All The Right Moves

By dinaAbu

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*This book is a spin off to What I Left Behind. This may be read as a stand alone but it is highly suggested... More

All The Right Moves- Chapter 1
All The Right Moves- Chapter 2
All The Right Moves- Chapter 3
All The Right Moves- Chapter 4
All The Right Moves- Chapter 5
All The Right Moves- Chapter 7
All The Right Moves- Chapter 8
All The Right Moves- Chapter 9
All The Right Moves- Chapter 10
All The Right Moves- Chapter 11
All The Right Moves- Chapter 12
All The Right Moves- Chapter 13
All The Right Moves- Chapter 14
All The Right Moves- Chapter 15
All The Right Moves- Chapter 16
All The Right Moves- Chapter 17
All The Right Moves- Chapter 18
All The Right Moves- Chapter 19
All The Right Moves- Chapter 20
All The Right Moves- Chapter 21
All The Right Moves- Chapter 22
All The Right Moves- Chapter 23
All The Right Moves- Chapter 24
All The Right Moves- Chapter 25
All The Right Moves- Chapter 26
All The Right Moves- Chapter 27
All The Right Moves- Chapter 28
All The Right Moves- Chapter 29
All The Right Moves- Chapter 30
All The Right Moves- Chapter 31
All The Right Moves- Chapter 32
All The Right Moves- Chapter 33
All The Right Moves- Chapter 34
All The Right Moves- Chapter 35
All The Right Moves- Chapter 36
All The Right Moves- Chapter 37
All The Right Moves- Chapter 38
All The Right Moves- Chapter 39
All The Right Moves- Chapter 40
All The Right Moves- Chapter 41
All The Right Moves- Chapter 42
All The Right Moves- Chapter 43
All The Right Moves- Chapter 44
All The Right Moves- Chapter 45
All The Right Moves- Chapter 46
All The Right Moves- Chapter 47
All The Right Moves- Chapter 48
All The Right Moves- Chapter 49

All The Right Moves- Chapter 6

367 12 0
By dinaAbu

Chapter 6 

"No no no no. You're not thinking realistically here." I said throwing my suitcase in the back of Drew's trunk in his Audi.

"You're the one not thinking clearly and why the hell are you taking your bags with you? There's no point." Drew said attempting to reach for my bag but I shut the trunk before he could take the bag back out.

"I get that you want people to know about us, so do I, but think about your career here. You're a damn superstar, literally. When people find out that you have a girlfriend, your life will turn even crazier than it already is." I said placing my hands on his arm.

He groaned, "I could give two shits about my life being turned upside down because of this. Shit, let it, by all means."

He said grabbing me by my waist, "It will get hectic due to the best possible reason."

I laughed, "Maybe you can handle it, but I sure as hell don't want to. I like my low-key life you know."

He chuckled this time, "Your life is anything but low-key. You throw the wildest parties in all of the east coast." He said as he stroked his thumb on my cheek.

"Just wait. Just until I can actually start to believe that you and me are doing this. It's all new to me and I'd like to enjoy this, start to finish." I responded looking at him.

He smirked, "You have a long way ahead of you till the end of this Tiger. Trust me, you'll enjoy every part of the way with my sexy ass." He said causing me to laugh.

"Why did I agree to give this a shot again?" I asked.

His smile grew even larger causing me to want to kiss every part of his face on how ridiculously handsome he looked.

"Because I'm just too damn irresistible." He responded kissing my lips lightly.

I smiled against his lips causing him to pull back, "How weird is it to think that you're kissing your best friend?" I asked curiously.

He laughed, "Not weird at all considering my best friend is hot as shit. I mean seriously, have you seen your tits Tiger?"

I slapped his chest, "Get your ass in the car before I decide to back out of this relationship." I said giggling.

"Nope. That's never happening. I told you, this is it. I meant it." He said in all seriousness but still keeping his handsome smile in place.

I looked at him closely and really understood what he meant. He wasn't kidding. I had to get used to it.

He kissed me on my temple before walking to the driver's side.

I hopped in the passenger just as he put on his seat belt.

Just as I reached to buckle my seatbelt, Drew instantly reached for my hand and held it the entire ride to my apartment.

It never felt more right.


"I swear Kenna feels the need to freak out whenever we get a good client to plan an event for." I said about to open up the email Kenna had sent with the latest client that I was to look over before my vacation would end. It would be the first party I would plan as I come back from vacation and she insisted I'd take a look at it two weeks prior as it was supposedly a major party to me.

I rolled my eyes at the billion texts she blew my phone up with and before I could even open the email, Drew snatched my phone away from me.

"When is your lease up?" Drew asked as we plopped on my couch in my apartment.

"Not for another three months, why?" I asked as he maneuvered his hand around my shoulder.

"Good. That gives you enough time to start moving over to my house." He said nonchalantly.

I felt my eyebrow rise, "Do you hear yourself Superstar? We just got into a relationship."

"Your point being? It's not like you wont be spending most of your time at my place anyways. No point of paying rent for an apartment when you'll never be here and I'd rather you save your money and spend it on yourself." He replied combing my hair with his fingers.

I rested my head against his arm and looked at him. "It is way too soon. And I like having my own home."

"One, we already lived together before. Two, you have three months. By the time you move in we'll really only have one month together before I'm off for camp. You'll have your alone time all the time once I'm gone. But I'd feel a shit load better if you'd move in because three, the security in my house is damn near CIA shit. I'd be able to sleep just fine at night when I'm away from you knowing you'd be home and not in this apartment." He said moving his hands away from my hair to stroke my cheek.

He saw the contemplated look on my face and responded once more "three months, that's plenty of time. You'll change your mind and you'll see."

I rolled my eyes, "I sure hope you know what you're getting yourself into Underwood. No more bachelor pad... hair ties everywhere, candles lit up all over the house, clothes captivating your closet and bedroom, romantic movies..."

"Your toothbrush next to mine, your jewelry scattered all over the dresser, clothes tossed on the floor, chic flicks every night, tampons... every guys nightmare." He said agreeing with my statement causing me to laugh at how he was only contradicting his point of me moving in.

"But not mine. Nope. This is the exact opposite. I want to come home to you acting all silly dancing to your current favorite song or crying when you're watching One Tree Hill, or having your vanilla smell all over our bed sheets. Having you end up either on top or below me when I wake up because of how crazy you move when you're asleep. Going to bed next to you. Every night. Every day." He said before pausing for a few seconds.

"That's what I'm getting myself into, and there's nothing more that I want than for all those things to happen." He said continuing to stroke my cheek.

I just about swooned.


I blinked several times before sighing at his words, "Well when you say it like that... how could I refuse?"

That million-dollar smile spread across his face causing my face to instantly flush at how adorable he was being, "Now we're talking." He said before placing his lips on mine.

Just as we were about to deepen the kiss his phone rang. He pulled away from me but did not release his hold on my body as he reached for his phone.

"Superstar here, whaddup?" He said answering the call.

"Hey baby girl, I know I know. I'm a terrible person." He said grinning into the phone.

My curiosity rose as he continued laughing into the phone at whoever was talking. I couldn't help but grin at how happy he looked as he continued to talk to whomever was on the other line.

"Okay, done. Tonight we can go out. Tell the pepes we'll go to our usual. 6 sharp. Okay love?" Drew responded looking at my face intently as if he were memorizing every square inch.

"Love you sweetie, see you in a little." He said before hanging up the phone.

I placed both of my hands on each side of his face as he set his phone down and rubbed my thumbs against his barely there scruff along his beard. I loved how he kept just the right amount of scruff on it, not too much but just enough so that it makes all the girls drool.... Which was what I was probably doing right now.

His smile turned from a goofy one to a more intimate one as he took my hands in his, "Looks like we have to put a halt on moving your stuff to my place today. We've got plans shawty." Drew said pinching my cheeks like a baby.

He laughed at the face I made and quickly stood up.

"Well darn... considering we only just agreed on me moving in with you two minutes ago that does kind of hinder the day no?" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes as I stood up and started to walk to my bathroom for a shower.

"Hey," He said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me towards him.

He turned me around so that I could face him before I spoke, "I'm excited for all of this, okay? I may be going fast but I'm not one to prolong the inevitable. It was going to happen, mind as well happen right now that way the both of us can try and get sick of each other before I leave for camp."

I rubbed my lips together and breathed out slowly, "How long do I have to get ready?" I asked grinning at the end of my sentence. Drew's smile was incredibly infectious.

"Two and a half hours. And you better be on time or I will unfortunately have to leave your pretty ass behind. I am never late for these type of things. Now go." He said turning me around and pushing me inside my bathroom where he shut the door.

I laughed. This kid is going to drive me insane. And in the best possible way.



He immediately let my hand go as he opened his arms out for the 12-year-old who tackled him in his arms.

She instantly started laughing as he threw her in the air.

"You're getting too tall for me to keep doing this El. Stop growing up." Drew said in between laughs.

Ellie immediately poked his chest, "Here we go. Don't start this again!"

He laughed just as his parents came up to us.

He set Ellie down as he went in to hug each of his parents.

"How's my sweet boy doing? You look skinnier since the last time I've seen you sweetheart. Why don't you move back in and I can cook for you every time you're home?" Drew's mom rambled as she took in her son's figure.

"Really Rae? He, in fact, looks much bigger since we saw him a few weeks ago. Do you not see the growing muscles trying to explode from his arms and chest?" Drew's father said laughing at his wife.

She ignored the both of them and quickly came to me for a hug, "I didn't even see you there dear! Drew didn't mention you would be coming with us today. What a great surprise. How have you been?" She asked pulling away from the hug.

"I'm great thank you Rae. How are you, and you Luke?" I asked just as Luke glanced at me and beamed.

"We are both great, thank you for asking. Other than this little old lady driving me insane that is." Luke replied giving me a small hug.

I laughed, "Drew is definitely his mother's son." He said crossing his arms across his chest.

"Charlie!!! Will you play with me on the football machine today since Drew always cheats?!" Ellie said gripping my hand excitedly.

"Of course I will. He can carry our tickets for us seeing as we're about to win a whole lot of them right?" I asked bending down so I was talking to her at the same height.

Not that there was much of a difference. Ellie was pretty tall for her age and I was considered petite.

"Oh yeah! He can even carry your purse for you. Right Drew?" She said more as an order than a question causing me to laugh even more.

Drew smirked at us, "Of course Princess El. Is there anything else you want me to do for you your highness?"

Without a second thought she spoke, "No more scaring away the guys I talk to. They're my friends and you always scare them away!" She said actually a little upset.

Drew laughed at her reaction, "No can do. Anything else sweetheart?"

She looked at him debating what next to say causing me to grin, "Fine then I'll just call Ethan so he can come carry mine and Charlie's tickets instead of you. We don't want you to play with us anyways!" She said before scurrying off to the token machine to get some tokens.

Rae and Luke instantly laughed, "She's becoming more sassy as the days go. It's crazy how quickly she's growing up. Today she wasn't even crazy about the fact that we would be coming here, but seeing you meant the world to her. Sooner or later we're going to have to find a new place, probably not an arcade, to fit her preferences." Rae said giggling.

"She'll be just fine mom. You know that." Drew said smiling at his parents.

I admired the amount of affection and love this man had towards his parents, it was unlike any other person I've known to have such respect and care towards their own.

"Oh I know, I just wish you would move back in! I miss having to take care of my boy. Soon I'm going to have to be begging her to move back in." She said wrapping her arm around Luke's.

Drew chuckled, "I love you Mom, but you knew that once I moved out I wasn't coming back. And besides, you don't' have to worry about someone taking care of me. Charlie is going to do a great job at driving me crazy aren't you Tiger?" He asked throwing an arm around my shoulder looking down at me.

"I'll honestly be surprised I don't actually drag him back to your house Rae! I give it a week tops until that happens." I said winking at her.

A look of confusion flashed across her face before she spoke, "Oh Charlie, you're moving in with Drew? That's perfect! Take some stress off me here." She said starting to understand.

Sort of.

"God bless your soul sweetie. You're going to need it rooming with this one over here. Just do Charlie a favor son, the day you finally begin to settle down and snag your first girlfriend, make sure she knows you have your best friend as a roommate so she doesn't flip shit." Luke said chuckling alongside Rae.

Drew only smiled at his parents. My insides warmed at what was coming next.

"Hey, I have a question for you." Drew asked me.

"What's up?" I asked confused.

"I have a roommate named Charlie, and she's a girl. A really smoking hot, beautiful great looking girl. And she isn't going anywhere with or without you. Be okay with it or leave. Your choice." He said.

I grinned at him, "Hmm... beautiful and smoking hot? Now how can I compete with that? It sounds like you've picked her already over me. Sorry Superstar. It's me and only me or none of me."

I grinned at him, "Huh. Sounds like you're looking for a relationship with the wrong person Superstar. I can't even compete with this Charlie girl, looks like you've already made your decision."

Drew rubbed his lips together and his blue eyes only focused on my brown ones.

"You're right. No one can." He responding grinning.

He kissed my temple before tightening his arm around my chest causing my insides to warm.

We both turned back to his parents who simply looked at us in awe.

"Don't make this a big deal please. But yes and yes to both of your questions." Drew told his parents as they beamed at him.

Luke, surprisingly, was the first to break the silence after a few moments. "So you two are... what do those kids call it these days?" He said looking at his wife.

Rae's face grew pale in horrification, "No sweetheart! Of course they're not... that." Rae said before glaring at us both.

Drew shot his parents a confused look just as I did, "Wait, What?... Oh." Drew said before breaking out into hysterics.

Rae seemed to have loosened up at his reaction and Luke simply looked at his son with confusion.

"Mom, Dad, Charlie and I are actually together. None of that other crap going on with us. This is Charlie we're talking about." He said pulling me back and laughing against my face as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I know it well to be true for Charlie son but you... well. I'm not sure what to expect from you to be quite honest. You used to be with a different girl all the time back in high school and your first year of college but none after and absolutely none you brought home or were actually your girlfriend." Luke stated.

"But a damn good job to you my boy. Charlie is probably the only girl we'd approve for you anyways. I wish I could say the same about us approving you for Charlie though. Poor girl. Charlie sweetheart, you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?" Luke stated causing everyone to laugh just as Drew pulled me away from the hug.

"Alright guys! I'm ready. Let's go Charlie and Drew, I want to play skeeball first." Ellie said running up to us with a bucket of tokens in her hand.

"Go on, we'll grab us a table and order some food. Take care of this one Drew." Rae said winking at me causing me to smile.

I placed my hand in Drew's and he instantly wrapped his fingers around mine. My smile grew even wider at his reaction as well as how easy being with him was.

Ellie ran off in front of us expecting to follow her just as Drew's parents walked away from us.

Drew and I began to follow Ellie just a I began to speak, "What was your Dad referring our relationship on being?" I asked in curiosity.

Drew looked at me and smiled as we walked.

"He thought we were friends with benefits." 

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