Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina F...

By TaigaClaw

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A small café two blocks from the university. A jock/bad boy who everybody knows and love. A quiet, shy pre-me... More



17.4K 751 1.9K
By TaigaClaw



I knew Hinata was smart but she's also very, very observant. How did she figure out my feelings for Sakura so damn easily?

"That's not true," Pathetic Naruto, absolutely pathetic. Of course you go with the denial card.

She raised an eyebrow, "You k-keep stealing looks at her a-and when I didn't tell you that she's my roommate you got all upset. If that's not having feelings for her I don't know what is."

Shit, shit, shit! Think of something, Naruto! Think! Think!

Oh! I know!

"Hinata," I pushed my empty cereal bowl to the side and placed my phone screen first on the table. "I don't have feelings for Sakura-chan. She's just a good friend of mines since we were younger. I just haven't spoken to her in a long time so I was checking to make sure she was alright."

Now to top this off, "I only have eyes for you, Hinata. Don't worry."

A cute blush crept into her cheeks and she looked away almost immediately, "A-alright."

I smiled satisfied with my little compliment. It worked in so many ways that it was too good to be true.

Do I feel guilty? Sure, maybe a little because Hinata really is a sweet person and I'm just using her but everything will work out in the end. It always does especially when I work a little of my charms and we'd stay good friends.

And if Hinata was truly my friend like I am to her, she'd be happy to have helped me in the next two months.

"So how about a movie tonight and dinner?" I asked. "As our first date I mean."

"W-what movie?"

I thought for a second, "Any honestly. I'm good with watching anything as long as it's with you."

Now that part I didn't add on purpose. It came out and flowed along with the sentence like it was meant to be.

"Then it's settled?" Her unique eyes searched mines.

I nodded with a huge grin, "Yep. I'll come by your dorm at five, okay?"

Hinata had to go back to her dorm after that. The moment she left, I released the breath I've been holding the entire time. I can't believe how close things were to getting exposed. Good thing those criminal justice classes taught me how to think fast and at the moment. I really saved my ass that time.

The rest of the day for me have been... uneventful. I went to my morning classes, didn't have any afternoon classes and just stayed in doing some homework for the rest of the day. When time came to get ready for my date with hinata, I simply dressed in a white t-shirt, a nicer orange hoodie and some jeans. My jerk of a roommate was probably at practice so I locked the door behind me and left.

I wonder what Hinata's going to wear. Something cute? Something warm? Both? Who knows what girls do. Although, she did say I was her first "boyfriend"... this must be her first ever date, right?! 

Then this can't be good. With the outfit I'm wearing, she would easily figure out I'm not taking this as seriously as if I was really into her. Dammit, why didn't I think of this before? 

Perfect, I thought as I ran back to my dorm at top speed and put on more suitable date attire. I quickly threw on a black and orange plaid shirt along with some white jeans. I nearly fell over as I tried to put my shirt into my pants and looped a tan belt around my waist. I didn't even put on my orange jacket as I ran out of my dorm. In the hallway, I rushed passed three of my friends, each looking at me as if I grew an extra head.

I didn't stop to care about what they thought. I'm already running five minutes late for my first date with Hinata. Let them judge all they want.

But I didn't miss Shikamaru's little comment.

"And he claims he doesn't like her already."

I ran across the three blocks to get to the girls dorm not evening looking both ways and jay walked. I've never ran this fast or this far in my life and here I was: for a date that isn't even real to me.

I burst through the doors of the girls' dorm and ran up the stairway to the fifth floor without even stopping. When I finally opened the door, I was able to breath in complete relief. I half-expected Hinata was waiting for me in the hallway dressed and probably annoyed but there wasn't a single soul roaming the floor. 

Retracing my footsteps to Hinata's and Sakura's dorm room, I had to take several deep breaths to calm my breathing. I glanced at my watch to see that I was almost fifteen minutes late and I probably smell like some dead roadkill because I'm sweating, too. Today just isn't my day.

I knocked twice before the door swung open. Although it wasn't Hinata who answered but the face of the girl that re-accerlated my heart rate after I took a minute to calm it. 

"S-Sakura-chan," I blinked twice.

"Dork," she looked me up and down. She was dressed in a simple t-shirt (Sasuke's t-shirt to be exact, bleh) and some pink PJ pants. "Good, at least you cleaned up pretty well despite being so late."

"I'm sorry," I breathed. "I just lost track of time."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "I'll get Hinata. Next time, don't make her wait. She got ready and when you didn't show in the first three minutes, she wanted to change into her sleepwear but I convinced her that you were just being yourself: late and probably lost."

Without saying anything else, she shut the door in my face. At least I now know she isn't still so mad at me for nearly beating the crap out of her boyfriend. That's all going to change in two months though. I'll make everything up to her and she's going to completely forget about that little pretty boy, I'll make sure of it.

Two minutes later, the door opened once again but not all the way. Curious, I peeked through the crack it left to see Hinata and once again, my heart rate completely changed. She wore a dark demin jacket covering the top half of a black dress. Around her neck, a gray scarf. Hinata hasn't looked at me yet probably because she was busy putting on some black long leather boots that went up her shins. Her hair fan to the side as she concentrated on the zipper to the side of the right boot. A purse was waiting by her feet. 

Oh my -

"Y-you don't have to wait up for me, Sakura-chan," she called.

It didn't take long for her roommate to respond, "I'm staying right here until you get back to tell me everything."

I didn't miss the small smile on Hinata's lips as she refocused her attention to the boots. The unique eyes flickered to the crack where I was spying on her so I had to retreat. She can't catch me secretly checking her out. That'd be creepy and weird.

But she does look very, very pretty. 

The door finally opened completely to reveal Hinata standing up in her very attractive outfit. 

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly, "S-sorry I was late. I had to change my clothes and just kinda lost track of time."

She shook her head, "I-it's fine. You look nice by the way, Naruto-kun."

Shouldn't the guy be the first one to say things like that? 

"Thanks," I gave her my warmest smile. "You look way nicer though. I like it, believe it."

The cute blush returned to her cheeks, "Thank y-you."

"Just go already!" Sakura shouted from the living room. "The movie's about to start and if you duds don't hurry, you'd miss it!"

Oops. I was so distracted by how perfect Hinata looked I completely forgot that we had to be at the movie theater at a certain time.

"Sakura-chan's right," I held out my hand. "You ready to go?"

She looked at my hand once before lifting her own smaller one, "Y-yeah."

And for the third time in the twenty or so time that entire night, when Hinata's hand touched mines; my heart rate started running an endless marathon.

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