Capture It

By _yoyooo

685K 48.4K 44.7K

Savannah is just trying to recover from a three year relationship gone wrong all while trying to figure out l... More

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S i x t e e n

21.9K 1.4K 1.7K
By _yoyooo

Savannah and Landon in MM


"Savannah where you going man? Lay down." I tried to hold on to her but she slipped from my grip. We'd been back home for a week now and I loved nothing more than being up under her all damn day.

To say I was whipped was an understatement. Sav really had me gone. I was never one to be affectionate but she made me want to be that way with her. Made me want to learn how to be that way I should say. I ain't perfect but I'm learning for her, that's all that really matters.

"I gotta go to the store, I need to buy some personal things. You gonna come with me or?" She trailed off.

"Yeah, you going to buy tampons and stuff?"

"Mhm." She nodded her head running her comb through her hair. She'd straightened her hair and was looking mighty damn good.

"So you wear a big pussy?" I questioned seriously.

"What?" She scrunched up her face.

"You wear a big size pussy right?" I rubbed my eyes as I got up walking into the bathroom and running my hands down my chest.

"Landon that's not how it works."

"Then how it work?"

"Just.... You'll see when we get there."

I chuckled and began my morning routine of using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and showering. One I was finished I got dressed deciding to sort of match Sav. She was wearing beige so I decided to do the same. I looked damn good, like a little model or sum.

"You wanna be like me so bad." She teased as I took my time coming down the stairs. My leg wasn't in as much pain but this cast sure was limiting to my movement so these stairs were still the death of me everyday.

"I look better girl, don't flatter yourself." I walked over to her snaking my arms around her from behind and kissing her cheek.

"You ready to go?"

"Mhm." I nodded as she grabbed the keys to her all white Cadillac and we made our way out the door. I locked up the house and then hopped into her car.

"Where's Walmart around here?"

"You go to Walmart? I don't fuck with them but it's one right up the road. Pull out and make a left."

She nodded following my directions and in no time we were in Walmarts crowded ass parking lot.

"I don't know why you like to come here."

"They have good prices."

"Shittin' me." I scoffed as she grabbed a buggy and we entered the store.

"Okay first I need hair care products." She said aloud more so to herself than me. I followed close behind her trying to ignore the fact that people had their phones out recording me.

I would never get over this, people act like I'm Chris Brown himself. I disregarded them and we made our way down the hair products aisle while Savannah picked up everything she needed.

"Okay now tampons." She scanned the shelves looking at them.

"They look like they all the same pussy size."

"Landon." She chuckled. "Shut the hell up."

She picked up the ones labeled 'Tampax'.

"So those the ones you use?"

"Yep, and only these."

"I'll have to remember that."

We continued shopping for the stuff the needed. Along the way she picked up all Johnson Johnson baby products since that's all she used. She grabbed some Chapstick and other little necessities.

"We good?"

"Yeah I'm ready to go." She chuckled.

We found the shortest line and jumped in it. Savannah got all of her things rang up.

"$117.34" The cashier told her the total.

Savannah reached in her back pocket and I slapped her hand away giving the cashier my black card.

"Landon." She whined.

"Keep that shit away when you with me." I told her.

The cashier goofily smiled at me. She was a older woman, maybe mid 50's. Beautiful older woman to say the least. "You stay that way young man."

"Thank you." I smiled at her grabbing Savannahs bag and we started to head out the door. We were suddenly approached and stopped by two very manly looking black women.

"Ma'am you have un purchased merchandise in that bag." One of them said pointing to Savannahs purse.

Savannah and I both cocked our head back. "Excuse you?" I said.

"This young lady has un purchased merchandise in her bag. Johnsons baby powder."

"Are you fucking crazy? We literally just paid for everything." Savannah walked over to a near by table dumping her purse, sure enough the baby powder was in there.

Both of our mouths dropped as the two women eyed us.

"I- I had no idea. I must've accidentally put it there. Here." Savannah pulled out $20 trying to hand it to them. "Take it. Take the whole $20. This was honestly a mistake."

"You need to come with us."

"Man for what? It was a fucking mistake. See that big ass bag? She probably dropped the shit in there on accident. She giving you the fucking money for it. You want more?" I reached in my back pocket pulling out a $100 bill.

"You need to come with us." They said again ignoring everything we'd said.

People were standing around recording the scene unfold, of course because of my affiliation with Chris.

"It was a fucking accident!" Savannah yelled and I could tell she was on the verge of crying.

"Man cmon baby." I helped her put all her stuff back in her bag and took the baby powder hurling it at one of the women.

"Fucking stupid asses. Let's go."

They remained emotionless as they led us to a security room. Savannah and I took a seat and she was shaking as tears rolled down her cheek and I tried my best to comfort her.

"You have your ID?"

"Fuck she need to give you her ID for?"

"We need to run her name. If she's run into a situation like this at any other Walmart we're going to have to arrest her."

"Bitch, you need to-"

Savannah shh'd me and reached in her purse handing them her ID. I turned my head and tried to control my shaking leg. I was damn near ready to lay one of these hoes out.

"Yal didn't tell me yal caught somebody." Another woman came into the room laughing.

"Yep yep. Baby powder."

Savannah was completely embarrassed, she couldn't even hold her head up to look at any of them. Clearly they found joy from this bullshit ass job. They asked her a short series of questions and put it down on paper.

"She been in trouble before?" One of the women asked the other.

"Nah. Nothing."

"Probably never got caught." She chuckled.

"So tell me, why you stealing baby powder?" One of the women asked.

"Tell me, why your eyes going two different directions?" I snapped. "Don't ask her shit if it ain't necessary. They put niggas in a position like this and yal get big headed. Ugly ass bitches."

She started to speak but simply nodded. "Okay ma'am stand up, we need your picture."

"Picture for what?" She mumbled.

"For record. Send these out to all Walmart's so they'll know who to look out for."

"Because niggas go Walmart to Walmart stealing baby powder. Get the fuck out of here." I scoffed.

Savannah stood up and allowed them to take the picture.

"Alright. Now this was just like a slap on the wrist. If this happens again you'll be taken to jail. Understood?"

Savannah started to speak but I snatched her hand storming out the room. We grabbed our bags from where they'd been left and quickly got to the car.

As soon as we made it to the car she broke down into tears and I pulled her into my chest.

"Stop crying ma, everybody know you ain't try to steal that shit."

"T-that was so embarrassing. Everybody was looking at me and now they're gonna send my picture to other Walmarts like I'm a actual thief." She cried.

"I know baby. I know. You alright though." I lifted her head and pecked her lips twice. "I love you. Get in the car. I'll be right back." She nodded and did as I said.

I made my way back into the store and went down the aisle where baby powder was located. I knocked every Johnson product off the shelf. Some of it spilling on impact as it hit the ground. As I exited the store I stuck the bird at everyone in sight. "Fuck yal and yal $3 baby powder." The women came out of their offices looking at me in disbelief.

"You need my picture too? Lah dumb hoes." I stormed out of the store and back to the car where Savannah was still crying.

"Stop crying baby. Cmon." I pleaded with her.

"I'm sorry I'm just so embarrassed." She sniffled wiping her eyes.

"I know mama but dry your eyes. You look too pretty today. You hungry? We can go somewhere."

She nodded. "Yes, can we go to Checkers?"

"Of course baby."

I started up her car and pulled out. She was way too emotional to drive. We pulled into Checkers and she ordered the fully loaded fries and two funnel cakes with a large Sprite and I got the same with a extra bacon burger.

I paid for our food and drove back to my home so we could eat comfortably. We made it to my house and got out locking the doors. We got inside and Sav quickly took a seat on the couch.

I could tell she was still sad and embarrassed because she wouldn't look at me.


No response.



"Baby, you know I'm on your side right?"

"I embarrassed you too. People were recording us and-" her voice began cracking "your reputation. You got caught with your girlfriend stealing baby powder from Walmart."

"I'll handle all that in a interview. I know people gon be blowing my line to talk about it so chill baby. I ain't worried. If you want you can come with me to the interview and give your peace."

She bit down on her lip agreeing.

"Now let's eat and stop worrying about that shit."

We began eating our food while watching some videos on music choice.

"Wrist!" Savannah and I both bopped our heads to Chris Browns wrist.

"My nigga ripped shit when he made this."

"My Chrissy pooh." Sav cooed and I side eyed her.

"Watch yourself."

"You jealous?" She cheesed.

"Don't play with me."


"I'll show you to stop playing with me. You mine. I gave you my virginity you mine."

"That sounds like something I should say." She chuckled unlocking her phone and whatever she saw immediately cleared her smile.


She threw me her phone dropping her head into her hands. I looked at the video of us in Walmart on TMZ and rolled my eyes.

Landon Brooks and new girlfriend Savannah Jones caught stealing baby powder from Walmart. Low on money?

"Savannah stop crying, I ain't gon say it again. Come here."

She scooted closer to me and I pulled out my phone opening the camera and positioning it in front of us. I turned her head and kissed her snapping a picture.

"Pose." I instructed and we made a couple silly faces.

"What you doing?" She looked at my phone as I put the pictures in a collage.

I opened the Instagram app and posted the picture with the caption.

"Me and my thieving ass baby. #BabyPowderThief #WalmartsWorldwide #BonnieAndClyde #HideYourBabyPowder #FuckingLame-o's"

Savannah laughed hitting my arm. "You childish as fuck."

"Let them have a field day with this shit. If this is real entertainment for people then they really fucking Lame-o's. Who cares?" I shrugged.

"I love you." She said sincerely looking into my eyes.

"Love you too mama."

We finished watching a few more videos on music choice before we both caught the itis and were knocked the fuck out.


Bye because this really happened to me yesterday and I cried so hard. It was genuinely a accident. Who steals baby powder? I cry 😩😔

They took my picture and all yal, I just 😔😔

- Yoyo ❤️

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