Be Mine { A Zalfie Fanfic }

By zalfie7

751K 10.7K 2.2K

Another Zalfie fanfic, but with a twist! I will update daily for you lovelies!!! Also, please check out my fi... More

Be Mine { A Zalfie Fanfic }


16.9K 267 100
By zalfie7

Skating with Zoe had been one of the most fun things I had ever done in my life. She started off not very good and we even fell into a snow bank but towards the end she got to be really good. I was really proud of her. We got back to the house at around 7 and that was when I realised how late we had been out. 

I really wanted to play that card game with Zoe so I went upstairs to look for it whilst Zoe sat on the couch relaxing. She looked so tired. I looked everyone upsatirs until I finally found it on the highest shelf of the linen closet. Why it was in there, I had no idea. 

I grabbed it and made my way back downstairs. Zoe was asleep on the couch. I tried to hold back my laughter but I couldn't. I guess she had been really tired. I set down the car game and got a good look at her. She was so beatiful when she was asleep. In the least creepy way possible. Her hair fell perfectly and she just looked so peaceful. 

I didn't want to disturb her, but I knew that it would be more comfortable on my bed. I leaned down and reached my arms under her, scooping her tight to be chest. She was so close to me, close enough to kiss. I didn't fancy her though, we were just friends. I could hear her breathing as I walked up the stairs with her in my arms. 

She was really light, I thought to myself as I opened up my bedroom door with my free hand. I set her down gently on my bed and pulled the duvet over her, tucking it tight to her body. I smiled at her, she looked so happy. I caught one last glance at her before backing out of the room and slowly shutting the door, letting it click closed. 

I was downstairs at the kitchen looking at the clock above the oven. I kept forgetting that it was Christmas Eve. On any other night I would be excited, expectant for the day to come. The presents to open, the dinner to be had. But my parents said I could open their presents when they got back, and there was no extravagant dinner to be had. No wonder I wasn't excited. 

Zoe and I would probably just have a chill day and maybe go on a walk. Or even go ice skating again. I didn't really know. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the kitchen counter scrolling through my tweets. After I finished my very healthy breakfast I rinsed my bowl and laid down on the couch. I didn't realise how tired I was until I fell asleep. 


I awoke the next morning to a pillow in the face. "Oi," I said loudly. Sitting up. I was greeted by the pyjama-clad sight of Zoe. 

"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!" she said loudly. 

"You're going to kill my ears," I murmured, my brain still foggy with sleep. It took me a moment to register that I was downstairs on the couch. I hadn't even remembered falling asleep. The sleep from my brain was slowly drifting away and I started to feel more awake.

Zoe laughed at me, I'm sure I was making some really odd facial expressions. "Merry Chrimtmas to you too," I said more quietly. 


So far Zoe and I had done a Christmas Younow, and made more pancakes. That was an interesting endevour. As in, we were crap at it. It was now around noon and we were both sitting on the couch on our phones. As usual. 

Zoe looked up at me and started to speak. "Alfie, I really fancy you, like a lot." Right then, I thought for a flicker of a moment that I fancied her as well. I leaned over and pressed my face against hers. Her wamr lips colliding with mine. 

Her hands cupping my face, my arms reaching behind her head, fisting in her hair. Man, she was a good kisser. A fantastic kisser actually. The kiss deepened and I really started to enjoy it. What was I talking about? I did not fancy Zoe Sugg. I didn't. 

I pulled back. This could not be happening. "I am so sorry-" I started to say, but Zoe stopped me. 

"Alf, this has to stop. Do you fancy me or not? You can't keep leading me on," her eyes had started to fill with tears like she was about to cry. I had been so caught up that I hadn't even realised what I was doing to my best friend. I had made it seem like I liked her when I didn't. I didn't fancy her. 

"I don't-" I started to say. "I don't know," I finished finally. 

At this point Zoe really was crying. "Alfie tell me, do you fancy me or not?" the tears were streaming down her face at this point. "Tell me," she sobbed. 

"Zo, I've always thought of us as brother and sister. I don't think I could ever properly fancy you," I said slowly and quietly. 

"Then what's with all the kissing?" she said spitting out the words. "You could never love me like I love you," she shouted, grabbing her phone and standing up. She walked back into my room and grabbed all of her stuff. 

"Zoe wait!" I called, following after her. 

"Give it a rest Alfie," she said slowly. "You've been leading me on ever since I met you. You've lost your chance." She zipped up her suitcase and started to walk back downstairs. I tried to follow her, to talk to her but the front door was shut before I could even get a word out. 

What had I just done? 

Don't worry guys, it will get better! I hope you like it so far!!! Thanks for reading lovelies! ^_^ xxx

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