like 2 blocks from my place."

Taylor sighed in relief. "You know, you could've waited until you were home to call me."

"I just couldn't wait to hear your voice I guess. I told you I would call as soon as I got off, so that's what I did."

Taylor smiled into the phone, lightly shaking her head at the adorableness of the girl on the other end.

"Were you worried about me?" Karlie questions playfully, picturing Taylor's cheeks flushing at her teasing.

"No." Taylor replied quickly, mumbling slightly to hide her embarrassment.

"I think you were." Karlie coos knowingly with a smile, enjoying the comfortable silence through the phone.

Taylor just sat there speechless. She couldn't remember the last time someone made her blush so easily.

"Hang on one sec."

Taylor heard Karlie's muffled voice, then a loud bang. She figured the cab was finally at her apartment. She could hear heavy breathing into the phone and a jingling sound before hearing Karlie's sweet voice return. "Sorry about that. I just got home."

Taylor giggled. "I figured that's what that was."

Hearing that sweet sound, Karlie smiled. "So what are you up to?"

"Um," Taylor paused, slightly confused by the question. "I'm talking to you."

"Right." Karlie said with a laugh, realizing that was probably a weird question to ask.

Taylor lightly shook her head; those familiar butterflies fluttering around in her stomach hearing the girl laugh. "What are you up to?" Taylor questions; hearing the model bustling about through the phone.

"I'm currently on a mission to find something to eat."

"Ah. I see." Taylor replies. "And how's that working out for you?" She questioned dryly.

Karlie sighed into the phone. "Not so good."

Taylor nods her head understandingly. "That's too bad."

"Ah hah!" Karlie exclaims. "Target has been spotted. I repeat. Target has been spotted. We're going in boys."

Taylor sat on the other end of the line with her hand over her mouth, attempting to muffle her laughter. Karlie was adorable even when she was talking about food like some covert operation. "How's it going over there?" She questions through a laugh.

Karlie smiled hearing Taylor laugh through the phone. "Target has been acquired; the situation is under control. Mission accomplished sir." Karlie lifted her free hand up and saluted Taylor through the phone.

"Did you just call me sir?" Taylor scoffs in mock offense.

"No sir." Karlie quickly replied, smiling even wider.

Taylor listened to Karlie moving about for a few minutes. She could hear the girl opening and closing various drawers and preparing her meal; occasionally muttering something to herself. "Do you want me to hang up so you can eat?"

Karlie hums to herself for a moment. "You don't have to. I'll just put my phone down on a chair and put you on speaker. That way it will be like you're here with me."

Hearing something so simple and innocent made Taylor's heart skip a beat. Karlie was just so sincere with her words, it caught her off guard. Once again, Karlie managed to make Taylor smile.

Acknowledging the silence, Karlie spoke again. "But you don't have to. I mean, I know it's pretty late and I did wake you up earlier. You really don't have to stay up. I'll probably just finish eating and take a shower and go to bed."

"I don't mind." Taylor replies softly. "You've probably had a long day and I just don't want to keep you up or anything."

Karlie happened to be stifling a yawn at that particular moment. "It has been a long day." She half yawned, half mumbled out.

Taylor heard the yawn through the phone. She was torn because she would love nothing more than to stay up for hours talking to this girl. But she was still exhausted herself and she could tell Karlie was too. "Well, why don't you get some sleep then?" Taylor offered.

"When will I see you again?" Karlie asked.

Taylor blushed at the bluntness of the question. "Soon I hope." She whispered as she smiled into the phone.

Karlie smiled at Taylor's soft tone. "What's your schedule like?"

Taylor thought for a moment; trying to recall her schedule. "I'm pretty open this week. A few work things scattered here and there."

"Ok. Same for me. How about I give you a call sometime soon and we'll set something up?" Karlie replied.

"Looking forward to it." Taylor responded quietly; feeling her cheeks heat up.

"Me too." Karlie smiled.

A few moments of comfortable silence passed, both of them enjoying this late night call more than they ever thought possible.

Taylor smirked, realizing the girl had yet to hang up. "Good night Karlie."

"Good night Taylor."

As much as they didn't want the phone call to end, both of them hung up with smiles on their faces, eagerly awaiting that next phone call.

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