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I had been having a fabulous day with Alfie so far. We had gone sledding, I won the races countless times. We had made snow angels and a snowman named Milo and had a snowball fight. Pretty sure I won that as well. Alfie had then grabbed my arm and led me down a path to a small lake frozen over. 

I had always been wary of skating on lakes, afraid that the ice would break and I would fall in but Alfie guaranteed that this ice was solid. I trusted him, and slipped my feet into the skates he had brought. He really was prepared for everything. The skates fit perfectly and after I had laced them up I stood up, a bit wobbling. 

I felt Alfie's firm grip on my arm and smiled up at him. "It's been a while since I last went skating," I told him. Ya, try 7 years. "I'm not very good..." I trailed off but Alfie had already pulled me onto the ice. It was obvious that he was a pro at this ice skating thing. His warm hand was clasped in mine and the second my blades hit the ice, I started to wobble. 

I grabbed onto Alfie's side. "Alf, I don't think this is a good idea..." I said slowly as my feet struggled to find a good balance. It was impossible, I was complete shit at ice skating. 

"Of course it's a good idea! You just have to get used to it," he said with a grin. He grasped my hand tightly and started to move a bit. I followed slowly behind, sort of letting him pull me. He started to pick up speed and then let go of my hand. 

"Alfred!" I shrieked. There was no way I was going to fall in front of him. 

"Just keep moving your feet!" he called from halfway across the lake. Of course, just like Alfie to leave me here stranded. I looked down at my feet and started to move them a bit, moving forward a tad. I had found my balance and it was getting easier. I looked up to see that Alfie had stopped on the other side. "Come and get me!" he said playfully. 

I started to get more momentum this time, speeding up my feet getting into a rhythm. I was almost to Alfie. I was going too fast though. I didn't know how to stop. I remembered something about turning your skates or standing on your toes, but I didn't have time to do any of that. "How do you stop-" I started to say. 

I was already at Alfie though. He was standing on the edge of the lake and for a brief second we were both on the edge of the lake. Then I bumped into him and we both toppled over into a snowbank. "Oi," Alfie said sitting up. He had snow in his hair. I had snow in my hair. We were both covered in snow. "What was that for?" he asked with a grin. 

"I couldn't stop," I said sheepishly. A grin forming on my face. 


Alfie and I skated for about two more hours before we decided to head back to his house and warm up. I really had started to get a hang of it, and Alfie had even taught me how to stop. "Thank you for that," I said on our way back. 

"For what?" he asked with a perplexed face. 

"For being an amazing friend and planning an amazing day," I said with a grin. 

"That's alright," he said with a larger grin. We had gotten to his house and he unlocked the door pulling it slowly open. As I stepped inside I could feel my face flush bright red from the change in temperature. "I didn't realise how cold it was outside," he said shivering a bit as he shut the door. 

"Neither did I," I said taking off my boots and my scarf and jacket. I kept my jumper on though. I plodded into the living room and sank onto the couch. I was exhausted, but not at all hungry. Alfie's breakfast had kept me full all day. I looked down at my phone and was surprised to see that it was already 7 pm. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. 

Alfie went upstairs to look for some card game he said we could play and I just snuggled my head into the pillow, curling up into a small ball on the couch. I fell asleep pretty quickly after that. 

Sorry for the short chapter lovelies!!! New one is going to be up tonight as well! xxx

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