Time Wasters

By DinosaursAndCupcakes

2.7K 28 78

Cameron James and Sal Thunder. Also known as the youngest, most out-of-control teenage criminals in their hom... More

Time Waster # 1 -- Jail and Justin Bieber
Time Waster # 2 -- Freedom, Boyfriends, & Inta Juice
Time Waster # 3 -- Dates & Divorces
Time Waster # 4 -- Eggs & Red Ants
Time Waster # 5 -- "I Gave Your Clothes Away to Goodwill"
Time Waster # 6 -- California & Bets. Also Sal's Grandma Hates Her.
Time Waster # 7 -- Um, Drew bit Darren...
Time Waster # 8 -- Smoke Bombs & Canoes
Time Waster # 9 -- Public Restrooms, Nasty Toothbrush
Time Waster # 10 -- Halloween Parties, New Friends, & Fires.
Time Waster # 11 -- Brothers, Breakups, & iHop.
Time Waster # 12 -- CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!!
Time Waster # 13 -- Explosives, Ice Skating, & Ben's Fiance.
Time Waster # 14 -- Ben's Honeymoon in Hawaii <3
Time Waster # 15 -- Justin (Not Bieber) & A Phone Funeral
Time Waster # 16 -- What happened to Charlie & Jack?
Time Waster # 17 -- Date Spying & Black Eyes
Time Waster # 18 -- Hospital Visits & Paintball
Time Waster # 19 -- Kidnapped Pt. 1
Time Waster # 20 -- Kidnapped Pt. 2
Time Waster # 21 -- Grandma's Birthday!
Time Waster # 22 -- Prank Wars
Time Waster # 23 -- Easter Egg Hunting
Time Waster # 24 -- *Passes Out From the Heat*
Time Waster # 25 -- Carlos the Rock-- er, Human...
Time Waster # 26 -- Left at a Gas Station.
Time Waster # 27 -- Poison Ivy & Pool Sharks
Time Waster # 28 -- Swimming with the Fishies
Time Waster # 29 -- Friendship Breakups :'(
Time Waster # 30 -- Attack of the Evil Gym Teacher
Time Waster # 31 -- Kaydie & Cheyenne
Time Waster # 32 -- Robin Hood Mission
Time Waster # 33 -- Jail Time & New Relationships
Time Waster # 34 -- Crazy Camping Trip
Time Waster # 35 -- Truth or Dare Pt. 1
Time Waster # 36 -- Truth or Dare Pt. 2
Time Waster # 37 -- Summer School
Time Waster # 38 -- Girls Night Gone Wrong
Time Waster # 39 -- BEN'S PREGNANT!!
Time Waster # 40 -- Vacation & Roller Blading
Time Waster # 41 -- Junior Year & Sal's Secret Sibling
Time Waster # 42 -- The Really Lame Rescue
Time Waster # 43 -- Sophia Goes Into Labor
Rambling Author's Note
Time Waster # 45 -- New Looks
Time Waster # 46 -- Bye bye, Darren.
Time Waster # 47 -- Parachuting & Cheesy Proposals
Time Waster # 48 - The End.
Thank You! :)

Time Waster # 44 -- Good Deeds are Bad Deeds

37 0 1
By DinosaursAndCupcakes

(A/N: I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to get this up. I thought I had the next one ready to be updated. Turns out I forgot that I left off in a hospital, so it's been fixed. Anyway, hope you enjoy! I'm sorry I dropped you at a cliff hanger and haven't updated since then. One last IMPORTANT thing: There is somewhat of a major skip in here. I'm skipping ahead by 1 year because it's getting close to being time to end this bad boy. *Wipes away a tear* My baby. All grown up. Jeez, is this how other weird writers are when their story is coming to an end? Alright, moving on to the chapter.)

--Time Waster # 44-- 

Sal: Why didn't you tell us you were having twins?? 

Sophia: *Glares at Sal* I WOULD HAVE IF I'D KNOWN!! 

Sal: *Whistles* Okay Sophia. Chill out. 


Cami: *Grabs Sal's arm* We'll be waiting outside!! *Yanks Sal out of the room*. 

Sal: What's the matter? 

Cami: "What's the matter?" Seriously!? Stop arguing with the lady giving birth! She's mean when she's in labor!  

Sal: Okay, fine. Sorry.


Ben: *Sticks his head out the door* GUYS! Come on in!  

Cami & Sal: *Get up from their spot on the floor where they were previously playing Patty Cake and run into the room*.

Sal: Oh my gosh! 

Cami: What? Does it have a beard!? 

Cheyenne: o_O A beard? Why would you ask that?  

Cami: That happened to my friend's aunt one time.  

Cheyenne: ... No comment. 

Cami: *Shrugs*. 

Sal: Such a cute baby girl!  

Cami: Awh! What're you guys gonna name them?  

Sophia: Taylor and Tyler.  

Sal: Wow. That shouldn't get confusing. 

Cheyenne: *Elbows Sal and hisses under her breath* Shut up. 

Sal: *Whispers* Sorry... 

Sophia: Well, we thought it would be cute.  

Cami: It is.  

Darren: We'll leave you guys to kinda celebrate and rest.  

Ben: Thanks. See you guys later. 

Everyone but Ben & Sophia: Bye! :D


Cami: I'm so tired. *Tosses her pillow on the air mattress and flops down*. 

Sal: So am I. *Gets in bed and snuggles up to her brown teddy bear*. 

Cami: Good night, Sally. 

Sal: Call me that again and I'll strangle you. 

Cami: Love you, too...


Sal: *Is relaxing on a lounge chair whilst sipping lemonade* Ahh. This is the life.  

Cami: *Walks up and snatches Sal's sunglasses off her face* And just where have you been, missy? 

Sal: *Looks up at a ticked-looking Cami* Well mom, in case you haven't noticed, I've been out here all day with my cat, Einstein. *Motions to a cat who is laying in a lounge chair beside her with mini sunglasses on and a tanning mirror thing in front of him*. 

Cami: *Raises an eyebrow*. 

Sal: Einstein, say hello to Cami. 

Einstein: *Looks at Cami, meows, and looks back at his mirror*. 

Cami: Okay then... Well, we've been waiting for you all day. All four of us were supposed to meet up at the park an hour ago, remember? 

Sal: That was today!? 

Cami: Yes! Now are you coming or not? 

Sal: *Sighs* I guess. But I'm bringing Einstein, okay?  

Cami: Um, okay.


Darren: Well look who finally showed up.  

Sal: I was busy, alright? 

Cami: Pfft. "Busy" my as-- 


Alfred: Hey, whose cat is that? 

Einstein: *Trots up to Alfred and rubs against his legs*. 

Alfred: Awh! He's so cute! *Pets Einstein's head*. 

Sal: That's my cat, Einstein.  

Alfred: Why'd you name him Einstein? 

Sal: Because he's a super-genius kitty, that's why! 

Alfred: *Raises an eyebrow*.  

Sal: *Mumbles* And because I can...  

Cami: *Rolls her eyes* Let's get down to business, shall we? 

Sal: *Starts singing* Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met. And you can bet, before we're through, Mister I'll make a man out of you!  

Alfred, Darren, & Cami: *Are staring at Sal*. 

Einstein: *Stands up on his hind legs and applauds*. 

Alfred: *Sees Einstein and gasps* What the-- 

Cami: Can't we just do one thing without you bursting into song!?  

Alfred: Hey! One Thing is a song by One Direction!  

Sal: Alfred! Stop fangirling!  

Alfred: I wasn-- 

Sal: *Ignores Alfred and waves her hand at Cami* Fine, fine. I'll quit singing. Go on.  

Alfred: *Whispers to Darren* Why do people keep cutting me off?? 

Darren: *Shrugs*. 

Cami: *Sighs* Alright... Oh, where was I!?  

Darren: Our business mission.  

Cami: Right. Well you know how we're always committing crimes and such. 

Sal: Of course.  

Cami: Well Alfred suggested it was time for us to start doing some good.  

Sal: Mmm, I don't know... I'm a little hesitant.  

Cami: Sal!  

Sal: Alright, fine! I'll do this little "good deed" thing. But it'll cost you.  

Alfred: Sal, a good deed should be done out of the kindness of your heart, not the kindness of Cami's wallet. 

Sal: I think I'll leave that answer to Cami... 

Cami: I'm not paying you!  

Sal: Hmph. Fine!  

Cami: *Rolls her eyes*. 

Sal: So what's this "good deed"? 

Cami: We don't know yet. We were just planning on walking around until we found someone in need of help.  

Sal: Well that sounds time-consuming and boring, but alright.


Sal: *Whines* Cami! I'm bored! No one's calling for help. 

Cami: Quit complaining and be patient.  

Sal: Be patient!? It's been three hours!  

Cami: Alright, fine. *Hands Sal a pack of matches* Go play.  


Cami: *Waves a hand, not paying any attention to Sal* Yeah, yeah.  

Sal: *Runs off*. 

Darren & Alfred: *Walk up to Cami*.  

Alfred: We're back. The hot dog cart had flies buzzing all over it. *Shudders*. 

Cami: Awh. So you guys didn't bring back food? You suck, Alfred.  

Alfred: What!? Why me!?  

Cami: Well I'm not going to tell that hottie next to you that he sucks! That's just outrageous!  

Darren: *Smirks* Ha-ha!  

Alfred: Shut up, that's just one person's opinion. 

Group of Girls: *Walk by and spot Darren* Oh my gosh! He's so hot!  


G.O.G: *Run away*. 

Darren: *Looks at Alfred and raises an eyebrow*. 

Alfred: You and your ego can go to hel-- 

Cami: Guys! Did you hear that? 

Darren: What? 


Alfred: Hey, where is Sal?  

Cami: ... *Gasps* :o  

Alfred: What?  

Cami: Uh oh... 

Darren: Cami, what did you do? 

Cami: Nothing! I just gave her some matches and-- oh shizz. O_O  

Alfred & Darren: Cami!  

Cami: Well she was wining! What else was I supposed to do!?  

Darren: Ignore her? 

Cami: You obviously don't know Sal. 

Alfred: No, you simply have no patience.  

Cami: *Flips Alfred the bird*. 

Darren: Alright you two, let's go find that evil arsonist.  

Cami, Darren, & Alfred: *Run in the direction of the emergency vehicles*.


Cami: Found her! *Points to a burning building*. 

Sal: No! I will not let you put out my precious fire!!! 


Darren: At least now we can do our good deed. 

Cami: *Turns to Darren* It's not a good deed if she's the one who started the fire!  

Alfred: Yeah, and I'd rather leave this one to the firemen. I don't want to go into a burning building, especially one that Sal is in. 

Sal: BURN! BURN BABY BURN! *Psychotic laughing*. 

Cami: Looks like we've lost her. There's no longer any hope for her! Too bad, such a shame. Let's go! *Starts to walk back home*. 

Darren: Cami! *Grabs Cami's arm and pulls her back* Go get your psychotic best friend.  

Cami: Awh, do I have to? 

Darren: Yes! *Shoves Cami in Sal's direction*. 

Cami: *Sulks* Fine. SAL!  

Sal: NO!  

Fireman: *Tackles Sal to the ground* I GOT THE ARSONIST!  

Cami: *Groans* I can never catch a break. *Picks up a stick and whacks the fireman over the head, knocking him out* SAL! *Grabs Sal's legs and drags her away*.  

Darren: That was effective... 

Cami: Yeah, yeah. Let's just get this idiot home.  

Sal: NO!! *Tries to get away* MY PRECIOUS!  

Cami: SALLY THUNDER! You can either shut up or let me drag you home, or I can knock your butt out and continue to drag you! TAKE. YOUR. PICK. 

Sal: *In a small, sad voice* But my precious.  

Cami: *Groans in frustration and continues to drag Sal* How about when we get home you can set fire to Doris's doll house? 

Sal: Why would I do such a thing to my little sister?  

Cami: *Looks at Darren and Alfred* Why haven't we gotten rid of her and chosen a new friend yet? 

Darren: Well I'd like to say it's because we all love her, but I think the real reason is we just don't want to break Alfred's little "school girl-like" heart.  

Alfred: HEY!  

Darren & Cami: *Snicker*. 


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